def main(essay_configs): """ Purpose: read configuration files in a essay folder and execute them Arguments: - essay_configs: configuration file or subdiretory containing multiple configuration files, representing essay(s) that must be executed Returns: None, but each essay run creates multiple files at Essays folder: """ # identifies all config files that comprises the essay (must be in dir_essay_configs directory) tsprint('Processing essay specs at [{0}]\n'.format(essay_configs)) if(isdir(essay_configs)): configFiles = [join(essay_configs, f) for f in listdir(essay_configs) if isfile(join(essay_configs, f))] elif(isfile(essay_configs)): configFiles = [essay_configs] else: print('Command line parameter is neither a recognised file nor directory: {0}'.format(essay_configs)) raise ValueError # recovers each essay configuration and runs it for configFile in configFiles: # loads the essay configuration stored in the current config file ud.LogBuffer = [] tsprint('Processing essay configuration file [{0}]\n{1}'.format(configFile, setupEssayConfig(configFile))) # recovers attributes related to essay identification essayid = getEssayParameter('ESSAY_ESSAYID') configid = getEssayParameter('ESSAY_CONFIGID') scenario = getEssayParameter('ESSAY_SCENARIO') # assures the essay slot (where files will be created during a run) is available essay_beginning_ts = stimestamp() slot = join('..', 'Essays', essayid, configid, essay_beginning_ts) if(not exists(slot)): makedirs(slot) # recovers parameters related to the problem instance param_dataset = getEssayParameter('PARAM_DATASET') param_sourcepath = [getMountedOn()] + getEssayParameter('PARAM_SOURCEPATH') + [essayid] param_targetpath = [getMountedOn()] + getEssayParameter('PARAM_TARGETPATH') + [essayid, 'optimise', configid] param_maxcores = getEssayParameter('PARAM_MAXCORES') param_stocklist = getEssayParameter('PARAM_STOCKLIST') param_sampling = getEssayParameter('PARAM_SAMPLING') param_adjinflat = getEssayParameter('PARAM_ADJINFLAT') param_prices = getEssayParameter('PARAM_PRICES') param_models = getEssayParameter('PARAM_MODELS') param_optimode = getEssayParameter('PARAM_OPTIMODE') if('PARAM_SAMPLING' in os.environ): param_sampling = os.environ['PARAM_SAMPLING'] tsprint('-- option {0} updated from {1} to {2} (environment variable setting)'.format('PARAM_SAMPLING', getEssayParameter('PARAM_SAMPLING'), param_sampling)) if('PARAM_MODELS' in os.environ): param_models = [(os.environ['PARAM_MODELS'], None)] tsprint('-- option {0} updated from {1} to {2} (environment variable setting)'.format('PARAM_MODELS', getEssayParameter('PARAM_MODELS'), param_models)) if('PARAM_ADJINFLAT' in os.environ): param_adjinflat = os.environ['PARAM_ADJINFLAT'] == 'True' tsprint('-- option {0} updated from {1} to {2} (environment variable setting)'.format('PARAM_ADJINFLAT', getEssayParameter('PARAM_ADJINFLAT'), param_adjinflat)) if('PARAM_OPTIMODE' in os.environ): param_optimode = os.environ['PARAM_OPTIMODE'] == 'True' tsprint('-- option {0} updated from {1} to {2} (environment variable setting)'.format('PARAM_OPTIMODE', getEssayParameter('PARAM_OPTIMODE'), param_optimode)) # runs the essay configuration the required number of times (runID, maxRuns) = (0, getEssayParameter('ESSAY_RUNS')) while(runID < maxRuns): # decreases the number of runs and changes the random seed runID = runID + 1 random.seed(ECO_SEED + runID) run_beginning_ts = stimestamp() # prints the run header print() tsprint('Starting run {0} of {1} for scenario [{2}]'.format(runID, maxRuns, scenario)) tsprint('Essay [{0}], Config [{1}], Label [{2}]'.format(essayid, configid, run_beginning_ts)) tsprint('Files will be created in [{0}]'.format(slot)) print() # ensures output directory exists abd previous results are removed param_targetpath.append(getFolderOptimise(param_sampling, param_models, param_adjinflat, param_optimode)) if(exists(join(*param_targetpath))): for f in listdir(join(*param_targetpath)): remove(join(*param_targetpath, f)) else: makedirs(join(*param_targetpath)) # performs the problem-specific task # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tsprint('Loading preprocessed data.') constituents = deserialise(join(*param_sourcepath, 'preprocess', 'constituents')) stocks = deserialise(join(*param_sourcepath, 'preprocess', 'stocks')) timeline = deserialise(join(*param_sourcepath, 'preprocess', 'timeline')) folder = getFolderForecast(param_sampling, param_models) testPoints = deserialise(join(*param_sourcepath, 'forecast', configid, folder, 'testPoints')) (forecasts, failures) = deserialise(join(*param_sourcepath, 'forecast', configid, folder, 'forecasts')) tsprint('-- {0} test points allocated to the sample to be employed in model evaluation.'.format(len(testPoints))) tsprint(' {0}'.format(', '.join([ts2datestr(timeline[timepos]) + ' ({0})'.format(timepos) for timepos in testPoints])), False) tsprint('-- {0} forecasts were performed (#stocks:{1}, #models:{2}, #prices:{3}, #testpoints: {4}).'.format(len(forecasts), len(param_stocklist), len(param_models), len(param_prices), len(testPoints))) tsprint('-- {0} forecasts failed because the raw data was unavailable or the model failed.'.format(failures)) tsprint('Performing iterative weights optimisation.') weights, thresholds, limits, pairs = applyWeights(param_stocklist, param_prices, param_models, param_adjinflat, param_optimode, timeline, forecasts, testPoints) tsprint('-- {0} forecasts are available for model evaluation.'.format(len(list(chain(*pairs.values()))))) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # saves main datastructures produce in this module serialise(weights, join(*param_targetpath, 'weights')) serialise(thresholds, join(*param_targetpath, 'thresholds')) serialise(limits, join(*param_targetpath, 'limits')) serialise(pairs, join(*param_targetpath, 'pairs')) # saving the pairs dictionary into a csv file for easier visual inspection content = ['{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}\t{4}\t{5}\t{6}'.format('Ticker', 'Date', 'Actual', 'Predicted', 'Actual', 'Predicted', 'Result')] for ticker in pairs: for (timepos, realVal, predVal, realClass, predClass) in pairs[ticker]: content.append('{0}\t{1}\t{2:7.2f}\t{3:7.2f}\t{4}\t{5}\t{6}'.format(ticker, ts2datestr(timeline[timepos]), realVal, predVal, realClass, predClass, 'match' if realClass == predClass else 'miss')) saveAsText('\n'.join(content), join(*param_targetpath, 'pairs.csv')) content = 'Execution details can be found in the essay config file at {0}\n\n{1}'.format(slot, setupEssayConfig(configFile)) saveAsText(content, join(*param_targetpath, 'config.log')) tsprint('Finished processing essay specs at [{0}]\n'.format(essay_configs)) saveLog(join(slot, 'config.log')) saveLog(join(*param_targetpath, 'config.log')) print() tsprint('Essay completed.')
