def cmd_lookup(message): """ **!lookup** Usage: !lookup <term> Example: !lookup ironically Looks up the term on Merriam-Webster's online dictionary. And by Merriam-Webster, we do mean Urban Dictionary. """ word = message.content[len("!lookup "):].strip() if not word: return response = "" entry = urbandict.define(word)[0] if "There aren't any definitions for " in entry["def"]: return response = "**" + entry["word"].strip() + "**\n" response += entry["def"].strip() + "\n" if entry["example"].strip() != "": response += "*" + entry["example"].strip() + "*" # TODO: Need to make sure we're not sending unicode that the API can't handle here if response: try: client.send_message(, response.encode('utf-8')) except: print "Unicode error in !lookup()" return
def check(self,message): # Scans message for commands msg = message.content if msg.startswith("!def "): print("Urbandictionary module called!") query = msg.replace("!def ","") # The following part is important to allow specification of the # number of fetched definitions query = query.split() try: if len(query)>1: number = int(query[len(query)-1]) if number > 5: number = 5 del query[len(query)-1] else: number = 1 except: print ("Could not convert to int") number = 1 query = " ".join(query) result = urbandict.define(query) if number>len(result): # Limit results by availability number=len(result) for i in range(number): title = " ".join(result[i]['word'].replace("\n","").split()) definition = " ".join(result[i]['def'].replace("\n","").split()) example = " ".join(result[i]['example'].replace("\n","").split()) self.dclient.send_message(,"**"+title+"**") self.dclient.send_message(, definition) self.dclient.send_message(,"*"+example+"*")
def define(*args): definition = urbandict.define(' '.join(args[0]))[0] return "### {} \n **Definition**: {} \n **Example**: _{}_".format( definition['word'], definition['def'], definition['example'] )
def urbandefine(): word = userword.get() data = urbandict.define(word) word = data[index]['word'] definition = data[index]['def'] example = data[index]['example'] labelText.set(definition) widgetLabelResult.pack()
def urban_response(message, term): if is_approved(message, "any"): terms = urbandict.define(term) for x in terms: if x['example'] == '' and len(terms) == 1: message.send("No definitions found for %s" % term) break temp = "Definition: %s Examples: %s" % (x['def'], x['example']) message.upload_snippet(temp, x['word'].strip("\n "))
def test_define_word(self, urlopen_mock, urlquote_mock): test_data = open('fixtures/test_data.html') urlopen_mock.return_value = test_data urlquote_mock.return_value = "xterm" ret = urbandict.define("xterm") urlopen_mock.assert_called_once() urlquote_mock.assert_called_once_with("xterm") self.assertTrue(isinstance(ret, list)) self.assertEqual(len(ret), 1) self.assertEqual(ret[0]['word'].strip(), 'xterm') self.assertTrue('def' in ret[0] and 'example' in ret[0])
def test_define_random(self, urlopen_mock, urlquote_mock): test_data = open('fixtures/test_data.html') urlopen_mock.return_value = test_data urlquote_mock.return_value = "xterm" ret = urbandict.define(urbandict.TermTypeRandom()) # as we don't pass any specific data, there's nothing # to quote urlquote_mock.assert_not_called() urlopen_mock.assert_called_once() self.assertTrue(isinstance(ret, list)) self.assertEqual(len(ret), 1)
def lookup_urbandictionary(word): """Look up word definition on Returns None if no definition found. """ res = ud.define(word) assert res # res is never empty, even when no definition is found if urbandictionary_has_definition(res[0]): return res[0]['def'] return None
def ud(term, count): lent = [] jatx = [] dict1 = urbandict.define(term) if count > len(dict1): return("Less results pl0x kk") else: for x in range(0, count, 1): for i in dict1[x].keys(): if not(i.startswith("word")): jatx.append("\x02"+i.upper()+"\x02 : "+dict1[x][i]) return jatx
async def urban(bot, msg, reg): x ='word') try: res = urbandict.define(x) res = res[0] em = Embed(title=x.title(), description=strutils.escape_markdown(res['def']), colour=miscutils.colours['orange']) if res['example']: em.add_field(name='Example', value=res['example']) await msgutils.send_embed(bot, msg, em) except Exception: await 'Could not find `{}` in the urban dictionary. Make sure the phrase is spelled correctly.' .format(x))
async def ud(e): if not e.text[0].isalpha() and e.text[0] not in ("/", "#", "@", "!"): await e.edit("Processing...") str = mean = urbandict.define(str) if len(mean) >= 0: await e.edit("Text: **" + str + "**\n\nMeaning: **" + mean[0]["def"] + "**\n\n" + "Example: \n__" + mean[0]["example"] + "__") if LOGGER: await e.client.send_message( LOGGER_GROUP, "ud query " + str + " executed successfully.") else: await e.edit("No result found for **" + str + "**")
async def _(event): if event.fwd_from: return await event.edit("processing...") str = try: mean = urbandict.define(str) if len(mean) > 0: await event.edit("Text: **" + str + "**\n\nMeaning: **" + mean[0]["def"] + "**\n\n" + "Example: \n__" + mean[0]["example"] + "__") else: await event.edit("No result found for **" + str + "**") except: await event.edit("No result found for **" + str + "**")
async def _(event): if event.fwd_from: return await event.edit("processing...") str = try: mean = urbandict.define(str) if len(mean) > 0: await event.edit('Text: **' + str + '**\n\nMeaning: **' + mean[0]['def'] + '**\n\n' + 'Example: \n__' + mean[0]['example'] + '__') else: await event.edit("No result found for **" + str + "**") except: await event.edit("No result found for **" + str + "**")
async def urban_dict(ud_e): """ For .ud command, fetch content from Urban Dictionary. """ await ud_e.edit("Processing...") query = try: define(query) except HTTPError: return await ud_e.edit(f"Sorry, couldn't find any results for: {query}" ) mean = define(query) deflen = sum(len(i) for i in mean[0]["def"]) exalen = sum(len(i) for i in mean[0]["example"]) meanlen = deflen + exalen if int(meanlen) >= 0: if int(meanlen) >= 4096: await ud_e.edit("`Output too large, sending as file.`") file = open("output.txt", "w+") file.write("Text: " + query + "\n\nMeaning: " + mean[0]["def"] + "\n\n" + "Example: \n" + mean[0]["example"]) file.close() await ud_e.client.send_file( ud_e.chat_id, "output.txt", caption="`Output was too large, sent it as a file.`") if os.path.exists("output.txt"): os.remove("output.txt") return await ud_e.delete() await ud_e.edit("Text: **" + query + "**\n\nMeaning: **" + mean[0]["def"] + "**\n\n" + "Example: \n__" + mean[0]["example"] + "__") if BOTLOG: await ud_e.client.send_message( BOTLOG_CHATID, "ud query `" + query + "` executed successfully.") else: await ud_e.edit("No result found for **" + query + "**")
async def urban_dictionary(client, message): if len(message.text.split()) == 1: message.edit("Usage: `ud example`") return text = message.text.split(None, 1)[1] mean = urbandict.define(text) if len(mean) >= 0: teks = "**Result of {}**\n\n**{}**\n**Meaning:**\n`{}`\n\n**Example:**\n`{}`".format( text, mean[0]["word"].replace("unknown", ""), mean[0]["def"], mean[0]["example"]) await client.edit_message_text(, message.message_id, teks) else: await client.edit_message_text(, message.message_id, "Result not found!")
