コード例 #1
def create_10x10_plantation_type(tile_id, plant_type_1x1_vrt):

    uu.print_log("Getting bounding coordinates for tile", tile_id)
    xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = uu.coords(tile_id)
    uu.print_log("  xmin:", xmin, "; xmax:", xmax, "; ymin", ymin, "; ymax:", ymax)

    tile_10x10 = '{0}_{1}.tif'.format(tile_id, cn.pattern_planted_forest_type_unmasked)
    uu.print_log("Rasterizing", tile_10x10)
    cmd = ['gdalwarp', '-tr', '{}'.format(str(cn.Hansen_res)), '{}'.format(str(cn.Hansen_res)),
           '-co', 'COMPRESS=LZW', '-tap', '-te', str(xmin), str(ymin), str(xmax), str(ymax),
           '-dstnodata', '0', '-t_srs', 'EPSG:4326', '-overwrite', '-ot', 'Byte', plant_type_1x1_vrt, tile_10x10]
    # Solution for adding subprocess output to log is from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21953835/run-subprocess-and-print-output-to-logging
    process = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
    with process.stdout:

    uu.print_log("Checking if {} contains any data...".format(tile_id))
    stats = uu.check_for_data(tile_10x10)
    if stats[0] > 0:

        uu.print_log("  Data found in {}. Copying tile to s3...".format(tile_id))
        uu.upload_final(cn.planted_forest_type_unmasked_dir, tile_id, cn.pattern_planted_forest_type_unmasked)
        uu.print_log("    Tile converted and copied to s3")


        print("  No data found. Not copying {}.".format(tile_id))
コード例 #2
def rasterize_pre_2000_plantations(tile_id):

    # Start time
    start = datetime.datetime.now()

    uu.print_log("Getting extent of", tile_id)
    xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = uu.coords(tile_id)

    out_tile = '{0}_{1}.tif'.format(tile_id, cn.pattern_plant_pre_2000)

    cmd = [
        'gdal_rasterize', '-burn', '1', '-co', 'COMPRESS=LZW', '-tr',
        '{}'.format(cn.Hansen_res), '{}'.format(cn.Hansen_res), '-tap', '-ot',
        'Byte', '-a_nodata', '0', '-te',
        str(ymax), '{}.shp'.format(cn.pattern_plant_pre_2000_raw), out_tile
    # Solution for adding subprocess output to log is from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21953835/run-subprocess-and-print-output-to-logging
    process = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
    with process.stdout:

    # Prints information about the tile that was just processed
    uu.end_of_fx_summary(start, tile_id, cn.pattern_plant_pre_2000)
コード例 #3
def create_mangrove_soil_C(tile_id, no_upload):

    # Start time
    start = datetime.datetime.now()

    # Checks if mangrove biomass exists. If not, it won't create a mangrove soil C tile.
    if os.path.exists('{0}_{1}.tif'.format(tile_id, cn.pattern_mangrove_biomass_2000)):

        uu.print_log("Mangrove aboveground biomass tile found for", tile_id)

        uu.print_log("Getting extent of", tile_id)
        xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = uu.coords(tile_id)

        uu.print_log("Clipping mangrove soil C from mangrove soil vrt for", tile_id)
        uu.warp_to_Hansen('mangrove_soil_C.vrt', '{0}_mangrove_full_extent.tif'.format(tile_id), xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, 'Int16')

        mangrove_soil = '{0}_mangrove_full_extent.tif'.format(tile_id)
        mangrove_biomass = '{0}_{1}.tif'.format(tile_id, cn.pattern_mangrove_biomass_2000)
        outname = '{0}_mangrove_masked_to_mangrove.tif'.format(tile_id)
        out = '--outfile={}'.format(outname)
        calc = '--calc=A*(B>0)'
        datatype = '--type={}'.format('Int16')

        uu.print_log("Masking mangrove soil to mangrove biomass for", tile_id)
        cmd = ['gdal_calc.py', '-A', mangrove_soil, '-B', mangrove_biomass,
               calc, out, '--NoDataValue=0', '--co', 'COMPRESS=DEFLATE', '--overwrite', datatype, '--quiet']


        uu.print_log("No mangrove aboveground biomass tile for", tile_id)

    # Prints information about the tile that was just processed
    uu.end_of_fx_summary(start, tile_id, 'mangrove_masked_to_mangrove', no_upload)
コード例 #4
def create_10x10_plantation(tile_id, plant_1x1_vrt):

    print "Getting bounding coordinates for tile", tile_id
    xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = uu.coords(tile_id)
    print "  xmin:", xmin, "; xmax:", xmax, "; ymin", ymin, "; ymax:", ymax

    tile_10x10 = '{0}_{1}.tif'.format(
        tile_id, cn.pattern_annual_gain_AGC_BGC_planted_forest_unmasked)
    print "Rasterizing", tile_10x10
    cmd = [
        'gdalwarp', '-tr', '{}'.format(str(cn.Hansen_res)),
        '{}'.format(str(cn.Hansen_res)), '-co', 'COMPRESS=LZW', '-tap', '-te',
        str(ymax), '-dstnodata', '0', '-t_srs', 'EPSG:4326', '-overwrite',
        '-ot', 'Float32', plant_1x1_vrt, tile_10x10

    print "Checking if {} contains any data...".format(tile_id)
    stats = uu.check_for_data(tile_10x10)

    if stats[0] > 0:

        print "  Data found in {}. Copying tile to s3...".format(tile_id)
        print "    Tile converted and copied to s3"


        print "  No data found. Not copying {}.".format(tile_id)
コード例 #5
def clip_year_tiles(tile_year_list, no_upload):

    # Start time
    start = datetime.datetime.now()

    tile_id = tile_year_list[0].strip('.tif')
    year = tile_year_list[1]

    vrt_name = "global_vrt_{}_wgs84.vrt".format(year)

    # Gets coordinates of hansen tile
    uu.print_log("Getting coordinates of", tile_id)
    xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = uu.coords(tile_id)

    # Clips vrt to tile extent
    uu.print_log("Clipping burn year vrt to {0} for {1}".format(tile_id, year))

    clipped_raster = "ba_clipped_{0}_{1}.tif".format(year, tile_id)
    cmd = [
        'gdal_translate', '-ot', 'Byte', '-co', 'COMPRESS=LZW', '-a_nodata',
    cmd += [vrt_name, clipped_raster, '-tr', '.00025', '.00025']
    cmd += ['-projwin', str(xmin), str(ymax), str(xmax), str(ymin)]

    # Calculates year tile values to be equal to year. ex: 17*1
    calc = '--calc={}*(A>0)'.format(int(year) - 2000)
    recoded_output = "ba_{0}_{1}.tif".format(year, tile_id)
    outfile = '--outfile={}'.format(recoded_output)

    cmd = [
        'gdal_calc.py', '-A', clipped_raster, calc, outfile, '--NoDataValue=0',
        '--co', 'COMPRESS=LZW', '--quiet'

    # Only copies to s3 if the tile has data.
    # No tiles for 2000 have data because the burn year is coded as 0, which is NoData.
    uu.print_log("Checking if {} contains any data...".format(tile_id))
    empty = uu.check_for_data(recoded_output)

    if empty:
        uu.print_log("  No data found. Not copying {}.".format(tile_id))

            "  Data found in {}. Copying tile to s3...".format(tile_id))
        cmd = [
            'aws', 's3', 'cp', recoded_output,
        uu.print_log("    Tile copied to", cn.burn_year_warped_to_Hansen_dir)

    # Prints information about the tile that was just processed
    uu.end_of_fx_summary(start, tile_id, "ba_{}".format(year), no_upload)
コード例 #6
def create_input_files(tile_id):

    print "Getting extent of", tile_id
    xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = uu.coords(tile_id)

