def __init__(self, req, virtualBucket=False): self.req = req self.bucket = self.key = self.user = self.accesskey = self.signature = self.stringToSign = self.computedSig = None self.isUserAdmin = False self.subresources = {} self.__writeBuffer = '' self.virtualBucket = False #Query string digest if self.req.args: self.subresources = util.parse_qs(self.req.args, True) #URI digest basehost = Config.get('server', 'hostname') if self.req.hostname == basehost: uriDigestResults = self.uriDigest(req.uri) self.bucket = uriDigestResults.get('bucket') self.key = uriDigestResults.get('key') else: splitHost = self.req.hostname.split("." + basehost) if len(splitHost) == 2: uriDigestResults = self.uriDigest(splitHost[0] + '/' + req.uri) self.bucket = uriDigestResults.get('bucket') self.key = uriDigestResults.get('key') self.virtualBucket = True else: self.req.write("HOST: " + self.req.hostname + "\r\n") raise Exception, 'wrong hostname?' #custom header table self.customHeaderPrefix = Config.get('common', 'customHeaderPrefix').lower() self.customHeaderTable = {} for tag, val in self.req.headers_in.iteritems(): if tag.lower().startswith(self.customHeaderPrefix): self.customHeaderTable[tag.lower()[len(self.customHeaderPrefix):]] = val #authenticate -- must happen after custom header table is created self.accesskey, self.signature = self.__getAccessKeyAndSignature() if self.accesskey: self.stringToSign = self.__buildStringToSign() self.user, self.isUserAdmin, self.computedSig = getUser(self.signature, self.accesskey, self.stringToSign) #Check date #check customDateHeader then date header if 'signature' in self.subresources: self.req.headers_out['Signature'] = str(self.computedSig) self.write(str(self.computedSig) + "\r\n") self.write(str(self.stringToSign) + "\r\n") self.send()
def destroyObject(bucket, key): '''destroy's object''' conn = Connection() try: #Validate the bucket _verifyBucket(conn, bucket, True) #Check for object and get information from database query = "SELECT hashfield FROM object WHERE bucket = %s AND object = %s" result = conn.executeStatement(query, (escape_string(str(bucket)), escape_string(str(key)))) if len(result) == 0: raise NotFoundException.NoSuchKeyException(bucket, key) #Delete the object from the database and the filesystem query = "DELETE FROM object_metadata WHERE bucket = %s AND object = %s" conn.executeStatement(query, (escape_string(str(bucket)), escape_string(str(key)))) query = "DELETE FROM object WHERE bucket = %s AND object = %s" conn.executeStatement(query, (escape_string(str(bucket)), escape_string(str(key)))) except: conn.cancelAndClose() raise conn.close() hashString = result[0][0] path = Config.get('common','filesystem_path') path += str(bucket) path += "/"+hashString[0:3]+"/"+hashString[3:6]+"/"+hashString[6:9] os.remove(path+"/"+hashString) try: os.removedirs(path) except OSError, e: if e.errno != errno.ENOTEMPTY: raise
def setBucket(bucket, userid): '''creates a new empty bucket''' MAX_BUCKETS_PER_USER = 100 conn = Connection() #Validate the bucket try: _verifyBucket(conn, bucket, False, userid) #Check if user has too many buckets query = "SELECT bucket FROM bucket WHERE userid = %s" result = conn.executeStatement(query, (int(userid))) if len(result) >= MAX_BUCKETS_PER_USER: raise BadRequestException.TooManyBucketsException() #Write bucket to database and filesystem query = "INSERT INTO bucket (bucket, userid, bucket_creation_time) VALUES (%s, %s, NOW())" conn.executeStatement(query, (escape_string(str(bucket)), int(userid))) path = Config.get('common','filesystem_path') path += str(bucket) os.mkdir(path) except: conn.cancelAndClose() raise else: conn.close()
def __init__(self, stringToSignBytes, stringToSign, signatureProvided, accessKey): accesskeyIdPrefix = str(Config.get('authentication', 'prefix')) ForbiddenException.__init__(self, {'Message' : 'The request signature we calculated des not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.', 'Code' : 'SignatureDoesNotMatch', 'StringToSignBytes' : str(stringToSignBytes), 'StringToSign' : str(stringToSign), 'SignatureProvided' : str(signatureProvided), accesskeyIdPrefix + 'AccessKeyId' : str(accessKey)})