async def urban_dict(ud_e): await ud_e.edit("Processing...") query = try: define(query) except HTTPError: return await ud_e.edit( f"Maaf, tidak dapat menemukan hasil apa pun untuk: {query}") mean = define(query) deflen = sum(len(i) for i in mean[0]["def"]) exalen = sum(len(i) for i in mean[0]["example"]) meanlen = deflen + exalen if int(meanlen) >= 0: if int(meanlen) >= 4096: await ud_e.edit("`Output too large, sending as file.`") file = open("output.txt", "w+") file.write("Text: " + query + "\n\nMeaning: " + mean[0]["def"] + "\n\n" + "Example: \n" + mean[0]["example"]) file.close() await ud_e.client.send_file( ud_e.chat_id, "output.txt", caption="`Output was too large, sent it as a file.`", ) if os.path.exists("output.txt"): os.remove("output.txt") return await ud_e.delete() await ud_e.edit("Text: **" + query + "**\n\nMeaning: **" + mean[0]["def"] + "**\n\n" + "Example: \n__" + mean[0]["example"] + "__") if BOTLOG: await ud_e.client.send_message( BOTLOG_CHATID, "ud query `" + query + "` executed successfully.") else: await ud_e.edit("Tidak ada hasil untuk **" + query + "**")
async def _(event): if event.fwd_from: return str = await event.edit(f"Searching UrbanDictionary for ```{str}```..") try: mean = urbandict.define(str) if len(mean) > 0: await event.edit('Text: **' + str + '**\n\nMeaning: **' + mean[0]['def'] + '**\n\n' + 'Example: \n__' + mean[0]['example'] + '__') else: await event.edit("No result found for **" + str + "**") except: await event.edit("No result found for **" + str + "**")
async def urban_dict(ud_e): await ud_e.edit("Hazırlanır...") query = try: define(query) except HTTPError: await ud_e.edit(f"Bağışlayın, {query} axtardım və heç bir məlumat tapmadım.") return mean = define(query) deflen = sum(len(i) for i in mean[0]["def"]) exalen = sum(len(i) for i in mean[0]["example"]) meanlen = deflen + exalen if int(meanlen) >= 0: if int(meanlen) >= 4096: await ud_e.edit("`Problem çox uzun olduğu üçün fayl kimi göndərirəm...`") file = open("urbandictionary.txt", "w+") file.write("Sual: " + query + "\n\nCavabı: " + mean[0]["def"] + "\n\n" + "Nümunə: \n" + mean[0]["example"]) file.close() await ud_e.client.send_file( ud_e.chat_id, "urbandictionary.txt", caption="`Problem çox uzun olduöu üçün fayl kimi göndərirəm...`") if os.path.exists("urbandictionary.txt"): os.remove("urbandictionary.txt") await ud_e.delete() return await ud_e.edit("Sual: **" + query + "**\n\nCavabı: **" + mean[0]["def"] + "**\n\n" + "Nümunə: \n__" + mean[0]["example"] + "__") if BOTLOG: await ud_e.client.send_message( BOTLOG_CHATID, query + "`UrbanDictionary sorğusu uğurla yerinə yetirildi!`") else: await ud_e.edit(query + "**üçün heç bir məlumat tapılmadı**")
async def _(event): if event.fwd_from: return await event.edit("processing...") str = try: mean = urbandict.define(str) if len(mean) > 0: await event.edit('**Text: ' + str + '**\n\n**Meaning:** `' + mean[0]['def'] + '`\n\n' + '**Example:** \n`' + mean[0]['example'] + '`') else: await event.edit("**No result found for** `" + str + "`") except: await event.edit("**No result found for** `" + str + "`")
def urban(msg): if msg.get('text'): if msg['text'].startswith('/u') or msg['text'].startswith('!u'): str = msg['text'][3:] if str == '': bot.sendMessage(msg['chat']['id'], '*Use:* `/u or !u <search query>`', parse_mode='Markdown', reply_to_message_id=msg['message_id']) else: sents = bot.sendMessage(msg['chat']['id'], '*Performing dictionary query..... 🔁*', 'Markdown', reply_to_message_id=msg['message_id'])[ 'message_id'] mean = urbandict.define(str) try: return bot.editMessageText((msg['chat']['id'], sents), 'Text: **'+str+'**\n\nMeaning: **'+mean[0]['def']+'**\n\n'+'Example: \n__'+mean[0]['example']+'__', 'Markdown', disable_web_page_preview=True) except Exception as error: return bot.editMessageText((msg['chat']['id'], sents), "Can't find *{str}* in the dictionary", parse_mode="Markdown", disable_web_page_preview=True)
async def urbancmd(self, message): """Define word meaning. Usage: .urban <word(s)>""" args = utils.get_args_raw(message) if not args: return await utils.answer(message, _("<b>Provide a word(s) to define.</b>")) try: definition = define(args) except HTTPError: return await utils.answer(message, _("<b>Couldn't find definition for that.</b>")) await utils.answer(message, _("<b>Text</b>: <code>{}</code>\n<b>Meaning</b>: <code>{}\n<b>Example</b>: " + "<code>{}</code>").format(args, definition[0]['def'], definition[0]['example']))
def run(self): while 1: msg=self.queue_in.get() # get() is blocking chat_id=msg.get_chat_id() if msg.get_text().lower()[:len("/ud")]=="/ud" and len(msg.get_text().split(" "))>=2: term=msg.get_text().split(" ",1)[1] term_ud=ud.define(term) def_ud=term_ud[0]["def"] def_ex="" if def_ud.find("There aren't any definitions")==-1: #there is a def reply=def_ud.strip("\n\r ") if self.output_example: reply+="\nExample: %s"%def_ex else: reply="No definition found.",reply)
async def ud(event): await event.edit("Processing...") str = mean = urbandict.define(str) if len(mean) >= 0: await event.edit('Text: **'+str+'**\n\nMeaning: **'+mean[0]['def']+'**\n\n'+'Example: \n__'+mean[0]['example']+'__') await client.send_message(-1001162835202,"ud query "+str+"executed successfully.") else: await event.edit("No result found for **"+str+"**")
def udict(query): print(query) try: mean = urbandict.define(query) #print(mean) except HTTPError: return f"Sorry, couldn't find any results for: `{query}``" output = '' limit = 2 for i, mean_ in enumerate(mean, start=1): output += f"{i}. **{mean_['def']}**\n" + \ f" Examples:\n * `{mean_['example'] or 'not found'}`\n\n" #print(output) if not output: return f"No result found for **{query}**" output = f"**Results**\n\n\n{output}" return output
def urban(client, message): if len(message.command) > 1: word = str(message.text)[6:].lstrip() try: mean = ud.define(word) except: client.send_message(, urban_not_found_text.format(word)) else: if len(mean) >= 0: client.send_message(, urban_text.format(word, mean[0]['def'], mean[0]['example'])) else: client.send_message(, urban_not_found_text.format(word))
def run(self): while 1: msg = self.queue_in.get() # get() is blocking chat_id = msg.get_chat_id() if msg.get_text()[:len("/ud")] == "/ud" and len( msg.get_text().split(" ")) >= 2: term = msg.get_text().split(" ", 1)[1] term_ud = ud.define(term) def_ud = term_ud[0]["def"] def_ex = "" if def_ud.find( "There aren't any definitions") == -1: #there is a def reply = def_ud.strip("\n\r ") if self.output_example: reply += "\nExample: %s" % def_ex else: reply = "No definition found.", reply)