    # # Soil tiles are already processed, so there's no need to include them here.
    # # Below is the old code for tile-izing the histosole soil raster.
    # # Leaving this in case I ever add in soil processing again.
    # print "clip soil"
    # extra_param = ['-tr', '.00025', '.00025', '-dstnodata', '0']
    # clip_soil_tile = util.clip('hwsd_oc_final.tif', '{}_soil.tif'.format(tile_id), xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, extra_param)
    # print "removing no data flag from soil"
    # cmd = ['gdal_edit.py', '-unsetnodata', clip_soil_tile]
    # subprocess.check_call(cmd)
    # print "uploading soil tile to s3"
    # util.upload(clip_soil_tile, cn.soil_C_processed_dir)

    print "Rasterizing ecozone"
    rasterized_eco_zone_tile = util.rasterize(
        "{}_fao_ecozones_bor_tem_tro.tif".format(tile_id), xmin, ymin, xmax,
        ymax, '.008', 'Byte', 'recode', '0')

    print "Resampling eco zone"
    resampled_ecozone = util.resample(
        "{0}_{1}.tif".format(tile_id, cn.pattern_fao_ecozone_processed))

    print "Uploading processed ecozone"
    util.upload(resampled_ecozone, cn.fao_ecozone_processed_dir)

    print "Clipping srtm"
    tile_srtm = util.clip('srtm.vrt', '{}_srtm.tif'.format(tile_id), xmin,
                          ymin, xmax, ymax)

    print "Resampling srtm"
    tile_res_srtm = util.resample(
        tile_srtm, '{0}_{1}.tif'.format(tile_id, cn.pattern_srtm))

    print "Uploading processed srtm"
    util.upload(tile_res_srtm, cn.srtm_processed_dir)

    print "Clipping precipitation"
    clipped_precip_tile = util.clip('add_30s_precip.tif',
                                    '{}_clip_precip.tif'.format(tile_id), xmin,
                                    ymin, xmax, ymax)

    print "Resampling precipitation"
    resample_precip_tile = util.resample(
        clipped_precip_tile, '{0}_{1}.tif'.format(tile_id, cn.pattern_precip))

    print "Uploading processed precipitation"
    util.upload(resample_precip_tile, cn.precip_processed_dir)
コード例 #7
def rasterize_gadm_1x1(tile_id):

    uu.print_log("Getting bounding coordinates for tile", tile_id)
    xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = uu.coords(tile_id)
    uu.print_log("  xmin:", xmin, "; xmax:", xmax, "; ymin", ymin, "; ymax:",

    # Degrees of tile in x and y dimensions
    x_size = abs(int(xmin) - int(xmax))
    y_size = abs(int(ymin) - int(ymax))

    # Iterates through input 10x10 tile by 1x1 degree
    for x in range(x_size):

        xmin_1x1 = int(xmin) + x
        xmax_1x1 = int(xmin) + x + 1

        for y in range(y_size):

            ymin_1x1 = int(ymin) + y
            ymax_1x1 = int(ymin) + y + 1

            uu.print_log("  xmin_1x1:", xmin_1x1, "; xmax_1x1:", xmax_1x1,
                         "; ymin_1x1", ymin_1x1, "; ymax_1x1:", ymax_1x1)

            tile_1x1 = 'GADM_{0}_{1}.tif'.format(ymax_1x1, xmin_1x1)
            uu.print_log("Rasterizing", tile_1x1)
            cmd = [
                'gdal_rasterize', '-tr', '{}'.format(str(cn.Hansen_res)),
                '{}'.format(str(cn.Hansen_res)), '-co', 'COMPRESS=LZW', '-te',
                str(ymax_1x1), '-burn', '1', '-a_nodata', '0', cn.gadm_iso,
            # Solution for adding subprocess output to log is from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21953835/run-subprocess-and-print-output-to-logging
            process = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
            with process.stdout:

            # Only keeps 1x1 GADM tiles if they actually include a country; many 1x1 tiles created out of 10x10 tiles
            # don't actually include a country.
                "Checking if {} contains any data...".format(tile_1x1))
            stats = uu.check_for_data(tile_1x1)

            if stats[1] > 0:
                    "  Data found in {}. Keeping tile".format(tile_1x1))

                    "  No data found in {}. Deleting.".format(tile_1x1))
コード例 #8
ファイル: loss_in_raster.py プロジェクト: xiajz/carbon-budget
def loss_in_raster(tile_id, raster_type, output_name, lat, mask):

    uu.print_log("Calculating loss area for tile id {0}...".format(tile_id))

    xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = uu.coords(tile_id)

    # start time
    start = datetime.datetime.now()

    # Name of the loss time
    loss_tile = '{0}.tif'.format(tile_id)

    # The raster that loss is being analyzed inside
    raster_of_interest = '{0}_{1}.tif'.format(tile_id, raster_type)

    # Output file name
    outname = '{0}_{1}.tif'.format(tile_id, output_name)

    # Only processes the tile if it is inside the latitude band (north of the specified latitude)
    if ymax > lat and os.path.exists(raster_of_interest):

        uu.print_log("{} inside latitude band and peat tile exists. Processing tile.".format(tile_id))

        # If the user has asked to create just a mask of loss as opposed to the actual output values
        if mask == "True":

            calc = '--calc=(A>=1)*(A+1)/(A+1)*B'

        # If the user has asked to output the actual loss values
        if mask == "False":

            # Equation argument for converting emissions from per hectare to per pixel.
            # First, multiplies the per hectare emissions by the area of the pixel in m2, then divides by the number of m2 in a hectare.
            calc = '--calc=A*B'

        # Argument for outputting file
        out = '--outfile={}'.format(outname)

        uu.print_log("Masking loss in {} by raster of interest...".format(tile_id))
        cmd = ['gdal_calc.py', '-A', loss_tile, '-B', raster_of_interest, calc, out, '--NoDataValue=0', '--co', 'COMPRESS=LZW',
               '--overwrite', '--quiet']
        # Solution for adding subprocess output to log is from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21953835/run-subprocess-and-print-output-to-logging
        process = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
        with process.stdout:

        uu.print_log("{} masked".format(tile_id))


        uu.print_log("{} outside of latitude band. Skipped tile.".format(tile_id))

    # Prints information about the tile that was just processed
    uu.end_of_fx_summary(start, tile_id, output_name)
コード例 #9
def rasterize_gadm_1x1(tile_id):

    print "Getting bounding coordinates for tile", tile_id
    xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = uu.coords(tile_id)
    print "  xmin:", xmin, "; xmax:", xmax, "; ymin", ymin, "; ymax:", ymax

    # Degrees of tile in x and y dimensions
    x_size = abs(int(xmin) - int(xmax))
    y_size = abs(int(ymin) - int(ymax))

    # Iterates through input 10x10 tile by 1x1 degree
    for x in range(x_size):

        xmin_1x1 = int(xmin) + x
        xmax_1x1 = int(xmin) + x + 1

        for y in range(y_size):

            ymin_1x1 = int(ymin) + y
            ymax_1x1 = int(ymin) + y + 1

            print "  xmin_1x1:", xmin_1x1, "; xmax_1x1:", xmax_1x1, "; ymin_1x1", ymin_1x1, "; ymax_1x1:", ymax_1x1

            tile_1x1 = 'GADM_{0}_{1}.tif'.format(ymax_1x1, xmin_1x1)
            print "Rasterizing", tile_1x1
            cmd = [
                'gdal_rasterize', '-tr', '{}'.format(str(cn.Hansen_res)),
                '{}'.format(str(cn.Hansen_res)), '-co', 'COMPRESS=LZW', '-te',
                str(ymax_1x1), '-burn', '1', '-a_nodata', '0', cn.gadm_iso,

            # Only keeps 1x1 GADM tiles if they actually include a country; many 1x1 tiles created out of 10x10 tiles
            # don't actually include a country.
            print "Checking if {} contains any data...".format(tile_1x1)
            stats = uu.check_for_data(tile_1x1)

            if stats[1] > 0:
                print "  Data found in {}. Keeping tile".format(tile_1x1)

                print "  No data found in {}. Deleting.".format(tile_1x1)
コード例 #10
def create_mangrove_soil_C(tile_id):

    # Start time
    start = datetime.datetime.now()

    # Checks if mangrove biomass exists. If not, it won't create a mangrove soil C tile.
    if os.path.exists('{0}_{1}.tif'.format(tile_id,

        uu.print_log("Mangrove aboveground biomass tile found for", tile_id)

        uu.print_log("Getting extent of", tile_id)
        xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = uu.coords(tile_id)

        uu.print_log("Clipping mangrove soil C from mangrove soil vrt for",
                          '{0}_mangrove_full_extent.tif'.format(tile_id), xmin,
                          ymin, xmax, ymax, 'Int16')

        mangrove_soil = '{0}_mangrove_full_extent.tif'.format(tile_id)
        mangrove_biomass = '{0}_{1}.tif'.format(
            tile_id, cn.pattern_mangrove_biomass_2000)
        outname = '{0}_mangrove_masked_to_mangrove.tif'.format(tile_id)
        out = '--outfile={}'.format(outname)
        calc = '--calc=A*(B>0)'
        datatype = '--type={}'.format('Int16')

        uu.print_log("Masking mangrove soil to mangrove biomass for", tile_id)
        cmd = [
            'gdal_calc.py', '-A', mangrove_soil, '-B', mangrove_biomass, calc,
            out, '--NoDataValue=0', '--co', 'COMPRESS=DEFLATE', '--overwrite',
            datatype, '--quiet'
        # Solution for adding subprocess output to log is from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21953835/run-subprocess-and-print-output-to-logging
        process = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
        with process.stdout:


        uu.print_log("No mangrove aboveground biomass tile for", tile_id)

    # Prints information about the tile that was just processed
    uu.end_of_fx_summary(start, tile_id, 'mangrove_masked_to_mangrove')
コード例 #11
def prep_FIA_regions(tile_id):

    uu.print_log("Creating Hansen tile for FIA regions")

    # Start time
    start = datetime.datetime.now()

    uu.print_log("Getting extent of", tile_id)
    xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = uu.coords(tile_id)

    uu.print_log("Rasterizing FIA region shapefile", tile_id)
    blocksizex = 1024
    blocksizey = 1024
        "{0}_{1}.tif".format(tile_id, cn.pattern_FIA_regions_processed), xmin,
        ymin, xmax, ymax, blocksizex, blocksizey, '.00025', 'Byte',
        'regionCode', '0')

    uu.print_log("Checking if {} contains any data...".format(tile_id))
    no_data = uu.check_for_data("{0}_{1}.tif".format(
        tile_id, cn.pattern_FIA_regions_processed))

    if no_data:

        uu.print_log("  No data found. Deleting {}.".format(tile_id))


            "  Data found in {}. Copying tile to s3...".format(tile_id))
        uu.upload_final(cn.FIA_regions_processed_dir, tile_id,
        uu.print_log("    Tile copied to s3")

    # Prints information about the tile that was just processed
    uu.end_of_fx_summary(start, tile_id, cn.pattern_FIA_regions_processed)
コード例 #12
def create_combined_ifl_primary(tile_id):

    # Start time
    start = datetime.datetime.now()

    ifl_tile = '{0}_{1}.tif'.format(tile_id, cn.pattern_ifl)
    primary_tile = '{}_primary_2001.tif'.format(tile_id)

    ifl_primary_tile = '{0}_{1}.tif'.format(tile_id, cn.pattern_ifl_primary)

    uu.print_log("Getting extent of", tile_id)
    xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = uu.coords(tile_id)

    # Assigns the correct time (primary forest or ifl)
    if ymax <= 30 and ymax >= -20:

            "{} between 30N and 30S. Using primary forest tile.".format(

        os.rename(primary_tile, ifl_primary_tile)


            "{} not between 30N and 30S. Using IFL tile, if it exists.".format(

        if os.path.exists(ifl_tile):

            os.rename(ifl_tile, ifl_primary_tile)


            uu.print_log("IFL tile does not exist for {}".format(tile_id))

    # Prints information about the tile that was just processed
    uu.end_of_fx_summary(start, tile_id, cn.pattern_ifl_primary)
コード例 #13
def forest_age_category(tile_id, gain_table_dict, pattern, sensit_type, no_upload):

    uu.print_log("Assigning forest age categories:", tile_id)

    # Start time
    start = datetime.datetime.now()

    # Gets the bounding coordinates of each tile. Needed to determine if the tile is in the tropics (within 30 deg of the equator)
    xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = uu.coords(tile_id)

    # Default value is that the tile is not in the tropics
    tropics = 0

    # Criteria for assigning a tile to the tropics
    if (ymax > -30) & (ymax <= 30) :

        tropics = 1

    uu.print_log("  Tile {} in tropics:".format(tile_id), tropics)

    # Names of the input tiles
    gain = '{0}_{1}.tif'.format(cn.pattern_gain, tile_id)
    model_extent = uu.sensit_tile_rename(sensit_type, tile_id, cn.pattern_model_extent)
    ifl_primary = uu.sensit_tile_rename(sensit_type, tile_id, cn.pattern_ifl_primary)
    cont_eco = uu.sensit_tile_rename(sensit_type, tile_id, cn.pattern_cont_eco_processed)

    # Biomass tile name depends on the sensitivity analysis
    if sensit_type == 'biomass_swap':
        biomass = '{0}_{1}.tif'.format(tile_id, cn.pattern_JPL_unmasked_processed)
        uu.print_log("Using JPL biomass tile for {} sensitivity analysis".format(sensit_type))
        biomass = '{0}_{1}.tif'.format(tile_id, cn.pattern_WHRC_biomass_2000_unmasked)
        uu.print_log("Using WHRC biomass tile for {} sensitivity analysis".format(sensit_type))

    if sensit_type == 'legal_Amazon_loss':
        loss = '{0}_{1}.tif'.format(tile_id, cn.pattern_Brazil_annual_loss_processed)
        uu.print_log("Using PRODES loss tile {0} for {1} sensitivity analysis".format(tile_id, sensit_type))
    elif sensit_type == 'Mekong_loss':
        loss = '{0}_{1}.tif'.format(tile_id, cn.pattern_Mekong_loss_processed)
        loss = '{0}_{1}.tif'.format(cn.pattern_loss, tile_id)
        uu.print_log("Using Hansen loss tile {0} for {1} model run".format(tile_id, sensit_type))

    uu.print_log("  Assigning age categories")

    # Opens biomass tile
    with rasterio.open(model_extent) as model_extent_src:

        # Grabs metadata about the tif, like its location/projection/cellsize
        kwargs = model_extent_src.meta

        # Grabs the windows of the tile (stripes) so we can iterate over the entire tif without running out of memory
        windows = model_extent_src.block_windows(1)

        # Opens the input tiles if they exist
            cont_eco_src = rasterio.open(cont_eco)
            uu.print_log("   Continent-ecozone tile found for {}".format(tile_id))
            uu.print_log("   No continent-ecozone tile found for {}".format(tile_id))

            gain_src = rasterio.open(gain)
            uu.print_log("   Gain tile found for {}".format(tile_id))
            uu.print_log("   No gain tile found for {}".format(tile_id))

            biomass_src = rasterio.open(biomass)
            uu.print_log("   Biomass tile found for {}".format(tile_id))
            uu.print_log("   No biomass tile found for {}".format(tile_id))

            loss_src = rasterio.open(loss)
            uu.print_log("   Loss tile found for {}".format(tile_id))
            uu.print_log("   No loss tile found for {}".format(tile_id))

            ifl_primary_src = rasterio.open(ifl_primary)
            uu.print_log("   IFL-primary forest tile found for {}".format(tile_id))
            uu.print_log("   No IFL-primary forest tile found for {}".format(tile_id))

        # Updates kwargs for the output dataset

        # Opens the output tile, giving it the arguments of the input tiles
        dst = rasterio.open('{0}_{1}.tif'.format(tile_id, pattern), 'w', **kwargs)

        # Adds metadata tags to the output raster
        uu.add_rasterio_tags(dst, sensit_type)
            key='1: young (<20 year) secondary forest; 2: old (>20 year) secondary forest; 3: primary forest or IFL')
            source='Decision tree that uses Hansen gain and loss, IFL/primary forest extent, and aboveground biomass to assign an age category')
            extent='Full model extent, even though these age categories will not be used over the full model extent. They apply to just the rates from IPCC defaults.')

        uu.print_log("    Assigning IPCC age categories for", tile_id)

        # Iterates across the windows (1 pixel strips) of the input tile
        for idx, window in windows:

            # Creates windows for each input raster. Only model_extent_src is guaranteed to exist
            model_extent_window = model_extent_src.read(1, window=window)

                loss_window = loss_src.read(1, window=window)
                loss_window = np.zeros((window.height, window.width), dtype='uint8')

                gain_window = gain_src.read(1, window=window)
                gain_window = np.zeros((window.height, window.width), dtype='uint8')

                cont_eco_window = cont_eco_src.read(1, window=window)
                cont_eco_window = np.zeros((window.height, window.width), dtype='uint8')

                biomass_window = biomass_src.read(1, window=window)
                biomass_window = np.zeros((window.height, window.width), dtype='float32')

                ifl_primary_window = ifl_primary_src.read(1, window=window)
                ifl_primary_window = np.zeros((window.height, window.width), dtype='uint8')

            # Creates a numpy array that has the <=20 year secondary forest growth rate x 20
            # based on the continent-ecozone code of each pixel (the dictionary).
            # This is used to assign pixels to the correct age category.
            gain_20_years = np.vectorize(gain_table_dict.get)(cont_eco_window)*20

            # Create a 0s array for the output
            dst_data = np.zeros((window.height, window.width), dtype='uint8')

            # Logic tree for assigning age categories begins here
            # Code 1 = young (<20 years) secondary forest, code 2 = old (>20 year) secondary forest, code 3 = primary forest
            # model_extent_window ensures that there is both biomass and tree cover in 2000 OR mangroves OR tree cover gain
            # WITHOUT pre-2000 plantations

            # For every model version except legal_Amazon_loss sensitivity analysis, which has its own rules about age assignment

            if sensit_type != 'legal_Amazon_loss':
                # No change pixels- no loss or gain
                if tropics == 0:

                    dst_data[np.where((model_extent_window > 0) & (gain_window == 0) & (loss_window == 0))] = 2

                if tropics == 1:

                    dst_data[np.where((model_extent_window > 0) & (gain_window == 0) & (loss_window == 0) & (ifl_primary_window != 1))] = 2
                    dst_data[np.where((model_extent_window > 0) & (gain_window == 0) & (loss_window == 0) & (ifl_primary_window == 1))] = 3

                # Loss-only pixels
                dst_data[np.where((model_extent_window > 0) & (gain_window == 0) & (loss_window > 0) & (ifl_primary_window != 1) & (biomass_window <= gain_20_years))] = 1
                dst_data[np.where((model_extent_window > 0) & (gain_window == 0) & (loss_window > 0) & (ifl_primary_window != 1) & (biomass_window > gain_20_years))] = 2
                dst_data[np.where((model_extent_window > 0) & (gain_window == 0) & (loss_window > 0) & (ifl_primary_window ==1))] = 3

                # Gain-only pixels
                # If there is gain, the pixel doesn't need biomass or canopy cover. It just needs to be outside of plantations and mangroves.
                # The role of model_extent_window here is to exclude the pre-2000 plantations.
                dst_data[np.where((model_extent_window > 0) & (gain_window == 1) & (loss_window == 0))] = 1

                # Pixels with loss and gain
                # If there is gain with loss, the pixel doesn't need biomass or canopy cover. It just needs to be outside of plantations and mangroves.
                # The role of model_extent_window here is to exclude the pre-2000 plantations.
                dst_data[np.where((model_extent_window > 0) & (gain_window == 1) & (loss_window > (cn.gain_years)))] = 1
                dst_data[np.where((model_extent_window > 0) & (gain_window == 1) & (loss_window > 0) & (loss_window <= (cn.gain_years/2)))] = 1
                dst_data[np.where((model_extent_window > 0) & (gain_window == 1) & (loss_window > (cn.gain_years/2)) & (loss_window <= cn.gain_years))] = 1

            # For legal_Amazon_loss sensitivity analysis

                # Non-loss pixels (could have gain or not. Assuming that if within PRODES extent in 2000, there can't be
                # gain, so it's a faulty detection. Thus, gain-only pixels are ignored and become part of no change.)
                dst_data[np.where((model_extent_window == 1) & (loss_window == 0))] = 3  # primary forest

                # Loss-only pixels
                dst_data[np.where((model_extent_window == 1) & (loss_window > 0) & (gain_window == 0))] = 3  # primary forest

                # Loss-and-gain pixels
                dst_data[np.where((model_extent_window == 1) & (loss_window > 0) & (gain_window == 1))] = 2  # young secondary forest

            # Writes the output window to the output
            dst.write_band(1, dst_data, window=window)

    # Prints information about the tile that was just processed
    uu.end_of_fx_summary(start, tile_id, pattern, no_upload)
コード例 #14
def create_continent_ecozone_tiles(tile_id):

    uu.print_log("Processing:", tile_id)

    # Start time
    start = datetime.datetime.now()

    xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = uu.coords(tile_id)
    uu.print_log("Extent of", tile_id, "-- ymax:", ymax, "; ymin:", ymin,
                 "; xmax", xmax, "; xmin:", xmin)

        "Rasterizing ecozone to extent of biomass tile {}".format(tile_id))

    cont_eco_raw = "{0}_{1}".format(tile_id, cn.pattern_cont_eco_raw)

    # This makes rasters that are made of 1024 x 1024 pixel windows instead of 40000 x 1 pixel windows
    # to improve assigning pixels without continent-ecozone codes to a continent-ecozone code.
    # This way, pixels without continent-ecozone are assigned a code based on what's in a window nearby, rather
    # than a window that spans the entire 10x10 degree tile.
    blocksizex = 1024
    blocksizey = 1024
        cont_eco_raw, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, blocksizex, blocksizey, '.00025',
        'Int16', 'gainEcoCon', '0')

    # Opens continent-ecozone tile.
    # Everything from here down is used to assign pixels without continent ecozone codes to a continent-ecozone in the 1024x1024 windows.
    with rasterio.open('{}.tif'.format(cont_eco_raw)) as cont_eco_raw_src:

        # Grabs metadata about the tif, like its location/projection/cellsize
        kwargs = cont_eco_raw_src.meta

        # Grabs the windows of the tile (stripes) to iterate over the entire tif without running out of memory
        windows = cont_eco_raw_src.block_windows(1)

        # Updates kwargs for the output dataset.
        # Need to update data type to float 32 so that it can handle fractional gain rates
        kwargs.update(driver='GTiff', count=1, compress='lzw', nodata=0)

        # Opens the output tile, giving it the arguments of the input tiles
        with rasterio.open(
                '{0}_{1}.tif'.format(tile_id, cn.pattern_cont_eco_processed),
                'w', **kwargs) as dst:

            # Iterates across the windows (1024 x 1024 pixel boxes) of the input tile.
            for idx, window in windows:

                # Creates windows for each input raster
                cont_eco_raw = cont_eco_raw_src.read(1, window=window)

                # Turns the 2D array into a 1D array that is n x n long.
                # This makes to easier to remove 0s and find the mode of the remaining continent-ecozone codes
                cont_eco_raw_flat = cont_eco_raw.flatten()

                # Removes all zeros from the array, leaving just pixels with continent-ecozone codes
                non_zeros = np.delete(cont_eco_raw_flat,
                                      np.where(cont_eco_raw_flat == 0))

                # If there were only pixels without continent-ecozone codes in the array, the mode is assigned 0
                if non_zeros.size < 1:

                    # print "  Window is all 0s"
                    mode = 0

                # If there were pixels with continent-ecozone codes, the mode is the most common code among those in the window

                    mode = stats.mode(non_zeros)[0]
                    # print "  Window is not all 0s. Mode is", mode

                cont_eco_processed = cont_eco_raw

                # Assigns all pixels without a continent-ecozone code in that window to that most common code
                cont_eco_processed[cont_eco_processed == 0] = mode

                # Writes the output window to the output.
                # Although the windows for the input tiles are 1024 x 1024 pixels,
                # the windows for these output files are 40000 x 1 pixels, like all the other tiles in this model,
                # so they should work fine with all the other tiles.
                dst.write_band(1, cont_eco_processed, window=window)

    # Prints information about the tile that was just processed
    uu.end_of_fx_summary(start, tile_id, cn.pattern_annual_gain_AGB_mangrove)
コード例 #15
def forest_age_category(tile_id, gain_table_dict):

    print "Processing:", tile_id

    # Gets the bounding coordinates of each tile. Needed to determine if the tile is in the tropics (within 30 deg of the equator)
    xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = uu.coords(tile_id)
    print "  ymax:", ymax

    # Default value is that the tile is not in the tropics
    tropics = 0

    # Criteria for assigning a tile to the tropics
    if (ymax > -30) & (ymax <= 30):

        tropics = 1

    print "  Tile in tropics:", tropics

    # start time
    start = datetime.datetime.now()

    # Names of the input tiles
    loss = '{}.tif'.format(tile_id)
    gain = '{0}_{1}.tif'.format(cn.pattern_gain, tile_id)
    tcd = '{0}_{1}.tif'.format(cn.pattern_tcd, tile_id)
    ifl = '{0}_{1}.tif'.format(tile_id, cn.pattern_ifl)
    biomass = '{0}_{1}.tif'.format(
        tile_id, cn.pattern_WHRC_biomass_2000_non_mang_non_planted)
    cont_eco = '{0}_{1}.tif'.format(tile_id, cn.pattern_cont_eco_processed)

    print "  Reading input files and evaluating conditions"

    # Opens biomass tile
    with rasterio.open(loss) as loss_src:

        # Grabs metadata about the tif, like its location/projection/cellsize
        kwargs = loss_src.meta

        # Grabs the windows of the tile (stripes) so we can iterate over the entire tif without running out of memory
        windows = loss_src.block_windows(1)

        # Opens gain tile
        with rasterio.open(gain) as gain_src:

            # Opens ifl tile
            with rasterio.open(ifl) as ifl_src:

                # Opens continent-ecozone combinations tile
                with rasterio.open(cont_eco) as cont_eco_src:

                    # Opens biomass 2000 tile
                    with rasterio.open(biomass) as biomass_src:

                        # Opens tree cover density tile
                        with rasterio.open(tcd) as extent_src:

                            # Updates kwargs for the output dataset

                            # Opens the output tile, giving it the arguments of the input tiles
                            with rasterio.open(
                                        cn.pattern_age_cat_natrl_forest), 'w',
                                    **kwargs) as dst:

                                # Iterates across the windows (1 pixel strips) of the input tile
                                for idx, window in windows:

                                    # Creates windows for each input raster
                                    loss = loss_src.read(1, window=window)
                                    gain = gain_src.read(1, window=window)
                                    tcd = extent_src.read(1, window=window)
                                    ifl = ifl_src.read(1, window=window)
                                    cont_eco = cont_eco_src.read(1,
                                    biomass = biomass_src.read(1,

                                    # Creates a numpy array that has the <=20 year secondary forest growth rate x 20
                                    # based on the continent-ecozone code of each pixel (the dictionary).
                                    # This is used to assign pixels to the correct age category.
                                    gain_20_years = np.vectorize(
                                        gain_table_dict.get)(cont_eco) * 20

                                    # Create a 0s array for the output
                                    dst_data = np.zeros(
                                        (window.height, window.width),

                                    # Logic tree for assigning age categories begins here
                                    # No change pixels- no loss or gain
                                    if tropics == 0:

                                        dst_data[np.where((biomass > 0)
                                                          & (tcd > 0)
                                                          & (gain == 0)
                                                          & (loss == 0))] = 1

                                    if tropics == 1:

                                        dst_data[np.where((biomass > 0)
                                                          & (tcd > 0)
                                                          & (gain == 0)
                                                          & (loss == 0)
                                                          & (ifl != 1))] = 2
                                        dst_data[np.where((biomass > 0)
                                                          & (tcd > 0)
                                                          & (gain == 0)
                                                          & (loss == 0)
                                                          & (ifl == 1))] = 3

                                    # Loss-only pixels
                                        (biomass > 0) & (gain == 0)
                                        & (loss > 0) & (ifl != 1)
                                        & (biomass <= gain_20_years))] = 4
                                        (biomass > 0) & (gain == 0)
                                        & (loss > 0) & (ifl != 1)
                                        & (biomass > gain_20_years))] = 5
                                    dst_data[np.where((biomass > 0)
                                                      & (gain == 0)
                                                      & (loss > 0)
                                                      & (ifl == 1))] = 6

                                    # Gain-only pixels
                                    dst_data[np.where((biomass > 0)
                                                      & (gain == 1)
                                                      & (loss == 0))] = 7

                                    # Pixels with loss and gain
                                    dst_data[np.where((biomass > 0)
                                                      & (gain == 1)
                                                      & (loss >= 13))] = 8
                                    dst_data[np.where((biomass > 0)
                                                      & (gain == 1)
                                                      & (loss > 0)
                                                      & (loss <= 6))] = 9
                                    dst_data[np.where((biomass > 0)
                                                      & (gain == 1)
                                                      & (loss > 6)
                                                      & (loss < 13))] = 10

                                    # Writes the output window to the output
                                    dst.write_band(1, dst_data, window=window)

    # Prints information about the tile that was just processed
    uu.end_of_fx_summary(start, tile_id, cn.pattern_age_cat_natrl_forest)
コード例 #16
def create_peat_mask_tiles(tile_id):

    # Start time
    start = datetime.datetime.now()

    uu.print_log("Getting bounding coordinates for tile", tile_id)
    xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = uu.coords(tile_id)
    uu.print_log("  ymax:", ymax, "; ymin:", ymin, "; xmax", xmax, "; xmin:",

    out_tile_no_tag = '{0}_{1}_no_tag.tif'.format(tile_id,
    out_tile = '{0}_{1}.tif'.format(tile_id, cn.pattern_peat_mask)

    # If the tile is outside the band covered by the CIFOR peat raster, SoilGrids250m is used
    if ymax > 40 or ymax < -60:

            "{} is outside CIFOR band. Using SoilGrids250m organic soil mask..."

        out_intermediate = '{0}_intermediate.tif'.format(
            tile_id, cn.pattern_peat_mask)

        # Cuts the SoilGrids250m global raster to the focal tile
        uu.warp_to_Hansen('most_likely_soil_class.vrt', out_intermediate, xmin,
                          ymin, xmax, ymax, 'Byte')

        # Removes all non-histosol sub-groups from the SoilGrids raster.
        # Ideally, this would be done once on the entire SoilGrids raster in the main function but I didn't think of that.
        # Code 14 is the histosol subgroup in SoilGrids250 (https://files.isric.org/soilgrids/latest/data/wrb/MostProbable.qml).
        calc = '--calc=(A==14)'
        peat_mask_out_filearg = '--outfile={}'.format(out_tile_no_tag)
        cmd = [
            'gdal_calc.py', '-A', out_intermediate, calc,
            peat_mask_out_filearg, '--NoDataValue=0', '--overwrite', '--co',
            'COMPRESS=LZW', '--type=Byte', '--quiet'

        uu.print_log("{} created.".format(tile_id))

    # If the tile is inside the band covered by CIFOR, CIFOR is used (and Jukka in the tiles where it occurs).
    # For some reason, the CIFOR raster has a color scheme that makes it symbolized from 0 to 255. This carries
    # over to the output file but that seems like a problem with the output symbology, not the values.
    # gdalinfo shows that the min and max values are 1, as they should be, and it visualizes correctly in ArcMap.

            "{} is inside CIFOR band. Using CIFOR/Jukka combination...".format(

        # Combines CIFOR and Jukka (if it occurs there)
        cmd = [
            'gdalwarp', '-t_srs', 'EPSG:4326', '-co', 'COMPRESS=LZW', '-tr',
            '{}'.format(cn.Hansen_res), '{}'.format(cn.Hansen_res), '-tap',
            str(ymax), '-dstnodata', '0', '-overwrite',
            '{}'.format(cn.cifor_peat_file), 'jukka_peat.tif', out_tile_no_tag

        uu.print_log("{} created.".format(tile_id))

    # All of the below is to add metadata tags to the output peat masks.
    # For some reason, just doing what's at https://rasterio.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/tags.html
    # results in the data getting removed.
    # I found it necessary to copy the peat mask and read its windows into a new copy of the file, to which the
    # metadata tags are added. I'm sure there's an easier way to do this but I couldn't figure out how.
    # I know it's very convoluted but I really couldn't figure out how to add the tags without erasing the data.
    # To make it even stranger, adding the tags before the gdal processing seemed to work fine for the non-tropical
    # (SoilGrids) tiles but not for the tropical (CIFOR/Jukka) tiles (i.e. data didn't disappear in the non-tropical
    # tiles if I added the tags before the GDAL steps but the tropical data did disappear).

    copyfile(out_tile_no_tag, out_tile)

    uu.print_log("Adding metadata tags to", tile_id)
    # Opens the output tile, only so that metadata tags can be added
    # Based on https://rasterio.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/tags.html
    with rasterio.open(out_tile_no_tag) as out_tile_no_tag_src:

        # Grabs metadata about the tif, like its location/projection/cellsize
        kwargs = out_tile_no_tag_src.meta

        # Grabs the windows of the tile (stripes) so we can iterate over the entire tif without running out of memory
        windows = out_tile_no_tag_src.block_windows(1)

        # Updates kwargs for the output dataset
        kwargs.update(driver='GTiff', count=1, compress='lzw', nodata=0)

        out_tile_tagged = rasterio.open(out_tile, 'w', **kwargs)

        # Adds metadata tags to the output raster
        uu.add_rasterio_tags(out_tile_tagged, 'std')
        out_tile_tagged.update_tags(key='1 = peat. 0 = not peat.')
            'Jukka for IDN and MYS; CIFOR for rest of tropics; SoilGrids250 (May 2020) most likely histosol for outside tropics'
        out_tile_tagged.update_tags(extent='Full extent of input datasets')

        # Iterates across the windows (1 pixel strips) of the input tile
        for idx, window in windows:

            peat_mask_window = out_tile_no_tag_src.read(1, window=window)

            # Writes the output window to the output
            out_tile_tagged.write_band(1, peat_mask_window, window=window)

    # Otherwise, the untagged version is counted and eventually copied to s3 if it has data in it

    # Prints information about the tile that was just processed
    uu.end_of_fx_summary(start, tile_id, cn.pattern_peat_mask)
コード例 #17
def rewindow(tile):

    # start time
    start = datetime.datetime.now()

        "Rewindowing {} to 200x200 pixel windows (0.04 degree x 0.04 degree)..."

    # Extracts the tile id, tile type, and bounding box for the tile
    tile_id = uu.get_tile_id(tile)
    tile_type = uu.get_tile_type(tile)
    xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = uu.coords(tile_id)

    # Raster name for 400x400 pixel tiles (intermediate output)
    input_rewindow = '{0}_{1}_rewindow.tif'.format(tile_id, tile_type)
    area_tile = '{0}_{1}.tif'.format(cn.pattern_pixel_area, tile_id)
    pixel_area_rewindow = '{0}_{1}_rewindow.tif'.format(
        cn.pattern_pixel_area, tile_id)
    tcd_tile = '{0}_{1}.tif'.format(cn.pattern_tcd, tile_id)
    tcd_rewindow = '{0}_{1}_rewindow.tif'.format(cn.pattern_tcd, tile_id)
    gain_tile = '{0}_{1}.tif'.format(cn.pattern_gain, tile_id)
    gain_rewindow = '{0}_{1}_rewindow.tif'.format(cn.pattern_gain, tile_id)
    mangrove_tile = '{0}_{1}.tif'.format(tile_id,
    mangrove_tile_rewindow = '{0}_{1}_rewindow.tif'.format(
        tile_id, cn.pattern_mangrove_biomass_2000)

    # Only rewindows the necessary files if they haven't already been processed (just in case
    # this was run on the spot machine before)

    if not os.path.exists(input_rewindow):
            "Model output for {} not rewindowed. Rewindowing...".format(

        # Converts the tile of interest to the 400x400 pixel windows
        cmd = [
            'gdalwarp', '-co', 'COMPRESS=LZW', '-overwrite', '-te',
            str(ymax), '-tap', '-tr',
            str(cn.Hansen_res), '-co', 'TILED=YES', '-co', 'BLOCKXSIZE=160',
            '-co', 'BLOCKYSIZE=160', tile, input_rewindow

    if not os.path.exists(tcd_rewindow):
            "Canopy cover for {} not rewindowed. Rewindowing...".format(

        # Converts the tcd tile to the 400x400 pixel windows
        cmd = [
            'gdalwarp', '-co', 'COMPRESS=LZW', '-overwrite', '-dstnodata', '0',
            str(ymax), '-tap', '-tr',
            str(cn.Hansen_res), '-co', 'TILED=YES', '-co', 'BLOCKXSIZE=160',
            '-co', 'BLOCKYSIZE=160', tcd_tile, tcd_rewindow


        uu.print_log("Canopy cover for {} already rewindowed.".format(tile_id))

    if not os.path.exists(pixel_area_rewindow):
            "Pixel area for {} not rewindowed. Rewindowing...".format(tile_id))

        # Converts the pixel area tile to the 400x400 pixel windows
        cmd = [
            'gdalwarp', '-co', 'COMPRESS=LZW', '-overwrite', '-dstnodata', '0',
            str(ymax), '-tap', '-tr',
            str(cn.Hansen_res), '-co', 'TILED=YES', '-co', 'BLOCKXSIZE=160',
            '-co', 'BLOCKYSIZE=160', area_tile, pixel_area_rewindow


        uu.print_log("Pixel area for {} already rewindowed.".format(tile_id))

    if not os.path.exists(gain_rewindow):
            "Hansen gain for {} not rewindowed. Rewindowing...".format(

        # Converts the pixel area tile to the 400x400 pixel windows
        cmd = [
            'gdalwarp', '-co', 'COMPRESS=LZW', '-overwrite', '-dstnodata', '0',
            str(ymax), '-tap', '-tr',
            str(cn.Hansen_res), '-co', 'TILED=YES', '-co', 'BLOCKXSIZE=160',
            '-co', 'BLOCKYSIZE=160', gain_tile, gain_rewindow


        uu.print_log("Hansen gain for {} already rewindowed.".format(tile_id))

    if os.path.exists(mangrove_tile):
            "Mangrove for {} not rewindowed. Rewindowing...".format(tile_id))

        if not os.path.exists(mangrove_tile_rewindow):

            # Converts the pixel area tile to the 400x400 pixel windows
            cmd = [
                'gdalwarp', '-co', 'COMPRESS=LZW', '-overwrite', '-dstnodata',
                '0', '-te',
                str(ymax), '-tap', '-tr',
                str(cn.Hansen_res), '-co', 'TILED=YES', '-co',
                'BLOCKXSIZE=160', '-co', 'BLOCKYSIZE=160', mangrove_tile,


                "Mangrove tile for {} already rewindowed.".format(tile_id))

        uu.print_log("No mangrove tile found for {}".format(tile_id))

    # Prints information about the tile that was just processed
    uu.end_of_fx_summary(start, tile_id, '{}_rewindow'.format(tile_type))
コード例 #18
def aggregate(tile, thresh, sensit_type):

    # start time
    start = datetime.datetime.now()

    # Extracts the tile id, tile type, and bounding box for the tile
    tile_id = uu.get_tile_id(tile)
    tile_type = uu.get_tile_type(tile)
    xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = uu.coords(tile_id)

    # Name of inputs
    focal_tile_rewindow = '{0}_{1}_rewindow.tif'.format(tile_id, tile_type)
    pixel_area_rewindow = '{0}_{1}_rewindow.tif'.format(
        cn.pattern_pixel_area, tile_id)
    tcd_rewindow = '{0}_{1}_rewindow.tif'.format(cn.pattern_tcd, tile_id)
    gain_rewindow = '{0}_{1}_rewindow.tif'.format(cn.pattern_gain, tile_id)
    mangrove_rewindow = '{0}_{1}_rewindow.tif'.format(
        tile_id, cn.pattern_mangrove_biomass_2000)

    # Opens input tiles for rasterio
    in_src = rasterio.open(focal_tile_rewindow)
    pixel_area_src = rasterio.open(pixel_area_rewindow)
    tcd_src = rasterio.open(tcd_rewindow)
    gain_src = rasterio.open(gain_rewindow)

        mangrove_src = rasterio.open(mangrove_rewindow)
        uu.print_log("    Mangrove tile found for {}".format(tile_id))
        uu.print_log("    No mangrove tile found for {}".format(tile_id))

    uu.print_log("  Converting {} to per-pixel values...".format(tile))

    # Grabs the windows of the tile (stripes) in order to iterate over the entire tif without running out of memory
    windows = in_src.block_windows(1)

    #2D array in which the 0.05x0.05 deg aggregated sums will be stored
    sum_array = np.zeros([250, 250], 'float32')

    out_raster = "{0}_{1}_0_4deg.tif".format(tile_id, tile_type)

    # Iterates across the windows (400x400 30m pixels) of the input tile
    for idx, window in windows:

        # Creates windows for each input tile
        in_window = in_src.read(1, window=window)
        pixel_area_window = pixel_area_src.read(1, window=window)
        tcd_window = tcd_src.read(1, window=window)
        gain_window = gain_src.read(1, window=window)

            mangrove_window = mangrove_src.read(1, window=window)
            mangrove_window = np.zeros((window.height, window.width),

        # Applies the tree cover density threshold to the 30x30m pixels
        if thresh > 0:

            # QCed this line before publication and then again afterwards in response to question from Lena Schulte-Uebbing at Wageningen Uni.
            in_window = np.where((tcd_window > thresh) | (gain_window == 1) |
                                 (mangrove_window != 0), in_window, 0)

        # Calculates the per-pixel value from the input tile value (/ha to /pixel)
        per_pixel_value = in_window * pixel_area_window / cn.m2_per_ha

        # Sums the pixels to create a total value for the 0.1x0.1 deg pixel
        non_zero_pixel_sum = np.sum(per_pixel_value)

        # Stores the resulting value in the array
        sum_array[idx[0], idx[1]] = non_zero_pixel_sum

    # Converts the annual carbon gain values annual gain in megatonnes and makes negative (because removals are negative)
    if cn.pattern_annual_gain_AGC_all_types in tile_type:
        sum_array = sum_array / cn.tonnes_to_megatonnes * -1

    # Converts the cumulative CO2 gain values to annualized CO2 in megatonnes and makes negative (because removals are negative)
    if cn.pattern_cumul_gain_AGCO2_BGCO2_all_types in tile_type:
        sum_array = sum_array / cn.loss_years / cn.tonnes_to_megatonnes * -1

    # # Converts the cumulative gross emissions CO2 only values to annualized gross emissions CO2e in megatonnes
    # if cn.pattern_gross_emis_co2_only_all_drivers_biomass_soil in tile_type:
    #     sum_array = sum_array / cn.loss_years / cn.tonnes_to_megatonnes
    # # Converts the cumulative gross emissions non-CO2 values to annualized gross emissions CO2e in megatonnes
    # if cn.pattern_gross_emis_non_co2_all_drivers_biomass_soil in tile_type:
    #     sum_array = sum_array / cn.loss_years / cn.tonnes_to_megatonnes

    # Converts the cumulative gross emissions all gases CO2e values to annualized gross emissions CO2e in megatonnes
    if cn.pattern_gross_emis_all_gases_all_drivers_biomass_soil in tile_type:
        sum_array = sum_array / cn.loss_years / cn.tonnes_to_megatonnes

    # Converts the cumulative net flux CO2 values to annualized net flux CO2 in megatonnes
    if cn.pattern_net_flux in tile_type:
        sum_array = sum_array / cn.loss_years / cn.tonnes_to_megatonnes

    uu.print_log("  Creating aggregated tile for {}...".format(tile))

    # Converts array to the same output type as the raster that is created below
    sum_array = np.float32(sum_array)

    # Creates a tile at 0.04x0.04 degree resolution (approximately 10x10 km in the tropics) where the values are
    # from the 2D array created by rasterio above
    # https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/279953/numpy-array-to-gtiff-using-rasterio-without-source-raster
    with rasterio.open(out_raster,
                       transform=from_origin(xmin, ymax, 0.04,
                                             0.04)) as aggregated:
        aggregated.write(sum_array, 1)
        ### I don't know why, but update_tags() is adding the tags to the raster but not saving them.
        ### That is, the tags are printed but not showing up when I do gdalinfo on the raster.
        ### Instead, I'm using gdal_edit
        # print(aggregated)
        # aggregated.update_tags(a="1")
        # print(aggregated.tags())
        # uu.add_rasterio_tags(aggregated, sensit_type)
        # print(aggregated.tags())
        # if cn.pattern_annual_gain_AGC_all_types in tile_type:
        #     aggregated.update_tags(units='Mg aboveground carbon/pixel, where pixels are 0.04x0.04 degrees)',
        #                     source='per hectare version of the same model output, aggregated from 0.00025x0.00025 degree pixels',
        #                     extent='Global',
        #                     treecover_density_threshold='{0} (only model pixels with canopy cover > {0} are included in aggregation'.format(thresh))
        # if cn.pattern_cumul_gain_AGCO2_BGCO2_all_types:
        #     aggregated.update_tags(units='Mg CO2/yr/pixel, where pixels are 0.04x0.04 degrees)',
        #                     source='per hectare version of the same model output, aggregated from 0.00025x0.00025 degree pixels',
        #                     extent='Global',
        #                     treecover_density_threshold='{0} (only model pixels with canopy cover > {0} are included in aggregation'.format(thresh))
        # # if cn.pattern_gross_emis_co2_only_all_drivers_biomass_soil in tile_type:
        # #     aggregated.update_tags(units='Mg CO2e/yr/pixel, where pixels are 0.04x0.04 degrees)',
        # #                     source='per hectare version of the same model output, aggregated from 0.00025x0.00025 degree pixels',
        # #                     extent='Global', gases_included='CO2 only',
        # #                     treecover_density_threshold = '{0} (only model pixels with canopy cover > {0} are included in aggregation'.format(thresh))
        # # if cn.pattern_gross_emis_non_co2_all_drivers_biomass_soil in tile_type:
        # #     aggregated.update_tags(units='Mg CO2e/yr/pixel, where pixels are 0.04x0.04 degrees)',
        # #                     source='per hectare version of the same model output, aggregated from 0.00025x0.00025 degree pixels',
        # #                     extent='Global', gases_included='CH4, N20',
        # #                     treecover_density_threshold='{0} (only model pixels with canopy cover > {0} are included in aggregation'.format(thresh))
        # if cn.pattern_gross_emis_all_gases_all_drivers_biomass_soil in tile_type:
        #     aggregated.update_tags(units='Mg CO2e/yr/pixel, where pixels are 0.04x0.04 degrees)',
        #                     source='per hectare version of the same model output, aggregated from 0.00025x0.00025 degree pixels',
        #                     extent='Global',
        #                     treecover_density_threshold='{0} (only model pixels with canopy cover > {0} are included in aggregation'.format(thresh))
        # if cn.pattern_net_flux in tile_type:
        #     aggregated.update_tags(units='Mg CO2e/yr/pixel, where pixels are 0.04x0.04 degrees)',
        #                     scale='Negative values are net sinks. Positive values are net sources.',
        #                     source='per hectare version of the same model output, aggregated from 0.00025x0.00025 degree pixels',
        #                     extent='Global',
        #                     treecover_density_threshold='{0} (only model pixels with canopy cover > {0} are included in aggregation'.format(thresh))
        # print(aggregated.tags())
        # aggregated.close()

