コード例 #1
ファイル: unity.py プロジェクト: colllin/SLM-Lab
class UnityEnv(BaseEnv):
    Wrapper for Unity ML-Agents env to work with the Lab.

    e.g. env_spec
    "env": [{
      "name": "gridworld",
      "max_t": 20,
      "max_frame": 3,
      "unity": {
        "gridSize": 6,
        "numObstacles": 2,
        "numGoals": 1

    def __init__(self, spec):
        util.set_attr(self, self.env_spec, ['unity'])
        worker_id = int(f'{os.getpid()}{self.e+int(ps.unique_id())}'[-4:])
        seed = ps.get(spec, 'meta.random_seed')
        # TODO update Unity ml-agents to use seed=seed below
        self.u_env = UnityEnvironment(file_name=get_env_path(self.name), worker_id=worker_id)
        assert self.max_t is not None

    def patch_gym_spaces(self, u_env):
        For standardization, use gym spaces to represent observation and action spaces for Unity.
        This method iterates through the multiple brains (multiagent) then constructs and returns lists of observation_spaces and action_spaces
        observation_spaces = []
        action_spaces = []
        for a in range(len(u_env.brain_names)):
            brain = self._get_brain(u_env, a)
            observation_shape = (brain.get_observable_dim()['state'],)
            if brain.is_discrete():
                dtype = np.int32
                action_space = spaces.Discrete(brain.get_action_dim())
                dtype = np.float32
                action_space = spaces.Box(low=0.0, high=1.0, shape=(1,), dtype=dtype)
            observation_space = spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=observation_shape, dtype=dtype)
        # set for singleton
        u_env.observation_space = observation_spaces[0]
        u_env.action_space = action_spaces[0]
        return observation_spaces, action_spaces

    def _get_brain(self, u_env, a):
        '''Get the unity-equivalent of agent, i.e. brain, to access its info'''
        name_a = u_env.brain_names[a]
        brain_a = u_env.brains[name_a]
        return brain_a

    def _check_u_brain_to_agent(self):
        '''Check the size match between unity brain and agent'''
        u_brain_num = self.u_env.number_brains
        agent_num = 1  # TODO rework unity outdated
        assert u_brain_num == agent_num, f'There must be a Unity brain for each agent. e:{self.e}, brain: {u_brain_num} != agent: {agent_num}.'

    def _check_u_agent_to_body(self, env_info_a, a):
        '''Check the size match between unity agent and body'''
        u_agent_num = len(env_info_a.agents)
        body_num = 1  # rework unity
        assert u_agent_num == body_num, f'There must be a Unity agent for each body; a:{a}, e:{self.e}, agent_num: {u_agent_num} != body_num: {body_num}.'

    def _get_env_info(self, env_info_dict, a):
        '''Unity API returns a env_info_dict. Use this method to pull brain(env)-specific usable for lab API'''
        name_a = self.u_env.brain_names[a]
        env_info_a = env_info_dict[name_a]
        return env_info_a

    def seed(self, seed):

    def reset(self):
        self.done = False
        env_info_dict = self.u_env.reset(train_mode=(util.get_lab_mode() != 'dev'), config=self.env_spec.get('unity'))
        a, b = 0, 0  # default singleton agent and body
        env_info_a = self._get_env_info(env_info_dict, a)
        state = env_info_a.states[b]
        return state

    def step(self, action):
        env_info_dict = self.u_env.step(action)
        a, b = 0, 0  # default singleton agent and body
        env_info_a = self._get_env_info(env_info_dict, a)
        state = env_info_a.states[b]
        reward = env_info_a.rewards[b]
        reward = try_scale_reward(self, reward)
        done = env_info_a.local_done[b]
        if not self.is_venv and self.clock.t > self.max_t:
            done = True
        self.done = done
        return state, reward, done, env_info_a

    def close(self):