def main(essayid): tsprint('Process started.') # sets up the scope delimiting variables base_path = [ getMountedOn(), 'Task Stage', 'Task - Trend Analysis', 'datasets', 'sp500', essayid, 'measure' ] all_models = [('MA', None), ('ARIMA', None), ('EWMA', None), ('KNN', None), ('SAX', None), ('LSTM', None)] all_conditions = [ ('linear', False, False), ('linear', False, True), ('linear', True, False), ('linear', True, True), ('heuristic', False, False), ('heuristic', False, True), ('heuristic', True, False), ('heuristic', True, True), ('random', False, False), ('random', False, True), ('random', True, False), ('random', True, True), ] all_configs = ['C1', 'C2', 'C3'] tsprint('-- analysing experiment results in {0}.'.format(join(*base_path))) # goes through the measurement results and collects accuracy metrics tsprint('Summarising results obtained from each model and conditions.') summary, content = gatherResults(all_configs, all_models, all_conditions, base_path) saveAsText('\n'.join(content), join(*base_path, 'summary.csv')) # compares results according to the set of hypothesis in the study tsprint('Performing comparisons for all hypotheses.') header = [ 'HH\tComparand\tRelation\tReference\\\tc1.ub\\\tc2.ub' ] cpH1, hl_H1 = gencpH1(all_configs, all_models, all_conditions, summary) cpH2, hl_H2 = gencpH2(all_configs, all_models, all_conditions, summary) cpH3, hl_H3 = gencpH3(all_configs, all_models, all_conditions, summary) cpH4, hl_H4 = gencpH4(all_configs, all_models, all_conditions, summary) cpH5, hl_H5 = gencpH5(all_configs, all_models, all_conditions, summary) content = header + cpH1 + cpH2 + cpH3 + cpH4 + cpH5 saveAsText('\n'.join(content), join(*base_path, 'hypotheses.csv')) # draws the result panels tsprint('Plotting the results panel.') saveit = True param_targetpath = [ getMountedOn(), 'Task Stage', 'Task - Trend Analysis', 'datasets', 'sp500', essayid, 'measure' ] filename = 'panel_H1' plotH1(summary, hl_H1, all_models, (saveit, param_targetpath, filename)) for configid in ['C1', 'C2', 'C3']: filename = 'panel_H2_{0}'.format(configid) plotH2(summary, hl_H2, all_models, (saveit, param_targetpath, filename), [configid]) for configid in ['C1', 'C2', 'C3']: filename = 'panel_H3_{0}'.format(configid) plotH3(summary, hl_H3, all_models, (saveit, param_targetpath, filename), [configid]) for configid in ['C1', 'C2', 'C3']: filename = 'panel_H4_{0}'.format(configid) plotH4(summary, hl_H4, all_models, (saveit, param_targetpath, filename), [configid]) # creates a text file with the table contents and the panels for Figures 1 and 2 tsprint('Process completed.')
def main(essay_configs): """ Purpose: read configuration files in a essay folder and execute them Arguments: - essay_configs: configuration file or subdiretory containing multiple configuration files, representing essay(s) that must be executed Returns: None, but each essay run creates multiple files at Essays folder: """ # identifies all config files that comprises the essay (must be in dir_essay_configs directory) tsprint('Processing essay specs at [{0}]\n'.format(essay_configs)) if (isdir(essay_configs)): configFiles = [ join(essay_configs, f) for f in listdir(essay_configs) if isfile(join(essay_configs, f)) ] elif (isfile(essay_configs)): configFiles = [essay_configs] else: print( 'Command line parameter is neither a recognised file nor directory: {0}' .format(essay_configs)) raise ValueError # recovers each essay configuration and runs it for configFile in configFiles: # loads the essay configuration stored in the current config file ud.LogBuffer = [] tsprint('Processing essay configuration file [{0}]\n{1}'.format( configFile, setupEssayConfig(configFile))) # recovers attributes related to essay identification essayid = getEssayParameter('ESSAY_ESSAYID') configid = getEssayParameter('ESSAY_CONFIGID') scenario = getEssayParameter('ESSAY_SCENARIO') # assures the essay slot (where files will be created during a run) is available essay_beginning_ts = stimestamp() slot = join('..', 'Essays', essayid, configid, essay_beginning_ts) if (not exists(slot)): makedirs(slot) # recovers parameters related to the problem instance param_dataset = getEssayParameter('PARAM_DATASET') param_sourcepath = [getMountedOn() ] + getEssayParameter('PARAM_SOURCEPATH') param_targetpath = [ getMountedOn() ] + getEssayParameter('PARAM_TARGETPATH') + [essayid, 'preprocess'] param_consttfile = getEssayParameter('PARAM_CONSTTFILE') param_stocksfile = getEssayParameter('PARAM_STOCKSFILE') param_encoding = getEssayParameter('PARAM_ENCODING') param_maxcores = getEssayParameter('PARAM_MAXCORES') param_loadprices = getEssayParameter('PARAM_LOADPRICES') # runs the essay configuration the required number of times (runID, maxRuns) = (0, getEssayParameter('ESSAY_RUNS')) while (runID < maxRuns): # decreases the number of runs and changes the random seed runID = runID + 1 random.seed(ECO_SEED + runID) run_beginning_ts = stimestamp() # prints the run header print() tsprint('Starting run {0} of {1} for scenario [{2}]'.format( runID, maxRuns, scenario)) tsprint('Essay [{0}], Config [{1}], Label [{2}]'.format( essayid, configid, run_beginning_ts)) tsprint('Files will be created in [{0}]'.format(slot)) print() # performs the problem-specific task # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tsprint('Loading constituents file.') constituents = loadConstituents(param_sourcepath, param_consttfile, param_encoding) tsprint('Loading from the {0} dataset the following series: {1}.'. format(param_dataset, ', '.join(param_loadprices))) stocks = loadStocks(param_sourcepath, param_stocksfile, param_encoding, param_loadprices) tsprint( 'Building the master timeline and updating the constituents time ranges' ) timeline, newConstituents = buildTimeline(stocks, constituents) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # saves the data generated during each run tsprint('-- saving preprocessed data.') if (exists(join(*param_targetpath))): for f in listdir(join(*param_targetpath)): remove(join(*param_targetpath, f)) else: makedirs(join(*param_targetpath)) serialise(newConstituents, join(*param_targetpath, 'constituents')) serialise(stocks, join(*param_targetpath, 'stocks')) serialise(timeline, join(*param_targetpath, 'timeline')) content = 'Execution details can be found in the essay config file at {0}\n\n{1}'.format( slot, setupEssayConfig(configFile)) saveAsText(content, join(*param_targetpath, 'config.log')) tsprint( 'Finished processing essay specs at [{0}]\n'.format(essay_configs)) saveLog(join(slot, 'config.log')) saveLog(join(*param_targetpath, 'config.log')) print() tsprint('Essay completed.')
def main(essay_configs): """ Purpose: read configuration files in a essay folder and execute them Arguments: - essay_configs: configuration file or subdiretory containing multiple configuration files, representing essay(s) that must be executed Returns: None, but each essay run creates multiple files at Essays folder: """ # identifies all config files that comprises the essay (must be in dir_essay_configs directory) tsprint('Processing essay specs at [{0}]\n'.format(essay_configs)) if(isdir(essay_configs)): configFiles = [join(essay_configs, f) for f in listdir(essay_configs) if isfile(join(essay_configs, f))] elif(isfile(essay_configs)): configFiles = [essay_configs] else: print('Command line parameter is neither a recognised file nor directory: {0}'.format(essay_configs)) raise ValueError # recovers each essay configuration and runs it for configFile in configFiles: # loads the essay configuration stored in the current config file ud.LogBuffer = [] tsprint('Processing essay configuration file [{0}]\n{1}'.format(configFile, setupEssayConfig(configFile))) # recovers attributes related to essay identification essayid = getEssayParameter('ESSAY_ESSAYID') configid = getEssayParameter('ESSAY_CONFIGID') scenario = getEssayParameter('ESSAY_SCENARIO') # assures the essay slot (where files will be created during a run) is available essay_beginning_ts = stimestamp() slot = join('..', 'Essays', essayid, configid, essay_beginning_ts) if(not exists(slot)): makedirs(slot) # recovers parameters related to the problem instance param_dataset = getEssayParameter('PARAM_DATASET') param_sourcepath = [getMountedOn()] + getEssayParameter('PARAM_SOURCEPATH') + [essayid] param_targetpath = [getMountedOn()] + getEssayParameter('PARAM_TARGETPATH') + [essayid, 'measure', configid] param_sampling = getEssayParameter('PARAM_SAMPLING') param_adjinflat = getEssayParameter('PARAM_ADJINFLAT') param_models = getEssayParameter('PARAM_MODELS') param_optimode = getEssayParameter('PARAM_OPTIMODE') param_saveimages = getEssayParameter('PARAM_SAVEIMAGES') if('PARAM_SAMPLING' in os.environ): param_sampling = os.environ['PARAM_SAMPLING'] tsprint('-- option {0} updated from {1} to {2} (environment variable setting)'.format('PARAM_SAMPLING', getEssayParameter('PARAM_SAMPLING'), param_sampling)) if('PARAM_MODELS' in os.environ): param_models = [(os.environ['PARAM_MODELS'], None)] tsprint('-- option {0} updated from {1} to {2} (environment variable setting)'.format('PARAM_MODELS', getEssayParameter('PARAM_MODELS'), param_models)) if('PARAM_ADJINFLAT' in os.environ): param_adjinflat = os.environ['PARAM_ADJINFLAT'] == 'True' tsprint('-- option {0} updated from {1} to {2} (environment variable setting)'.format('PARAM_ADJINFLAT', getEssayParameter('PARAM_ADJINFLAT'), param_adjinflat)) if('PARAM_OPTIMODE' in os.environ): param_optimode = os.environ['PARAM_OPTIMODE'] == 'True' tsprint('-- option {0} updated from {1} to {2} (environment variable setting)'.format('PARAM_OPTIMODE', getEssayParameter('PARAM_OPTIMODE'), param_optimode)) # runs the essay configuration the required number of times (runID, maxRuns) = (0, getEssayParameter('ESSAY_RUNS')) while(runID < maxRuns): # decreases the number of runs and changes the random seed runID = runID + 1 random.seed(ECO_SEED + runID) run_beginning_ts = stimestamp() # prints the run header print() tsprint('Starting run {0} of {1} for scenario [{2}]'.format(runID, maxRuns, scenario)) tsprint('Essay [{0}], Config [{1}], Label [{2}]'.format(essayid, configid, run_beginning_ts)) tsprint('Files will be created in [{0}]'.format(slot)) print() # assures the target path (where results will be saved) is available param_targetpath.append(getFolderOptimise(param_sampling, param_models, param_adjinflat, param_optimode)) if(exists(join(*param_targetpath))): for f in listdir(join(*param_targetpath)): remove(join(*param_targetpath, f)) else: makedirs(join(*param_targetpath)) # performs the problem-specific task # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tsprint('Loading preprocessed data.') folder = getFolderOptimise(param_sampling, param_models, param_adjinflat, param_optimode) pairs = deserialise(join(*param_sourcepath, 'optimise', configid, folder, 'pairs')) tsprint('-- {0} predictions are available for model evaluation.'.format(len(list(chain(*pairs.values()))))) tsprint('Computing ensemble accuracy.') results, all_true, all_pred = computeMetrics(pairs) res = results[ECO_TICKER_ENSEMBLE] tsprint('-- ensemble metrics: sample size: {0}, accuracy: {1:5.3f}, error: {2:5.3f}'.format(, res.accuracy, res.smape)) tsprint('Plotting the confusion matrix and ROC curve for the ensemble.') plotDesc = getPlotDesc(configid, param_sampling, param_models, param_adjinflat, param_optimode) flag = plot_confusion_matrix(all_true, all_pred, '{0}'.format(plotDesc), param_saveimages, param_targetpath, 'cm_{0}_{1}'.format(configid, folder)) if(flag): plot_ROC_curve(all_true, all_pred, '{0}'.format(plotDesc), param_saveimages, param_targetpath, 'roc_{0}_{1}'.format(configid, folder)) else: tsprint('-- ROC curve was not produced because confusion matrix misses at least one class.') # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # saves the data produced during the run serialise(results, join(*param_targetpath, 'results')) # saving the results dictionary into a csv file for easier visual inspection content = ['{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}'.format('Ticker', 'Sample Size', 'Accuracy', 'SMAPE')] for ticker in results: content.append('{0}\t{1}\t{2:4.3f}\t{3:4.3f}'.format(ticker, results[ticker].ss, results[ticker].accuracy, results[ticker].smape)) saveAsText('\n'.join(content), join(*param_targetpath, 'results.csv')) content = 'Execution details can be found in the essay config file at {0}\n\n{1}'.format(slot, setupEssayConfig(configFile)) saveAsText(content, join(*param_targetpath, 'config.log')) tsprint('Finished processing essay specs at [{0}]\n'.format(essay_configs)) saveLog(join(slot, 'config.log')) saveLog(join(*param_targetpath, 'config.log')) print() tsprint('Essay completed.')
def main(essayid): tsprint('Process started.') # sets up the scope delimiting variables base_path = [ getMountedOn(), 'Task Stage', 'Task - Trend Analysis', 'datasets', 'sp500', essayid, 'measure' ] all_models = [('MA', None), ('EWMA', None), ('ARIMA', None), ('KNN', None), ('SAX', None), ('LSTM', None)] all_conditions = [ ('linear', False, False), ('linear', False, True), ('linear', True, False), ('linear', True, True), ('heuristic', False, False), ('heuristic', False, True), ('heuristic', True, False), ('heuristic', True, True), ('random', False, False), ('random', False, True), ('random', True, False), ('random', True, True), ] all_configs = ['C1', 'C2', 'C3'] tsprint('-- analysing experiment results in {0}.'.format(join(*base_path))) # goes through the measurement results and collects accuracy metrics for the ensemble tsprint( 'Rendering details for Table A - Accuracy results obtained from the ensemble.' ) tableA = [ '*** Insert this snippet in the TEX document, after the "%--- Table A, snippet from -- START" remark' ] tableA.append('% data obtained from python {0}'.format(essayid)) performance = {} state = 0 for (param_sampling, param_adjinflat, param_optimode) in all_conditions: condition = param_sampling[0].upper() + ( 'A' if param_adjinflat else 'U') + ('O' if param_optimode else 'N') for configid in all_configs: path = base_path + [ configid, getFolderOptimise(param_sampling, all_models, param_adjinflat, param_optimode) ] # recover experiment results for specific model, condition and config if (exists(join(*path, 'results.pkl'))): results = deserialise(join(*path, 'results')) # collect mean accuracy and bootstraped confidence interval vm = results[ECO_TICKER_ENSEMBLE].accuracy vl = results[ECO_TICKER_ENSEMBLE].accuracy_lb vh = results[ECO_TICKER_ENSEMBLE].accuracy_ub else: vm = -1 vl = -1 vh = -1 # missing entries will be represented by a dash performance[(ECO_TICKER_ENSEMBLE, param_sampling, param_adjinflat, param_optimode, configid)] = (vm, vl, vh) if (state == 0): newrow = [ECO_TICKER_ENSEMBLE, condition, fmtaccci(vl, vh)] elif (state == 3): newrow += [condition, fmtaccci(vl, vh)] else: newrow.append(fmtaccci(vl, vh)) state += 1 # creates a new row in the table if (state % 6 == 0): tableA.append( 'proposed&{0}&{1}&{2}&{3}&{4}&{5}&{6}&{7}&{8}\\\\'.format( *newrow)) tableA.append('\\midrule') state = 0 tableA.append('') # goes through the measurement results of each model and collect accuracy metrics tsprint( 'Rendering details for Table B - Accuracy results obtained from individual models.' ) tableB = [ '*** Insert this snippet in the TEX document, after the "%--- Table B, snippet from -- START" remark' ] tableB.append('% data obtained from python {0}'.format(essayid)) performance = {} for (param_model, _) in all_models: state = 0 for (param_sampling, param_adjinflat, param_optimode) in all_conditions: condition = param_sampling[0].upper() + ( 'A' if param_adjinflat else 'U') + ('O' if param_optimode else 'N') for configid in all_configs: path = base_path + [ configid, getFolderOptimise(param_sampling, [(param_model, _)], param_adjinflat, param_optimode) ] # recover experiment results for specific model, condition and config if (exists(join(*path, 'results.pkl'))): results = deserialise(join(*path, 'results')) # collect mean accuracy and bootstraped confidence interval vm = results[ECO_TICKER_ENSEMBLE].accuracy vl = results[ECO_TICKER_ENSEMBLE].accuracy_lb vh = results[ECO_TICKER_ENSEMBLE].accuracy_ub else: vm = -1 vl = -1 vh = -1 # missing entries will be represented by a dash performance[(param_model, param_sampling, param_adjinflat, param_optimode, configid)] = (vl, vh) if (state == 0): newrow = [param_model, condition, fmtaccci(vl, vh)] elif (state == 3): newrow += [condition, fmtaccci(vl, vh)] else: newrow.append(fmtaccci(vl, vh)) state += 1 # creates a new row in the table if (state % 6 == 0): tableB.append( 'proposed&{0}&{1}&{2}&{3}&{4}&{5}&{6}&{7}&{8}\\\\'.format( *newrow)) tableB.append('\\midrule') state = 0 tableB.append('') # Figure A1 - different models produce different errors under different conditions? # it consists of three panels, one for each config # each panel is a 2x3 grid with confusion matrices for each individual model # only for the LON condition: linear sampling, original prices, non-optimised weights tsprint('Rendering the panels for Figure A1.') figureA1 = [ '*** Insert snippet in the TEX document, after the "%--- Figure A1, snippet from -- START" remark' ] figureA1.append( '% data obtained from python {0}'.format(essayid)) (param_sampling, param_adjinflat, param_optimode) = ('linear', False, False) for configid in all_configs: figureA1.append('%--- Panel for Group {0}'.format(configid)) for i in range(len(all_models)): (param_model, _) = all_models[i] path = base_path + [ configid, getFolderOptimise(param_sampling, [(param_model, None)], param_adjinflat, param_optimode) ] config_desc = getFolderOptimise(param_sampling, [(param_model, None)], param_adjinflat, param_optimode) filename = 'cm_{0}_{1}'.format(configid, config_desc) if (not exists(join(*path, filename + '.png'))): filename = 'placeholder' figureA1.append('% new row' if (i % 3 == 0) else '\\hfill') figureA1.append('\\begin{subfigure}[t]{0.32\\textwidth}') figureA1.append( ' \\includegraphics[width=\\textwidth]{{images/{0}}}'.format( filename)) figureA1.append( ' \\caption{{\\scriptsize {0}}}'.format(param_model)) figureA1.append(' \\label{{fig:{0}}}'.format(filename)) figureA1.append('\\end{subfigure}') figureA1.append('') # Figure A2 - the ensemble produces different errors under different conditions? # it consists of three panels, one for each config # each panel is a 2x3 grid with confusion matrices for each individual model # only for the LON condition: linear sampling, original prices, non-optimised weights tsprint('Rendering the panels for Figure A2.') figureA2 = [] # Figure B1 - ? figureB1 = [] # Figure B2 - ? figureB2 = [] # creates a text file with the table contents and the panels for Figures 1 and 2 saveAsText( '\n'.join(tableA + tableB + figureA1 + figureA2 + figureB1 + figureB2), join(*base_path, 'measure_summary.tex')) tsprint('Process completed.')