コード例 #1
 def open_root_file(self):
     print("going to open a root file!")
     self.file_handle = uproot.recreate(self.filename)
     self.file_handle["EVENT_NTUPLE"] = uproot.newtree(
             uproot.newbranch(numpy.dtype(">i8"), size="hit_count"),
             uproot.newbranch(numpy.dtype(">i8"), size="hit_count"),
コード例 #2
def Export2TTree(sOutputName, fits):
    with uproot.recreate(sOutputName) as f:
        f["Recon"] = uproot.newtree({
            uproot.newbranch(float, title="X"),
            uproot.newbranch(float, title="Y"),
            uproot.newbranch(float, title="Z"),
            uproot.newbranch(float, title="T"),
            uproot.newbranch(float, title="Theta"),
            uproot.newbranch(float, title="Phi"),
            uproot.newbranch(int, title="MCID")
            "X": fits[:, 0],
            "Y": fits[:, 1],
            "Z": fits[:, 2],
            "T": fits[:, 3],
            "Theta": fits[:, 4],
            "Phi": fits[:, 5],
            "MCID": fits[:, 6]
コード例 #3
def write_tree(branches, filename, treename):
    Write a TTree to a new ROOT file from a collection of arrays.

    branches : dict
        Dictionary of `branchname: branch_data` pairs.
    filename : str
        Pathname of new ROOT file.
    treename : str
        Name of new TTree.
    branch_definition_dictionary = dict()
    branch_content_dictionary = dict()
    for name, content in branches.items():
        if isinstance(content, np.ndarray) and len(content.shape) == 1:
            branch_definition_dictionary[name] = uproot.newbranch(
        elif isinstance(content.content, np.ndarray):
            if content.content.dtype == np.dtype('int64'):
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    'Jagged arrays of 64-bit integers are not yet'
                    ' supported due to a known bug in the tree-writing'
                    ' code'
                    ' (https://github.com/scikit-hep/uproot/issues/506)'
            size_name = name + '_n'
            branch_definition_dictionary[name] = uproot.newbranch(
                content.content.dtype, size=size_name)
            branch_content_dictionary[size_name] = content.count()
            raise NotImplementedError('Branch type (' + str(type(content)) +
                                      ') not supported')
        branch_content_dictionary[name] = content
    with uproot.recreate(filename) as file:
        file[treename] = uproot.newtree(branch_definition_dictionary)
コード例 #4
#h["deepntuplizer/tree"] =

with open("../config/test-data-params.json") as fh:
    params = json.load(fh)

with open("../config/test-compare-params.json") as fh:
    compare = json.load(fh)

num_lines = 3

newtree = {}
extender = {}

for feat in params["features"]:
    newtree[feat] = uproot.newbranch(np.int32)
    extender[feat] = np.tile([0], num_lines)

for label in params["labels"]:
    newtree[label] = uproot.newbranch(np.int32)
    extender[label] = np.tile([1], num_lines)

for spec in params["spectators"]:
    newtree[spec] = uproot.newbranch(np.int32)
    extender[spec] = np.tile([1], num_lines)

for jet in compare["jet_features"]:
    newtree[jet] = uproot.newbranch(np.dtype(">i8"))
    extender[jet] = awkward.array.jagged.JaggedArray.fromiter(
        [[250.51, 250.51], [250.51, 250.51, 250.51], [250.51, 250.51, 250.51]])
    #np.tile([250.51], num_lines)
コード例 #5
import uproot

b1 = uproot.newbranch("i4", compression=uproot.ZLIB(5))
b2 = uproot.newbranch("i8", compression=uproot.LZMA(4))
b3 = uproot.newbranch("f4")

branchdict = {"branch1": b1, "branch2": b2, "branch3": b3}
tree = uproot.newtree(branchdict, compression=uproot.LZ4(4))
with uproot.recreate("example.root", compression=uproot.LZMA(5)) as f:
    f["t"] = tree
        "branch1": [1] * 1000,
        "branch2": [2] * 1000,
        "branch3": [3] * 1000
コード例 #6
def main():
    # start run time clock
    tstart = time.time()

