コード例 #1
def _validate_json_data(json_data):
    # Here we are validating the followings:
    # 1. date values are actually date type data and the beginDate <= endDate
    # 2. 'url' is valid and live if the url value is not none or 'unknown' (case insensitive)
    # 3. 'sampleMedium' is not empty string
    # 4. 'variableName' is not empty string
    # 5. 'title' is not empty string
    # 6. 'abstract' is not empty string
    # 7. 'fileVersion' is not empty string
    # 8. 'symbol' is not empty string
    # 9. 'siteName' is not empty string
    # 10. 'methodLink' is not empty string
    # 11. 'methodDescription' is not empty string

    err_msg = "Invalid json file. {}"
    # validate title
    _check_for_empty_string(json_data['timeSeriesReferenceFile']['title'], 'title')

    # validate abstract
    _check_for_empty_string(json_data['timeSeriesReferenceFile']['abstract'], 'abstract')

    # validate fileVersion
    _check_for_empty_string(json_data['timeSeriesReferenceFile']['fileVersion'], 'fileVersion')

    # validate symbol
    _check_for_empty_string(json_data['timeSeriesReferenceFile']['symbol'], 'symbol')

    series_data = json_data['timeSeriesReferenceFile']['referencedTimeSeries']
    urls = []
    for series in series_data:
            start_date = parser.parse(series['beginDate'])
            end_date = parser.parse(series['endDate'])
        except Exception:
            raise Exception(err_msg.format("Invalid date values"))

        if timezone.is_aware(start_date):
            start_date = timezone.make_naive(start_date)
        if timezone.is_aware(end_date):
            end_date = timezone.make_naive(end_date)
        if start_date > end_date:
            raise Exception(err_msg.format("Invalid date values"))

        # validate requestInfo object
        request_info = series["requestInfo"]

        # validate refType
        if request_info['refType'] not in RefTimeseriesLogicalFile.get_allowed_ref_types():
            raise ValidationError("Invalid value for refType")

        # validate returnType
        if request_info['returnType'] not in RefTimeseriesLogicalFile.get_allowed_return_types():
            raise ValidationError("Invalid value for returnType")

        # validate serviceType
        if request_info['serviceType'] not in RefTimeseriesLogicalFile.get_allowed_service_types():
            raise ValidationError("Invalid value for serviceType")

        # check valueCount is not a negative number
        if series['valueCount'] is not None and series['valueCount'] < 0:
            raise ValidationError("valueCount can't be a negative number")

        # check that sampleMedium
        _check_for_empty_string(series['sampleMedium'], 'sampleMedium')

        # validate siteName
        _check_for_empty_string(series['site']['siteName'], 'siteName')

        # validate variableName
        _check_for_empty_string(series['variable']['variableName'], 'variableName')

        url = Request(request_info['url'])
        if url not in urls:
            except URLError:
                raise Exception(err_msg.format("Invalid web service URL found"))

        #  validate methodDescription for empty string
        _check_for_empty_string(series['method']['methodDescription'], 'methodDescription')

        # validate methodLink
        if series['method']['methodLink'] is not None:
            url = series['method']['methodLink'].strip()
            if not url:
                raise ValidationError("methodLink has a value of empty string")
            if url.lower() != 'unknown':
                url = Request(url)
                if url not in urls:
                    except URLError:
                        raise Exception(err_msg.format("Invalid method link found"))