def writeLinkPhysics(robotFile, link, level): """Write a Webots Physics node.""" indent = ' ' robotFile.write((level + 1) * indent + 'physics Physics {\n') robotFile.write((level + 2) * indent + 'density -1\n') robotFile.write((level + 2) * indent + 'mass %lf\n' % link.inertia.mass) robotFile.write((level + 2) * indent + 'centerOfMass [ %lf %lf %lf ]\n' % (link.inertia.position[0], link.inertia.position[1], link.inertia.position[2])) if link.inertia.ixx > 0.0 and link.inertia.iyy > 0.0 and link.inertia.izz > 0.0: i = link.inertia inertiaMatrix = [ i.ixx, i.ixy, i.ixz, i.ixy, i.iyy, i.iyz, i.ixz, i.iyz, i.izz ] if link.inertia.rotation[-1] != 0.0: rotationMatrix = matrixFromRotation(link.inertia.rotation) I_mat = np.array(inertiaMatrix).reshape(3, 3) R = np.array(rotationMatrix).reshape(3, 3) R_t = np.transpose(R) # calculate the rotated inertiaMatrix with R_t * I * R. For reference, check the link below # inertiaMatrix =, I_mat), R).reshape(9) if (inertiaMatrix[0] != 1.0 or inertiaMatrix[4] != 1.0 or inertiaMatrix[8] != 1.0 or inertiaMatrix[1] != 0.0 or inertiaMatrix[2] != 0.0 or inertiaMatrix[5] != 0.0): robotFile.write((level + 2) * indent + 'inertiaMatrix [\n') # principals moments of inertia (diagonal) robotFile.write( (level + 3) * indent + '%e %e %e\n' % (inertiaMatrix[0], inertiaMatrix[4], inertiaMatrix[8])) # products of inertia robotFile.write( (level + 3) * indent + '%e %e %e\n' % (inertiaMatrix[1], inertiaMatrix[2], inertiaMatrix[5])) robotFile.write((level + 2) * indent + ']\n') robotFile.write((level + 1) * indent + '}\n')
def URDFJoint(proto, joint, level, parentList, childList, linkList, jointList, sensorList, boxCollision, normal): """Write a Joint iteratively.""" indent = ' ' if not joint.axis: joint.axis = [1, 0, 0] axis = joint.axis endpointRotation = joint.rotation endpointPosition = joint.position if joint.rotation[3] != 0.0 and axis: axis = rotateVector(axis, joint.rotation) if joint.type == 'revolute' or joint.type == 'continuous': proto.write(level * indent + 'HingeJoint {\n') proto.write((level + 1) * indent + 'jointParameters HingeJointParameters {\n') if joint.limit.lower > 0.0: # if 0 is not in the range, set the position to be the middle of the range position = joint.limit.lower if joint.limit.upper >= joint.limit.lower: position = (joint.limit.upper - joint.limit.lower) / 2.0 + joint.limit.lower proto.write((level + 2) * indent + 'position %lf \n' % position) mat1 = matrixFromRotation(endpointRotation) mat2 = matrixFromRotation([axis[0], axis[1], axis[2], position]) mat3 = multiplyMatrix(mat2, mat1) endpointRotation = rotationFromMatrix(mat3) proto.write((level + 2) * indent + 'axis %lf %lf %lf\n' % (axis[0], axis[1], axis[2])) proto.write((level + 2) * indent + 'anchor %lf %lf %lf\n' % (joint.position[0], joint.position[1], joint.position[2])) proto.write((level + 2) * indent + 'dampingConstant ' + str(joint.dynamics.damping) + '\n') proto.write((level + 2) * indent + 'staticFriction ' + str(joint.dynamics.friction) + '\n') proto.write((level + 1) * indent + '}\n') proto.write((level + 1) * indent + 'device [\n') proto.write((level + 2) * indent + 'RotationalMotor {\n') elif joint.type == 'prismatic': proto.write(level * indent + 'SliderJoint {\n') proto.write((level + 1) * indent + 'jointParameters JointParameters {\n') if joint.limit.lower > 0.0: # if 0 is not in the range, set the position to be the middle of the range position = joint.limit.lower if joint.limit.upper >= joint.limit.lower: position = (joint.limit.upper - joint.limit.lower) / 2.0 + joint.limit.lower proto.write((level + 2) * indent + 'position %lf \n' % position) length = math.sqrt(axis[0] * axis[0] + axis[1] * axis[1] + axis[2] * axis[2]) if length > 0: endpointPosition[0] += axis[0] / length * position