def __getAccessKeyAndSignature(self): header = Config.get('authentication', 'header') prefix = Config.get('authentication', 'prefix') + ' ' accesskey = signature = None try: authString = self.req.headers_in[header] except KeyError: pass else: splitAuth = authString.split(prefix) if len(splitAuth) == 2 and len(splitAuth[0]) == 0 and not splitAuth[1].startswith(' '): try: accesskey, signature = splitAuth[1].split(':') except ValueError: raise BadRequestException.InvalidArgumentAuthorizationException(argValue = authString) elif not len(splitAuth) == 2: raise BadRequestException.InvalidArgumentAuthorizationException(argValue = authString) else: raise BadRequestException.InvalidArgumentAuthorizationSpacingException(argValue = authString) return accesskey, signature
def __init__(self, useDictCursor = False): host = Config.get('database','mysql_utaka_hostname') user = Config.get('database','mysql_utaka_username') passwd = Config.get('database','mysql_utaka_password') db = Config.get('database','mysql_utaka_database') self.conn = MySQLdb.connect(host = host, user = user, passwd = passwd, db = db) self.connectTime = if useDictCursor: self._usingDictCursor = True self.cursor = self.conn.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor) else: self._usingDictCursor = False self.cursor = self.conn.cursor() utakaLog = open('/var/www/html/utaka/utakaLog', 'a') try: if self._usingDictCursor: utakaLog.write('Dictionary Database Connection Made\r\n') else: utakaLog.write('Regular Database Connection Made\r\n') finally: utakaLog.close()
def __buildStringToSign(self): nl = '\n' #http headers methodString = self.req.method contentMd5String = self.req.headers_in.get('content-md5', '') contentTypeString = self.req.headers_in.get('content-type', '') dateString = self.req.headers_in.get('date', '') #Canonicalize Custom Headers __customHeaderPrefix = Config.get('common', 'customHeaderPrefix').lower() __customDateHeader = __customHeaderPrefix + "-date" customHeaderList = [] canCustomHeaders = '' for tag, val in self.customHeaderTable.iteritems(): #self.req.write(tag + ":" + value + "\r\n") customHeaderList.append(self.customHeaderPrefix + tag + ":" + val.lstrip() + nl) if val == 'date': dateString = '' customHeaderList.sort() for val in customHeaderList: canCustomHeaders += val #Canoicalize URI import urllib uriString = "" if self.virtualBucket: uriString = "/" + urllib.quote(self.bucket) uriString += (self.req.unparsed_uri).split('?')[0] for val in ('location', 'acl', 'logging', 'torrent'): #self.write("CHECKING FOR ACL\r\n") if val in self.subresources: #self.write("FOUND ACL\r\n") uriString += '?' + val return (methodString + nl + contentMd5String + nl + contentTypeString + nl + dateString + nl + canCustomHeaders + uriString)
def destroyBucket(bucket): '''destroys a bucket if empty''' conn = Connection() try: #Validate the bucket _verifyBucket(conn, bucket, True) #Check if the bucket is empty query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM object WHERE bucket = %s" result = conn.executeStatement(query, (escape_string(str(bucket)))) if result[0][0] > 0: raise ConflictException.BucketNotEmptyException(bucket) #Delete the bucket from the database and the filesystem query = "DELETE FROM bucket WHERE bucket = %s" conn.executeStatement(query, (escape_string(str(bucket)))) path = Config.get('common','filesystem_path') path += str(bucket) os.rmdir(path) except: conn.cancelAndClose() raise else: conn.close()
def getObject(bucket, key, getMetadata, getData, byteRangeStart = None, byteRangeEnd = None, ifMatch = None, ifNotMatch = None, ifModifiedSince = None, ifNotModifiedSince = None, ifRange = None): '''returns object''' conn = Connection() try: #Validate the bucket _verifyBucket(conn, bucket, True) #Check for object and get information from database query = "SELECT o.object, o.bucket, o.hashfield, o.object_create_time, o.eTag, o.object_mod_time, o.size, o.content_type, o.content_encoding, o.content_disposition, o.userid, u.username FROM object as o, user as u WHERE o.bucket = %s AND o.object = %s AND o.userid = u.userid" result = conn.executeStatement(query, (escape_string(str(bucket)), escape_string(str(key)))) if len(result) == 0: raise NotFoundException.NoSuchKeyException(bucket, key) result = result[0] #if _passPrecondition(str(result[4]), str(result[5]), str(ifMatch), str(ifNotMatch), str(ifModifiedSince), str(ifNotModifiedSince), str(ifRange)) == False: # byteRangeStart = None # byteRangeEnd = None #Get metadata from database query = "SELECT type, value FROM object_metadata WHERE bucket = %s AND object = %s" metadata = conn.executeStatement(query, (escape_string(str(bucket)), escape_string(str(key)))) except: