コード例 #1
    def test_get_context_with_no_notify_in_session(self, super_mock):
        super_mock.return_value = dict(super=sentinel.super)

        view = UserSettingsView()
        view.request = Mock(session=dict())

        # When getting the context data
        context = view.get_context_data()

        # Then notify is not in the context
        assert 'notify' not in context
        assert context['super'] == sentinel.super
コード例 #2
    def test_get_context_with_notify_in_session(self, super_mock):
        super_mock.return_value = {}
        # Given a request session with a notify value
        view = UserSettingsView()
        view.request = Mock(session=dict(notify=sentinel.notify))

        # When getting the context data
        context = view.get_context_data()

        # Then the notify value is included in the context
        assert context['notify'] == sentinel.notify

        # and the notify value is removed from the session
        assert 'notify' not in view.request.session