def main(argv=None): """script main. parses command line options in sys.argv, unless *argv* is given. """ if argv is None: argv = sys.argv # setup command line parser parser = U.OptionParser(version="%prog version: $Id$", usage=usage, description=globals()["__doc__"]) group = U.OptionGroup(parser, "group-specific options") group.add_option( "--group-out", dest="tsv", type="string", help="Outfile name for file mapping read id to read group", default=None) group.add_option( "--output-bam", dest="output_bam", action="store_true", default=False, help=("output a bam file with read groups tagged using the UG tag" "[default=%default]")) parser.add_option("--umi-group-tag", dest="umi_group_tag", type="string", help="tag for the outputted umi group", default='BX') parser.add_option_group(group) # add common options (-h/--help, ...) and parse command line (options, args) = U.Start(parser, argv=argv) U.validateSamOptions(options, group=True) if options.stdin != sys.stdin: in_name = options.stdin.close() else: raise ValueError("Input on standard in not currently supported") if options.stdout != sys.stdout: if options.no_sort_output: out_name = else: out_name = U.getTempFilename(dir=options.tmpdir) sorted_out_name = options.stdout.close() assert options.output_bam, ( "To output a bam you must include --output-bam option") else: if options.no_sort_output: out_name = "-" else: out_name = U.getTempFilename(dir=options.tmpdir) sorted_out_name = "-" if not options.no_sort_output: # need to determine the output format for sort if options.out_sam: sort_format = "sam" else: sort_format = "bam" if options.in_sam: in_mode = "r" else: in_mode = "rb" if options.out_sam: out_mode = "wh" else: out_mode = "wb" infile = pysam.Samfile(in_name, in_mode) if options.output_bam: outfile = pysam.Samfile(out_name, out_mode, template=infile) else: outfile = None if options.tsv: mapping_outfile = U.openFile(options.tsv, "w") mapping_outfile.write("%s\n" % "\t".join([ "read_id", "contig", "position", "gene", "umi", "umi_count", "final_umi", "final_umi_count", "unique_id" ])) nInput, nOutput, unique_id, input_reads, output_reads = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 gene_tag = options.gene_tag metacontig2contig = None if options.unmapped_reads in ["use", "output"]: output_unmapped = True else: output_unmapped = False if options.chrom: inreads = infile.fetch(reference=options.chrom) else: if options.per_gene and options.gene_transcript_map: metacontig2contig = sam_methods.getMetaContig2contig( infile, options.gene_transcript_map) metatag = "MC" inreads = sam_methods.metafetcher(infile, metacontig2contig, metatag) gene_tag = metatag else: inreads = infile.fetch(until_eof=output_unmapped) bundle_iterator = sam_methods.get_bundles( options, all_reads=True, return_read2=True, return_unmapped=output_unmapped, metacontig_contig=metacontig2contig) # set up UMIClusterer functor with methods specific to # specified options.method processor = network.UMIClusterer(options.method) for bundle, key, status in bundle_iterator(inreads): # write out read2s and unmapped/chimeric (if these options are set) if status == 'single_read': # bundle is just a single read here nInput += 1 if outfile: outfile.write(bundle) nOutput += 1 continue umis = bundle.keys() counts = {umi: bundle[umi]["count"] for umi in umis} nInput += sum(counts.values()) while nOutput >= output_reads + 10000: output_reads += 10000"Written out %i reads" % output_reads) while nInput >= input_reads + 1000000: input_reads += 1000000"Parsed %i input reads" % input_reads) # group the umis groups = processor(counts, threshold=options.threshold) for umi_group in groups: top_umi = umi_group[0] group_count = sum(counts[umi] for umi in umi_group) for umi in umi_group: reads = bundle[umi]['read'] for read in reads: if outfile: # Add the 'UG' tag to the read read.set_tag('UG', unique_id) read.set_tag(options.umi_group_tag, top_umi) outfile.write(read) if options.tsv: if options.per_gene: gene = read.get_tag(gene_tag) else: gene = "NA" mapping_outfile.write("%s\n" % "\t".join( map(str, (read.query_name, read.reference_name, sam_methods.get_read_position( read, options.soft_clip_threshold)[1], gene, umi.decode(), counts[umi], top_umi.decode(), group_count, unique_id)))) nOutput += 1 unique_id += 1 if outfile: outfile.close() if not options.no_sort_output: # sort the output