class HarvardSpider(Spider): #harvard course_dict = {} def __init__(self): Spider.__init__(self) = "harvard" self.url = "" self.harvardOnlineSpider = HarvardOnlineSpider() def formatCourseNum(self, subject, oldTitle): title = oldTitle[0 : oldTitle.find(".")] if title.find("(") != -1: title = title[0 : title.find("(")].strip() title = title.replace("*", "").replace("[", "") if title.find(subject) != -1: course_num = title[len(subject) : ].strip() if subject.find(" ") != -1: words = re.compile("[A-Za-z]+").findall(subject) pre = "" for word in words: pre += word[0 : 1] return pre + course_num else: return subject + course_num return title def getHarvardCourse(self, subject, url): if self.need_update_subject(subject) == False: return r = requests.get(url) soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text) sys.setrecursionlimit(3000) file_name = self.get_file_name(subject, file_lines = self.countFileLineNum(file_name) f = self.open_db(file_name + ".tmp") self.count = 0 online_course_dict = self.harvardOnlineSpider.getCourseDict(subject) print len(online_course_dict) print "\n\nprocessing " + subject + " html and write data to file..." for p in soup.find_all("p"): if p != None: prereq = '' instructors = '' course_num = '' title = '' description = '' term = '' link = '' if p.strong != None and p.strong.a != None: link = p.strong.a['href'] for line in p.text.split('\n'): if line.strip() != '' and line.startswith('Copyright') == False and line.startswith('.') == False and\ line.startswith('Catalog Number') == False: line = line.replace("\n", '') #print line if line.find(subject) != -1 and line.find(subject) < 5: course_num = self.formatCourseNum(subject, line) title = line[line.find(".") + 2:].replace("]", "") continue if line.startswith('Half course'): term = 'term:' + line + ' ' continue if line.startswith('Prerequisite'): prereq = 'prereq:' + line.replace("Prerequisite:", '').strip() + ' ' continue if (len(line.strip()) > 40 and line.find('(' + subject + ')') == -1) or line.startswith('Note:'): description = 'description:' + line + ' ' continue instructors = 'instructors: ' + line + ' ' description = instructors + prereq + term + description if course_num == '': continue self.course_dict[course_num] = title self.count += 1 if online_course_dict.get(course_num, '') != '': description = 'features:Video lectures ' + description if online_course_dict[course_num].get_url() != '': link = online_course_dict[course_num].get_url() print course_num + ' ' + title + ' ' + link self.write_db(f, course_num, title, link, description) for node in soup.find_all("strong"): text = "" link = "" description = '' if node.string == None: if node.a != None and node.a.string != None: text = node.a.string.replace("\n", "") link = node.a["href"] else: if node.a != None: link = node.a["href"] text = node.prettify() if text.find("href=") > 0 : text = text[text.find(">", 8) + 1 : text.find("<", text.find(">", 8)) - 1] else: text = text[text.find(">", 2) + 1 : text.find("<", 8) - 1] text = text.replace("\n", "").strip() else: text = node.string.replace("\n", "") course_num = self.formatCourseNum(subject, text) if self.course_dict.get(course_num, '') == '': title = text[text.find(".") + 2:].replace("]", "") self.count += 1 if online_course_dict.get(course_num, '') != '': description = 'features:Video lectures ' + online_course_dict[course_num].get_description() if online_course_dict[course_num].get_url() != '': link = online_course_dict[course_num].get_url() print course_num + ' ' + title + ' ' + link self.write_db(f, course_num, title, link, description) if self.count == 0: print subject + " can not get the data, check the html and python code" self.close_db(f) if file_lines != self.count and self.count > 0: self.do_upgrade_db(file_name) print "before lines: " + str(file_lines) + " after update: " + str(self.count) + " \n\n" else: self.cancel_upgrade(file_name) print "no need upgrade\n" def doWork(self): print "downloading harvard course info" r = requests.get("") soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text) for span in soup.find_all("span", class_="field-content"): #print span.a.string self.getHarvardCourse(span.a.string, self.url + str(span.a["href"]))