async def urban(self, ctx, *, word): api = "" querymsg = {'term':word} #term is the word that needs to be searched. in our case, *word*, the param headers = { 'x-rapidapi-key': os.environ.get('urban_dict_key'), #get your own key from rapidapi for free and paste it here instead of the whole os.environ thingy 'x-rapidapi-host': '' } response = requests.request('GET', api, headers=headers, params=querymsg) response = response.json() #This will be a very big dictionary, we need to 'decorate' it try: definition = response['list'][0]['definition'] #You can print the response to get an idea of why I did this example = response['list'][0]['example'] for bracket in str(definition): if bracket == '[' or bracket == ']': definition = definition.replace(bracket,'') for other_bracket in str(example): if other_bracket == '[' or other_bracket == ']': example = example.replace(other_bracket, '') em = discord.Embed(title=word, color=random.choice(hex_colors.colors)) em.add_field(name='Top definition:', value=definition, inline=False) em.add_field(name='Example:', value=example) await ctx.send(embed=em) except: try: raw_dict = urbandict.define(word) #returns a dictionary defintion = raw_dict[0]['def'] example = raw_dict[0][str('example')] em = discord.Embed(name=word, color=random.choice(hex_colors.colors)) em.add_field(name='Top definition:', value=defintion, inline=False) em.add_field(name='Example:', value=example) em.set_footer(text="I couldn't find the defintion using the primary API, so this might not be very accurate") await ctx.send(embed=em) except: await ctx.send("I couldn't find the defintion because both the API and the library are broken")
def urbandefine(): #Store the word in a variable word = userword.get() #Use Urban Dict API to grab dictionary data data = urbandict.define(word) #Store data for each word depending on user word word = data[index]['word'] definition = data[index]['def'] example = data[index]['example'] #Set the DEFINITION widget labelText.set(definition) widgetLabelResult.pack(padx=15,pady=8) #Set the WORD widget labelwordText.set(word) widgetLabelword.pack(padx=15,pady=8)
async def urban(ctx, *, word: str): """Browse Urban Dictionary.""" defi = urbandict.define(word) definition = defi[0]['def'] #definition of the word example = defi[0]['example'] #example of usage (if available) #make an embedded message colored blue embed = discord.Embed(title=word, description=definition, color=0x0062f4) embed.add_field(name="Example", value=example, inline=False) embed.set_footer( text="Urban Dictionary", icon_url= '' ) embed.set_thumbnail( url= '' ) await ctx.send(embed=embed)
def urbandictionary(bot: Bot, update: Update, args): spam = spamfilters(update.effective_message.text,,, update.effective_message) if spam == True: return msg = update.effective_message chat_id = message = update.effective_message if args: text = " ".join(args) try: mean = urbandict.define(text) except Exception as err: send_message(update.effective_message, "Error: " + str(err)) return if len(mean) >= 0: teks = "" if len(mean) >= 3: for x in range(3): teks = "*Result of {}*\n\n*{}*\n*Meaning:*\n`{}`\n\n*Example:*\n`{}`\n\n".format( text, mean[x].get("word")[:-7], mean[x].get("def"), mean[x].get("example")) else: for x in range(len(mean)): teks = "*Result of {}*\n\n*{}*\n**Meaning:*\n`{}`\n\n*Example:*\n`{}`\n\n".format( text, mean[x].get("word")[:-7], mean[x].get("def"), mean[x].get("example")) send_message(update.effective_message, teks, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) else: send_message( update.effective_message, "{} couldn't be found in urban dictionary!".format(text), parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) else: send_message( update.effective_message, "Use `/ud <text` for search meaning from urban dictionary.", parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN)
async def urban_dict(message: Message): await message.edit("Processing...") query = message.input_str if not query: await message.err(text="No found any query!") return try: mean = urbandict.define(query) except HTTPError: await message.err( text=f"Sorry, couldn't find any results for: `{query}``") return output = '' for i, mean_ in enumerate(mean, start=1): output += f"{i}. **{mean_['def']}**\n" + \ f" Examples:\n * `{mean_['example'] or 'not found'}`\n\n" if not output: await message.err(text=f"No result found for **{query}**") return output = f"**Query:** `{query}`\n\n{output}" await message.edit_or_send_as_file(text=output, caption=query)
def index() : try : data = loads(request.get_json()) args = data.get('args') except : return dumps({"result":"something broke"}) pprint(data) try : action = args[3] except : return dumps({"result":"Invalid JSON arguments"}) if action == ':!define': term = " ".join(args[4:]) res = urbandict.define(term) defi = res[0].get('def').strip() return dumps({'result' : defi}) return dumps({"result":"noop"})
async def urban_random(ctx): urb = UrbanDictionary(loop=client.loop) word = str(await urb.get_random()) defi = urbandict.define(str(word)) define = defi[0]['def'] example = defi[0]['example'] out = discord.Embed(title=str.upper(word), descripition=define, color=0x0062f4) out.add_field(name="Meaning", value=str.title(define), inline=False) out.add_field(name="Example", value=str.title(example), inline=False) out.set_footer( text="Urban Dictionary, " +, icon_url= '' ) out.set_thumbnail( url= '' ) await client.send_message(, embed=out) await client.delete_message(ctx.message)
async def urban(self, ctx, *, word_search): '''Urban Dictionary''' embed = discord.Embed( common_words = [] definition = [] examples = [] category = [] a = "" c = "" try: for i in urbandict.define(word_search): if i['word']: common_words.append(i['word']) if i['def']: definition.append(i['def']) if i['example']: examples.append(i['example']) if i['category']: category.append(i['category']) for j in common_words: a += j + ", " kall = [k for k in definition] dall = [d for d in examples] embed.set_author(name=f"Urban Dictionary - {word_search}") embed.set_footer(text=f'Requested By {}', embed.add_field(name="Possible Words Related", value=f"`{a}`", inline=False) embed.add_field(name="Possible Meanings", value=f"`{' '.join([k for k in kall])}`", inline=False) embed.add_field(name="Examples For The Word", value=f"`{' '.join([d for d in dall])}`", inline=False) await ctx.send(embed=embed) except: await ctx.send("Hmm, the word you are looking for is not found!")
