コード例 #1
ファイル: models.py プロジェクト: ddierschow/bamca
def make_adds(pif, mod_id, var_id=''):
    photo_credits = {x['photo_credit.name']: x['photographer.name'] for x in pif.dbh.fetch_photo_credits(path='.' + config.IMG_DIR_ADD)}
    attribute_pictures = pif.dbh.fetch_attribute_pictures(mod_id)
    attribute_pictures = dict([
        (x['attribute_picture.attr_type'].lower() + '_' + x['attribute_picture.mod_id'].lower() + '-' + x['attribute_picture.picture_id'] + '.', x) for x in attribute_pictures if x['attribute_picture.picture_id']])

    img_id = (mod_id + ('-' + var_id if var_id else '')).lower()
    pdir = '.' + (config.IMG_DIR_VAR if var_id else config.IMG_DIR_ADD)
    adds = var_adds if var_id else mbdata.model_adds
    outd = []
    for add in adds:
        imgs = pif.render.find_image_list(img_id, wc='-*', prefix=add[0], pdir=pdir)
        if imgs:
	    elem = {'title': add[1] % {'s': useful.plural(imgs)}, 'entry': [],
		    'columns': add[3]}
            for img in imgs:
		fn = img[:img.find('.')]
		ent = {'img': pif.render.fmt_img_src(pdir + '/' + img),
		       'credit': photo_credits.get(fn, '')}
                for apic in attribute_pictures:
		    # This is terrible and I'm a terrible person but I don't want to think too much right now.
                    if apic in img and attribute_pictures[apic]['attribute_picture.description']:
			if attribute_pictures[apic]['attribute.title']:
			    ent['desc'] = "%(attribute.title)s: %(attribute_picture.description)s" % attribute_pictures[apic]
			    ent['desc'] = "%(attribute_picture.description)s" % attribute_pictures[apic]
    return outd
コード例 #2
def make_boxes(pif, mod_id, box_types, mack_nums):
    mod_id = box_types[0]['box_type.mod_id']
    base_box_types = [box['box_type.box_type'][0] for box in box_types]
    box_fmt = "<b>%s style box</b><br>%s"  #<br>%s entries"
    # rewrite this.  glob for alternate boxes.  well, maybe.
    entries = [{
                               txt='%s style box' % box_type,
                                   'mod': mod_id,
                                   'ty': box_type
                                   [mod_id + '-' + box_type],
                                   'mod': mod_id,
                                   'ty': box_type
    } for box_type in sorted(list(set(base_box_types)))]
    elem = {
        'title': 'Box Style%(s)s' % {
            's': useful.plural(entries)
        'entry': entries,
        'columns': 2
    return elem
コード例 #3
ファイル: models.py プロジェクト: ddierschow/bamca
def show_adds(pif, mod_id, var_id=''):
    photo_credits = {x['photo_credit.name']: x['photographer.name'] for x in pif.dbh.fetch_photo_credits(path='.' + config.IMG_DIR_ADD)}
    attribute_pictures = pif.dbh.fetch_attribute_pictures(mod_id)
    attribute_pictures = dict([
        (x['attribute_picture.attr_type'].lower() + '_' + x['attribute_picture.mod_id'].lower() + '-' + x['attribute_picture.picture_id'] + '.', x) for x in attribute_pictures if x['attribute_picture.picture_id']])

    img_id = (mod_id + ('-' + var_id if var_id else '')).lower()
    pdir = '.' + (config.IMG_DIR_VAR if var_id else config.IMG_DIR_ADD)
    adds = var_adds if var_id else mbdata.model_adds
    ostr = ''
    for add in adds:
        imgs = pif.render.find_image_list(img_id, wc='-*', prefix=add[0], pdir=pdir)
        if imgs:
            ostr += '<h3>%s</h3>\n' % add[1] % {'s': useful.plural(imgs)}
            for img in imgs:
		ostr += '<table><tr><td class="center">'
                ostr += pif.render.fmt_img_src(pdir + '/' + img) + '<br>'
		fn = img[:img.find('.')]
		if fn in photo_credits:
		    ostr += '<div class="credit">Photo credit: %s</div>' % photo_credits[fn]
                for apic in attribute_pictures:
		    # This is terrible and I'm a terrible person but I don't want to think too much right now.
                    if apic in img and attribute_pictures[apic]['attribute_picture.description']:
			if attribute_pictures[apic]['attribute.title']:
			    ostr += "%(attribute.title)s: %(attribute_picture.description)s" % attribute_pictures[apic]
			    ostr += "%(attribute_picture.description)s" % attribute_pictures[apic]
		ostr += '</td></tr></table>'
                ostr += '<p>\n'
    return ostr
コード例 #4
ファイル: tlinks.py プロジェクト: ddierschow/bamca
def add_new_link(pif, dictCats, listRejects):
    reasons = []
    ostr = "<hr>"
    #'columns': ['id', 'page_id', 'section_id', 'display_order', 'flags', 'link_type', 'country', 'url', 'name', 'description', 'note'],
    all_links, highest_disp_order = read_all_links(pif)
    link = {}
        link['url'] = url = pif.form.get_str('url', '')
        link['section_id'] = pif.form.get_str('cat', '')
        link['page_id'] = 'links.' + dictCats[link['section_id']]
        link['display_order'] = highest_disp_order[(link.get('page_id', 'unknown'), link.get('section_id', 'unknown'))] + 1
            "Some information was missing.",
            "The request was badly formed.",
            "The request was not made by the supplied web form."])

