def init(self): pygame.init() self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.controls = Controls() self.initialized = False try: self.init_standalone() self.initialized = True except: self.stop_thread = True self.initialized = False raise
class Main(object): """ The main class, load some parameters, sets initial states and takes care of the game main loop. """ def __init__(self, players=None, level=None): """ The constructor, create the render surface, set the menu initial state, parse command line params if any, launch the menu or the game depending on parameters. The init parameter determines if the Main object should be initialized once instanciated. The run parameter determines if the game should be run once the object is instantiated and initiated. """ self.lock = threading.Lock() self.stop_thread = False self.text_thread = _("Loading...") self.level = level if players is None: self.players = [] self.init() def init(self): pygame.init() self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.controls = Controls() self.initialized = False try: self.init_standalone() self.initialized = True except: self.stop_thread = True self.initialized = False raise def init_standalone(self): ''' start a non network instance of the game ''' self.init_screen() self.text_thread = "Loading sounds and musics..." thread = threading.Thread(None, self.loading_screen) thread.start() self.init_sound() self.ai_instance = AI() # if a level was provided and at least two players in the option # immediatly jump into game mode if len(self.players) > 1 and self.level is not None: = Game(self.screen, self.level, self.players) self.state = "game" = Gui(self.screen){'goto': 'configure'}) else: self.lock.acquire() self.text_thread = "Loading GUI..." self.lock.release() = Gui(self.screen) self.state = "menu" = None self.level = None self.lock.acquire() self.stop_thread = True self.lock.release() thread.join() # end of loading resources def init_screen(self): """ various screen initialisations """ size = (CONFIG.general.WIDTH, CONFIG.general.HEIGHT) if (CONFIG.general.WIDTH, CONFIG.general.HEIGHT) == (0, 0): if (800, 600) in pygame.display.list_modes(): (CONFIG.general.WIDTH, CONFIG.general.HEIGHT) = (800, 600) else: #the old default value... (CONFIG.general.WIDTH, CONFIG.general.HEIGHT) = (800, 480) CONFIG.display.FULLSCREEN = False size = (CONFIG.general.WIDTH, CONFIG.general.HEIGHT) self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size) pygame.display.set_caption('Ultimate Smash Friends') icon = loaders.image(os.path.join(CONFIG.system_path, 'icon', 'icon_50.png'))[0] pygame.display.set_icon(icon) if CONFIG.display.FULLSCREEN: pygame.display.toggle_fullscreen() def init_sound(self): """ various audio initialisations """ = Music() def manage_menu(self): """ manage input and update menu if we are in the menu state """ # return of the menu update function may contain a new game # instance to switch to. start_loop = pygame.time.get_ticks() menu_was = newgame, game_ = if menu_was == 'keyboard' and != 'keyboard': self.controls.load_keys() self.controls.load_sequences() if newgame: self.state = 'game' if game_ is not print "starting game" self.ai_instance = AI() del( = game_ max_fps = 1000/CONFIG.general.MAX_GUI_FPS if == 'about': self.music_state = 'credits' else: self.music_state = self.state if pygame.time.get_ticks() < max_fps + start_loop: pygame.time.wait(max_fps + start_loop - pygame.time.get_ticks()) def manage_ai(self): """ update the ai """ for i, p in enumerate( if and p.present: self.ai_instance.update(, i) def manage_game(self, dt): """ call the various submethod to update the whole game and render it to the screen """ #d = or self.state = self.manage_ai() if self.state in ('game', 'victory'): debug_params={ 'controls': CONFIG.debug.CONTROLS and self.controls, 'action': CONFIG.debug.ACTIONS, 'hardshape': CONFIG.debug.HARDSHAPES, 'footrect': CONFIG.debug.FOOTRECT, 'current_animation': CONFIG.debug.CURRENT_ANIMATION, 'levelshape': CONFIG.debug.LEVELSHAPES, 'levelmap': CONFIG.debug.LEVELMAP}) = False else: = "main_screen" self.music_state = self.state def display_fps(self): """ FPS counter """ if CONFIG.display.SHOW_FPS: self.screen.blit( loaders.text( "FPS: " + str(self.clock.get_fps()), fonts["mono"]["38"]), (10, 5)) def run(self): """ The main game loop, take care of the state of the game/menu. """ if not self.initialized: return False pygame.mouse.set_visible(False) self.clock.tick() while (True): # poll controls and update informations on current state of the UI state_was = self.state if dt = self.clock.tick(CONFIG.general.MAX_FPS) / 1000.0 else: dt = self.clock.tick(CONFIG.general.MAX_GUI_FPS) / 1000.0 if self.state != "menu": self.state = self.controls.poll(, # this depends on the previous assertion, it's NOT an elif if self.state == "menu": self.manage_menu() else: # update the fps counter if state_was == "menu": dt = 0 self.manage_game(dt) self.display_fps() pygame.display.update() if # verify there is not a QUIT event waiting for us, in case of we # have to quit. self.ended = pygame.event.get(QUIT) if self.ended: logging.debug('fps = '+str(self.clock.get_fps())) pygame.quit() break def loading_screen(self): """ update the screen display during loading """ while not self.stop_thread: self.lock.acquire() text = loaders.paragraph(self.text_thread, fonts['mono']['normal']) self.lock.release() x = self.screen.get_width()/2 - text.get_width()/2 y = self.screen.get_height()/2 - text.get_height()/2 self.screen.fill(pygame.color.Color("black")) self.screen.blit(text, (x, y)) pygame.display.update() pygame.time.wait(10)