def incoming(self, user, hostname, channel, msg, current_time, bot): if (msg[:3] == '.ud'): word = msg[4:] definition = urbandict.define(word) o = '' for d in definition: o += d['word'] + ' - ' + d['def'].strip().replace('\n', ' ') ex = d['example'].strip().replace('\n', ' ') if len(ex) > 0: o += ' - \x02' + d['example'].strip().replace('\n', ' ') +'\x02' break # output if len(o) > 0: if len(o) > 325: o = o[:323] + '...', o[0:350].encode('ascii', 'ignore'))
async def _(event): if event.fwd_from: return hmm = await edit_or_reply(event, "Searching...🔎") query = if not query: get = await event.get_reply_message() query = get.text if not query and not event.reply_to_msg_id: await hmm.edit("`Gibe some keywords N***a`") return try: mean = urbandict.define(query) except BaseException: await hmm.edit( text= f"Sorry, couldn't find any results fer: `{query}``\nSed vary sed \n**TIP**: \n`Now head towerd Googal u nibba`" ) return output = "" for i, mean_ in enumerate(mean, start=1): output += (f"{i}- **{mean_['def']}**\n" + f" Examples:\n » `{mean_['example'] or 'not found'}`\n\n") if i == 8: break if not output: await hmm.edit(text=f"No result found for **{query}**") return output = f"**Query Text:** `{query}`\n\n{output}\n**Source:** __Urban Dictionary__" await hmm.edit(output)
async def urban_dict(message: Message): await message.edit("Processing...") query = message.filtered_input_str if not query: await message.err("No found any query!") return try: mean = urbandict.define(query) except HTTPError: await message.edit(f"Sorry, couldn't find any results for: `{query}`", del_in=5) return output = '' limit = int(message.flags.get('-l', 1)) for i, mean_ in enumerate(mean, start=1): output += f"{i}. **{mean_['def']}**\n" + \ f" Examples:\n * `{mean_['example'] or 'not found'}`\n\n" if limit <= i: break if not output: await message.edit(f"No result found for **{query}**", del_in=5) return output = f"**Query:** `{query}`\n**Limit:** `{limit}`\n\n{output}" await message.edit_or_send_as_file(text=output, caption=query)
def incoming(self, user, hostname, channel, msg, current_time, bot): if (msg[:3] == '.ud'): word = msg[4:] definition = urbandict.define(word) o = '' for d in definition: o += d['word'] + ' - ' + d['def'].strip().replace('\n', ' ') ex = d['example'].strip().replace('\n', ' ') if len(ex) > 0: o += ' - \x02' + d['example'].strip().replace('\n', ' ') + '\x02' break # output if len(o) > 0: if len(o) > 325: o = o[:323] + '...', o[0:350].encode('ascii', 'ignore'))
def process_chat(*args): img = "anna" + str(random.randint(6,8)) + ".png" try: ident = args[0]["identifier"] global users global lastpost global cb if ident in users: interval = ( - users[ident]).total_seconds() #if interval < 7: # return message = args[0]["body"] name = args[0]["name"] count = str(args[0]["count"]) convo = args[0]["convo"] country_name = args[0]["country_name"] country = args[0]["country"] if "trip" in args[0]: trip = args[0]["trip"] else: trip = "" if trip == "!!n60sL82Wd2" and name == "anna": annaposts.append(count) return # default message out_message = "" if not message.strip().startswith('.'): with sqlite3.connect('lb.sqlite') as conn: conn.execute('INSERT INTO posts(id,ident,name,trip,convo,text,country,country_name,date) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);',(count, ident, name, trip, convo, message, country, country_name, for k, v in replies.items(): if message.lower() == '.%s' % k: out_message = v #if (('to die' in message.lower() or 'death' in message.lower() or 'suicide' in message.lower()) and 'want' in message.lower()) or "kill me" in message.lower(): # out_message = random.choice(["Kill urself already.", "Just do it. Kill yourself.", "Suicide is the answer.", "Die"]) # helpful if 'dat boi' in message.lower() or 'datboi' in message.lower(): out_message = "O shit waddup" elif 'pian' in message.lower() or 'scriabin' in message.lower(): out_message = "f**k off" # elif (('zack' in message.lower() or 'zach' in message.lower() or 'cali' in message.lower()) and 'f*g' in message.lower()): # post_chat('shutting down due to insufficient BTC funds', channel, name="anna", trip=config.annaTrip, convo='', file=img) # os.kill(os.getpid(),9) elif 'k' in message.lower() and 'pop' in message.lower(): out_message = "pop pop pop" img = "pop.jpg" # t = re.compile('[wW]hat (is|are) (.+)\?').match(message) # if (t): # try: # res = wolfram.query( # #out_message = next(res.results).text # out_message = '\n'.join(z.text for z in res.pods[1:] if z) # #out_message = wikipedia.summary(, sentences=1) # except Exception as e: # print res.__dict__ # print out_message # out_message = "" # print "wolfram error",e # kc t = re.compile('\.kc( (.+))?').match(message) if (t): res = kc_quote( if res: out_message = res # lb t = re.compile('\.lb( (.+))?').match(message) if (t): res = lb_quote( if res: out_message = res # reddit t = re.compile('\.reddit( (.+))?').match(message) if (t): if and'_','').isalpha() and not re.match('.*(4chan)', res = reddit( else: res = reddit() if res: out_message, img = res # urban t = re.compile('\.urban (.+)').match(message) if (t): res = '' for l in urbandict.define( res += "def: %s\nexample: %s\n" % (l['def'].strip(), l['example'].strip()) if res: out_message = res # play t = re.compile('\.play( (.+))?').match(message) if (t): out_message, img =, ident, name, country) convo = "hangman" # buttben #t = re.compile('\.buttben( (.+))?').match(message) #if (t): #img = game.buttbenx(ident, name, country) #post_chat(out_message, channel, name="anna", trip=config.annaTrip, convo='hangman', file=img) #out_message, img = game.buttbenx(ident, name, country) #out_message, img = game.buttbeny(ident, name, country) #out_message, img = game.buttbenz(ident, name, country) #out_message, img = game.buttbenq(ident, name, country) #out_message, img = game.buttbenw(ident, name, country) #out_message, img = game.buttbenv(ident, name, country) #convo = "hangman" # wolfram # t = re.compile('\.wa (.+)').match(message) # if (t): # try: # res = wolfram.query( # out_message = next(res.results).text # except Exception as e: # out_message = refuse_message # #img = "anna" + str(random.randint(1,5)) + ".png" # img = "shit.jpg" # print e # wiki t = re.compile('\.wiki(pedia)? (.+)').match(message) if (t): try: out_message = wikipedia.summary(, sentences=3) except wikipedia.DisambiguationError as e: out_message = str(e) except Exception as e: out_message = refuse_message #img = "anna" + str(random.randint(1,5)) + ".png" img = "shit.jpg" print e # google # t = re.compile('\.google( (.+))?').match(message) # if (t): # try: # r = duckduckgo.query( # for i in xrange(len(r.related) if len(r.related) < 4 else 3): # result = r.related[i] # out_message += '\n'+ result.text + '\n' # out_message += '[i]' + result.url + ' [/i]\n' # except Exception as e: # out_message = refuse_message # #img = "anna" + str(random.randint(1,5)) + ".png" # img = "shit.jpg" # print e # random t = re.compile('\.random( (.+))?').match(message) if (t): try: if and out_message += str(random.randint(0, int( else: out_message += str(random.randint(0, 100)) if int(out_message)%10 == int(out_message)/10: out_message += " (you got doubles :3)" except Exception as e: out_message = "That was ambiguous, Onii-chan" #img = "anna" + str(random.randint(1,5)) + ".png" img = "shit.jpg" print e # fortune t = re.compile('\.fortune( (.+))?').match(message) if (t): out_message = os.popen('fortune fortunes').read().strip() #out_message = os.popen('fortune').read().strip() # fortune-pl t = re.compile('\.fortunepl( (.+))?').match(message) if (t): out_message = os.popen('fortune pl').read().strip() # fortune-ru t = re.compile('\.fortuneru( (.