    link['flags'] = config.FLAG_LINK_LINE_NEW
    if pif.is_allowed('a'):  # pragma: no cover
        link['flags'] = 0
    link['link_type'] = 'l'
    link['name'] = pif.form.get_str('name', '')
    link['country'] = pif.form.get_str('country', '')
    link['description'] = pif.form.get_str('desc', '')
    link['note'] = pif.remote_addr + '/' + pif.remote_host + '. ' + pif.form.get_str('note', '')

    url = fix_url(url)
    for reject in listRejects:
        if url.find(reject) >= 0:
            reasons.append("The URL is on a banned list.")
    if url in all_links and not pif.form.get('dup'):
        reasons.append("The site has already been submitted.")
    if url.find('://') < 0:
        reasons.append("The URL is not properly formed.")
    if (link['description'].find('<') >= 0) or (link['name'].find('<') >= 0):
        reasons.extend("The description text or the notes text contains HTML.")
    if (link['description'].find('\n') >= 0) or (link['name'].find('\n') >= 0):
            "The request was badly formed.",
            "The request was not made by the supplied web form."])

    if link['country'] == 'US':
        link['country'] = ''
    #str = 'l|' + url + '|' + tag + '|' + dlm + '|' + cmt

    if reasons:
        ostr += "<b>The site submitted is being rejected.  Sorry.</b><br>\n"
        ostr += "Possible reason%s:<ul>\n" % useful.plural(reasons)
        for reason in reasons:
            ostr += "<li>" + reason + '\n'
        ostr += "</ul>If your submission has to do with sex, drugs, hotel reservations or ringtones, please go away and never come back.  Seriously.<p>\n"
        ostr += "Feel free to use your browser's BACK button to fix your entry, then resubmit; or,\n"
        ostr += "if you think this rejection was in error, you can send email.  Just don't hope for too much.\n"
        open(os.path.join(config.LOG_ROOT, 'trash.log'), 'a+').write(str(link) + '\n')
        link['id'] = pif.dbh.insert_link_line(link)
        ostr += "Your suggestion has been sent to the site administrators.  Thank you.<br>"
	check_link(pif, link)
    return ostr
コード例 #5
ファイル: prints.py プロジェクト: ddierschow/cab984
def do_tree_page(pif, dblist):
    ostr = ''
    for llist in dblist:
        cmd = llist.get_arg()
        if cmd == 'dir':
            pif.render.pic_dir = llist.get_arg()
        elif cmd == 'render':
            ostr += useful.render_file(pif.render.pic_dir + '/' +
        elif cmd == 'p':
            ostr += '<p>\n'
        elif cmd == 's':
            ostr += '<p>\n<b id="%s"><u>' % llist[1]
            if llist[2]:
                ostr += ' %s - ' % llist[2]
            ostr += '%s</u></b><br>\n' % llist[3]
        elif cmd == 'm':
            desc = ''
            if llist[2]:
                desc += ('<b>%s</b> ' % llist[2])
                if llist[3] and not llist[3][0].isupper():
                    desc += " - "
            desc += llist[3]
            if llist[1].endswith('p'):
                desc = '<b>%s</b>' % desc
            #ostr += render_tree(pif, llist[1]) + desc
            #ostr += '<br>\n'
            ostr += tree_row(render_tree(pif, llist[1]), desc)
        elif cmd == 'n':
            ostr += tree_row(
                render_tree(pif, llist[1]),
                '<font color="#666600"><i>%s</i></font>' % llist[2])
        elif cmd == 'a':
            ostr += tree_row(
                render_tree(pif, llist[1]),
                                                also={'target': '_showpic'}))
        elif cmd == 'e':
            flist = sorted(
                glob.glob(pif.render.pic_dir + '/' + llist[2] + "*.jpg"))
            if flist:
                ostr += '<font color="blue">'
                ostr += tree_row(render_tree(
                    llist[1]), ('<i>Example%s:</i>\n' % useful.plural(flist)) +
                                 show_pic(pif, flist))
                ostr += '</font>\n'
    return ostr
コード例 #6
ファイル: models.py プロジェクト: ddierschow/cab984
def make_adds(pif, mod_id, var_id=''):
    photo_credits = {
        x['photo_credit.name']: x['photographer.name']
        for x in pif.dbh.fetch_photo_credits(path='.' + config.IMG_DIR_ADD)
    attribute_pictures = pif.dbh.fetch_attribute_pictures(mod_id)
    attribute_pictures = dict([
        (x['attribute_picture.attr_type'].lower() + '_' +
         x['attribute_picture.mod_id'].lower() + '-' +
         x['attribute_picture.picture_id'] + '.', x)
        for x in attribute_pictures if x['attribute_picture.picture_id']

