コード例 #1
ファイル: core.py プロジェクト: devdave/txWeb
    def _compute_path(self, parent, path):

        graph = OrderedDict()
        print parent, path

        if hasattr(parent, "index"):
            graph[re.compile("^%s/$" % path) ] = parent.index

        for name in dir(parent):
            if name.startswith("_"):

            obj = getattr(parent, name)

            if isAction(obj):
                node_body = "%s/%s" % (path, name,)
                if isExposed(obj):
                    graph[re.compile("^%s$" % node_body)] = obj
                elif isResource(obj):
                    graph[re.compile("^%s/?(.*)" % node_body)] = obj

            elif obj:
                graph.update(self._compute_path(obj, "%s/%s" % (path, name,)))

        return graph
コード例 #2
ファイル: core.py プロジェクト: devdave/txWeb
    def routeRequest(self, request):

        action = None
        url_match = None
        for url_regex, candidate in self.object_graph.items():
            url_match = url_regex.match(request.path)
            if url_match:
                action = candidate

        if action is None:
            return NoResource()
            #Last step is to see what was found, if the target was a resource, we're done
            #For now, assuming only ^url/2/resource(.*)$ regexs are used for resources!

            if isResource(action):
                url_groups = url_match.groups()
                if url_groups:
                    childPath = url_match.groups()[0].split("/")
                    while childPath:
                        action = action.getChild(childPath.pop(0), request)

                return action

                return OneTimeResource(action)
コード例 #3
ファイル: core.py プロジェクト: devdave/txWeb
    def routeRequest(self, request):
            Traverses from the root controller, down through its children and returns the first callable or Resource that
            matches the provided request.path
            If there is no match, it will return NoResource

            :param request is a twisted.web.request instance

            ex. Given a path like '/foo/test/x' it would match a OO graph of root.foo.test.x or the first callable
            in that line.  so if root.root() has a method called test, then 'x' will be pushed into

        action = None

        #self.resource is the Root controller object provided to Site.__init__(resource)
        root = parent = self.resource
            defaultAction is a catch_all method that is set to intercept routing fallouts
            below the current parent.

                a request path like "/foo/bar/something/something/

            and a Graph like

                class Bar:

                class Foo:
                    bar = Bar()

                class Root:
                    def __default__(self, request):
                        return "Root default handler"

                    foo = Foo()

                Root.__default__ will end up being called

                if Foo had a __default__ method, it would be called instead
                if Bar had a __default__ method, then naturally it would be called

                The default action mechanism is the only planned means of supporting out of order routing
                like "/person/123/edit" where the desired action is to call Root.person.edit(<Request args={record_id:123} )
        defaultAction = getattr(root, "__default__", None ) or NoResource()

        #crucial check because /foo/bar and /foo/bar/ should be treated as different ( former suggest Foo.<bound method bar> while the second Foo.<object instance bar>)
        endedWithSlash = request.path.endswith("/")
        path = request.path.strip("/").split("/")

        for i, element in enumerate(path):

            #For the first run through the loop, parent == root, but subsequent iterations parent will equal the Nth child of root
            parent = root
            root = getattr(root, element, None)

            if root is None:
                    if root has nulled out, check to see if the last element in the path was a controller
                    AND if so check for an index attribute that is callable or resource
                if endedWithSlash:
                    if hasattr(parent, "index") and isAction(getattr(parent, "index")):
                        action = getattr(parent, "index")

            if hasattr(root, "__default__") and isAction(getattr(root, "__default__")):
                #Check for a catchall default action
                defaultAction = getattr(root, "__default__")

            if element.startswith("_"):
                #500 simplistic security check
                #There is already the exposed check, but this is a second security check to prevent calls to Root.__dict__ or such
                return ErrorPage(500, "Illegal characters", "URI segments cannot start with an underscore")
                break #pragma: no cover

            if isAction(root):
                action = root
                request.postpath = path[i+1:]
                if isResource(root):
                            For twisted.web a path like "/foo/bar/blah" translates to ["","foo","bar","blah"]
                            while "/foo/bar/blah/" == ["","foo","bar","blah",""] which is how Str.split works.
                            twisted.web's pathing logic depends on the prior result for Resource child delegation.
                            txweb meanwhile, doesn't.
                    if len( path[i+1:] ) > 0:
                        childPath = request.postpath[:]
                        while childPath:
                            sub = childPath.pop(0)
                            action = action.getChild(sub, request)
                    elif endedWithSlash:
                        #TODO need more unit-tests to clarify why I did this
                        #given foo = File("somePath/") and a path like "/foo/", expected twisted behavior is File to be given path of ""
                        action = action.getChild("", request)


        if action is None:
            if endedWithSlash and hasattr(root, "index"):
                action = getattr(root, "index")

            #handles calls to child object attributes where they're at root.foo and url == "/foo" but should be "/foo/"
            elif not endedWithSlash and element in dir(parent) and element[0] != "_" and isinstance(getattr(parent, element), object):
                action = util.Redirect("%s/" % request.path)

        if action is None:
            action = defaultAction or NoResource()

        #Last step is to see what was found, if the target was a resource, we're done
        if isResource(action):
            return action
        #If action was a non-resource callable, bind the callable's parent to allow for pre/post filter logic in OneTimeResource
        elif parent is not None and isinstance(parent, object):
            return OneTimeResource(action, parent)
            #This isn't ideal but could be a result of Root having a __call__ method
            #Coverage in WebMud & PyProxy SSR both show this is never reached - placed on TODO as an Exception
            return OneTimeResource(action)