+))?').match(message) if (t): out_message = os.popen('fortune ru').read().strip() # fortune-fr t = re.compile('\.fortunefr( (.+))?').match(message) if (t): out_message = os.popen('fortune fr').read().strip() # riddle t = re.compile('\.riddle( (.+))?').match(message) if (t): out_message = os.popen('fortune riddles').read().strip() # stats t = re.compile('\.stats( (.+))?').match(message) if (t): out_message = stats() # scores t = re.compile('\.scores( (.+))?').match(message) if (t): out_message = game.stats() # online t = re.compile('\.online( (.+))?').match(message) if (t): out_message = online() # countries t = re.compile('\.countries( (.+))?').match(message) if (t): out_message = countries() # regions t = re.compile('\.regions( (.+))?').match(message) if (t): out_message = regions() # joke t = re.compile('\.joke( (.+))?').match(message) if (t): out_message = norris()#random.choice(open('jokes.txt').read().split('\n-')).strip() # meme t = re.compile('\.meme( (.+))?').match(message) if (t): out_message = " " img = 'memes/'+random.choice(os.listdir('memes')) # hi t = re.compile('\.hi( (.+))?').match(message) if (t): out_message = "%s, %s!" % (random.choice(['Hi', 'Hello', 'Privet', 'Hola', 'Bonjour', 'Hallo', 'Siema', 'Pryvitanne', 'Zdravstvuj', 'Pryvit', 'Shlamalokh', 'Shalom', 'Shalam', 'Aloha']), name) # help t = re.compile('\.help( (.+))?').match(message) if (t): out_message = "commands are .hi .p**n .kc .random .joke .fortune .fortuneru .fortunefr .fortunepl .google .urban .wa .wiki .riddle .meme .play .reddit .stats .countries .regions .online .scores" out_message += '\nor "Anna ...?" or "What is/are ...?"' # p**n t = re.compile('\.p**n( (.+))?').match(message) if (t): out_message = random.choice([ 'You are wankaholic', 'You are addicted to masturbating', 'You are addicted to pornography', 'Hi wanka', ]) img = 'wanka.jpg' img = 'p**n/'+random.choice(os.listdir('p**n')) convo = 'General' ## add #t = re.compile('\.add (\w+) (.+)').match(message) #if (t): # #print t.groups(1)[0], t.groups(1)[1] # replies[t.groups(1)[0]] = t.groups(1)[1] if (message.splitlines() and message.splitlines()[0].lstrip('>') in annaposts) or (message.lower().startswith('anna') and message.endswith('?')): try: if message.lower().startswith('anna'): message = message[4:].strip() out_message = cb.ask(u'\n'.join(line for line in message.splitlines() if not line.startswith('>'))) except Exception as e: out_message = refuse_message #img = "anna" + str(random.randint(1,5)) + ".png" img = "shit.jpg" print e cb = Cleverbot() # if count[-1]==count[-1] and random.randint(1,20)==2 and not count[-1]==count[-2]: # out_message = "nice singles bro" # img = "anna" + str(random.randint(6,8)) + ".png" ###this checks trips, quads, quints and septs ###>you need not dubs folder but files dubs1.jpg - dubs5.jpg right in anna folder #if count[-1]==count[-2]==count[-3] or count[-1]==count[-2]==count[-3]==count[-4] or count[-1]==count[-2]==count[-3]==count[-4]==count[-5] or count[-1]==count[-2]==count[-3]==count[-4]==count[-5]==count[-6]: # out_message = "CHECKED" # img = "dubs" + str(random.randint(1,5)) + ".jpg" #if 'anna' in message.lower(): # out_message = "you said my name, Onii-chan?" #if 'kcmod' in message.lower(): # out_message = "mods are cucks" if not out_message and random.randint(0,45) == 5 and ( - lastpost).total_seconds() > 30: print ( - lastpost).total_seconds() out_message = kc_quote() count = 0 if'\d+\.\d+.\d+.\d+', out_message): out_message = '' if out_message != "": users[ident] = lastpost = if (count): out_message = ">>"+count+"\n"+out_message#.encode('ascii', 'ignore') post_chat(out_message, channel, name="anna", trip=config.annaTrip, convo=convo, file=img) except Exception as e: #print type(e), e #raise print e
#!/usr/bin/python # import urbandict import time import json from string import ascii_lowercase # Open a file with open('foo2.txt', 'w') as outfile: for a in ascii_lowercase: for b in ascii_lowercase: #print a+b #fo.write(a+b); time.sleep(1) result = urbandict.define(a+b) #print result[0] json.dump(result[0], outfile) # Open a file with open('foo3.txt', 'w') as outfile: for a in ascii_lowercase: for b in ascii_lowercase: for c in ascii_lowercase: #print a+b+c time.sleep(1) result = urbandict.define(a+b+c) #print result[0] json.dump(result[0], outfile)
def process_chat(*args): img = "anna" + str(random.randint(6, 8)) + ".png" try: ident = args[0]["identifier"] global users global lastpost global cb if ident in users: interval = ( - users[ident]).total_seconds() #if interval < 7: # return message = args[0]["body"] name = args[0]["name"] count = str(args[0]["count"]) convo = args[0]["convo"] country_name = args[0]["country_name"] country = args[0]["country"] if "trip" in args[0]: trip = args[0]["trip"] else: trip = "" if trip == "!!n60sL82Wd2" and name == "anna": annaposts.append(count) return # default message out_message = "" if not message.strip().startswith('.'): with sqlite3.connect('lb.sqlite') as conn: conn.execute( 'INSERT INTO posts(id,ident,name,trip,convo,text,country,country_name,date) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);', (count, ident, name, trip, convo, message, country, country_name, for k, v in replies.items(): if message.lower() == '.%s' % k: out_message = v #if (('to die' in message.lower() or 'death' in message.lower() or 'suicide' in message.lower()) and 'want' in message.lower()) or "kill me" in message.lower(): # out_message = random.choice(["Kill urself already.", "Just do it. Kill yourself.", "Suicide is the answer.", "Die"]) # helpful if 'dat boi' in message.lower() or 'datboi' in message.lower(): out_message = "O shit waddup" elif 'pian' in message.lower() or 'scriabin' in message.lower(): out_message = "f**k off" elif (('zack' in message.lower() or 'zach' in message.lower() or 'cali' in message.lower()) and 'f*g' in message.lower()): post_chat('shutting down due to insufficient BTC funds', channel, name="anna", trip=config.annaTrip, convo='', file=img) os.kill(os.getpid(), 9) elif 'k' in message.lower() and 'pop' in message.lower(): out_message = "pop pop pop" img = "pop.jpg" # t = re.compile('[wW]hat (is|are) (.+)\?').match(message) # if (t): # try: # res = wolfram.query( # #out_message = next(res.results).text # out_message = '\n'.join(z.text for z in res.pods[1:] if z) # #out_message = wikipedia.summary(, sentences=1) # except Exception as e: # print res.__dict__ # print out_message # out_message = "" # print "wolfram error",e # kc t = re.compile('\.kc( (.+))?').match(message) if (t): res = kc_quote( if res: out_message = res # reddit t = re.compile('\.reddit( (.+))?').match(message) if (t): if and '_', '').isalpha() and not re.match('.*(4chan)', res = reddit( else: res = reddit() if res: out_message, img = res # urban t = re.compile('\.urban (.+)').match(message) if (t): res = '' for l in urbandict.define( res += "def: %s\nexample: %s\n" % (l['def'].strip(), l['example'].strip()) if res: out_message = res # play t = re.compile('\.play( (.+))?').match(message) if (t): out_message, img =, ident, name, country) convo = "hangman" # wolfram # t = re.compile('\.wa (.+)').match(message) # if (t): # try: # res = wolfram.query( # out_message = next(res.results).text # except Exception as e: # out_message = refuse_message # #img = "anna" + str(random.randint(1,5)) + ".png" # img = "shit.jpg" # print e # wiki t = re.compile('\.wiki(pedia)? (.+)').match(message) if (t): try: out_message = wikipedia.summary(, sentences=3) except wikipedia.DisambiguationError as e: out_message = str(e) except Exception as e: out_message = refuse_message #img = "anna" + str(random.randint(1,5)) + ".png" img = "shit.jpg" print e # google # t = re.compile('\.google( (.