コード例 #1
async def launch_history_detail(request, **kwargs):
    user_id = kwargs['user']['user_id']
    task_id = request.raw_args.get('task_id')
        f'get launch history detail, user_id:{user_id}, task_id:{task_id}')
    async with db.conn.acquire() as con:
        group_task_stmt = await con.prepare(
            '''select group_ids, content, to_char(send_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as send_date from "group_task" where id = $1'''
        group_task_res = await group_task_stmt.fetchrow(task_id)
        group_ids = ujson.loads(group_task_res.get('group_ids'))
        content = ujson.loads(group_task_res.get('content'))
        for task_item in content:
            if task_item.get('type') == 4:
                file_path = task_item.get('filePath')
                task_item.update({'filePath': file_path})
        send_date = group_task_res.get('send_date')
        get_group_stmt = await con.prepare(
            'select name from "group" where id = any($1)')
        group_names = records_to_value_list(
            await get_group_stmt.fetch(group_ids), 'name')
        resp_dict = {
            'groups': group_names,
            'materials': content,
            'send_date': send_date
    return response_json(resp_dict)
コード例 #2
 async def two_star_extra_limit_groups(limit_size):
     async with db.conn.acquire() as con:
         groups_stmt = await con.prepare(
             '''select id from "group" where status <> 3 and quality_level = 2 order by create_date asc limit $1'''
         return records_to_value_list(await groups_stmt.fetch(limit_size),
コード例 #3
 async def launch_switch_off_groups():
     async with db.conn.acquire() as con:
         launch_switch_off_stmt = await con.prepare(
             '''select id from "group" where status <> 3 and quality_level = 1 and launch_switch = 0 order by create_date asc'''
         return records_to_value_list(await launch_switch_off_stmt.fetch(),
コード例 #4
 async def one_star_mem_count_limit_groups():
     async with db.conn.acquire() as con:
         mem_count_limit_groups_stmt = await con.prepare(
             '''select id from "group" where status <> 3 and mem_count > 0 and mem_count <= $1 and (quality_level is null or quality_level = 1) order by create_date asc'''
         return records_to_value_list(
             await mem_count_limit_groups_stmt.fetch(
                 settings['ONE_STAR_MEM_COUNT_LIMIT']), 'id')
コード例 #5
 async def get_user_counts(datetime):
     async with db.conn.acquire() as con:
         st = await con.prepare('''select "user".id from "user" 
                join "group" on "user".id="group".user_id where "user".status<>3 
                and "group".status <>3 and "user".create_date <= to_timestamp($1, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') 
                and "group".create_date <= to_timestamp($2, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') group by "user".id'''
         total_users = await st.fetch(datetime, datetime)
     return records_to_value_list(total_users, 'id'), len(total_users)
コード例 #6
 async def illegal_groups():
     async with db.conn.acquire() as con:
         illegal_groups_stmt = await con.prepare(
             '''select id::varchar from "group" where status <> 3 and name similar to $1'''
         return records_to_value_list(
コード例 #7
async def sync_robot_info():
    logger.info(f'sync robot info start!')
    async with db.conn.acquire() as con:
        get_robot_stmt = await con.prepare(
            '''select code from "robot" where status <> 3''')
        robots = await get_robot_stmt.fetch()
        robot_codes = records_to_value_list(robots, 'code')
        logger.info(f'sync robot count:{len(robot_codes)}')
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
    asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(sync_robot(robot_codes), loop)
    logger.info(f'sync robot end!')
コード例 #8
 async def get_user_ids(datetime, user_ids):
     async with db.conn.acquire() as con:
         st = await con.prepare(
             '''select "user".id as user_id, "user".code as user_code, "group".code as group_code from "user" 
                join "group" on "user".id="group".user_id
                where "user".status<>3 and "group".status <>3 and "user".create_date <= to_timestamp($1, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') 
                and "group".create_date <= to_timestamp($2, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') and "user".id=any($3) order by "user".id'''
         users = await st.fetch(datetime, datetime, user_ids)
     return records_to_list(users), records_to_value_list(
         users, 'user_code')
コード例 #9
 async def no_click_groups():
     redis_key = NO_CLICK_GROUPS_REDIS_KEY.format(today=today())
     group_codes_value = await redis.conn.get(redis_key)
     if group_codes_value:
         group_codes = ujson.loads(group_codes_value)
         async with db.conn.acquire() as con:
             get_group_stmt = await con.prepare(
                 '''select id from "group" where status <> 3 and quality_level = 1 and code = any($1) order by create_date asc'''
             return records_to_value_list(
                 await get_group_stmt.fetch(group_codes), 'id')
         return []