def __init__(self): Spider.__init__(self) = "harvard" self.url = "" self.harvardOnlineSpider = HarvardOnlineSpider()
class HarvardSpider(Spider): #harvard course_dict = {} def __init__(self): Spider.__init__(self) = "harvard" self.url = "" self.harvardOnlineSpider = HarvardOnlineSpider() def formatCourseNum(self, subject, oldTitle): title = oldTitle[0:oldTitle.find(".")] if title.find("(") != -1: title = title[0:title.find("(")].strip() title = title.replace("*", "").replace("[", "") if title.find(subject) != -1: course_num = title[len(subject):].strip() if subject.find(" ") != -1: words = re.compile("[A-Za-z]+").findall(subject) pre = "" for word in words: pre += word[0:1] return pre + course_num else: return subject + course_num return title def getHarvardCourse(self, subject, url): if self.need_update_subject(subject) == False: return r = requests.get(url) soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text) sys.setrecursionlimit(3000) file_name = self.get_file_name(subject, file_lines = self.countFileLineNum(file_name) f = self.open_db(file_name + ".tmp") self.count = 0 online_course_dict = self.harvardOnlineSpider.getCourseDict(subject) print len(online_course_dict) print "\n\nprocessing " + subject + " html and write data to file..." for p in soup.find_all("p"): if p != None: prereq = '' instructors = '' course_num = '' title = '' description = '' term = '' link = '' if p.strong != None and p.strong.a != None: link = p.strong.a['href'] for line in p.text.split('\n'): if line.strip() != '' and line.startswith('Copyright') == False and line.startswith('.') == False and\ line.startswith('Catalog Number') == False: line = line.replace("\n", '') #print line if line.find(subject) != -1 and line.find(subject) < 5: course_num = self.formatCourseNum(subject, line) title = line[line.find(".") + 2:].replace("]", "") continue if line.startswith('Half course'): term = 'term:' + line + ' ' continue if line.startswith('Prerequisite'): prereq = 'prereq:' + line.replace( "Prerequisite:", '').strip() + ' ' continue if (len(line.strip()) > 40 and line.find('(' + subject + ')') == -1) or line.startswith('Note:'): description = 'description:' + line + ' ' continue instructors = 'instructors: ' + line + ' ' description = instructors + prereq + term + description if course_num == '': continue self.course_dict[course_num] = title self.count += 1 if online_course_dict.get(course_num, '') != '': description = 'features:Video lectures ' + description if online_course_dict[course_num].get_url() != '': link = online_course_dict[course_num].get_url() print course_num + ' ' + title + ' ' + link self.write_db(f, course_num, title, link, description) for node in soup.find_all("strong"): text = "" link = "" description = '' if node.string == None: if node.a != None and node.a.string != None: text = node.a.string.replace("\n", "") link = node.a["href"] else: if node.a != None: link = node.a["href"] text = node.prettify() if text.find("href=") > 0: text = text[text.find(">", 8) + 1:text.find("<", text.find(">", 8)) - 1] else: text = text[text.find(">", 2) + 1:text.find("<", 8) - 1] text = text.replace("\n", "").strip() else: text = node.string.replace("\n", "") course_num = self.formatCourseNum(subject, text) if self.course_dict.get(course_num, '') == '': title = text[text.find(".") + 2:].replace("]", "") self.count += 1 if online_course_dict.get(course_num, '') != '': description = 'features:Video lectures ' + online_course_dict[ course_num].get_description() if online_course_dict[course_num].get_url() != '': link = online_course_dict[course_num].get_url() print course_num + ' ' + title + ' ' + link self.write_db(f, course_num, title, link, description) if self.count == 0: print subject + " can not get the data, check the html and python code" self.close_db(f) if file_lines != self.count and self.count > 0: self.do_upgrade_db(file_name) print "before lines: " + str(file_lines) + " after update: " + str( self.count) + " \n\n" else: self.cancel_upgrade(file_name) print "no need upgrade\n" def doWork(self): print "downloading harvard course info" r = requests.get( "" ) soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text) for span in soup.find_all("span", class_="field-content"): #print span.a.string self.getHarvardCourse(span.a.string, self.url + str(span.a["href"]))