async def endmute(event): private = False if event.fwd_from: return elif event.is_private: await event.edit("Unexpected issues or ugly errors may occur!") await asyncio.sleep(3) private = True if any(x in event.raw_text for x in ("/unmute", "!unmute")): await asyncio.sleep(0.5) else: reply = await event.get_reply_message() if is not None: userid = elif reply is not None: userid = reply.sender_id elif private is True: userid = event.chat_id else: return await event.edit( "Please reply to a user or add their userid into the command to unmute them." ) chat_id = event.chat_id if not is_muted(userid, chat_id): return await event.edit( "__This user is not muted in this chat__\n( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ )") try: unmute(userid, chat_id) except Exception as e: await event.edit("Error occured!\nError is " + str(e)) else: await event.edit( "Successfully unmuted that person\n乁( ◔ ౪◔)「 ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍")
async def startgmute(event): if event.fwd_from: return if event.is_private: await event.edit("`Unexpected issues or ugly errors may occur!`") await asyncio.sleep(2) userid = event.chat_id reason = else: user, reason = await get_user_from_event(event) if not user: return if == (await event.client.get_me()).id: return await edit_or_reply(event, "`Sorry, I can't gmute myself`") if in DEVS: return await edit_or_reply(event, "**Trying to Gmute my Dev huh?...**") userid = try: user = (await event.client(GetFullUserRequest(userid))).user except Exception: return await edit_or_reply(event, "`Sorry. I am unable to fetch the user`") if is_muted(userid, "gmute"): return await edit_or_reply( event, f"{mentionuser(user.first_name ,} ` is already gmuted`", ) try: mute(userid, "gmute") except Exception as e: await edit_or_reply(event, f"**Error**\n`{str(e)}`") else: if reason: await edit_or_reply( event, f"{mentionuser(user.first_name ,} `is Successfully gmuted`\n**Reason :** `{reason}`", ) else: await edit_or_reply( event, f"{mentionuser(user.first_name ,} `is Successfully gmuted`", ) if BOTLOG: reply = await event.get_reply_message() if reason: await event.client.send_message( BOTLOG_CHATID, "#GMUTE\n" f"**User :** {mentionuser(user.first_name ,} \n" f"**Reason :** `{reason}`", ) else: await event.client.send_message( BOTLOG_CHATID, "#GMUTE\n" f"**User :** {mentionuser(user.first_name ,} \n", ) if reply: await reply.forward_to(BOTLOG_CHATID)
async def startmute(event): private = False if event.fwd_from: return elif event.is_private: await event.edit("Unexpected issues or ugly errors may occur!") await asyncio.sleep(3) private = True if any([x in event.raw_text for x in ("/mute", "!mute")]): await asyncio.sleep(0.5) else: reply = await event.get_reply_message() if is not None: userid = elif reply is not None: userid = reply.sender_id elif private is True: userid = event.chat_id else: return await event.edit( "Please reply to a user or add their userid into the command to mute them." ) chat_id = event.chat_id chat = await event.get_chat() if "admin_rights" in vars(chat) and vars( chat)["admin_rights"] is not None: if chat.admin_rights.delete_messages is True: pass else: return await event.edit( "`You can't mute a person if you dont have delete messages permission. ಥ﹏ಥ`" ) elif "creator" in vars(chat): pass elif private == True: pass else: return await event.edit( "`You can't mute a person without admin rights niqq.` ಥ﹏ಥ ") if is_muted(userid, chat_id): return await event.edit( "This user is already muted in this chat ~~lmfao sed rip~~") try: mute(userid, chat_id) except Exception as e: await event.edit("Error occured!\nError is " + str(e)) else: await event.edit( "Successfully muted that person.\n**`-´)⊃━☆゚.*・。゚ **")
async def watcher(event): if is_muted(event.sender_id, event.chat_id): await event.delete()
async def watcher(event): if is_muted(event.sender_id, "gmute"): await event.delete()