    img_id = (mod_id + ('-' + var_id if var_id else '')).lower()
    pdir = '.' + (config.IMG_DIR_VAR if var_id else config.IMG_DIR_ADD)
    adds = var_adds if var_id else mbdata.model_adds
    outd = []
    for add in adds:
        imgs = pif.render.find_image_list(img_id,
        if imgs:
            elem = {
                'title': add[1] % {
                    's': useful.plural(imgs)
                'entry': [],
                'columns': add[3]
            for img in imgs:
                fn = img[:img.find('.')]
                ent = {
                    'img': pif.render.fmt_img_src(pdir + '/' + img),
                    'credit': photo_credits.get(fn, '')
                for apic in attribute_pictures:
                    # This is terrible and I'm a terrible person but I don't want to think too much right now.
                    if apic in img and attribute_pictures[apic][
                        if attribute_pictures[apic]['attribute.title']:
                            ent['desc'] = "%(attribute.title)s: %(attribute_picture.description)s" % attribute_pictures[
                            ent['desc'] = "%(attribute_picture.description)s" % attribute_pictures[
    return outd
コード例 #7
ファイル: single.py プロジェクト: ddierschow/bamca
def make_boxes(pif, mod_id, box_types, mack_nums):
    mod_id = box_types[0]['box_type.mod_id']
    base_box_types = [box['box_type.box_type'][0] for box in box_types]
    box_fmt = "<b>%s style box</b><br>%s" #<br>%s entries"
    # rewrite this.  glob for alternate boxes.  well, maybe.
    entries = [
	    pif.render.format_link('boxart.cgi', txt='%s style box' % box_type,
		args={'mod': mod_id, 'ty': box_type}),
		txt=pif.render.format_image_sized([mod_id + '-' + box_type], pdir=config.IMG_DIR_BOX, required=True),
		args={'mod': mod_id, 'ty': box_type}),
	} for box_type in sorted(list(set(base_box_types)))]
    elem = {'title': 'Box Style%(s)s' % {'s': useful.plural(entries)}, 'entry': entries,
	    'columns': 2}
    return elem
コード例 #8
ファイル: models.py プロジェクト: ddierschow/cab984
def show_adds(pif, mod_id, var_id=''):
    photo_credits = {
        x['photo_credit.name']: x['photographer.name']
        for x in pif.dbh.fetch_photo_credits(path='.' + config.IMG_DIR_ADD)
    attribute_pictures = pif.dbh.fetch_attribute_pictures(mod_id)
    attribute_pictures = dict([
        (x['attribute_picture.attr_type'].lower() + '_' +
         x['attribute_picture.mod_id'].lower() + '-' +
         x['attribute_picture.picture_id'] + '.', x)
        for x in attribute_pictures if x['attribute_picture.picture_id']