+))?').match(message) # if (t): # try: # r = duckduckgo.query( # for i in xrange(len(r.related) if len(r.related) < 4 else 3): # result = r.related[i] # out_message += '\n'+ result.text + '\n' # out_message += '[i]' + result.url + ' [/i]\n' # except Exception as e: # out_message = refuse_message # #img = "anna" + str(random.randint(1,5)) + ".png" # img = "shit.jpg" # print e # random t = re.compile('\.random( (.+))?').match(message) if (t): try: if and out_message += str(random.randint(0, int( else: out_message += str(random.randint(0, 100)) if int(out_message) % 10 == int(out_message) / 10: out_message += " (you got doubles :3)" except Exception as e: out_message = "That was ambiguous, Onii-chan" #img = "anna" + str(random.randint(1,5)) + ".png" img = "shit.jpg" print e # fortune t = re.compile('\.fortune( (.+))?').match(message) if (t): out_message = os.popen('fortune fortunes').read().strip() #out_message = os.popen('fortune').read().strip() # fortune-pl t = re.compile('\.fortunepl( (.+))?').match(message) if (t): out_message = os.popen('fortune pl').read().strip() # fortune-ru t = re.compile('\.fortuneru( (.+))?').match(message) if (t): out_message = os.popen('fortune ru').read().strip() # fortune-fr t = re.compile('\.fortunefr( (.+))?').match(message) if (t): out_message = os.popen('fortune fr').read().strip() # riddle t = re.compile('\.riddle( (.+))?').match(message) if (t): out_message = os.popen('fortune riddles').read().strip() # stats t = re.compile('\.stats( (.+))?').match(message) if (t): out_message = stats() # scores t = re.compile('\.scores( (.+))?').match(message) if (t): out_message = game.stats() # online t = re.compile('\.online( (.+))?').match(message) if (t): out_message = online() # countries t = re.compile('\.countries( (.+))?').match(message) if (t): out_message = countries() # regions t = re.compile('\.regions( (.+))?').match(message) if (t): out_message = regions() # joke t = re.compile('\.joke( (.+))?').match(message) if (t): out_message = norris( ) #random.choice(open('jokes.txt').read().split('\n-')).strip() # meme t = re.compile('\.meme( (.+))?').match(message) if (t): out_message = " " img = 'memes/' + random.choice(os.listdir('memes')) # hi t = re.compile('\.hi( (.+))?').match(message) if (t): out_message = "%s, %s!" % (random.choice( ['Hi', 'Hello', 'Privet', 'Hola', 'Bonjour', 'Hallo']), name) # help t = re.compile('\.help( (.+))?').match(message) if (t): out_message = "commands are .hi .p**n .kc .random .joke .fortune .fortuneru .fortunefr .fortunepl .google .urban .wa .wiki .riddle .meme .play .reddit .stats .countries .regions .online .scores" out_message += '\nor "Anna ...?" or "What is/are ...?"' # p**n t = re.compile('\.p**n( (.+))?').match(message) if (t): out_message = random.choice([ 'You are wankaholic', 'You are addicted to masturbating', 'You are addicted to pornography', 'Hi wanka', ]) img = 'wanka.jpg' img = 'p**n/' + random.choice(os.listdir('p**n')) convo = 'General' ## add #t = re.compile('\.add (\w+) (.+)').match(message) #if (t): # #print t.groups(1)[0], t.groups(1)[1] # replies[t.groups(1)[0]] = t.groups(1)[1] if (message.splitlines() and message.splitlines()[0].lstrip('>') in annaposts) or (message.lower().startswith('anna') and message.endswith('?')): try: if message.lower().startswith('anna'): message = message[4:].strip() out_message = cb.ask(u'\n'.join( line for line in message.splitlines() if not line.startswith('>'))) except Exception as e: out_message = refuse_message #img = "anna" + str(random.randint(1,5)) + ".png" img = "shit.jpg" print e cb = Cleverbot() #if count[-1]==count[-2] and random.randint(1,5)==2: # out_message = "CHECKED" # img = "dubs" + str(random.randint(1,5)) + ".jpg" ###this checks trips, quads, quints and septs ###>you need not dubs folder but files dubs1.jpg - dubs5.jpg right in anna folder #if count[-1]==count[-2]==count[-3] or count[-1]==count[-2]==count[-3]==count[-4] or count[-1]==count[-2]==count[-3]==count[-4]==count[-5] or count[-1]==count[-2]==count[-3]==count[-4]==count[-5]==count[-6]: # out_message = "CHECKED" # img = "dubs" + str(random.randint(1,5)) + ".jpg" #if 'anna' in message.lower(): # out_message = "you said my name, Onii-chan?" #if 'kcmod' in message.lower(): # out_message = "mods are cucks" if not out_message and random.randint( 0, 45) == 5 and ( - lastpost).total_seconds() > 30: print( - lastpost).total_seconds() out_message = kc_quote() count = 0 if out_message != "": users[ident] = lastpost = if (count): out_message = ">>" + count + "\n" + out_message #.encode('ascii', 'ignore') post_chat(out_message, channel, name="anna", trip=config.annaTrip, convo=convo, file=img) except Exception as e: #print type(e), e #raise print e
def queryUrbandict(query): uRes = urbandict.define(query) if len(uRes) > 0: for word in uRes: if 'def' in word: return word['def']
def run(self, term): result = urbandict.define(term) result = json.dumps(result) return result
async def getUrbanDef(message): word = message.content.replace("-urban ", "") definition = urbandict.define(word) example = definition[0]['example'] defi = definition[0]['def'] await client.send_message(, "```\nPhrase: " + word + "\nDefinition: " + defi + "\nExample: " + example + "\n```")
def process_chat(*args): img = "anna" + str(random.randint(6,8)) + ".png" try: ident = args[0]["identifier"] global users global lastpost global cb if ident in users: interval = ( - users[ident]).total_seconds() #if interval < 7: # return message = args[0]["body"] name = args[0]["name"] count = str(args[0]["count"]) convo = args[0]["convo"] country_name = args[0]["country_name"] country = args[0]["country"] if "trip" in args[0]: trip = args[0]["trip"] else: trip = "" if trip == "!!n60sL82Wd2" and name == "anna": annaposts.append(count) return # default message out_message = "" if not message.strip().startswith('.'): with sqlite3.connect('lb.sqlite') as conn: conn.execute('INSERT INTO posts(id,ident,name,trip,convo,text,country,country_name,date) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);',(count, ident, name, trip, convo, message, country, country_name, for k, v in replies.items(): if message.lower() == '.%s' % k: out_message = v #if (('to die' in message.lower() or 'death' in message.lower() or 'suicide' in message.lower()) and 'want' in message.lower()) or "kill me" in message.lower(): # out_message = random.choice(["Kill urself already.", "Just do it. Kill yourself.", "Suicide is the answer.", "Die"]) # helpful t = re.compile('[wW]hat (is|are) (.+)\?').match(message) if (t): try: res = wolfram.query( #out_message = next(res.results).text out_message = '\n'.join(z.text for z in res.pods[1:] if z) #out_message = wikipedia.summary(, sentences=1) except Exception as e: print res.__dict__ print out_message out_message = "" print "wolfram error",e # kc t = re.compile('\.kc( (.+))?').match(message) if (t): res = kc_quote( if res: out_message = res # reddit t = re.compile('\.reddit( (.+))?').match(message) if (t): if and'_','').isalpha() and not re.match('.*(gay|c**k|penis|ass)', res = reddit( else: res = reddit() if res: out_message, img = res # urban t = re.compile('\.urban (.+)').match(message) if (t): res = '' for l in urbandict.define( res += "def: %s\nexample: %s\n" % (l['def'].strip(), l['example'].strip()) if res: out_message = res # play t = re.compile('\.play( (.+))?').match(message) if (t): out_message, img =, ident, name, country) convo = "hangman" # wolfram t = re.compile('\.wa (.+)').match(message) if (t): try: res = wolfram.query( out_message = next(res.results).text except Exception as e: out_message = refuse_message img = "anna" + str(random.randint(1,5)) + ".png" #img = "shit.jpg" print e # wiki t = re.compile('\.wiki(pedia)? (.