endpointPosition[0] += axis[1] / length * position endpointPosition[0] += axis[2] / length * position proto.write((level + 2) * indent + 'axis %lf %lf %lf\n' % (axis[0], axis[1], axis[2])) proto.write((level + 2) * indent + 'dampingConstant ' + str(joint.dynamics.damping) + '\n') proto.write((level + 2) * indent + 'staticFriction ' + str(joint.dynamics.friction) + '\n') proto.write((level + 1) * indent + '}\n') proto.write((level + 1) * indent + 'device [\n') proto.write((level + 2) * indent + 'LinearMotor {\n') elif joint.type == 'fixed': for childLink in linkList: if == joint.child: URDFLink(proto, childLink, level, parentList, childList, linkList, jointList, sensorList, joint.position, joint.rotation, boxCollision, normal) return elif joint.type == 'floating' or joint.type == 'planar': print(joint.type + ' is not a supported joint type in Webots') return proto.write((level + 3) * indent + 'name "' + + '"\n') if joint.limit.velocity != 0.0: proto.write((level + 3) * indent + 'maxVelocity ' + str(joint.limit.velocity) + '\n') if joint.limit.lower != 0.0: proto.write((level + 3) * indent + 'minPosition ' + str(joint.limit.lower) + '\n') if joint.limit.upper != 0.0: proto.write((level + 3) * indent + 'maxPosition ' + str(joint.limit.upper) + '\n') if joint.limit.effort != 0.0: if joint.type == 'prismatic': proto.write((level + 3) * indent + 'maxForce ' + str(joint.limit.effort) + '\n') else: proto.write((level + 3) * indent + 'maxTorque ' + str(joint.limit.effort) + '\n') proto.write((level + 2) * indent + '}\n') proto.write((level + 2) * indent + 'PositionSensor {\n') proto.write((level + 3) * indent + 'name "' + + '_sensor"\n') proto.write((level + 2) * indent + '}\n') proto.write((level + 1) * indent + ']\n') proto.write((level + 1) * indent + 'endPoint') found_link = False for childLink in linkList: if == joint.child: URDFLink(proto, childLink, level + 1, parentList, childList, linkList, jointList, sensorList, endpointPosition, endpointRotation, boxCollision, normal, endpoint=True) assert(not found_link) found_link = True # case that non-existing link cited, set dummy flag if not found_link and joint.child: URDFLink(proto, joint.child, level + 1, parentList, childList, linkList, jointList, sensorList, endpointPosition, endpointRotation, boxCollision, normal, dummy=True) print('warning: link ' + joint.child + ' is dummy!') proto.write(level * indent + '}\n')
def URDFLink(proto, link, level, parentList, childList, linkList, jointList, sensorList, jointPosition=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], jointRotation=[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], boxCollision=False, normal=False, dummy=False, robot=False, endpoint=False): """Write a link iteratively.""" indent = ' ' haveChild = False if robot: proto.write(level * indent + 'Robot {\n') proto.write((level + 1) * indent + 'translation IS translation\n') proto.write((level + 1) * indent + 'rotation IS rotation\n') proto.write((level + 1) * indent + 'controller IS controller\n') proto.write((level + 1) * indent + 'controllerArgs IS controllerArgs\n') proto.write((level + 1) * indent + 'customData IS customData\n') proto.write((level + 1) * indent + 'supervisor IS supervisor\n') proto.write((level + 1) * indent + 'synchronization IS synchronization\n') proto.write((level + 1) * indent + 'selfCollision IS selfCollision\n') else: if link.forceSensor: proto.write((' ' if endpoint else level * indent) + 'TouchSensor {\n') proto.write((level + 1) * indent + 'type "force-3d"\n') else: proto.write((' ' if endpoint else level * indent) + 'Solid {\n') proto.write((level + 1) * indent + 'translation %lf %lf %lf\n' % (jointPosition[0], jointPosition[1], jointPosition[2])) proto.write((level + 1) * indent + 'rotation %lf %lf %lf %lf\n' % (jointRotation[0], jointRotation[1], jointRotation[2], jointRotation[3])) if not dummy: # dummy: case when link not defined but referenced (e.g. Atlas robot) # 1: export Shapes if link.visual: if not haveChild: haveChild = True proto.write((level + 1) * indent + 'children [\n') URDFShape(proto, link, level + 2, normal) # 2: export Sensors for sensor in sensorList: if sensor.parentLink == if not haveChild: haveChild = True proto.write((level + 1) * indent + 'children [\n') sensor.export(proto, level + 2) # 3: export Joints for joint in jointList: if joint.parent == if not haveChild: haveChild = True proto.write((level + 1) * indent + 'children [\n') URDFJoint(proto, joint, level + 2, parentList, childList, linkList, jointList, sensorList, boxCollision, normal) # 4: export ToolSlot if specified if == toolSlot: if not haveChild: proto.write((level + 1) * indent + 'children [\n') proto.write((level + 2) * indent + 'Group {\n') proto.write((level + 3) * indent + 'children IS toolSlot\n') proto.write((level + 2) * indent + '}\n') proto.write((level + 1) * indent + ']\n') # add dummy physics and bounding object, so tools don't fall off if link.inertia.mass is None: proto.write((level + 1) * indent + 'physics Physics {\n') proto.write((level + 1) * indent + '}\n') proto.write((level + 1) * indent + 'boundingObject Box {\n') proto.write((level + 2) * indent + 'size 0.01 0.01 0.01\n') proto.write((level + 1) * indent + '}\n') elif haveChild: proto.write((level + 1) * indent + ']\n') if level == 1: proto.write((level + 1) * indent + 'name IS name \n') else: proto.write((level + 1) * indent + 'name "' + + '"\n') if link.collision: URDFBoundingObject(proto, link, level + 1, boxCollision) if link.inertia.mass is not None: if level == 1 and staticBase: proto.write((level + 1) * indent + '%{ if fields.staticBase.value == false then }%\n') proto.write((level + 1) * indent + 'physics Physics {\n') proto.write((level + 2) * indent + 'density -1\n') proto.write((level + 2) * indent + 'mass %lf\n' % link.inertia.mass) if link.inertia.position != [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]: proto.write((level + 2) * indent + 'centerOfMass [ %lf %lf %lf ]\n' % (link.inertia.position[0], link.inertia.position[1], link.inertia.position[2])) if link.inertia.ixx > 0.0 and link.inertia.iyy > 0.0 and link.inertia.izz > 0.0: i = link.inertia inertiaMatrix = [i.ixx, i.ixy, i.ixz, i.ixy, i.iyy, i.iyz, i.ixz, i.iyz, i.izz] if link.inertia.rotation[-1] != 0.0: rotationMatrix = matrixFromRotation(link.inertia.rotation) I_mat = np.array(inertiaMatrix).reshape(3, 3) R = np.array(rotationMatrix).reshape(3, 3) R_t = np.transpose(R) # calculate the rotated inertiaMatrix with R_t * I * R. For reference, check the link below # inertiaMatrix =, I_mat), R).reshape(9) if (inertiaMatrix[0] != 1.0 or inertiaMatrix[4] != 1.0 or inertiaMatrix[8] != 1.0 or inertiaMatrix[1] != 0.0 or inertiaMatrix[2] != 0.0 or inertiaMatrix[5] != 0.0): proto.write((level + 2) * indent + 'inertiaMatrix [\n') # principals moments of inertia (diagonal) proto.write((level + 3) * indent + '%e %e %e\n' % (inertiaMatrix[0], inertiaMatrix[4], inertiaMatrix[8])) # products of inertia proto.write((level + 3) * indent + '%e %e %e\n' % (inertiaMatrix[1], inertiaMatrix[2], inertiaMatrix[5])) proto.write((level + 2) * indent + ']\n') proto.write((level + 1) * indent + '}\n') if level == 1 and staticBase: proto.write((level + 1) * indent + '%{ end }%\n') elif link.collision: if level == 1 and staticBase: proto.write((level + 1) * indent + '%{ if fields.staticBase.value == false then }%\n') proto.write((level + 1) * indent + 'physics Physics {\n') proto.write((level + 1) * indent + '}\n') if level == 1 and staticBase: proto.write((level + 1) * indent + '%{ end }%\n') proto.write(level * indent + '}\n')