    img_id = (mod_id + ('-' + var_id if var_id else '')).lower()
    pdir = '.' + (config.IMG_DIR_VAR if var_id else config.IMG_DIR_ADD)
    adds = var_adds if var_id else mbdata.model_adds
    ostr = ''
    for add in adds:
        imgs = pif.render.find_image_list(img_id,
        if imgs:
            ostr += '<h3>%s</h3>\n' % add[1] % {'s': useful.plural(imgs)}
            for img in imgs:
                ostr += '<table><tr><td class="center">'
                ostr += pif.render.fmt_img_src(pdir + '/' + img) + '<br>'
                fn = img[:img.find('.')]
                if fn in photo_credits:
                    ostr += '<div class="credit">Photo credit: %s</div>' % photo_credits[
                for apic in attribute_pictures:
                    # This is terrible and I'm a terrible person but I don't want to think too much right now.
                    if apic in img and attribute_pictures[apic][
                        if attribute_pictures[apic]['attribute.title']:
                            ostr += "%(attribute.title)s: %(attribute_picture.description)s" % attribute_pictures[
                            ostr += "%(attribute_picture.description)s" % attribute_pictures[
                ostr += '</td></tr></table>'
                ostr += '<p>\n'
    return ostr
コード例 #9
ファイル: prints.py プロジェクト: ddierschow/bamca
def do_tree_page(pif, dblist):
    ostr = ''
    for llist in dblist:
        cmd = llist.get_arg()
        if cmd == 'dir':
            pif.render.pic_dir = llist.get_arg()
        elif cmd == 'render':
            ostr += useful.render_file(pif.render.pic_dir + '/' + llist.get_arg())
        elif cmd == 'p':
            ostr += '<p>\n'
        elif cmd == 's':
            ostr += '<p>\n<b id="%s"><u>' % llist[1]
            if llist[2]:
                ostr += ' %s - ' % llist[2]
            ostr += '%s</u></b><br>\n' % llist[3]
        elif cmd == 'm':
            desc = ''
            if llist[2]:
                desc += ('<b>%s</b> ' % llist[2])
                if llist[3] and not llist[3][0].isupper():
                    desc += " - "
            desc += llist[3]
	    if llist[1].endswith('p'):
                desc = '<b>%s</b>' % desc
            #ostr += render_tree(pif, llist[1]) + desc
            #ostr += '<br>\n'
            ostr += tree_row(render_tree(pif, llist[1]), desc)
        elif cmd == 'n':
            ostr += tree_row(render_tree(pif, llist[1]), '<font color="#666600"><i>%s</i></font>' % llist[2])
        elif cmd == 'a':
            ostr += tree_row(render_tree(pif, llist[1]), pif.render.format_image_as_link([llist[2]], llist[3], also={'target': '_showpic'}))
        elif cmd == 'e':
            flist = sorted(glob.glob(pif.render.pic_dir + '/' + llist[2] + "*.jpg"))
            if flist:
                ostr += '<font color="blue">'
                ostr += tree_row(render_tree(pif, llist[1]), ('<i>Example%s:</i>\n' % useful.plural(flist)) + show_pic(pif, flist))
                ostr += '</font>\n'
    return ostr
コード例 #10
def add_new_link(pif, dictCats, listRejects):
    reasons = []
    ostr = "<hr>"
    # columns: [id page_id section_id display_order flags link_type country url name description note]
    all_links, highest_disp_order = read_all_links(pif)
    link = {}
        link['url'] = url = pif.form.get_str('url', '')
        link['section_id'] = pif.form.get_str('cat', '')
        link['page_id'] = 'links.' + dictCats[link['section_id']]
        link['display_order'] = highest_disp_order[
            (link.get('page_id', 'unknown'), link.get('section_id', 'unknown'))] + 1
    except Exception:
            "Some information was missing.",
            "The request was badly formed.",
            "The request was not made by the supplied web form."])

    link['flags'] = config.FLAG_LINK_LINE_NEW
    if pif.is_allowed('a'):  # pragma: no cover
        link['flags'] = 0
    link['link_type'] = 'l'
    link['name'] = pif.form.get_str('name', '')
    link['country'] = pif.form.get_str('country', '')
    link['description'] = pif.form.get_str('desc', '')
    link['note'] = pif.remote_addr + '/' + pif.remote_host + '. ' + pif.form.get_str('note', '')

    url = fix_url(url)
    for reject in listRejects:
        if url.find(reject) >= 0:
            reasons.append("The URL is on a banned list.")
    if url in all_links and not pif.form.get('dup'):
        reasons.append("The site has already been submitted.")
    if url.find('://') < 0:
        reasons.append("The URL is not properly formed.")
    if (link['description'].find('<') >= 0) or (link['name'].find('<') >= 0):
        reasons.extend("The description text or the notes text contains HTML.")
    if (link['description'].find('\n') >= 0) or (link['name'].find('\n') >= 0):
            "The request was badly formed.",
            "The request was not made by the supplied web form."])

    if link['country'] == 'US':
        link['country'] = ''
    # str = 'l|' + url + '|' + tag + '|' + dlm + '|' + cmt

    if reasons:
        ostr += "<b>The site submitted is being rejected.  Sorry.</b><br>\n"
        ostr += "Possible reason%s:<ul>\n" % useful.plural(reasons)
        for reason in reasons:
            ostr += "<li>" + reason + '\n'
        ostr += (
            "</ul>If your submission has to do with sex, drugs, hotel reservations or ringtones, "
            "please go away and never come back.  Seriously.<p>\n"
            "Feel free to use your browser's BACK button to fix your entry, then resubmit; or,\n"
            "if you think this rejection was in error, you can send email.  Just don't hope for too much.\n")
        open(os.path.join(config.LOG_ROOT, 'trash.log'), 'a+').write(str(link) + '\n')
        link['id'] = pif.dbh.insert_link_line(link)
        ostr += "Your suggestion has been sent to the site administrators.  Thank you.<br>"
        check_link(pif, link)
    return ostr