+)').match(message) if (t): try: out_message = wikipedia.summary(, sentences=3) except wikipedia.DisambiguationError as e: out_message = str(e) except Exception as e: out_message = refuse_message img = "anna" + str(random.randint(1,5)) + ".png" #img = "shit.jpg" print e # google t = re.compile('\.google( (.+))?').match(message) if (t): try: r = duckduckgo.query( for i in xrange(len(r.related) if len(r.related) < 4 else 3): result = r.related[i] out_message += '\n'+ result.text + '\n' out_message += '[i]' + result.url + ' [/i]\n' except Exception as e: out_message = refuse_message img = "anna" + str(random.randint(1,5)) + ".png" #img = "shit.jpg" print e # random t = re.compile('\.random( (.+))?').match(message) if (t): try: if and out_message += str(random.randint(0, int( else: out_message += str(random.randint(0, 100)) if int(out_message)%10 == int(out_message)/10: out_message += " (you got doubles :3)" except Exception as e: out_message = "That was ambiguous, Onii-chan" img = "anna" + str(random.randint(1,5)) + ".png" #img = "shit.jpg" print e # fortune t = re.compile('\.fortune( (.+))?').match(message) if (t): out_message = os.popen('fortune fortunes').read().strip() # riddle t = re.compile('\.riddle( (.+))?').match(message) if (t): out_message = os.popen('fortune riddles').read().strip() # stats t = re.compile('\.stats( (.+))?').match(message) if (t): out_message = stats() # scores t = re.compile('\.scores( (.+))?').match(message) if (t): out_message = game.stats() # online t = re.compile('\.online( (.+))?').match(message) if (t): out_message = online() # countries t = re.compile('\.countries( (.+))?').match(message) if (t): out_message = countries() # regions t = re.compile('\.regions( (.+))?').match(message) if (t): out_message = regions() # joke t = re.compile('\.joke( (.+))?').match(message) if (t): out_message = norris()#random.choice(open('jokes.txt').read().split('\n-')).strip() # meme t = re.compile('\.meme( (.+))?').match(message) if (t): out_message = " " img = 'memes/'+random.choice(os.listdir('memes')) # hi t = re.compile('\.hi( (.+))?').match(message) if (t): out_message = "%s, %s!" % (random.choice(['Hi', 'Hello', 'Privet', 'Hola', 'Bonjour', 'Hallo']), name) # help t = re.compile('\.help( (.+))?').match(message) if (t): out_message = "commands are .hi .p**n .kc .random .joke .fortune .google .urban .wa .wiki .riddle .meme .play .reddit .stats .countries .regions .online .scores" out_message += '\nor "Anna ...?" or "What is/are ...?"' # p**n t = re.compile('\.p**n( (.+))?').match(message) if (t): out_message = random.choice([ 'You are wankaholic', 'You are addicted to masturbating', 'You are addicted to pornography', 'Hi wanka', ]) img = 'wanka.jpg' img = 'p**n/'+random.choice(os.listdir('p**n')) convo = 'nsfw' ## add #t = re.compile('\.add (\w+) (.+)').match(message) #if (t): # #print t.groups(1)[0], t.groups(1)[1] # replies[t.groups(1)[0]] = t.groups(1)[1] if (message.splitlines() and message.splitlines()[0].lstrip('>') in annaposts) or (message.lower().startswith('anna') and message.endswith('?')): try: if message.lower().startswith('anna'): message = message[4:].strip() out_message = cb.ask(u'\n'.join(line for line in message.splitlines() if not line.startswith('>'))) except Exception as e: out_message = refuse_message img = "anna" + str(random.randint(1,5)) + ".png" #img = "shit.jpg" print e cb = Cleverbot() #if count[-1]==count[-2] and random.randint(1,5)==2: # out_message = "CHECKED" # img = "dubs" + str(random.randint(1,5)) + ".jpg" #if 'anna' in message.lower(): # out_message = "you said my name, Onii-chan?" #if 'kcmod' in message.lower(): # out_message = "mods are cucks" if not out_message and random.randint(0,45) == 5 and ( - lastpost).total_seconds() > 30: print ( - lastpost).total_seconds() out_message = kc_quote() count = 0 if out_message != "": users[ident] = lastpost = if (count): out_message = ">>"+count+"\n"+out_message#.encode('ascii', 'ignore') post_chat(out_message, channel, name="anna", trip=config.annaTrip, convo=convo, file=img) except Exception as e: #print type(e), e #raise print e
def urbandefine(word): data = urbandict.define(word) return data
def temp(data, what): final="" d=urbandict.define(str(what)) for item in d: final =final + item['def'] return final
# check what we've already done - may have to rerun script in case of timeout done_words = dict() with open('suggestive.txt') as f: for word in f: done_words[word.strip()] = 1 with open('non_suggestive.txt') as g: for word in g: done_words[word.strip()] = 1 path_to_urban_dictionary = '/home/michelle/Language_Resources/english/urban-dictionary-word-list/data/' with open('suggestive.txt', 'a') as g1: with open('non_suggestive.txt', 'a') as g2: for letter in string.ascii_uppercase: with open(path_to_urban_dictionary + letter + '.data') as f: for term in f: term = term.strip().lower() if term in done_words: continue if is_term_in_pnp(term): defns = urbandict.define(term) if seems_suggestive(defns): print(defns) g1.write(term + '\n') g1.flush() else: g2.write(term + '\n') g2.flush() time.sleep(1) done_words[term] = 1
def index(): os.system('clear') print("\033[1;31m") print(" ______".center(width)) print("/ dave \\".center(width, "_")) print("".center(width, "~")) print("\033[1;32m\n") print(" version 2.1.2 ".center(width, ".")) print("\033[1;34m\n") print(" for help type \"help\" and press enter".center(width)) print("\n \033[1;32m") query = input("\033[1;33m-> ") os.system('clear') if "wiki" in query: print("Searching Wikipedia...") try: wikiSearch = query.replace('wiki ', '') outputs = wikipedia.summary(wikiSearch, sentences=8) os.system('clear') print("\n") print('Wikipedia says:'.center(width)) print("\n") print("\n") print(outputs) print("\n") print("Press enter to return") _return_ = input() index() except: os.system('clear') print("\n") print('\033[1;35mNo Wikipeda Page Found'.center(width)) print("\n\n") print('\033[1;34mNo wikipedia page found, check your request and try again or search google by typing \"search\" followed by your request.'.center(width, " ")) print("\033[1;33m\n") print("Press enter to return") _return_ = input() index() if "open" in query: openApp = query.replace('open ', '') print("Opening " + openApp + "...") os.system('open -a "' + openApp + '"') os.system('clear') print(openApp + " has been opened") print("\n") print("Press enter to return") _return_ = input() index() if "solve" in query: eq = query.replace('solve ', '') print("solving " + eq + "...") solved = eval(eq) print("\n") print(solved) print("\n") print("Press enter to return") _return_ = input() index() if "weather" in query: city = input("Where do you live: ") try: data.get_yahoo_weather_by_city(city, Unit.celsius) os.system('clear') print("Today in " + city + " it is ", data.condition.text, "and it is ",data.condition.temperature, "degrees celcius.") print("\n") print("Press enter to return") _return_ = input() index() except: print("No city found") print("\n") print("Press enter to return") _return_ = input() index() if "joke" in query: print("What do you do if you're cold?") engine.say("What do you do if you're cold?") engine.runAndWait() print("\n") time.sleep(1) print("Stand in the corner of the room, it's 90 degrees") engine.say("Stand in the corner of the room, it's 90 degrees") engine.runAndWait() engine.say("Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha.") engine.runAndWait() print("\n") print("Press enter to return") _return_ = input() index() if "ud" in query: os.system('clear') print("Searching urban dictionary...") try: to_def = query.replace('ud ', '') defs = urbandict.define(to_def) os.system('clear') print(to_def) print("\n") print("Press enter to return") _return_ = input() index() except: os.system('clear') print("Nothing can be found") print("\n") print("Press enter to return") _return_ = input() index() #day because date is used with update if "day" in query: today = d = wd = date.weekday(today) days = ["monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday", "sunday"] os.system('clear') print("Today is the", d, "which is a " + days[wd]) print("\n") print("Press enter to return") _return_ = input() index() if "search" in query: search = query.replace('search ', '') print("Searching " + search + "...") webbrowser.open_new_tab("" + search) os.system('clear') print(search + " has been opened in default browser") print("\n") print("Press enter to return") _return_ = input() index() if "help" in query: os.system('clear') print("Help Section: \n Wikipedia: Write \"wiki\" followed your querie (You can use brackets to make your querie more specific) \n Open: Open apps by typing \"open\" followed by desired app \n Urban Dictionary: Get definition by typing \"ud\" followed by desired word \n Search: Search things on google by typing \"search\" followed by your querie \n Weather: Type \"weather\" and follow the prompts \n Solve: Solve equations by typing \"solve\" followed by your problem \n Day: Type \"day\" to see the date\n Update: Type \"update\" and follow prompts to update to the newest version of dave \n Help: Write \"help\" for list of all queries ") print("\n") print("Press enter to return") _return_ = input() index() if "exit" in query: os.system("reset") time.sleep(0.5) os.system("clear") exit() if "update" in query: print("Note: Updating for the first time will take a while") time.sleep(0.5) os.system("rm -R ~/dave-master/") os.system("rm -R ~/downloads/dave-master/") os.system("rm ~/downloads/") os.system("xcode-select --install") os.system("/usr/bin/ruby -e \"$(curl -fsSL\"") os.system("brew install wget") os.system("wget --no-check-certificate -P ~/Downloads") os.system("open ~/Downloads/") time.sleep(1) os.system("mkdir ~/dave-master/") time.sleep(1) os.system("ditto ~/Downloads/dave-master/ ~/dave-master") time.sleep(1) os.system("clear") print("\033[1;31m\nDave has been updated restart to see new version") os.system("rm -R ~/downloads/dave-master/") time.sleep(1) print("\033[1;31m\nDave is self-closing...") time.sleep(1) os.system("rm ~/downloads/") time.sleep(2) os.system("reset") time.sleep(0.5) exit() else: print("What? Unrecognised command") print("\nType \"help\" for a list of commands") print("\n") print("Press enter to return") _return_ = input() index()
def urbandefine(word): raw_data = urbandict.define(word) json_data = open(raw_data) data = json.load(raw_data) pprint(data)
def temp(data, what): final = "" d = urbandict.define(str(what)) for item in d: final = final + item['def'] return final
async def urban(query): 'Urban directory' res = '' for l in urbandict.define(query): res += "def: %s\nexample: %s\n" % (l['def'].strip(), l['example'].strip()) return res or "Didn't find anything"
def echo(bot, update_id): # Request updates after the last update_id for update in bot.getUpdates(offset=update_id, timeout=10): # chat_id is required to reply to any message chat_id = update.message.chat_id update_id = update.update_id + 1 try: # UCS-4 patt = re.compile(u'([\U00002600-\U000027BF])|([\U0001f300-\U0001f64F])|([\U0001f680-\U0001f6FF])') except re.error: # UCS-2 patt = re.compile(u'([\u2600-\u27BF])|([\uD83C][\uDF00-\uDFFF])|([\uD83D][\uDC00-\uDE4F])|([\uD83D][\uDE80-\uDEFF])') message = patt.sub('_emoji_', update.message.text) if message: # Reply to the message words = message.split(' ') requester = update.message.from_user.username users = "@meeoh @KamalZia @Sh4ni @basil3 @jullybhai @Paytheo @amadrx8 @moezb @gaandslayer @nomar" zias = "@KamalZia @Sh4ni" ahmads = "@jullybhai @basil3 @gaandslayer" abdullahs = "@meeoh @Paytheo @amadrx8 @nomar" bhattis = "@moezb @riyad" words[0] = words[0].lower() if (words[0] == "/all"): if(len(words) >= 2): response = users + " " + message.split(' ', 1)[1] bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, text=response) else: bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, text=users) elif (words[0] == "/ahmads"): if(len(words) >= 2): response = ahmads + " " + message.split(' ', 1)[1] bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, text=response) else: bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, text=ahmads) elif (words[0] == "/zias"): if(len(words) >= 2): response = zias + " " + message.split(' ', 1)[1] bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, text=zias) else: bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, text=zias) elif (words[0] == "/abdullahs"): if(len(words) >= 2): response = abdullahs + " " + message.split(' ', 1)[1] bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, text=abdullahs) else: bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, text=abdullahs) elif (words[0] == "/bhattis"): if(len(words) >= 2): response = abdullahs + " " + message.split(' ', 1)[1] bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, text=bhattis) else: bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, text=bhattis) elif (words[0] == "/urban"): if(len(words) < 2): response = "Please provide a term to look up in the Urban Dictionary" bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, text=response) else: query = message.split(' ', 1)[1] urban = urbandict.define(query)[0] defn = urban["def"] reply = urban["word"].rstrip() + ": " + defn + \ "\nexamples: " + urban["example"] bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, text=reply) elif (words[0] == "/wolf"): if(len(words) < 2): err = "Please provide an argument to Wolfram Alpha" bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, text=err) else: query = message.split(' ', 1)[1] query = query.replace('+', 'plus') r = requests.get( "" + query + "&format=plaintext") soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content, "html.parser") try: pod_value = soup.find_all('pod')[1].find( 'plaintext').contents[0] except: pod_value = "Invalid query for wolframalpha, try again" bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, text=pod_value) elif (words[0] == "/song"): response = "" query = message.split(' ', 1)[1] query = query.replace(' ', '%20') r = requests.get("" + query, headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + RAP_GENIUS}).json() for i in range(3): if(r['response'] and r['response']['hits'] and r['response']['hits'][i]): #pp.pprint(r['response']['hits'][i]['result']['full_title']) response = response + str(i+1) + ". " + r['response']['hits'][i]['result']['full_title'] + "\n" if response == "": response = "Couldnt find anything on rap genius" bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, text=response) elif (words[0] == "/help"): response = "The commands you can type are: \n1. '/all {{message}}' to send a message with everyone mentioned\n2. '/cs {{message}}' or '/play' or '/ow' to send a message with people who play cs/ow mentioned\n3. '/urban {{term}}' to define a term in urban dictionary\n 4. '/wolf {{expression}}' to evaluate an expression using wolframalpha\n 5. '/song {{query}}' to find the top 3 songs in rap genius for your query.\n" bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, text=response) elif (words[0] == "/test"): response = "Test message for @" + str(requester) bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, text=response) elif (words[0] == "/id"): bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, text="ID: " + str(chat_id)) else: response = words[0].strip( ) + " is not a recognized command, ask shameel to make it or stop trying dumb crap" bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, text=response) return update_id