pysam.sort("-o", sorted_out_name, "-O", sort_format, "--no-PG", out_name) os.unlink(out_name) # delete the tempfile if options.tsv: mapping_outfile.close() # write footer and output benchmark information."Reads: %s" % ", ".join([ "%s: %s" % (x[0], x[1]) for x in bundle_iterator.read_events.most_common() ]))"Number of reads out: %i, Number of groups: %i" % (nOutput, unique_id))"Total number of positions deduplicated: %i" % processor.positions) if processor.positions > 0: "Mean number of unique UMIs per position: %.2f" % (float(processor.total_umis_per_position) / processor.positions))"Max. number of unique UMIs per position: %i" % processor.max_umis_per_position) else: U.warn("The BAM did not contain any valid " "reads/read pairs for deduplication") U.Stop()
def main(argv=None): """script main. parses command line options in sys.argv, unless *argv* is given. """ if argv is None: argv = sys.argv # setup command line parser parser = U.OptionParser(version="%prog version: $Id$", usage=usage, description=globals()["__doc__"]) group = U.OptionGroup(parser, "dedup-specific options") group.add_option("--output-stats", dest="stats", type="string", default=False, help="Specify location to output stats") parser.add_option_group(group) # add common options (-h/--help, ...) and parse command line (options, args) = U.Start(parser, argv=argv) U.validateSamOptions(options, group=False) if options.random_seed: np.random.seed(options.random_seed) if options.stdin != sys.stdin: in_name = options.stdin.close() else: raise ValueError("Input on standard in not currently supported") if options.stdout != sys.stdout: if options.no_sort_output: out_name = else: out_name = U.getTempFilename(dir=options.tmpdir) sorted_out_name = options.stdout.close() else: if options.no_sort_output: out_name = "-" else: out_name = U.getTempFilename(dir=options.tmpdir) sorted_out_name = "-" if not options.no_sort_output: # need to determine the output format for sort if options.out_sam: sort_format = "sam" else: sort_format = "bam" if options.in_sam: in_mode = "r" else: in_mode = "rb" if options.out_sam: out_mode = "wh" else: out_mode = "wb" if options.stats and options.ignore_umi: raise ValueError("'--output-stats' and '--ignore-umi' options" " cannot be used together") infile = pysam.Samfile(in_name, in_mode) outfile = pysam.Samfile(out_name, out_mode, template=infile) if options.paired: outfile = sam_methods.TwoPassPairWriter(infile, outfile) nInput, nOutput, input_reads, output_reads = 0, 0, 0, 0 if options.detection_method: bam_features = detect_bam_features(infile.filename) if not bam_features[options.detection_method]: if sum(bam_features.values()) == 0: raise ValueError( "There are no bam tags available to detect multimapping. " "Do not set --multimapping-detection-method") else: raise ValueError( "The chosen method of detection for multimapping (%s) " "will not work with this bam. Multimapping can be detected" " for this bam using any of the following: %s" % (options.detection_method, ",".join( [x for x in bam_features if bam_features[x]]))) gene_tag = options.gene_tag metacontig2contig = None if options.chrom: inreads = infile.fetch(reference=options.chrom) else: if options.per_contig and options.gene_transcript_map: metacontig2contig = sam_methods.getMetaContig2contig( infile, options.gene_transcript_map) metatag = "MC" inreads = sam_methods.metafetcher(infile, metacontig2contig, metatag) gene_tag = metatag else: inreads = infile.fetch() # set up ReadCluster functor with methods specific to # specified options.method processor = network.ReadDeduplicator(options.method) bundle_iterator = sam_methods.get_bundles( options, metacontig_contig=metacontig2contig) if options.stats: # set up arrays to hold stats data stats_pre_df_dict = {"UMI": [], "counts": []} stats_post_df_dict = {"UMI": [], "counts": []} pre_cluster_stats = [] post_cluster_stats = [] pre_cluster_stats_null = [] post_cluster_stats_null = [] topology_counts = collections.Counter() node_counts = collections.Counter() read_gn = umi_methods.random_read_generator( infile.filename, chrom=options.chrom, barcode_getter=bundle_iterator.barcode_getter) for bundle, key, status in bundle_iterator(inreads): nInput += sum([bundle[umi]["count"] for umi in bundle]) while nOutput >= output_reads + 100000: output_reads += 100000"Written out %i reads" % output_reads) while nInput >= input_reads + 1000000: input_reads += 1000000"Parsed %i input reads" % input_reads) if options.stats: # generate pre-dudep stats average_distance = umi_methods.get_average_umi_distance( bundle.keys()) pre_cluster_stats.append(average_distance) cluster_size = len(bundle) random_umis = read_gn.getUmis(cluster_size) average_distance_null = umi_methods.get_average_umi_distance( random_umis) pre_cluster_stats_null.append(average_distance_null) if options.ignore_umi: for umi in bundle: nOutput += 1 outfile.write(bundle[umi]["read"]) else: # dedup using umis and write out deduped bam reads, umis, umi_counts = processor(bundle=bundle, threshold=options.threshold) for read in reads: outfile.write(read) nOutput += 1 if options.stats: # collect pre-dudupe stats stats_pre_df_dict['UMI'].extend(bundle) stats_pre_df_dict['counts'].extend( [bundle[UMI]['count'] for UMI in bundle]) # collect post-dudupe stats post_cluster_umis = [ bundle_iterator.barcode_getter(x)[0] for x in reads ] stats_post_df_dict['UMI'].extend(umis) stats_post_df_dict['counts'].extend(umi_counts) average_distance = umi_methods.get_average_umi_distance( post_cluster_umis) post_cluster_stats.append(average_distance) cluster_size = len(post_cluster_umis) random_umis = read_gn.getUmis(cluster_size) average_distance_null = umi_methods.get_average_umi_distance( random_umis) post_cluster_stats_null.append(average_distance_null) outfile.close() if not options.no_sort_output: # sort the output pysam.sort("-o", sorted_out_name, "-O", sort_format, out_name) os.unlink(out_name) # delete the tempfile if options.stats: # generate the stats dataframe stats_pre_df = pd.DataFrame(stats_pre_df_dict) stats_post_df = pd.DataFrame(stats_post_df_dict) # tally the counts per umi per position pre_counts = collections.Counter(stats_pre_df["counts"]) post_counts = collections.Counter(stats_post_df["counts"]) counts_index = list( set(pre_counts.keys()).union(set(post_counts.keys()))) counts_index.sort() with U.openFile(options.stats + "_per_umi_per_position.tsv", "w") as outf: outf.write("counts\tinstances_pre\tinstances_post\n") for count in counts_index: values = (count, pre_counts[count], post_counts[count]) outf.write("\t".join(map(str, values)) + "\n") # aggregate stats pre/post per UMI agg_pre_df = aggregateStatsDF(stats_pre_df) agg_post_df = aggregateStatsDF(stats_post_df) agg_df = pd.merge(agg_pre_df, agg_post_df, how='left', left_index=True, right_index=True, sort=True, suffixes=["_pre", "_post"]) # TS - if count value not observed either pre/post-dedup, # merge will leave an empty cell and the column will be cast as a float # see # --> Missing data casting rules and indexing # so, back fill with zeros and convert back to int agg_df = agg_df.fillna(0).astype(int) agg_df.index = [x.decode() for x in agg_df.index] = 'UMI' agg_df.to_csv(options.stats + "_per_umi.tsv", sep="\t") # bin distances into integer bins max_ed = int( max( map(max, [ pre_cluster_stats, post_cluster_stats, pre_cluster_stats_null, post_cluster_stats_null ]))) cluster_bins = range(-1, int(max_ed) + 2) def bin_clusters(cluster_list, bins=cluster_bins): ''' take list of floats and return bins''' return np.digitize(cluster_list, bins, right=True) def tallyCounts(binned_cluster, max_edit_distance): ''' tally counts per bin ''' return np.bincount(binned_cluster, minlength=max_edit_distance + 3) pre_cluster_binned = bin_clusters(pre_cluster_stats) post_cluster_binned = bin_clusters(post_cluster_stats) pre_cluster_null_binned = bin_clusters(pre_cluster_stats_null) post_cluster_null_binned = bin_clusters(post_cluster_stats_null) edit_distance_df = pd.DataFrame( { "unique": tallyCounts(pre_cluster_binned, max_ed), "unique_null": tallyCounts(pre_cluster_null_binned, max_ed), options.method: tallyCounts(post_cluster_binned, max_ed), "%s_null" % options.method: tallyCounts(post_cluster_null_binned, max_ed), "edit_distance": cluster_bins }, columns=[ "unique", "unique_null", options.method, "%s_null" % options.method, "edit_distance" ]) # TS - set lowest bin (-1) to "Single_UMI" edit_distance_df['edit_distance'][0] = "Single_UMI" edit_distance_df.to_csv(options.stats + "_edit_distance.tsv", index=False, sep="\t") # write footer and output benchmark information."Reads: %s" % ", ".join([ "%s: %s" % (x[0], x[1]) for x in bundle_iterator.read_events.most_common() ]))"Number of reads out: %i" % nOutput) if not options.ignore_umi: # otherwise processor has not been used"Total number of positions deduplicated: %i" % processor.UMIClusterer.positions) if processor.UMIClusterer.positions > 0:"Mean number of unique UMIs per position: %.2f" % (float(processor.UMIClusterer.total_umis_per_position) / processor.UMIClusterer.positions))"Max. number of unique UMIs per position: %i" % processor.UMIClusterer.max_umis_per_position) else: U.warn("The BAM did not contain any valid " "reads/read pairs for deduplication") U.Stop()
