コード例 #1
#  rebinned to whatever wvlBinEdges we provided.
#  Uncomment the following to see a plot of the filter curve and its rebinned shape.
plt.plot(obs.rawFilterWvls, obs.rawFilterTrans, marker='o', markersize = 2, linestyle='-', color='black', label = "Original filter from MKIDStd")
plt.step(obs.filterWvlBinEdges[:-1], obs.filterTrans, where='post', color='blue', label = "Rebinned to wvlBinEdges")

#  By default loadFilter() will also turn on the application of the filter. You can set
#  switchOnFilter to False when calling loadFilter to not activate the filter immediately,
#  and also toggle the filters on and off with switchOffFilter() and switchOnFilter().

#  With the filter off let's get the full spectrum of the selected pixel.
specDict = obs.getPixelSpectrum(row, col, firstSec=0, integrationTime= -1, weighted=True, fluxWeighted=True)
specWvlBinEdges = specDict['wvlBinEdges']
fullSpectrum = specDict['spectrum']

#  Now let's switch the filter back on and overplot the filtered spectrum with the full
#  spectrum.
filteredSpecDict = obs.getPixelSpectrum(row, col, firstSec=0, integrationTime= -1, weighted=True, fluxWeighted=True)
filteredSpecWvlBinEdges = filteredSpecDict['wvlBinEdges']
filteredSpectrum = filteredSpecDict['spectrum']
plt.step(specWvlBinEdges[:-1], fullSpectrum, where = 'post', label = 'Full ARCONS spectrum of single pixel')