sound_corr_temp == np.nanmax(sound_corr_temp))[0][0] else: mvmt_corr_temp = copy.deepcopy(mvmt_corr) mvmt_corr_temp[sound_channel] = 0 mvmt_channel = np.where( mvmt_corr_temp == np.nanmax(mvmt_corr_temp))[0][0] average = np.mean(np.vstack([mvmt_corr, sound_corr]), axis=0) rest_channel = np.where(average == np.nanmin(average))[0][0] # plt.plot(sound_sections, label="actual sound") # plt.plot(mvmt_sections, label="actual mvmt") # plt.plot(cluster_sections[:,mvmt_channel], label="cluster mvmt") # plt.plot(cluster_sections[:,sound_channel], label="cluster sound") # plt.plot(cluster_sections[:,rest_channel], label="cluster rest") # plt.legend() # # # pdb.set_trace() print str(mvmt_channel) + str(mvmt_corr[mvmt_channel]) print str(sound_channel) + str(sound_corr[sound_channel]) print str(rest_channel) + str(average[rest_channel]) return {'Mvmt': mvmt_channel, 'Sound': sound_channel, 'Rest': rest_channel} if __name__ == "__main__": if not (len(sys.argv) == 4): raise varError("Arguments should be <Sound File> <Movement File>\ <Cluster Result File>") correlate(*sys.argv[1:])
else: cluster_centers.append([]) pickle.dump(cluster_centers, open(save_loc + "\\" + sbj_id + "_" + str(date) + "_" + str(level) + "_centers.p", "wb")) # Plot Cluster Figures plt.figure(figsize=(20,10)) for l in xrange(5): condensed = condense_time(cluster_result[l, :], l, 16) index = np.argsort(condensed[:,:].sum(axis=0)) # for c in index[-min(2**(l+1),5):]: # plt.plot(np.arange(0,condensed.shape[0]*10,10),condensed[:,c]) # # plt.xlabel("Time(Minute)") # plt.ylabel("Cluster Count") # #plt.xticks(np.arange(0,condensed.shape[0]*10,10)) # pickle.dump(condensed, open(save_loc + "\\" + sbj_id + "_" + str(date) + "_" + str(l) + ".p", "wb")) pickle.dump(cluster_result, open(save_loc + "\\" + sbj_id + "_" + str(date) + ".p", "wb")) if __name__ == "__main__": if not (len(sys.argv) == 5): raise varError("Arguments should be <Subject ID> <Dates> <Features directory>\ <Save directory>") sys.argv[2] = sys.argv[2].split() hier_cluster_main(*sys.argv[1:])
"Speaking", "Multiple_people", "Sleeping", "Eating", "Listening.Watching_Media", "Listening.Listening_to_family_member", "Listening.Listening_to_staff", "Rest" ] tracks_reduced = ["Mvmt", "Sound", "Rest", "Other"] for i in xrange(800): file_num = str(i).zfill(4) sbj_indexes = np.where( np.array(labels.filename) == file_num + '-' + labeller)[0] if sbj_indexes.shape[0] > 0: vid_length = getLength(vid_folder + "\\" + sbj_id + "_" + str(day) + "\\" + sbj_id + "_" + str(day) + "_" + file_num + ".avi") result = convert_reduced_labels_to_array(labels, sbj_indexes, vid_length, tracks, tracks_reduced) pickle.dump( result, open( dst_folder + "\\" + sbj_id + "_" + str(day) + "_" + file_num + "_" + labeller + ".p", "wb")) if __name__ == "__main__": if not (len(sys.argv) == 7): raise varError("Arguments should be <Subject ID> <Day><Label File>\ <Video directory> <Save directory>") extract_reduced_labels(*sys.argv[1:])
sound_corr_temp[mvmt_channel]=0 sound_channel = np.where(sound_corr_temp==np.nanmax(sound_corr_temp))[0][0] else: mvmt_corr_temp = copy.deepcopy(mvmt_corr) mvmt_corr_temp[sound_channel]=0 mvmt_channel = np.where(mvmt_corr_temp==np.nanmax(mvmt_corr_temp))[0][0] average = np.mean(np.vstack([mvmt_corr, sound_corr]), axis=0) rest_channel = np.where(average==np.nanmin(average))[0][0] # plt.plot(sound_sections, label="actual sound") # plt.plot(mvmt_sections, label="actual mvmt") # plt.plot(cluster_sections[:,mvmt_channel], label="cluster mvmt") # plt.plot(cluster_sections[:,sound_channel], label="cluster sound") # plt.plot(cluster_sections[:,rest_channel], label="cluster rest") # plt.legend() # # # pdb.set_trace() print str(mvmt_channel) + str(mvmt_corr[mvmt_channel]) print str(sound_channel) + str(sound_corr[sound_channel]) print str(rest_channel) + str(average[rest_channel]) return {'Mvmt':mvmt_channel,'Sound': sound_channel,'Rest':rest_channel} if __name__ == "__main__": if not(len(sys.argv) == 4): raise varError("Arguments should be <Sound File> <Movement File>\ <Cluster Result File>") correlate(*sys.argv[1:])
def extract_labeller_reduced_labels(sbj_id, day, src_folder, vid_folder, dst_folder, labeller): labels=pd.read_csv(src_folder + sbj_id + "_" + str(day) + ".txt", sep=':', dtype=str) tracks = ["Laughing", "Movement.Head", "Movement.Other", "Movement.arm", "Speaking", "Multiple_people", "Sleeping","Eating", "Listening.Watching_Media", "Listening.Listening_to_family_member", "Listening.Listening_to_staff", "Rest"] tracks_reduced = ["Mvmt", "Sound", "Rest", "Other"] for i in xrange(800): file_num = str(i).zfill(4) sbj_indexes = np.where(np.array(labels.filename)== file_num + '-' + labeller)[0] if sbj_indexes.shape[0]>0: vid_length = getLength(vid_folder + "\\" + sbj_id + "_" + str(day) + "\\" + sbj_id + "_" + str(day) + "_" + file_num + ".avi") result = convert_reduced_labels_to_array(labels,sbj_indexes, vid_length, tracks, tracks_reduced) pickle.dump(result, open(dst_folder + "\\" + sbj_id +"_" +str(day) + "_" + file_num + "_" + labeller + ".p", "wb")) if __name__ == "__main__": if not(len(sys.argv) == 7): raise varError("Arguments should be <Subject ID> <Day><Label File>\ <Video directory> <Save directory>") extract_reduced_labels(*sys.argv[1:])