atmosDict = {} nlayer = 2 #10 atmospheric layer layerList = {"allLayers": ["L%d" % x for x in range(nlayer)]} strList = [0.5 ] + [0.5 / (nlayer - 1.)] * (nlayer - 1) #relative strength of the layers hList = (0, 12376) #height of the layers vList = [10., 15.] #velocity of the layers dirList = [45., 135.] #direction (degrees) of the layers for i in range(nlayer): atmosDict["L%d" % i] = layer(hList[i], dirList[i], vList[i], strList[i], 10 + i) l0 = 25. #outer scale r0 = 0.1 #fried's parameter atmosGeom = geom(atmosDict, sourceList, ntel, npup, telDiam, r0, l0) #Create the DM object. from import dmOverview, dmInfo import numpy if ndm > 1: dmHeight = numpy.arange(ndm) * (hList[-1] / (ndm - 1.)) else: dmHeight = [0] dmInfoList = [] for i in range(ndm): dmInfoList.append( dmInfo('dm%dpath' % i, [x.idstr for x in sourceList], dmHeight[i], nAct, minarea=0.1,
phslam=sciLam for i in range(nsci): sciDict["sci%d"%(i+1)]=util.sci.sciInfo("sci%d"%(i+1),i*10.,0.,pupil,sciLam,phslam=phslam,phaseType="phaseamp") sciOverview=util.sci.sciOverview(sciDict) sourceList=[] #the wfs sourceList.append(wfsOverview.getWfsByID("1")) #and psf for i in range(nsci): sourceList.append(sciOverview.getSciByID("sci%d"%(i+1))) atmosGeom=geom(atmosDict,sourceList,ntel,npup,telDiam,r0,l0) this.physProp.atmosGeom=geom(atmosDict,sourceList,this.physProp.ntel,this.physProp.npup,this.physProp.telDiam,r0,l0,ignoreZenithWarning=1) this.infScrn.atmosGeom=this.physProp.atmosGeom #Create the DM object. nAct=wfs_nsubx+1 from import dmOverview,dmInfo dmInfoList=[dmInfo('dm',[x.idstr for x in sourceList],0.,nAct,minarea=0.1,actuatorsFrom="recon",pokeSpacing=(None if wfs_nsubx<20 else 10),maxActDist=1.5,decayFactor=0.95)] dmOverview=dmOverview(dmInfoList,atmosGeom) rcond=0.05#condtioning value for SVD recontype="pinv"#reconstruction type pokeval=1.#strength of poke gainFactor=0.5#Loop gain