conn.cancelAndClose() raise else: conn.close() metadataDict = {} for tag in metadata: metadataDict[str(tag[0])] = unicode(tag[1], encoding='utf8') content_range = {} size = 0 hashfield = str(result[2]) if getData: #Get data from filesystem and build content_range path = Config.get('common','filesystem_path') path += str(bucket) path += "/"+hashfield[0:3]+"/"+hashfield[3:6]+"/"+hashfield[6:9]+"/"+hashfield fileReader = open(path, 'rb') try: data = "" if byteRangeStart != None and byteRangeStart > 0: content_range['start'] = byteRangeStart if byteRangeEnd != None and byteRangeEnd > byteRangeStart: data = content_range['end'] = fileReader.tell() content_range['total'] = fileReader.tell() size = byteRangeEnd-byteRangeStart else: data = content_range['end'] = fileReader.tell() content_range['total'] = fileReader.tell() size = content_range['total'] else: if byteRangeEnd != None: content_range['start'] = 0 data = content_range['end'] = fileReader.tell() content_range['total'] = fileReader.tell() size = byteRangeEnd else: data = size = fileReader.tell() finally: fileReader.close() #print data if content_range.has_key('start'): content_range['string'] = str(content_range['start'])+"-"+str(content_range['end'])+"/"+str(content_range['total']) returnDict = {'key':str(result[0]), 'bucket':str(result[1]), 'hash':hashfield, 'creationTime':((result[3]).isoformat('T') + 'Z'), 'eTag':str(result[4]), 'lastModified':((result[5]).isoformat('T') + 'Z'), 'size':size, 'content-type':str(result[7]), 'owner':{'id':int(result[10]), 'name':unicode(result[11], encoding='utf8')}} if str(result[8]) != "" and result[8] != None: returnDict['content-encoding'] = str(result[8]) if str(result[9]) != "" and result[9] != None: returnDict['content-disposition'] = str(result[9]) if content_range.has_key('string'): returnDict['content-range'] = content_range['string'] if getMetadata: returnDict['metadata'] = metadataDict if getData: returnDict['data'] = data return returnDict
def setObject(userid, bucket, key, metadata, data, content_md5 = None, content_type = None, content_disposition = None, content_encoding = None): '''setObject''' if not userid: userid = 1 hashString = None conn = Connection() try: #Validate the bucket _verifyBucket(conn, bucket, userid, True) #Check for object and get information from database calculatedMD5 = calculatedMD5HexDigest = calculatedMD5.hexdigest() if content_md5 != None and content_md5 != calculatedMD5HexDigest: raise BadRequestException.BadDigestException(content_md5, calculatedMD5HexDigest) #Generate hashfield hashfield = hashlib.sha1() hashfield.update(key) hashfieldHexDigest = '' success = False query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM object WHERE hashfield = %s" attemptedHashfieldList = [] for i in range(3): hashfield.update(str(time.time())) hashfieldHexDigest = hashfield.hexdigest() attemptedHashfieldList.append(str(hashfieldHexDigest)) count = conn.executeStatement(query, (str(hashfieldHexDigest)))[0][0] if count == 0: success = True break if success == False: raise InternalErrorException.HashfieldCollisionErrorException(attemptedHashfieldList) #Get size of file size = len(data) if content_type == None: content_type = "binary/octet-stream" if content_encoding == None: content_encoding = "" if content_disposition == None: content_disposition = "" #Build metadata query metadataQuery = "" if metadata != None and metadata != {}: metadataQuery = "INSERT INTO object_metadata (bucket, object, type, value) VALUES ("+"'" for tag, value in metadata.iteritems(): if type(value) == str or type(value) == unicode: value = value.encode('utf8') else: value = str(value) metadataQuery += escape_string(str(bucket))+"', '"+escape_string(str(key))+"', '"+escape_string(tag)+"', '"+escape_string(value)+"'), ('" metadataQuery = metadataQuery[0:-4] #Write to database and filesystem result = conn.executeStatement("SELECT hashfield FROM object WHERE bucket = %s AND object = %s", (escape_string(str(bucket)), escape_string(str(key)))) if len(result) > 0: hashString = result[0][0] path = Config.get('common','filesystem_path') path += str(bucket) path += "/"+hashString[0:3]+"/"+hashString[3:6]+"/"+hashString[6:9] os.remove(path+"/"+hashString) try: os.removedirs(path) except OSError, e: if e.errno != errno.ENOTEMPTY: raise hashString = str(hashfieldHexDigest) query = "UPDATE object SET userid = %s, hashfield = %s, eTag = %s, object_mod_time = NOW(), size = %s, content_type = %s, content_encoding = %s, content_disposition = %s WHERE bucket = %s AND object = %s" conn.executeStatement(query, (int(userid), hashString, str(calculatedMD5HexDigest), int(size), escape_string(str(content_type)), escape_string(str(content_encoding)), escape_string(str(content_disposition)), escape_string(str(bucket)), escape_string(str(key)))) conn.executeStatement("DELETE FROM object_metadata WHERE bucket = %s AND object = %s", (escape_string(str(bucket)), escape_string(str(key)))) else:
raise hashString = str(hashfieldHexDigest) query = "UPDATE object SET userid = %s, hashfield = %s, eTag = %s, object_mod_time = NOW(), size = %s, content_type = %s, content_encoding = %s, content_disposition = %s WHERE bucket = %s AND object = %s" conn.executeStatement(query, (int(userid), hashString, str(calculatedMD5HexDigest), int(size), escape_string(str(content_type)), escape_string(str(content_encoding)), escape_string(str(content_disposition)), escape_string(str(bucket)), escape_string(str(key)))) conn.executeStatement("DELETE FROM object_metadata WHERE bucket = %s AND object = %s", (escape_string(str(bucket)), escape_string(str(key)))) else: query = "INSERT INTO object (userid, object, bucket, hashfield, object_create_time, eTag, object_mod_time, size, content_type, content_encoding, content_disposition) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, NOW(), %s, NOW(), %s, %s, %s, %s)" hashString = str(hashfieldHexDigest) conn.executeStatement(query, (int(userid), escape_string(str(key)), escape_string(str(bucket)), hashString, str(calculatedMD5HexDigest), int(size), escape_string(str(content_type)), escape_string(str(content_encoding)), escape_string(str(content_disposition)))) if metadataQuery != "": conn.executeStatement(metadataQuery, ()) except: conn.cancelAndClose() raise conn.close() path = Config.get('common','filesystem_path') path += str(bucket) path += "/"+hashString[0:3]+"/"+hashString[3:6]+"/"+hashString[6:9]+"/" os.makedirs(path) path += hashString fileReader = open(path, 'wb') try: fileReader.write(data) finally: fileReader.close() return content_type, str(calculatedMD5HexDigest), hashString
def __init__(self, accessKey): accesskeyIdPrefix = str(Config.get('authentication', 'prefix')) ForbiddenException.__init__(self, {'Message' : 'The ' + accesskeyIdPrefix + ' Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records', 'Code' : 'InvalidAccessKeyId', accesskeyIdPrefix + 'AccessKey' : str(accessKey)})
connection pool abstraction over previous which is now sets up module scope connection pool, currently with no size limit pool for both connections with dictionary cursors and regular cursors reconnects to db every x hours depending on config file @author: Andrew ''' from utaka.src.dataAccess.SingleConnection import Connection as SingleConnection import utaka.src.Config as Config import MySQLdb import datetime dcp = [SingleConnection(True)] rcp = [SingleConnection(False)] dbTimer = dbTimeout = datetime.timedelta(hours = int(Config.get('database', 'connection_timeout_in_hours'))) class Connection: def __init__(self, useDictCursor = False): if len(dcp) > 0: if useDictCursor: self.innerConn = dcp.pop() else: self.innerConn = rcp.pop() now = if (now - dbTimeout) > self.innerConn.connectTime: self.innerConn.close() self.innerConn = SingleConnection(useDictCursor) else: self.innerConn = SingleConnection(useDictCursor)
def __init__(self, argValue): headerPrefix = str(Config.get('authentication', 'prefix')) InvalidArgumentException.__init__(self, argValue, 'Authorization', ("Authorization header is invalid. Expected " + headerPrefix + " AccessKeyId:signature"))
#distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, #WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. #See the License for the specific language governing permissions and #limitations under the License. ''' Created August 6, 2009 Logging @author: Andrew ''' import logging import utaka.src.Config as Config import datetime LOG_FILEPATH = Config.get('logging', 'path') LOG_LEVEL = logging.DEBUG BUCKET_LOG_LEVEL = logging.DEBUG LOG_FORMAT = '%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s' def logDebug(msg): __logging_(msg, logging.DEBUG) def logInfo(msg): __logging_(msg, logging.INFO) def logWarn(msg): __logging_(msg, logging.WARN) def logError(msg): __logging_(msg, logging.ERROR) def logCritical(msg): __logging_(msg, logging.CRITICAL) def __logging_(msg, lvl):