コード例 #1
 def get_units(self):
     """Get the base scales for the unit system."""
     length = self.get_header_attr("UnitLength_in_cm")
     mass = self.get_header_attr("UnitMass_in_g")
     vel = self.get_header_attr("UnitVelocity_in_cm_per_s")
     units = unitsystem.UnitSystem(UnitLength_in_cm=length,
     return units
コード例 #2
 def __init__(self,
     if units is not None:
         self.units = units
         self.units = unitsystem.UnitSystem()
     self.absnap = absnap
     self.f_bar = fbar
     self.redshift = redshift
     self.sf_neutral = sf_neutral
     #Interpolate for opacity and gamma_UVB
     #Opacities for the FG09 UVB from Rahmati 2012.
     #IMPORTANT: The values given for z > 5 are calculated by fitting a power law and extrapolating.
     #Gray power law was: -1.12e-19*(zz-3.5)+2.1e-18 fit to z > 2.
     #gamma_UVB was: -8.66e-14*(zz-3.5)+4.84e-13
     #This is clearly wrong, but this model is equally a poor choice at these redshifts anyway.
     gray_opac = [
         2.59e-18, 2.37e-18, 2.27e-18, 2.15e-18, 2.02e-18, 1.94e-18,
         1.82e-18, 1.71e-18, 1.60e-18
     gamma_UVB = [
         3.99e-14, 3.03e-13, 6e-13, 5.53e-13, 4.31e-13, 3.52e-13, 2.678e-13,
         1.81e-13, 9.43e-14
     zz = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
     self.redshift_coverage = True
     if redshift > zz[-1]:
         self.redshift_coverage = False
         print("Warning: no self-shielding at z=", redshift)
         gamma_inter = intp.interp1d(zz, gamma_UVB)
         gray_inter = intp.interp1d(zz, gray_opac)
         self.gray_opac = gray_inter(redshift)
         self.gamma_UVB = gamma_inter(redshift)
     #self.hy_mass = 0.76 # Hydrogen massfrac
     self.gamma = 5. / 3
     #Boltzmann constant (cgs)
     self.boltzmann = 1.38066e-16
     self.hubble = hubble
     #Physical density threshold for star formation in H atoms / cm^3
     self.PhysDensThresh = self._get_rho_thresh(hubble)
コード例 #3
def testAbsDist():
    """Check absorption distance computation"""
    units = unitsystem.UnitSystem()
    assert units.absorption_distance(25000, 3) == 0.13377926628219666
    assert units.absorption_distance(25000, 2) == 0.07525083728373562
    assert units.absorption_distance(25000, 3) / units.absorption_distance(12500, 3) == 2.
コード例 #4
def testRhoCrit():
    """Critical density at z=0"""
    units = unitsystem.UnitSystem()
    assert units.rho_crit(0.7) == 9.204285430050004e-30
    assert units.rho_crit(1.0) == 1.8784255979693885e-29
コード例 #5
ファイル: spectra.py プロジェクト: juan-pineda/fake_spectra
 def __init__(self,num, base,cofm, axis, res=1., cdir=None, savefile="spectra.hdf5", savedir=None, reload_file=False, snr = 0., spec_res = 8,load_halo=False, units=None, sf_neutral=True,quiet=False):
     #Present for compatibility. Functionality moved to HaloAssignedSpectra
     _= load_halo
     self.num = num
     self.base = base
     #Create the unit system
     if units != None:
         self.units = units
         self.units = unitsystem.UnitSystem()
     #Empty dictionary to add results to
     self.tau_obs = {}
     self.tau = {}
     self.sfr = {}
     self.vel_widths = {}
     self.absorber_width = {}
     self.colden = {}
     self.velocity = {}
     self.temp = {}
     #A cache of the indices of particles near sightlines.
     self.part_ind = {}
     #This variable should be set to true once the sightlines are fixed, and the cache can be used.
     self.cofm_final = False
     self.num_important = {}
     #If greater than zero, will add noise to spectra when they are loaded.
     self.snr = snr
     self.spec_res = spec_res
     self.cdir = cdir
     #Minimum length of spectra within which to look at metal absorption (in km/s)
     self.minwidth = 500.
