コード例 #1
 def parse_endnote(newdict, md, endnote):
     parts = endnote.strip().split("\n")
     authors = ""
     for part in parts:
         p = ENDNOTE_CHARREF.sub(charref_replace, part.strip())
         if p.startswith("%T "):
             newdict['title'] = p[3:].strip()
             newdict['title-is-original-filepath'] = ''
         elif p.startswith("%P "):
             newdict['page-numbers'] = p[3:].strip()
         elif p.startswith("%D "):
             # we override any existing date, because often the PDF file had
             # a bad date in it -- the date it was scanned to add to the library
             year, month, day = parse_date(p[3:].strip())
             newdict['date'] = "%s/%s/%s" % (month, day, year)
         elif p.startswith("%A "):
             # ignore any author metadata in the PDF file
             if authors:
                 authors += " and "
             authors += p[3:].strip()
     if authors:
         d['authors'] = authors
コード例 #2
 def get_date (self):
     if self.__date is None:
         d = self.get_metadata('date')
         if d:
             self.__date = parse_date(d)
     return self.__date
コード例 #3
 def figure_date(datestring):
     d2 = parse_date(datestring)
     if (not d2) or (sum(d2) == 0):
         return 0
     return d2[0] * (13 * 32) + d2[1] * 13 + d2[2]