def main(argv=None): """script main. parses command line options in sys.argv, unless *argv* is given. """ if argv is None: argv = sys.argv # setup command line parser parser = U.OptionParser(version="%prog version: $Id$", usage=usage, description=globals()["__doc__"]) group = U.OptionGroup(parser, "count-specific options") parser.add_option("--wide-format-cell-counts", dest="wide_format_cell_counts", action="store_true", default=False, help=("output the cell counts in a wide format " "(rows=genes, columns=cells)")) parser.add_option_group(group) # add common options (-h/--help, ...) and parse command line (options, args) = U.Start(parser, argv=argv, add_group_dedup_options=False) options.per_gene = True # hardcodes counting to per-gene only U.validateSamOptions(options, group=False) if options.random_seed: np.random.seed(options.random_seed) if options.stdin != sys.stdin: in_name = options.stdin.close() else: raise ValueError("Input on standard in not currently supported") if options.in_sam: in_mode = "r" else: in_mode = "rb" infile = pysam.Samfile(in_name, in_mode) # write out to tempfile and then sort to stdout tmpfilename = U.getTempFilename(dir=options.tmpdir) tmpfile = U.openFile(tmpfilename, mode="w") nInput, nOutput, input_reads = 0, 0, 0 gene_tag = options.gene_tag metacontig2contig = None if options.chrom: inreads = infile.fetch(reference=options.chrom) else: if options.gene_transcript_map: metacontig2contig = sam_methods.getMetaContig2contig( infile, options.gene_transcript_map) metatag = "MC" inreads = sam_methods.metafetcher(infile, metacontig2contig, metatag) gene_tag = metatag else: inreads = infile.fetch() bundle_iterator = sam_methods.get_bundles( options, only_count_reads=True, metacontig_contig=metacontig2contig) # set up UMIClusterer functor with methods specific to # specified options.method processor = network.UMIClusterer(options.method) for bundle, key, status in bundle_iterator(inreads): if status == "single_read": continue gene, cell = key umis = bundle.keys() counts = {umi: bundle[umi]["count"] for umi in umis} nInput += sum(counts.values()) while nInput >= input_reads + 1000000: input_reads += 1000000"Parsed %i input reads" % input_reads) # group the umis groups = processor(counts, threshold=options.threshold) gene_count = len(groups) if options.per_cell: tmpfile.write("%s\n" % "\t".join( (gene, cell.decode(), str(gene_count)))) else: tmpfile.write("%s\n" % "\t".join((gene, str(gene_count)))) nOutput += gene_count tmpfile.close() if options.per_cell: gene_counts_dict = {} with U.openFile(tmpfilename, mode="r") as inf: genes = set() cells = set() for line in inf: gene, cell, gene_count = line.strip().split("\t") genes.add(gene) cells.add(cell) if gene not in gene_counts_dict: gene_counts_dict[gene] = {} gene_counts_dict[gene][cell] = gene_count if options.wide_format_cell_counts: # write out in wide format options.stdout.write("%s\t%s\n" % ("gene", "\t".join(sorted(cells)))) for gene in sorted(genes): counts = [] for cell in sorted(cells): if cell in gene_counts_dict[gene]: counts.append(gene_counts_dict[gene][cell]) else: counts.append(0) options.stdout.write("%s\t%s\n" % (gene, "\t".join(map(str, counts)))) else: # write out in long format options.stdout.write("%s\t%s\t%s\n" % ("gene", "cell", "count")) for gene in sorted(genes): for cell in sorted(list(gene_counts_dict[gene].keys())): options.stdout.write( "%s\t%s\t%s\n" % (gene, cell, gene_counts_dict[gene][cell])) else: options.stdout.write("%s\t%s\n" % ("gene", "count")) with U.openFile(tmpfilename, mode="r") as inf: for line in inf: options.stdout.write(line) os.unlink(tmpfilename) # output reads events and benchmark information. for event in bundle_iterator.read_events.most_common():"%s: %s" % (event[0], event[1]))"Number of (post deduplication) reads counted: %i" % nOutput) U.Stop()