コード例 #1
ファイル: uppir_vendor.py プロジェクト: prasitsb/UPpir
def main():
  global _global_rawmanifestdata
  global _global_rawmirrorlist 

  # read in the manifest file
  rawmanifestdata = open(_commandlineoptions.manifestfilename).read()

  # an ugly hack, but Python's request handlers don't have an easy way to
  # pass arguments
  _global_rawmanifestdata = rawmanifestdata
  _global_rawmirrorlist = json.dumps([])

  # I do this just for the sanity / corruption check
  manifestdict = uppirlib.parse_manifest(rawmanifestdata)

  vendorip = manifestdict['vendorhostname']
  vendorport = manifestdict['vendorport']
  # We should detach here.   I don't do it earlier so that error
  # messages are written to the terminal...   I don't do it later so that any
  # threads don't exist already.   If I do put it much later, the code hangs...
  if _commandlineoptions.daemonize:

  # we're now ready to handle clients!
  _log('ready to start servers!')

  # first, let's fire up the upPIR server
  start_vendor_service(manifestdict, vendorip, vendorport)

  _log('servers started!')
コード例 #2
def main():
    global _global_rawmanifestdata
    global _global_rawmirrorlist

    # read in the manifest file
    rawmanifestdata = open(_commandlineoptions.manifestfilename).read()

    # an ugly hack, but Python's request handlers don't have an easy way to
    # pass arguments
    _global_rawmanifestdata = rawmanifestdata
    _global_rawmirrorlist = json.dumps([])

    # I do this just for the sanity / corruption check
    manifestdict = uppirlib.parse_manifest(rawmanifestdata)

    vendorip = manifestdict['vendorhostname']
    vendorport = manifestdict['vendorport']

    # We should detach here.   I don't do it earlier so that error
    # messages are written to the terminal...   I don't do it later so that any
    # threads don't exist already.   If I do put it much later, the code hangs...
    if _commandlineoptions.daemonize:

    # we're now ready to handle clients!
    _log('ready to start servers!')

    # first, let's fire up the upPIR server
    start_vendor_service(manifestdict, vendorip, vendorport)

    _log('servers started!')
コード例 #3
ファイル: uppir_vendor.py プロジェクト: JosuaKrause/uppir
def _testmirror(rh, testinfodict):
  manifestdict = uppirlib.parse_manifest(_global_rawmanifestdata)
  myxordatastore = fastsimplexordatastore.XORDatastore(manifestdict['blocksize'], manifestdict['blockcount'])
  uppirlib.populate_xordatastore(manifestdict, myxordatastore, rootdir = _commandlineoptions.rootdir)
  bitstring = base64.b64decode(testinfodict['chunklist'])
  expectedData = base64.b64decode(testinfodict['data'])
  expectedbitstringlength = uppirlib.compute_bitstring_length(myxordatastore.numberofblocks)

  if len(bitstring) != expectedbitstringlength:
    # Invalid request length...
    _log("UPPIR "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" Invalid request with length: "+str(len(bitstring)))

    session.sendmessage(rh.request, 'Invalid request length')

  mirrorip = testinfodict['ip']
  mirrorport = testinfodict['port']
  #print "bitstring"+testinfodict['chunklist']+"\n"
  xoranswer = myxordatastore.produce_xor_from_bitstring(bitstring)
  if xoranswer != expectedData: # or True
    session.sendmessage(rh.request, 'TEST: Invalid mirror: '+str(mirrorip)+":"+str(mirrorport))
    #print "xor"+base64.b64encode(xoranswer)+"\n"
    #print "mir"+base64.b64encode(expectedData)+"\n"
    _remove_mirror(mirrorip, mirrorport)
    session.sendmessage(rh.request, 'TEST: Correct mirror: '+str(mirrorip)+":"+str(mirrorport))
コード例 #4
ファイル: uppir_client.py プロジェクト: masayoota/upPIR
def main():

  # If we were asked to retrieve the mainfest file, do so...
  if _commandlineoptions.retrievemanifestfrom:
    # We need to download this file...
    # If the manifest cannot be verified with the digital signature of the vebdor, 
    # we get the empty manifest. We keep trying to get this file until we get 
    # the correct manifest from the vendor.
    rawmanifestdata = ''
    while not rawmanifestdata:
      rawmanifestdata = uppirlib.retrieve_rawmanifest(_commandlineoptions.retrievemanifestfrom)

    # ...make sure it is valid...
    manifestdict = uppirlib.parse_manifest(rawmanifestdata)
    # ...and write it out if it's okay
    open(_commandlineoptions.manifestfilename, "w").write(rawmanifestdata)

    # Simply read it in from disk

    rawmanifestdata = open(_commandlineoptions.manifestfilename).read()

    manifestdict = uppirlib.parse_manifest(rawmanifestdata)

  # we will check that the files are in the release

  # find the list of files
  manifestfilelist = uppirlib.get_filenames_in_release(manifestdict)

  print manifestfilelist
  # ensure the requested files are in there...
  for filename in _commandlineoptions.filestoretrieve:

    if filename not in manifestfilelist:
      print "File:",filename,"is not listed in the manifest."

  request_files_from_mirrors(_commandlineoptions.filestoretrieve, manifestdict)
コード例 #5
ファイル: uppir_client.py プロジェクト: scotfu/uppir
def main():

  # If we were asked to retrieve the mainfest file, do so...
  if _commandlineoptions.retrievemanifestfrom:
    # We need to download this file...
    rawmanifestdata = uppirlib.retrieve_rawmanifest(_commandlineoptions.retrievemanifestfrom)

    # ...make sure it is valid...
    manifestdict = uppirlib.parse_manifest(rawmanifestdata)
    # ...and write it out if it's okay
    open(_commandlineoptions.manifestfilename, "w").write(rawmanifestdata)

