コード例 #1
def loadShowNoteFile():
	"""new main function. used to bail out if the user cancels the import request"""

	# Show the open file dialog. 
	selected_file_tuple = RPR_GetUserFileNameForRead(None, 'Select Shownote file to import', 'osf')
	filepath = None
	if(selected_file_tuple[0] == 0):
		filepath = selected_file_tuple[1]

	# open the file and read the content into an arrayreap
	with codecs.open(filepath, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
		lines = f.readlines()[15:]

	# get the first starttime. This is our 0 time
	starttime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(lines[0].split(' ')[0]))

	# we start at the end to have the length information available

	# check if there is a shownote track. If not create one
	track = ULT.getTrackByName('Shownotes')
	if not track:
		track = createShownoteTrack()

	# call the function that creates the shownote items
	createShownoteItem(lines, starttime, track)

	# update the gui -> does not work right now
コード例 #2
def loadChapterFile():
	"""new main function. used to bail out if the user cancels the import request"""

	# Show the open file dialog. 
	selected_file_tuple = RPR_GetUserFileNameForRead(None, 'Select Chapter file to import', 'mp4chaps')
	filepath = None
	if(selected_file_tuple[0] == 0):
		filepath = selected_file_tuple[1]

	# open the file and read the content into an arrayreap
	with codecs.open(filepath, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
		lines = f.readlines()

	# we start at the end to have the length information available
	# check if there is a chapters track. If not create one
	track = ULT.getTrackByName('Chapters')
	if not track:
		track = createChapterTrack()

	# call the function that creates the chapter items
	createChapterItem(lines, track)

	# update the gui -> does not work right now
コード例 #3
ファイル: export_chapters.py プロジェクト: Ultraschall/Legacy
def export_chapter_marks():
	track = ULT.getTrackByName('Chapters')

	lines = []

	for i in range(RPR_CountTrackMediaItems(track)):
		item = RPR_GetTrackMediaItem(track, i)
		time = RPR_GetMediaItemInfo_Value(item, 'D_POSITION')
		timestr = RPR_format_timestr_pos(time, None, 5, 5)[1]
		msg_text = ULT_GetMediaItemNote(item)
		lines.append(timestr + ' ' + msg_text + '\n')

	#def a():

	#	selected_file_tuple = RPR_GetUserFileNameForRead(None, 'Select Shownote file to import', 'osf')
	#	filepath = None
	#	if(selected_file_tuple[0] == 0):
	#		return
	#	else:
	#		filepath = selected_file_tuple[1]

	filepath = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), 'Desktop', 'chapter_test.mp4chaps')
	# open the file and read the content into an arrayreap
	with codecs.open(filepath, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: