コード例 #1
class RobotManualDriveState(UnlockState):
    SERVO_SPEED = 0.175
    WHEEL_SPEED = 100

    def __init__(self):
        super(RobotManualDriveState, self).__init__()
        self.sc = StreamClient('', 21567)
        self.frame = None
        self.ready = True

    def process_command(self, command):
        cmds = {}
        if command.decision == 1:
            cmds['wheels'] = [self.WHEEL_SPEED, self.WHEEL_SPEED]
        elif command.decision == 2:
            cmds['wheels'] = [-self.WHEEL_SPEED, -self.WHEEL_SPEED]
        elif command.decision == 3:
            cmds['wheels'] = [self.WHEEL_SPEED / 2, -self.WHEEL_SPEED / 2]
        elif command.decision == 4:
            cmds['wheels'] = [-self.WHEEL_SPEED / 2, self.WHEEL_SPEED / 2]

        if command.selection:
            cmds['wheels'] = [0, 0]

        if len(cmds) > 0:
            self.sc.set('bri/command', json.dumps(cmds))

        if self.ready:
                data = self.sc.get('bri/create/video.jpg')
                buffer = io.BytesIO(data)
                self.frame = pyglet.image.load('video.jpg', buffer)
        self.ready = not self.ready
コード例 #2
class RobotManualDriveState(UnlockState):
    SERVO_SPEED = 0.175
    WHEEL_SPEED = 100

    def __init__(self):
        super(RobotManualDriveState, self).__init__()
        self.sc = StreamClient('', 21567)
        self.frame = None
        self.ready = True

    def process_command(self, command):
        cmds = {}
        if command.decision == 1:
            cmds['wheels'] = [self.WHEEL_SPEED, self.WHEEL_SPEED]
        elif command.decision == 2:
            cmds['wheels'] = [-self.WHEEL_SPEED, -self.WHEEL_SPEED]
        elif command.decision == 3:
            cmds['wheels'] = [self.WHEEL_SPEED/2, -self.WHEEL_SPEED/2]
        elif command.decision == 4:
            cmds['wheels'] = [-self.WHEEL_SPEED/2, self.WHEEL_SPEED/2]

        if command.selection:
            cmds['wheels'] = [0, 0]

        if len(cmds) > 0:
            self.sc.set('bri/command', json.dumps(cmds))

        if self.ready:
                data = self.sc.get('bri/create/video.jpg')
                buffer = io.BytesIO(data)
                self.frame = pyglet.image.load('video.jpg', buffer)
        self.ready = not self.ready
コード例 #3
class RobotGridState(GridState):
    The Hierarchy Grid is a 2D grid interface for selecting targets arranged
     in a hierarchical fashion. The grid contains 2 or more layers, where
     certain tiles in the grid correspond to descend/ascend actions and the
     rest are target actions. The grid is laid our radially, with (0, 0)
     corresponding to the center.

    1) Create a square grid of tiles
    2) Each tile's state is its label and action
    3) On layer change, set tile states accordingly
    def __init__(self, grid_radius):
        super(RobotGridState, self).__init__()
        self.radius = grid_radius
        self.state = (0, 0)
        self.state_change = None
        self.sc = StreamClient('', 21567)

    def handle_state_change(self, new_state, change):
        if new_state and abs(new_state[0]) <= self.radius and abs(
                new_state[1]) <= self.radius:
            self.state = new_state
            self.state_change = GridStateChange(*change)

    def process_selection(self):
        Determine and execute current tile's associated action
        target = None
        if self.state == (0, 1):
            target = '0'
        elif self.state == (-1, 0):
            target = '1'
        elif self.state == (1, 0):
            target = '2'
        elif self.state == (0, -1):
            target = '3'
        if target is not None:
            self.sc.set('bri/target', target)
コード例 #4
class RobotGridState(GridState):
    The Hierarchy Grid is a 2D grid interface for selecting targets arranged
     in a hierarchical fashion. The grid contains 2 or more layers, where
     certain tiles in the grid correspond to descend/ascend actions and the
     rest are target actions. The grid is laid our radially, with (0, 0)
     corresponding to the center.

    1) Create a square grid of tiles
    2) Each tile's state is its label and action
    3) On layer change, set tile states accordingly

    def __init__(self, grid_radius):
        super(RobotGridState, self).__init__()
        self.radius = grid_radius
        self.state = (0, 0)
        self.state_change = None
        self.sc = StreamClient("", 21567)

    def handle_state_change(self, new_state, change):
        if new_state and abs(new_state[0]) <= self.radius and abs(new_state[1]) <= self.radius:
            self.state = new_state
            self.state_change = GridStateChange(*change)

    def process_selection(self):
        Determine and execute current tile's associated action
        target = None
        if self.state == (0, 1):
            target = "0"
        elif self.state == (-1, 0):
            target = "1"
        elif self.state == (1, 0):
            target = "2"
        elif self.state == (0, -1):
            target = "3"
        if target is not None:
            self.sc.set("bri/target", target)