    # Simply read it in from disk

    rawmanifestdata = open(_commandlineoptions.manifestfilename).read()

    manifestdict = uppirlib.parse_manifest(rawmanifestdata)

  # we will check that the files are in the release

  # find the list of files
  manifestfilelist = uppirlib.get_filenames_in_release(manifestdict)

  print manifestfilelist
  # ensure the requested files are in there...
  for filename in _commandlineoptions.filestoretrieve:

    if filename not in manifestfilelist:
      print "File:",filename,"is not listed in the manifest."

  request_files_from_mirrors(_commandlineoptions.filestoretrieve, manifestdict)
コード例 #6
def main():

    # If we were asked to retrieve the mainfest file, do so...
    if _commandlineoptions.retrievemanifestfrom:
        # We need to download this file...
        rawmanifestdata = uppirlib.retrieve_rawmanifest(

        # ...make sure it is valid...
        manifestdict = uppirlib.parse_manifest(rawmanifestdata)

        # ...and write it out if it's okay
        open(_commandlineoptions.manifestfilename, "w").write(rawmanifestdata)

        # Simply read it in from disk

        rawmanifestdata = open(_commandlineoptions.manifestfilename).read()

        manifestdict = uppirlib.parse_manifest(rawmanifestdata)

    # we will check that the files are in the release

    # find the list of files
    manifestfilelist = uppirlib.get_filenames_in_release(manifestdict)

    print manifestfilelist
    # ensure the requested files are in there...
    for filename in _commandlineoptions.filestoretrieve:

        if filename not in manifestfilelist:
            print "File:", filename, "is not listed in the manifest."

コード例 #7
ファイル: uppir_mirror.py プロジェクト: prasitsb/UPpir
def main():
  global _global_myxordatastore
  global _global_manifestdict

  # If we were asked to retrieve the mainfest file, do so...
  if _commandlineoptions.retrievemanifestfrom:
    # We need to download this file...
    rawmanifestdata = uppirlib.retrieve_rawmanifest(_commandlineoptions.retrievemanifestfrom)

    # ...make sure it is valid...
    manifestdict = uppirlib.parse_manifest(rawmanifestdata)
    # ...and write it out if it's okay
    open(_commandlineoptions.manifestfilename, "w").write(rawmanifestdata)

    # Simply read it in from disk

    rawmanifestdata = open(_commandlineoptions.manifestfilename).read()

    manifestdict = uppirlib.parse_manifest(rawmanifestdata)
  # We should detach here.   I don't do it earlier so that error
  # messages are written to the terminal...   I don't do it later so that any
  # threads don't exist already.   If I do put it much later, the code hangs...
  if _commandlineoptions.daemonize:

  myxordatastore = fastsimplexordatastore.XORDatastore(manifestdict['blocksize'], manifestdict['blockcount'])

  # now let's put the content in the datastore in preparation to serve it
  uppirlib.populate_xordatastore(manifestdict, myxordatastore, rootdir = _commandlineoptions.mirrorroot)
  # we're now ready to handle clients!
  _log('ready to start servers!')

  # an ugly hack, but Python's request handlers don't have an easy way to
  # pass arguments
  _global_myxordatastore = myxordatastore
  _global_manifestdict = manifestdict
  # first, let's fire up the upPIR server
  service_uppir_clients(myxordatastore, _commandlineoptions.ip, _commandlineoptions.port)

  # If I should serve legacy clients via HTTP, let's start that up...
  if _commandlineoptions.http:
    service_http_clients(myxordatastore, manifestdict, _commandlineoptions.ip, _commandlineoptions.httpport)

  _log('servers started!')

  # let's send the mirror information periodically...
  # we should log any errors...
  while True:
    except Exception, e:

コード例 #8
def main():
  global _global_myxordatastore
  global _global_manifestdict

  # If we were asked to retrieve the mainfest file, do so...
  if _commandlineoptions.retrievemanifestfrom:
    # We need to download this file...
    rawmanifestdata = uppirlib.retrieve_rawmanifest(_commandlineoptions.retrievemanifestfrom)

    # ...make sure it is valid...
    manifestdict = uppirlib.parse_manifest(rawmanifestdata)
    # ...and write it out if it's okay
    open(_commandlineoptions.manifestfilename, "w").write(rawmanifestdata)

    # Simply read it in from disk

    rawmanifestdata = open(_commandlineoptions.manifestfilename).read()

    manifestdict = uppirlib.parse_manifest(rawmanifestdata)
  # We should detach here.   I don't do it earlier so that error
  # messages are written to the terminal...   I don't do it later so that any
  # threads don't exist already.   If I do put it much later, the code hangs...
  if _commandlineoptions.daemonize:

  myxordatastore = fastsimplexordatastore.XORDatastore(manifestdict['blocksize'], manifestdict['blockcount'])

  # now let's put the content in the datastore in preparation to serve it
  uppirlib.populate_xordatastore(manifestdict, myxordatastore, rootdir = _commandlineoptions.mirrorroot)
  # we're now ready to handle clients!
  _log('ready to start servers!')

  # an ugly hack, but Python's request handlers don't have an easy way to
  # pass arguments
  _global_myxordatastore = myxordatastore
  _global_manifestdict = manifestdict
  # first, let's fire up the upPIR server
  service_uppir_clients(myxordatastore, _commandlineoptions.ip, _commandlineoptions.port)

  # If I should serve legacy clients via HTTP, let's start that up...
  if _commandlineoptions.http:
    service_http_clients(myxordatastore, manifestdict, _commandlineoptions.ip, _commandlineoptions.httpport)

  _log('servers started!')

  # let's send the mirror information periodically...
  # we should log any errors...
  while True:
    except Exception, e:
