def get_proxy(url): """ Get suitable proxy from database, if proxy is restricted proxy delete from database. Also call when the proxy is not available in ETL_Config database """ c_url = url.split('/')[0] + "//" + url.split('/')[2] database = "ETL_Config" table = "EliteProxy" proxy_id ="ETL_Config", table="EliteProxy", column="ProxyID") i_d = "" if not proxy_id or int(len(proxy_id)) <= 3: scrap_proxy() get_proxy(url=c_url) else: i_d = proxy_id[random.randrange(int(len(proxy_id)))][0] headers = useragent.get_agent() proxy = validate_proxy(database=database, table=table, url=c_url, i_d=i_d, header=headers) return proxy, headers
def check_proxy(proxy, url, ip): """ Check proxy working status for current scraping URL """ try: req = requests.get(url, proxies=proxy, headers=useragent.get_agent(), timeout=(5, 10)) response_code = req.status_code print( "[{}] Got response from <{}> while using Proxy: {} and returned response code [{}]" .format(time.strftime("%I:%M:%S %p", time.localtime()), url, proxy, response_code)) if response_code == 200: print("[{}] Proxy {} is validated and proceed for anonymity check". format(time.strftime("%I:%M:%S %p", time.localtime()), proxy)) result = elite_proxy(proxy=proxy, ip=ip) if result is True: return True else: return False else: print( "[{}] Bad response from <{}> while using proxy {} and returning to Scrap Proxy" .format(time.strftime("%I:%M:%S %p", time.localtime()), url, proxy)) except Exception as e: print("[{}] Exception Occurs at Check_Proxy Method. Error: {}".format( time.strftime("%I:%M:%S %p", time.localtime()), e)) except KeyboardInterrupt as e: print( "[{}] Someone Forced Program to EXIT - KeyboardInterrupt at Check_Proxy Method. Error: {}" .format(time.strftime("%I:%M:%S %p", time.localtime()), e)) exit()
def elite_proxy(proxy, ip): """ Check proxy for high anonymity level (Elite Proxy) """ try: url = '' req = requests.get(url, proxies=proxy, headers=useragent.get_agent(), timeout=(5, 10)) soup = BeautifulSoup(req.content, 'html5lib') origin_ip = soup.text[15:int((((len(soup.text[15:-4])) / 2) - 1) + 15)] if origin_ip == ip: print("[{}] Request originated(while using proxy) from {}".format( time.strftime("%I:%M:%S %p", time.localtime()), soup.text)) return True else: return False except Exception as e: print("[{}] Exception Occurs at Elite_Proxy Method. Error: {}".format( time.strftime("%I:%M:%S %p", time.localtime()), e)) except KeyboardInterrupt as e: print( "[{}] Someone Forced Program to EXIT - KeyboardInterrupt at Elite_Proxy Method. Error: {}" .format(time.strftime("%I:%M:%S %p", time.localtime()), e)) exit()
def scrap_proxy(): """ Scrap proxy from desired websites and filter high anonymity level proxies """ checker = [ '', '', '', '', '', '' ] try: pipeline.truncate(database="ETL_Config", table="EliteProxy") url ="ETL_Config", table="NavigationUrl", column="NextPageUrl", condition={"UrlCategory": "Proxy"}, operator="AND") req = requests.get(url[0][0], headers=useragent.get_agent(), timeout=(5, 10)) soup = BeautifulSoup(req.text, 'html5lib') ip = list(map(lambda x: x.text, soup.findAll('td')[::8])) port = list(map(lambda x: x.text, soup.findAll('td')[1::8])) anonymity = list(map(lambda x: x.text, soup.findAll('td')[4::8])) data_dictionary = {'IP': ip, 'PORT': port, 'ANONYMITY': anonymity} data_frame = pd.DataFrame(data_dictionary) data_filter = data_frame['ANONYMITY'] == 'elite proxy' elite_data = data_frame[data_filter] print("[{}] [{}] items scraped from <{}> successfully.".format( time.strftime("%I:%M:%S %p", time.localtime()), len(elite_data.index), url[0][0])) process = [] for i in range(len(elite_data.index)): ip = elite_data.iloc[i]['IP'] port = elite_data.iloc[i]['PORT'] proxies = ('http://' + ip + ':' + port) proxy = { 'http': proxies, 'https': proxies, } print("[{}] Evaluating Proxy <{}> that scraped from [{}]".format( time.strftime("%I:%M:%S %p", time.localtime()), proxies, url[0][0])) result = check_proxy(proxy=proxy, url=random.choice(checker), ip=ip) if result is True: p_count ="ETL_Config", table="EliteProxy", column="COUNT(*)") if int(p_count[0][0]) >= 10:"ETL_Config", procedure="SP_UpdateProxy") db_result = database="ETL_Config", procedure="SP_NavigationUrl_Sync", parameter={"category": "Proxy"}) if db_result is True: print( "[{}] Elite Proxy Scraper successfully completed and Synchronized." .format( time.strftime("%I:%M:%S %p", time.localtime()))) return True else: print( "[{}] Elite Proxy Scraper successfully completed and 'NOT' Synchronized." .format( time.strftime("%I:%M:%S %p", time.localtime()))) return False pass else: pipeline.insert(database="ETL_Config", table="EliteProxy", values={ "IP": ip, "Port": port, "Anonymity": "High", "IsAlive": "Y", "LastUpdate": time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) }) else: pass"ETL_Config", procedure="SP_UpdateProxy")"ETL_Config", procedure="SP_NavigationUrl_Sync", parameter={"category": "Proxy"}) except Exception as e: print( "[{}] Exception Occurs and retries Scrap_Proxy Method. Error: {}". format(time.strftime("%I:%M:%S %p", time.localtime()), e)) scrap_proxy() except KeyboardInterrupt as e: print( "[{}] Someone Forced Program to EXIT - KeyboardInterrupt at Scrap_Proxy Method. Error: {}" .format(time.strftime("%I:%M:%S %p", time.localtime()), e)) exit()