         self.snapshot_set = absn.AbstractSnapshotFactory(num, base)
     except IOError:
     if savedir is None:
         #Use snapdir if exists, otherwise use SPEC_
         savedir = path.join(base,"snapdir_"+str(num).rjust(3,'0'))
         #Make sure savedir exists.
         if not path.exists(savedir):
             savedir = path.join(base,"SPECTRA_"+str(num).rjust(3,'0'))
     self.savefile = path.join(savedir,savefile)
     #Snapshot data
     if reload_file:
         if not quiet:
             print("Reloading from snapshot (will save to: ",self.savefile," )")
         #Make sure the obvious syntax for a single sightline works
         if np.shape(cofm) == (3,):
             cofm = np.array([cofm,])
         self.cofm = cofm.astype(np.float64)
         if np.shape(axis) == ():
             axis = np.array([axis])
         self.axis = axis.astype(np.int32)
         if cofm is None or axis is None:
             raise RuntimeError("None was passed for cofm or axis. If you are trying to load from a savefile, use reload_file=False.")
             #If we got here without a snapshot_set, we really have an IOError
         except AttributeError:
             raise IOError("Unable to load snapshot ",num, base)
         self.box = self.snapshot_set.get_header_attr("BoxSize")
         self.atime = self.snapshot_set.get_header_attr("Time")
         self.red = 1/self.atime - 1.
         self.hubble = self.snapshot_set.get_header_attr("HubbleParam")
         self.OmegaM = self.snapshot_set.get_header_attr("Omega0")
         self.OmegaLambda = self.snapshot_set.get_header_attr("OmegaLambda")
         #Calculate omega_baryon (approximately only for HDF5)
         self.omegab = self.snapshot_set.get_omega_baryon()
         #Get the unit system.
             self.units = self.snapshot_set.get_units()
         except KeyError:
             if not quiet:
                 print('No units found. Using kpc/kms/10^10Msun by default')
     # Conversion factors from internal units
     self.rscale = (self.units.UnitLength_in_cm*self.atime)/self.hubble    # convert length to physical cm
     #  Calculate the length scales to be used in the box: Hz in km/s/Mpc
     Hz = 100.0*self.hubble * np.sqrt(self.OmegaM/self.atime**3 + self.OmegaLambda)
     #Convert comoving internal units to physical km/s.
     #Numerical constant is 1 Mpc in cm.
     self.velfac = self.rscale * Hz / 3.085678e24
     self.vmax = self.box * self.velfac # box size (physical kms^-1)
     self.NumLos = np.size(self.axis)
         # velocity bin size (kms^-1)
         self.dvbin = self.vmax / (1.*self.nbins)
     except AttributeError:
         #This will occur if we are not loading from a savefile
         self.dvbin = res # velocity bin size (kms^-1)
         #Number of bins to achieve the required resolution
         self.nbins = int(self.vmax / self.dvbin)
     #Species we can use: Z is total metallicity
     self.species = ['H', 'He', 'C', 'N', 'O', 'Ne', 'Mg', 'Si', 'Fe', 'Z']
     #Solar abundances from Asplund 2009 / Grevasse 2010 (which is used in Cloudy 13, Hazy Table 7.4).
     self.solar = {"H":1, "He":0.0851, "C":2.69e-4,"N":6.76e-5,"O":4.9e-4,"Ne":8.51e-5,"Mg":3.98e-5,"Si":3.24e-5,"Fe":3.16e-5}
     # Total solar metallicity is from Asplund 2009 0909.0948
     # Note the solar metallicity is the mass fraction of metals
     # divided by the mass fraction of hydrogen
     self.solarz = 0.0134/0.7381
     #Line data
     self.lines = line_data.LineData()
     #Load the class for computing gas properties such as temperature from the raw simulation.
         self.gasprop=gas_properties.GasProperties(redshift = self.red, absnap=self.snapshot_set, hubble=self.hubble, units=self.units, sf_neutral=sf_neutral)
     except AttributeError:
         #Occurs if we didn't load a snapshot
     if not quiet:
         print(self.NumLos, " sightlines. resolution: ", self.dvbin, " z=", self.red)