コード例 #1
    def test_union_by_rank(self):
        uf = UnionFind()
        one = uf.MakeSet(1)
        two = uf.MakeSet(2)
        three = uf.MakeSet(3)

        uf.Union(one, two)  # 1st added to 2nd

        self.assertEqual(uf.Find(one), two)
        self.assertEqual(uf.Find(two), two)
        self.assertEqual(uf.Find(three), three)

        self.assertEqual(one.rank, 0)
        self.assertEqual(two.rank, 1)
        self.assertEqual(three.rank, 0)

        uf.Union(one, three)  # arbitrarily, 1st would be added to 2nd
        # union by rank -> 3 should be added to (1,2)

        self.assertEqual(uf.Find(one), two)
        self.assertEqual(uf.Find(two), two)
        self.assertEqual(uf.Find(three), two)

        self.assertEqual(one.rank, 0)
        self.assertEqual(two.rank, 1)
        self.assertEqual(three.rank, 0)

        self.assertEqual(one.parent, two)
        self.assertEqual(two.parent, two)
        self.assertEqual(three.parent, two)
コード例 #2
    def test_find(self):
        uf = UnionFind()
        five = uf.MakeSet(5)
        seven = uf.MakeSet(7)
        uf.Union(five, seven)

        self.assertEqual(uf.Find(five), seven)
        self.assertEqual(uf.Find(seven), seven)
コード例 #3
    def test_path_compression(self):
        uf = UnionFind()
        one = uf.MakeSet(1)
        two = uf.MakeSet(2)
        three = uf.MakeSet(3)
        four = uf.MakeSet(4)

        uf.Union(one, two)
        uf.Union(three, four)
        uf.Union(two, three)

        #		4
        #	   / \
        #	  2   3
        #    /
        #   1

        self.assertEqual(one.parent, two)
        self.assertEqual(two.parent, four)
        self.assertEqual(four.parent, four)
        self.assertEqual(three.parent, four)


        #	    4
        #	  / | \
        #	 1  2  3

        self.assertEqual(one.parent, four)
        self.assertEqual(two.parent, four)
        self.assertEqual(four.parent, four)
        self.assertEqual(three.parent, four)
コード例 #4
def connected_component_labelling(bool_input_image,
		2 pass algorithm using disjoint-set data structure with Union-Find algorithms to maintain 
		record of label equivalences.

		Input: binary image as 2D boolean array.
		Output: 2D integer array of labelled pixels.

		1st pass: label image and record label equivalence classes.
		2nd pass: replace labels with their root labels.

		(optional 3rd pass: Flatten labels so they are consecutive integers starting from 1.)

    if connectivity_type != 4 and connectivity_type != 8:
        raise ValueError("Invalid connectivity type (choose 4 or 8)")

    image_width = len(bool_input_image[0])
    image_height = len(bool_input_image)

    # initialize efficient 2D int array with numpy
    # N.B. numpy matrix addressing syntax: array[y,x]
    labelled_image = np.zeros((image_height, image_width), dtype=np.int16)
    uf = UnionFind()  # initialise union find data structure
    current_label = 1  # initialise label counter

    # 1st Pass: label image and record label equivalences
    for y, row in enumerate(bool_input_image):
        for x, pixel in enumerate(row):

            if pixel == False:
                # Background pixel - leave output pixel value as 0
                # Foreground pixel - work out what its label should be

                # Get set of neighbour's labels
                labels = neighbouring_labels(labelled_image, connectivity_type,
                                             x, y)

                if not labels:
                    # If no neighbouring foreground pixels, new label -> use current_label
                    labelled_image[y, x] = current_label
                    uf.MakeSet(current_label)  # record label in disjoint set
                    current_label = current_label + 1  # increment for next time

                    # Pixel is definitely part of a connected component: get smallest label of
                    # neighbours
                    smallest_label = min(labels)
                    labelled_image[y, x] = smallest_label

                    if len(
                    ) > 1:  # More than one type of label in component -> add
                        # equivalence class
                        for label in labels:

    # 2nd Pass: replace labels with their root labels
    final_labels = {}
    new_label_number = 1

    for y, row in enumerate(labelled_image):
        for x, pixel_value in enumerate(row):

            if pixel_value > 0:  # Foreground pixel
                # Get element's set's representative value and use as the pixel's new label
                new_label = uf.Find(uf.GetNode(pixel_value)).value
                labelled_image[y, x] = new_label

                # Add label to list of labels used, for 3rd pass (flattening label list)
                if new_label not in final_labels:
                    final_labels[new_label] = new_label_number
                    new_label_number = new_label_number + 1

    # 3rd Pass: flatten label list so labels are consecutive integers starting from 1 (in order
    # top to bottom, left to right)
    # Different implementation of disjoint-set may remove the need for 3rd pass?
    for y, row in enumerate(labelled_image):
        for x, pixel_value in enumerate(row):

            if pixel_value > 0:  # Foreground pixel
                labelled_image[y, x] = final_labels[pixel_value]

    return labelled_image