コード例 #1
def expose_api_key():
    """*********** |EXPOSES API KEY|*********** """
    API_KEY = get_config_value('keys', 'API_KEY')

    #decrypt hidden text - function will fail without 'private_key.key' file!
    api_key = decrypt(API_KEY)
コード例 #2
from util.custom_exceptions import RouteIdException
from util.config_parser import get_config_value

BASELINE_URL = get_config_value("url", "BASELINE_URL")

#TODO: to reduce text redundancy below,
#remove keys and list them above or in config as enums
#Then, instead of appending "-x", we can create a function
#to compress tuple keys and attach as trailing string value to baseline url!

    ('1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6'): BASELINE_URL,
    ('A', 'C', 'E'): BASELINE_URL + "-ace",
    ('G', ): BASELINE_URL + "-g",
    ('N', 'Q', 'R', 'W'): BASELINE_URL + "-nqrw",
    ('B', 'D', 'F', 'M'): BASELINE_URL + "-bdfm",
    ('J', 'Z'): BASELINE_URL + "-jz",
    ('L', ): BASELINE_URL + "-l",
    ('7', ): BASELINE_URL + "-7"

def get_url(route_id):
    if isinstance(route_id, int):
        raise TypeError(str(route_id) + " must be of type char or string!")
    for key, value in FEED_URLS.items():
        for route in key:
            if route_id is route:
                return FEED_URLS.get(key)

    raise RouteIdException(
コード例 #3
# NOTE: This Codebase version 3.7 maybe backwards compatible with [3.0 >= x <= 3.6.12] but needs to be confirmed!
version_info = sys.version_info
assert (3, 7) <= version_info <= (3, 9), \
    "Python Version " + str(version_info[0]) + "." + str(version_info[1]) + " is not compatible with this application!"
import requests
from queue import PriorityQueue
from mta.tokenauth import TokenAuth
from config.stops_dict import STOPS
from realtime_feed_urls import get_url
from util.cryptographic_func import decrypt
from config.gtfs_class_parsers import FEED_MESSAGE
from util import timestamp_operators, config_parser
from google.protobuf.json_format import MessageToDict

gtfs_parser = FEED_MESSAGE.get("class")
cipher_key = config_parser.get_config_value('keys', 'API_KEY')
API_KEY = decrypt(cipher_key).decode("utf-8")

class MTARealTimeFeedParser:
    class that pulls in real time data feeds from the Metropolitan Transportation Authority
    based in New York City. The feed that request.get() returns is serialized
    thus, Google's gtfs_realtime_pb2 in essential for conversion of this binary into readable format
    This class populates a queue for all available trains relevant to a given stop, sorted by departure time.
    def __init__(self, route_id, stop_id):
        if stop_id not in STOPS.keys():
            raise KeyError(stop_id + " is not a valid stop_id!")
            self.__stop_name = STOPS.get(stop_id)
コード例 #4
import math
import datetime
from util.config_parser import get_config_value

ROUNDING_THRESHOLD = float(get_config_value("timing", "ROUNDING_THRESHOLD"))

def convert_timestamp_to_datetime(timestamp):
    return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
        int(timestamp)).strftime('%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S')

#TODO: assure timestamp is within the domain of EST!
def compute_relative_time(timestamp):
    """subtracts current timestamp from param timestamp and converts value into minutes.
    performs necessary minute rounding (i.e. rounds up if remainder >= 0.5 else rounds down)"""

    #NOTE: uncomment code to perform minute analysis to assure rounding accuracy
    #if timestamp > datetime.datetime.now().timestamp():
    #print((timestamp - datetime.datetime.now().timestamp())/SEC_TO_MINUTE)

    #TODO: cache datetime.now() reference for better runtime (at the cost of slightly less accurate time)
    # or just compute at each line (at the cost of slower runtime but accurate timing)

    if timestamp > datetime.datetime.now().timestamp():
        if ((timestamp - datetime.datetime.now().timestamp())/SEC_TO_MINUTE) - \
                int(((timestamp - datetime.datetime.now().timestamp())/SEC_TO_MINUTE)) < ROUNDING_THRESHOLD:
            return math.floor(
                ((timestamp - datetime.datetime.now().timestamp()) /
コード例 #5
from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
from util.os_func import read_file, write_file
from util.config_parser import get_config_value

KEY_FILE = get_config_value("key_file", "KEY_FILE")

def encrypt(plaintext):
    :param plaintext: sensitive text needed to be concealed
    :return: cipher text that can be exposed publically
    fernet = Fernet(
        read_file(relative_path='..', file_name=KEY_FILE, mode="rb")[0])
    return fernet.encrypt(plaintext)

def decrypt(ciphertext):
    :param ciphertext: encrypted text as string type
    :return: plaintext format needed to be executed by app logic
    fernet = Fernet(
        read_file(relative_path='..', file_name=KEY_FILE, mode="rb")[0])
    return fernet.decrypt(str.encode(ciphertext))

def generate_keyfile():
    :return: saves key to 'private_key.key' file
コード例 #6
metaprogramming script to transform certain comma-separated values in
txt_files/*.txt into simple key value pairs located in config/*_dict.py
from util.os_func import os, read_file, write_file
from util.custom_exceptions import FileExtensionException
from util.config_parser import get_config_value

SAVE_TO_DIRECTORY = get_config_value("Paths", "SAVE_DICT_DIRECTORY")

def generate_dictionary(relative_path, filename, key_index, value_index):
    :return: generates a new .py file containing a dictionary variable
             whose key->values pairing is created from parametrized values
            which corresponds to list indices after string split occurs
    if key_index < 0 or value_index < 0:
        raise ValueError(
            "Both index values must be greater than or equal to 0")

    if filename[-4:] != ".txt":
        raise FileExtensionException(filename +\
                                     " is not a txt file!")


        data = read_file(relative_path=relative_path,