    # get options from command line
    parser = OptionParser()
    parser.add_option('-d', '--dataset',   help='dataset',           dest='dataset')
    parser.add_option('-N', '--nFiles',    help='nFiles',            dest='nFiles',    type=int, default=-1)
    parser.add_option('-M', '--startFile', help='startFile',         dest='startFile', type=int, default=0)
    parser.add_option(      '--condor',    help='running on condor', dest='condor',              default=False, action='store_true')
    parser.add_option(      '--dask',      help='run w/ dask', dest='dask',              default=False, action='store_true')
    parser.add_option(      '--port',      help='port for dask status dashboard (localhost:port)', dest='port', type=int, default=8787)
    parser.add_option(      '--mincores',  help='dask waits for min # cores', dest='mincores', type=int, default=4)
    parser.add_option(      '--quiet',     help='suppress status printouts', dest='quiet',              default=False, action='store_true')
    parser.add_option('-w', '--workers',   help='Number of workers to use for multi-worker executors (e.g. futures or condor)', dest='workers', type=int, default=8)
    parser.add_option('-s', '--chunksize', help='Chunk size',        dest='chunksize', type=int, default=10000)
    parser.add_option('-m', '--maxchunks', help='Max number of chunks (for testing)',        dest='maxchunks', type=int, default=None)
    options, args = parser.parse_args()

    # set output root file
    sample = options.dataset
    # getting dictionary of files from a sample collection e.g. "2016_QCD, 2016_WJets, 2016_TTJets, 2016_ZJets"
    fileset = s.getFileset(sample, True, options.startFile, options.nFiles)
    outfile = "MyAnalysis_%s_%d" % (sample, options.startFile) if options.condor or options.dask else "test"

    # get processor args
    exe_args = {'workers': options.workers, 'flatten': False}
    if options.dask:
        exe_args = use_dask(options.condor,options.workers,options.port)
        if options.quiet: exe_args['status'] = False

        client = exe_args['client']
        while len(client.ncores()) < options.mincores:
            print('Waiting for more cores to spin up, currently there are {0} available...'.format(len(client.ncores())))
            print('Dask client info ->', client)

    sf = s.sfGetter(sample)
    print("scaleFactor = {}".format(sf))

    # run processor
    output = processor.run_uproot_job(
        executor=processor.dask_executor if options.dask else processor.futures_executor,

    # export the histograms to root files
    ## the loop makes sure we are only saving the histograms that are filled
    values_dict = {}
    branchdict = {}
    for v in output.keys():
        if len(output[v].value) > 0:
            branchdict[v] = uproot.newbranch("f4")
            values_dict[v] = output[v].value
    tree = uproot.newtree(branchdict)
    if values_dict != {}:
        print("saving root files...")
        with uproot.recreate("{}.root".format(outfile)) as f:
            f["tree"] = tree
    # print run time in seconds
    dt = time.time() - tstart
    print("run time: %.2f [sec]" % (dt))
コード例 #7
def clone_tree(tree,
    Copy a TTree to a new ROOT file.

    tree : TTree
        TTree to copy from.
    new_filename : str
        Pathname of new ROOT file.
    new_treename : str, optional
        Name of new TTree. If `None`, the new tree receives the same name as the old tree.
    branches : list or tuple of strings, optional
        List of branchnames to copy. If `None`, all branches are copied.
    selection : array_like, optional
        . Boolean mask or int array of entry indices to copy. If `None`, all entries are copied.
    new_branches : dict, optional
        Dictionary of `branchname: branch_data` pairs to insert into the new tree.

