def _count_lighting_rod(self): ''' 피뢰침이 만들어진 일자는? 피뢰침이 만들어진후 지난일자 피뢰침 평균 거래량 :return: ''' rt = ic.fillindex(self.df_ohlc_min) df_volume_head_10 = rt.sort_values('VOLUME', ascending=False).head(20) df_volume_head_10['FLUCT'] = df_volume_head_10['HIGH']-df_volume_head_10['OPEN'] # print(df_volume_head_10) # print('HEAD 20 ROWS, VOLUME MEAN : ', df_volume_head_10['VOLUME'].mean()) # print('HEAD 20 ROWS, FLUCT MEAN : ', (df_volume_head_10['FLUCT']/df_volume_head_10['OPEN']).mean()) # print('HEAD 20 ROWS, CLOSE MEAN : ', df_volume_head_10['CLOSE'].mean()) # print('UPPER 10%, VOLUME : ', rt['VOLUME'].quantile(0.85)) # print('HEAD 10 ROWS, HIGH ABS: ', df_volume_head_10['HIGH'].max()) # print('HEAD 10 ROWS, HIGH WHOLE: ', rt['HIGH'].max()) # RETURN 으로 빼서 set_prev_index() 에서 설정하도록... self.dict_prev['20D_TOP20_MEAN_VOL'] = df_volume_head_10['VOLUME'].mean() self.dict_prev['20D_TOP20_MEAN_FLUCT']=(df_volume_head_10['FLUCT']/df_volume_head_10['OPEN']).mean() self.dict_prev['20D_TOP20_MEAN_CLOSE']=df_volume_head_10['CLOSE'].mean() self.dict_prev['20D_85QTILE_VOL'] = rt['VOLUME'].quantile(0.85)
def fill_index(self): st = self.df_ohlc_realtime_filled = ic.fillindex( self.df_ohlc_realtime).tail(5) elapsed_time = ( - st) return { 'elapsed_time': '%s.%06d' % (elapsed_time.seconds, elapsed_time.microseconds) }
def __init__(self, stockcode, condition_buy, the_date, the_date_index, purchased=0, amount=0, hist_purchased=0, hist_selled=0): ''' :param stockcode: :param stockname: :param to: :param condition: ''' self.obj = JazzstockObject_Account(stockcode, the_date, the_date_index, purchased, amount) self.obj.set_ohlc_day_from_db_include_index( cntto=the_date_index + 1, window=60) # to + 1, 즉 시뮬레이션 전 거래일 까지의 일봉정보를 가져옴 self.obj.set_ohlc_min_from_db(cntto=the_date_index, window=1) # to 거래일 까지의 5분봉을 가져옴 self.obj.set_prev_day_index() self.obj.df_ohlc_realtime_filled = ic.fillindex( self.obj.df_ohlc_min) # 5분봉에 지표들을 붙여줌 # # 의문의 DATE타임 전처리.... 왜인지 어떤건 되고 어떤건 안됨 # self.obj.df_ohlc_realtime_filled.DATE = self.obj.df_ohlc_realtime_filled.DATE.astype(str) self.obj.df_ohlc_realtime_filled = self.obj.df_ohlc_realtime_filled[ self.obj.df_ohlc_realtime_filled.DATE == the_date] self.COLUMNS_DAY = [ 'DATE', 'TIME', 'CLOSE', 'VSMAR20', 'BBP', 'BBW', 'K', 'D', 'J' ] self.COLUMNS_MIN = [ 'DATE', 'TIME', 'CLOSE', 'VSMAR20', 'BBP', 'BBW', 'K', 'D', 'J' ] self.condition_buy = condition_buy self.hist_purchased = hist_purchased self.hist_selled = hist_selled
import common.connector_db as db import util.index_calculator as ic import pandas as pd from crawl.jazzstock_object_crawling import JazzstockCrawlingObject pd.options.display.max_rows = 1000 pd.options.display.max_columns= 500 obj = JazzstockCrawlingObject('131370','알서포트') obj.get_daily_index(cntto=1) # -1 거래일 까지의 일봉정보를 가져옴 obj.set_ohlc_min_from_db(cntto=0) # -0 거래일 까지의 5분봉을 가져옴 obj.df_ohlc_min = ic.fillindex(obj.df_ohlc_min) # 5분봉에 지표들을 붙여줌 print(obj.df_ohlc_min.columns) SHOW_COLUMNS=['DATE', 'TIME', 'CLOSE', 'VSMAR20', 'BBP', 'BBW', 'K', 'D', 'J'] print(obj.df_ohlc_min[obj.df_ohlc_min['VSMAR20']>1]) # AUTOML에서 쓰던 함수들 다 가져와서 util을 만들자 # _equal() # _bigger() # _smaller()