コード例 #1
def doc_title_and_type (doc):

    """Return title (perhaps unchanged) which reflects the MIME type.

    For example, a text/plain 'Readme' will be mapped to 'Readme.txt'."""

    title = doc.get_metadata("title")
    if title:
        filename = re.sub('[^A-Za-z0-9 \._-]+', '_', title.strip(' \t.,-;'))
    elif doc.original_name():
        filename = os.path.basename(doc.original_name()).strip(' \t.,-;')
        filename = doc.id
    assert '\r' not in filename
    assert '\n' not in filename

    # OK, we have a filename, now get the MIME type
    mtype = doc.get_metadata("apparent-mime-type")
    if not mtype:
        # look at the original name
        oname = doc.original_name()
        if oname:
            mtype = get_content_type(oname.lower())
            odir = doc.originals_path()
            if os.path.isdir(odir) and _check_for_webpage_complete(odir):
                mtype = "text/html"
    if not mtype:
        # fallback to text/plain
        mtype = "text/plain"

    return filename, mtype
コード例 #2
def is_good_extension(ext):
    """Boolean, true if uploading with this file extension could succeed.

    That is, after mapping the extension to a content-type, we will want
    extensions/UploadDocument.py's _add_internal to find it in CONTENT_TYPES.
    if ext.startswith('.'):  # e.g. might be ''
        ext = ext[1:]
    # get_content_type() punts on '.JPG' &c., letting mimetypes.guess_type() deal with it.
    ext = ext.lower()
    ct = get_content_type('foo.' + ext)
    if ct == 'application/octet-stream':
        return False  # This binary type is absolutely unacceptable to _add_internal.
    return get_extension_for_type(ct) == ext and ext in CONTENT_TYPES.values()
コード例 #3
def get_contenttype(doc):
    """Returns a good MIME content-type for a document, obeying its apparent-mime-type if present."""
    filename = doc.get_metadata('title') or doc.original_name() or doc.id
    ct = get_content_type(filename)
    if doc.get_metadata('content-type'):
        ct = doc.get_metadata('content-type')
    if doc.get_metadata('apparent-mime-type'):
        ct = doc.get_metadata('apparent-mime-type')
    if ct == 'application/octet-stream':
        ct = 'text/plain'
    # NB:  add_document() will get 415 HTTPCodes.UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE
    # if we fail to pick one of the known repo.content_types(), e.g.
    # an attempt to use 'application/octet-stream'.
    return ct
コード例 #4
    def _common(self):

        if self.allow_cache:
            # no need to re-fetch doc images or HTML
            self.set_header('Expires', datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(days=EXPIRES_DAYS))
            # dynamic content
            self.set_header('Cache-Control', 'no-store')
        self.set_header('Server', "UpLib/%s (Tornado %s)" % (self.repo.get_version(), TornadoVersion))
        # we check to see if this request is on a document.  If so, it may
        # need special handling
        scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment = urlparse.urlparse(self.request.uri)
        m = DOCPATH.match(path)
        if m:
            docid = m.group('docid')
            if self.repo.valid_doc_id(docid):
                if TOUCHPATH.match(path):
                # we check to see if the file exists.  If not, we invoke the document
                # object's method to fetch it
                filepath = os.path.join(self.repo.docs_folder(), path[6:])
                if ((not os.path.exists(filepath)) or
                    path[5:].endswith("/contents.txt") or
                    path[5:].endswith("/summary.txt") or
                    doc = self.repo.get_document(docid)
                    bits, mime_type = doc.get_requested_part(path, params, query, fragment)
                        bits = open(filepath, 'rb').read()
                        mime_type = get_content_type(filepath)
                        bits = None
                        mime_type = None
                if bits and mime_type:
                    self.set_header('Content-Type', mime_type)
        return None
コード例 #5
 def set_content_type(self, filename, request):
     request['Content-Type'] = get_content_type(filename) or "application/octet-stream"
コード例 #6
 def set_content_type(self, filename, request):
     # override this to provide better types
     request['Content-Type'] = get_content_type(filename) or "application/octet-stream"