    # Prints information about the tile that was just processed
    uu.end_of_fx_summary(start, tile_id, '{}_0_4deg'.format(tile_type))
コード例 #19
def create_input_files(tile_id, no_upload):

    # Start time
    start = datetime.datetime.now()

    uu.print_log("Getting extent of", tile_id)
    xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = uu.coords(tile_id)

    uu.print_log("Clipping srtm for", tile_id)
    uu.warp_to_Hansen('srtm.vrt', '{0}_{1}.tif'.format(tile_id,
                      xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, 'Int16')

    uu.print_log("Clipping precipitation for", tile_id)
                      '{0}_{1}.tif'.format(tile_id, cn.pattern_precip), xmin,
                      ymin, xmax, ymax, 'Int32')

        "Rasterizing ecozone into boreal-temperate-tropical categories for",
    blocksizex = 1024
    blocksizey = 1024
                             cn.pattern_bor_tem_trop_intermediate), xmin, ymin,
        xmax, ymax, blocksizex, blocksizey, '.00025', 'Int16', 'recode', '0')

    # Opens boreal/temperate/tropical ecozone tile.
    # Everything from here down is used to assign pixels without boreal-tem-tropical codes to a bor-tem-trop in the 1024x1024 windows.
    bor_tem_trop_src = rasterio.open("{0}_{1}.tif".format(
        tile_id, cn.pattern_bor_tem_trop_intermediate))

    # Grabs metadata about the tif, like its location/projection/cellsize
    kwargs = bor_tem_trop_src.meta

    # Grabs the windows of the tile (stripes) to iterate over the entire tif without running out of memory
    windows = bor_tem_trop_src.block_windows(1)

    # Updates kwargs for the output dataset.
    # Need to update data type to float 32 so that it can handle fractional gain rates
    kwargs.update(driver='GTiff', count=1, compress='lzw', nodata=0)

    bor_tem_trop_processed = '{0}_{1}.tif'.format(
        tile_id, cn.pattern_bor_tem_trop_processed)

    # The output file: aboveground carbon density in the year of tree cover loss for pixels with tree cover loss
    dst_bor_tem_trop = rasterio.open(bor_tem_trop_processed, 'w', **kwargs)

    # Iterates across the windows (1024 x 1024 pixel boxes) of the input tile.
    for idx, window in windows:

        # Creates window for input raster
        bor_tem_trop_window = bor_tem_trop_src.read(1, window=window)

        # Turns the 2D array into a 1D array that is n x n long.
        # This makes to easier to remove 0s and find the mode of the remaining bor-tem-tropi codes
        bor_tem_trop_flat = bor_tem_trop_window.flatten()

        # Removes all zeros from the array, leaving just pixels with bor-tem-trop codes
        non_zeros = np.delete(bor_tem_trop_flat,
                              np.where(bor_tem_trop_flat == 0))

        # If there were only pixels without bor-tem-trop codes in the array, the mode is assigned 0
        if non_zeros.size < 1:

            # print "  Window is all 0s"
            mode = 0

        # If there were pixels with bor-tem-trop codes, the mode is the most common code among those in the window

            mode = stats.mode(non_zeros)[0]
            # print "  Window is not all 0s. Mode is", mode

        # Assigns all pixels without a bor-tem-trop code in that window to that most common code
        bor_tem_trop_window[bor_tem_trop_window == 0] = mode

        # Writes the output window to the output.
        # Although the windows for the input tiles are 1024 x 1024 pixels,
        # the windows for these output files are 40000 x 1 pixels, like all the other tiles in this model,
        # so they should work fine with all the other tiles.
        dst_bor_tem_trop.write_band(1, bor_tem_trop_window, window=window)

    # Prints information about the tile that was just processed
    uu.end_of_fx_summary(start, tile_id, cn.pattern_precip, no_upload)
コード例 #20
def create_climate_zone_tiles(tile_id):
    # Start time
    start = datetime.datetime.now()

    uu.print_log("Getting extent of", tile_id)
    xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = uu.coords(tile_id)

    # Makes a 10x10 degree chunk of the global climate zone raster conform to Hansen tile properties.
    # Rather than the usual 40000x1 windows, this creates 1024x1024 windows for filling in missing values (see below).
    # The output of gdalwarp ("climate_zone_intermediate") is not used anywhere else.
    uu.print_log("Warping climate zone tile", tile_id)
    cmd = [
        'gdalwarp', '-t_srs', 'EPSG:4326', '-co', 'COMPRESS=LZW', '-tr',
        str(cn.Hansen_res), '-tap', '-te',
        str(ymax), '-dstnodata', '0', '-ot', 'Byte', '-overwrite', '-co',
        'TILED=YES', '-co', 'BLOCKXSIZE=1024', '-co', 'BLOCKYSIZE=1024',
        cn.climate_zone_raw, '{0}_{1}.tif'.format(tile_id,
    # Solution for adding subprocess output to log is from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21953835/run-subprocess-and-print-output-to-logging
    process = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
    with process.stdout:

    # Fills in empty pixels in the climate zone raster with whatever value is most common (mode) in its 1024x1024 pixel window.
    # That is, any 1024x1024 processing window that has >=1 climate zone pixel in it will have its empty pixels filled in
    # with whatever value is most common in that window.
    # This extends the climate zone raster out into coastal areas and better covers coasts/islands, meaning that more
    # loss pixels will have climate zone pixels available to them during emissions processing.
    # Everything from here down is used to assign pixels without climate zone to a climate zone in the 1024x1024 windows.
    uu.print_log("Re-tiling climate zone for tile", tile_id)

    # Opens climate zone tile
    climate_zone_src = rasterio.open("{0}_{1}.tif".format(
        tile_id, "climate_zone_intermediate"))

    # Grabs metadata about the tif, like its location/projection/cellsize
    kwargs = climate_zone_src.meta

    # Grabs the windows of the tile (stripes) to iterate over the entire tif without running out of memory
    windows = climate_zone_src.block_windows(1)

    # Updates kwargs for the output dataset.
    kwargs.update(driver='GTiff', count=1, compress='lzw', nodata=0)

    # Output file name
    climate_zone_processed = '{0}_{1}.tif'.format(tile_id,

    # The output file: climate zone with empty pixels filled in
    dst_climate_zone = rasterio.open(climate_zone_processed, 'w', **kwargs)

    # Iterates across the windows (1024 x 1024 pixel boxes) of the input tile.
    for idx, window in windows:

        # Creates window for input raster
        climate_zone_window = climate_zone_src.read(1, window=window)

        # Turns the 2D array into a 1D array that is n x n long.
        # This makes to easier to remove 0s and find the mode of the remaining climate zone codes
        climate_zone_flat = climate_zone_window.flatten()

        # Removes all zeros from the array, leaving just pixels with climate zone codes
        non_zeros = np.delete(climate_zone_flat,
                              np.where(climate_zone_flat == 0))

        # If there were only pixels without climate zone codes in the array, the mode is assigned 0
        if non_zeros.size < 1:

            mode = 0

        # If there were pixels with climate zone codes, the mode is the most common code among those in the window

            mode = stats.mode(non_zeros)[0]

        # Assigns all pixels without a climate zone code in that window to that most common code
        climate_zone_window[climate_zone_window == 0] = mode

        # Writes the output window to the output.
        # Although the windows for the input tiles are 1024 x 1024 pixels,
        # the windows for these output files are 40000 x 1 pixels, like all the other tiles in this model,
        # so they should work fine with all the other tiles.
        dst_climate_zone.write_band(1, climate_zone_window, window=window)

    # Prints information about the tile that was just processed
    uu.end_of_fx_summary(start, tile_id, cn.pattern_climate_zone)