    if new_treename is None:
        new_treename = tree.name.decode('utf-8')
    if branches is None:
        branchnames = list(map(lambda b: b.decode('utf-8'), tree.keys()))
        branchnames = branches
    branch_definition_dictionary = dict()
    branch_content_dictionary = dict()
    for name in branchnames:
        branch = tree[name]
        if isinstance(branch.interpretation.type, np.dtype):
            branch_definition_dictionary[name] = uproot.newbranch(
        elif isinstance(branch.interpretation.content.type, np.dtype):
            if branch.interpretation.content.type == np.dtype('int64'):
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    'Jagged arrays of 64-bit integers are not yet supported'
                    ' due to a known bug in the tree-writing code'
                    ' (https://github.com/scikit-hep/uproot/issues/506).')
            size_name = name + '_n'
            while size_name in branchnames:
                size_name += '0'
            branch_definition_dictionary[name] = uproot.newbranch(
                branch.interpretation.content.type, size=size_name)
            if selection is not None:
                branch_content_dictionary[size_name] = branch.array().count(
                branch_content_dictionary[size_name] = branch.array().count()
            raise NotImplementedError('Branch type (' +
                                      str(branch.interpretation) +
                                      ') not supported')
        if selection is not None:
            content = branch.array()[selection]
            content = branch.array()
        branch_content_dictionary[name] = content
    if new_branches is not None:
        for name, content in new_branches.items():
            if isinstance(content, np.ndarray) and len(content.shape) == 1:
                branch_definition_dictionary[name] = uproot.newbranch(
            elif isinstance(content.content, np.ndarray):
                if content.content.dtype == np.dtype('int64'):
                    raise NotImplementedError(
                        'Jagged arrays of 64-bit integers are not yet'
                        ' supported due to a known bug in the tree-writing'
                        ' code'
                        ' (https://github.com/scikit-hep/uproot/issues/506)'
                size_name = name + '_n'
                while size_name in branchnames + list(new_branches.keys()):
                    size_name += '0'
                branch_definition_dictionary[name] = uproot.newbranch(
                    content.content.dtype, size=size_name)
                branch_content_dictionary[size_name] = content.count()
                raise NotImplementedError('Branch type (' +
                                          str(type(content)) +
                                          ') not supported')
            branch_content_dictionary[name] = content
    with uproot.recreate(new_filename) as new_file:
        new_file[new_treename] = uproot.newtree(branch_definition_dictionary)
コード例 #8
ファイル: muGAN.py プロジェクト: shir994/muGAN
    def save_to_ROOT(self, data, filename='muons.root'):
        '''  Use uproot to save a generated array to a ROOT file that is compalible with MuonBackGenerator.cxx from FairShip'''

        shape = np.shape(data)[0]

             3] += 2084.5  # Shift target to 50m. In accordance with primGen.SetTarget(ship_geo.target.z0+50*u.m,0.) in run_simScript.py
        # The start of target in the GAN training data is -7084.5.

        dtype = '>f4'

        Event_ID = uproot.newbranch(dtype)
        ID = uproot.newbranch(dtype)
        Parent_ID = uproot.newbranch(dtype)
        Pythia_ID = uproot.newbranch(dtype)
        ECut = uproot.newbranch(dtype)
        W = uproot.newbranch(dtype)
        X = uproot.newbranch(dtype)
        Y = uproot.newbranch(dtype)
        Z = uproot.newbranch(dtype)
        PX = uproot.newbranch(dtype)
        PY = uproot.newbranch(dtype)
        PZ = uproot.newbranch(dtype)
        Release_Time = uproot.newbranch(dtype)
        Mother_ID = uproot.newbranch(dtype)
        Process_ID = uproot.newbranch(dtype)

        branchdict = {
            "event_id": Event_ID,
            "id": ID,
            "parentid": Parent_ID,
            "pythiaid": Pythia_ID,
            "ecut": ECut,
            "w": W,
            "x": X,
            "y": Y,
            "z": Z,
            "px": PX,
            "py": PY,
            "pz": PZ,
            "release_time": Release_Time,
            "mother_id": Mother_ID,
            "process_id": Process_ID

        tree = uproot.newtree(branchdict, title="pythia8-Geant4")

        with uproot.recreate("example.root") as f:

            f["pythia8-Geant4"] = tree

                np.array(np.ones(shape) * 13).astype(np.float64),
                data[:, 0].astype(np.float64),
                np.array(np.ones(shape) * 0.00001).astype(np.float64),
                np.array(data[:, 1] * 0.01).astype(np.float64),
                np.array(data[:, 2] * 0.01).astype(np.float64),
                np.array(data[:, 3] * 0.01).astype(np.float64),
                data[:, 4].astype(np.float64),
                data[:, 5].astype(np.float64),
                data[:, 6].astype(np.float64),
                np.array(np.ones(shape) * 99).astype(np.float64),
                np.array(np.ones(shape) * 99).astype(np.float64)
            # Not clear if all the datatype formatting is needed. Can be fiddly with ROOT datatypes. This works so I left it.

            # Add buffer event at the end. This will not be read into simulation.
                "event_id": [0],
                "id": [0],
                "parentid": [0],
                "pythiaid": [0],
                "ecut": [0],
                "w": [0],
                "x": [0],
                "y": [0],
                "z": [0],
                "px": [0],
                "py": [0],
                "pz": [0],
                "release_time": [0],
                "mother_id": [0],
                "process_id": [0]

        print(' ')
        print(' ')
        print('Saved', shape, 'muons to', filename, '.')
        print('run_simScript.py must be run with the option: -n', shape,
              '(or lower)')
        print(' ')
        print(' ')