コード例 #1
    # we use Medusa's logger

    if logfilename:
        lgr = logger.file_logger (logfilename)
        # This will log to an overhead subdirectory of the repository
        logfile_directory = os.path.join(directory, "overhead")
        if not os.path.exists(logfile_directory):
        lgr = thread_safe_rotating_file_logger (os.path.join(logfile_directory, "angel.log"), "weekly", 10*1024*1024, true)

    # make sure anything written with note() will go to the logfile

    repo, use_ssl, ip_addr, conf = Repository.build_world(directory, portno, logfilename)

    note(0, "repo is %s, use_ssl is %s, ip_addr is %s, conf is %s",
         repo, use_ssl, ip_addr, conf)

    ###  check for pending documents, and start them

    retry_folders (repo)

    ###  get the web server running
コード例 #2
def start_angel(directory, portno, logfilename=None):

    from uplib.plibUtil import note, configurator, set_note_sink
    from uplib.tornadoHandler import ActionHandler, PingHandler, DocsHandler, LoginHandler
    from uplib.repository import Repository
    from uplib.newFolder import retry_folders

    ###  create the repo and run initializers

    # set up logging
    rootlogger = logging.getLogger()
    if logfilename:
            logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(logfilename, "a", 10 * 1024 * 1024, 10 * 1024 * 1024)
        # This will log to an overhead subdirectory of the repository
        logfile_directory = os.path.join(directory, "overhead")
        if not os.path.exists(logfile_directory):
                os.path.join(logfile_directory, "angel.log"), "a", 10 * 1024 * 1024, 10 * 1024 * 1024
    # filter out logging of repo_status_json calls, which occur frequently
    class RepoStatusJsonFilter(logging.Filter):
        def filter(self, record):
            text = (record.args and str(record.msg) % record.args) or record.msg
            return "/action/basic/repo_status_json" not in text


    # make sure anything written with note() will go to the logfile

    repo, use_ssl, ip_addr, conf = Repository.build_world(directory, portno, logfilename)
    note("using IP address %s, use_ssl is %s", ip_addr, use_ssl)

    ###  check for pending documents, and start them


    ###  Now create the Tornado app...

    transforms = list()

    # see if we should use chunking in our server replies
    use_chunking = not conf.get_bool("no-server-chunking", False)
    if not use_chunking:
        note("disabling server HTTP 1.1 reply chunking")

    handlers = list()

    # This handler handles extension requests
    handlers.append(("/action/(.*)", ActionHandler, {"repository": repo}))
    # Redirect "/" to the top-level root
    handlers.append(("/", ActionHandler, {"repository": repo}))

    # This handler simply replys OK to a request for /ping, to indicate that
    # the server is alive and OK, and for /login, to establish authorization
    # credentials
    handlers.append(("/ping", PingHandler, {"repository": repo}))
    handlers.append(("/favicon.ico", PingHandler, {"repository": repo}))
    handlers.append(("/html/signedreadup.jar", PingHandler, {"repository": repo}))
    handlers.append(("/html/images/ReadUpJWS.gif", PingHandler, {"repository": repo}))

    # The folder handler is the class which delivers documents from the docs
    # subdirectory requested directly, such as thumbnails.
    handlers.append(("/docs/(.*)", DocsHandler, {"repository": repo, "allow-caching": conf.get_bool("allow-caching")}))

    # this handler serves up static HTML, jars, and images from under /html/
    handlers.append(("/html/(.*)", tornado.web.StaticFileHandler, {"path": os.path.join(repo.root(), "html")}))

    # use LoginHandler to handle login authorization
    handlers.append(("/login", LoginHandler, {"repository": repo}))

    # now set up server

    if use_ssl:
        import ssl

        ssl_options = {"certfile": os.path.normpath(repo.certfilename())}
        root_certs_file = conf.get("root-certificates-file")
        if root_certs_file:
            if not os.path.exists(root_certs_file):
                sys.stderr.write("specified root-certificates-file %s does not exist!\n" % root_certs_file)
                ssl_options["ca_certs"] = root_certs_file
                ssl_options["cert_reqs"] = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED
        ssl_options = None

        http_server = tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer(
            tornado.web.Application(handlers=handlers, transforms=transforms), ssl_options=ssl_options
        http_server.listen(repo.port(), ip_addr)
        note("Now listening at %s://%s:%s" % ((ssl_options and "https") or "http", ip_addr, repo.port()))
        type, value, tb = sys.exc_info()
        s = "".join(traceback.format_exception(type, value, tb))
        note("Can't establish HTTP server:  exception:  " + s)
        note("Abandoning attempt to start this daemon...")

    # kill other subprocesses when exiting
    if not sys.platform.lower().startswith("win"):
        import signal

        def kill_subprocs():
            gid = os.getpgrp()
            note(0, "killing subprocesses in process group %s...", gid)
            os.killpg(-gid, signal.SIGTERM)


    # shutdown the server cleanly if things exit
    atexit.register(lambda x=http_server: x.close())

    # call the repo shutdown if the service exits
    atexit.register(lambda x=repo: x.shutdown(0))

    # Catch various termination signals and save state cleanly
    if not sys.platform.lower().startswith("win"):
        import signal

        signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, lambda signum, frame: (note(0, "SIGTERM received, exiting..."), sys.exit(0)))
        signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, lambda signum, frame: (note(0, "SIGUSR1 received, saving..."), repo.save(true)))

    note(0, "------- Restarted at %s. ----------", time.ctime())

    # touch flag file to signal watchers...
    open(os.path.join(repo.root(), "overhead", "angel.started"), "w").write(str(time.time()))

    return repo