コード例 #1
def validate_nodes(sentence1, sentence2):
    Compares tag and text nodes between two sentences
    :return is_valid (Boolean), reason (String)
    # Extract tags position
    sent1_tags = get_tags_positions(sentence1)
    sent2_tags = get_tags_positions(sentence2)

    # Extract text and tags position
    sent1_pos, _ = _split_text_tags(sentence1, sent1_tags)
    sent2_pos, _ = _split_text_tags(sentence2, sent2_tags)

    # Get list with separate node strings
    sent1_nodes = [sentence1[i[0]:i[1]] for i in sent1_pos if i[0] != i[1]]
    sent2_nodes = [sentence2[i[0]:i[1]] for i in sent2_pos if i[0] != i[1]]

    if len(sent1_nodes) != len(sent2_nodes):
        return False, u'Number of nodes don\'t match'

    for i, (s1, s2) in enumerate(itertools.izip(sent1_nodes, sent2_nodes)):
        s1_type = u'tag' if patt.match(s1) else u'text'
        s2_type = u'tag' if patt.match(s2) else u'text'

        if s1_type != s2_type:
            return False, (u'Nodes on index {} have different types. '
                           u'Sentence 1: {}, '
                           u'Sentence 2: {}').format(i, s1_type, s2_type)

    return True, None