コード例 #1
ファイル: topo_sort.py プロジェクト: sgricci/digsby
def topological_sort_chains(chains):
    incidence = dict()
    G = create_graph(chains, incidence)
    assert len(G) == len(incidence)
    color = {}
    pred = {}
    disc = {}
    fin = {}
    DFS(G, color, pred, disc, fin)
    fin2 = dictreverse(fin)
    fin3 = []
    for i in sorted(fin2, reverse=True):
    return fin3
コード例 #2
ファイル: service_provider.py プロジェクト: sgricci/digsby
    def get_ordered(self, new=()):
        if self.order is None:
        order = self.order
        acct_position = dict((v,k) for (k,v) in enumerate(order))
        from collections import defaultdict
        types = defaultdict(list)
        provider_list = self.existing_sps.values()
        provider_lookup = dict()
        account_lookup = dict()
        for provider in provider_list:
            for type_, acct in provider.accounts.items():
                if acct in new:
                    assert len(new) == 1
                    assert len(provider.accounts) > len(new)
                provider_lookup[acct.id] = provider
                account_lookup[acct.id] = acct
        for val in types.values():
            val.sort(key = lambda a: acct_position.get(a.id, 1000))
        loc = dict(enumerate(provider_list))
        from util.primitives.mapping import dictreverse
        loc2 = dictreverse(loc)
        chains = [types['im'], types['email'], types['social']]

        #this adds just a little more information about the relationship between
        #im/email/social accounts.
        total_chain = oset(account_lookup[id_] for id_ in order if id_ in account_lookup)
        for chain in chains:

        chains = [oset([loc2[provider_lookup[acct.id]] for acct in type_]) for type_ in chains]

        #enforce that if there is a previous ordering between two nodes,
        #then the reverse ordering is discarded
#        partial = set()
#        chains2 = []
#        for chain in chains:
#            chain2 = []
#            blacklist = []
#            for i, a in enumerate(chain):
#                if a in blacklist:
#                    continue
#                for b in chain[i:]:
#                    if a == b:
#                        continue
#                    node = (a,b)
#                    revnode = (b,a)
#                    if revnode in partial:
#                        #the conflict doesn't exist until we get to b
#                        #and it's farther down than this one, so discard b.
#                        _none = blacklist.append(b)
#                    else:
#                        _none = partial.add(node)
#                else:
#                    _none = chain2.append(a)
#            _none = chains2.append(chain2)
#            #_none is for pasting into the console, consumed return values aren't shown.
#        import util.primitives.topological_sort as tsort
#        order = tsort.topological_sort_chains(chains2)
        import util.primitives.topo_sort as tsort
        order = tsort.topological_sort_chains(chains)
        provider_accts = [loc[i] for i in order]

        out = []
        for prov in provider_accts:
            [out.append(a.id) for a in
             [prov.accounts.get(t, None) for t in
              ['im', 'email', 'social']]
             if a is not None]
        self.order = out
        return provider_accts
コード例 #3
ファイル: facebookprotocol.py プロジェクト: sgricci/digsby
    'News Feed': 'nf',
    'Status Updates': 'app_2915120374',
    'Photos': 'app_2305272732',
    'Links': 'app_2309869772'

    '__notification__': {
        'name': 'Notifications',
        'icon_url': 'facebookicons.notifications_icon'

KNOWN_APPS_LOOKUP = mapping.dictreverse(FORCED_APPS)

#COMMENTS_QUERY = "SELECT fromid, text, time, post_id, id FROM comment WHERE post_id IN (SELECT post_id FROM #posts)"
PROFILES_QUERY = """SELECT id, name, pic_square, url FROM profile WHERE id IN (SELECT viewer_id FROM #posts) OR id IN(SELECT actor_id FROM #posts) OR id in (SELECT target_id FROM #posts) OR id in (SELECT source_id FROM #posts) OR id IN (SELECT likes.sample FROM #posts) OR id IN (SELECT likes.friends FROM #posts) OR id IN (SELECT sender_id FROM #notifications)"""
#ALL_POSTS_QUERY = 'SELECT post_id, comments, permalink, created_time, updated_time, viewer_id, actor_id, target_id, source_id, message, attachment, action_links, likes FROM stream where filter_key="nf" and is_hidden=0 LIMIT 100'
BIRTHDAY_QUERY = 'select name, birthday_date, profile_url, uid from user where uid IN (select uid2 from friend where uid1=%d)'
NOW_QUERY = 'select now() from user where uid=%d'
EVENTS_QUERY = 'select eid from event where eid in (select eid from event_member where uid=me() and rsvp_status="not_replied") and start_time > now()'
STATUS_QUERY = 'select message, status_id, time, uid from status where uid=me() limit 1'

NOTIFICATIONS_QUERY = 'select notification_id,sender_id,created_time,updated_time,title_html,title_text,href,is_unread,app_id from notification where recipient_id=me()'
APP_QUERY = 'SELECT app_id,icon_url FROM application WHERE app_id IN (SELECT app_id from #notifications)'

POST_FILTER_KEY_QUERY = "select post_id, filter_key from stream where post_id in (select post_id from #latest_posts) and filter_key in (select filter_key from #filter_keys)"
FILTER_KEY_QUERY = "select filter_key, name, icon_url from stream_filter where uid=me() and ((is_visible=1 and type='application') or filter_key in ('" + "', '".join(
    FORCED_APPS.values()) + "')) ORDER BY rank ASC"
コード例 #4
ファイル: facebookprotocol.py プロジェクト: AlexUlrich/digsby
import graphapi
log = getLogger("Facebook2.0")


FORCED_APPS = {'News Feed':      'nf',
               'Status Updates': 'app_2915120374',
               'Photos':         'app_2305272732',
               'Links':          'app_2309869772'}


KNOWN_APPS_LOOKUP = mapping.dictreverse(FORCED_APPS)

#COMMENTS_QUERY = "SELECT fromid, text, time, post_id, id FROM comment WHERE post_id IN (SELECT post_id FROM #posts)"
PROFILES_QUERY = """SELECT id, name, pic_square, url FROM profile WHERE id IN (SELECT viewer_id FROM #posts) OR id IN(SELECT actor_id FROM #posts) OR id in (SELECT target_id FROM #posts) OR id in (SELECT source_id FROM #posts) OR id IN (SELECT likes.sample FROM #posts) OR id IN (SELECT likes.friends FROM #posts) OR id IN (SELECT sender_id FROM #notifications)"""
#ALL_POSTS_QUERY = 'SELECT post_id, comments, permalink, created_time, updated_time, viewer_id, actor_id, target_id, source_id, message, attachment, action_links, likes FROM stream where filter_key="nf" and is_hidden=0 LIMIT 100'
BIRTHDAY_QUERY  = 'select name, birthday_date, profile_url, uid from user where uid IN (select uid2 from friend where uid1=%d)'
NOW_QUERY       = 'select now() from user where uid=%d'
EVENTS_QUERY    = 'select eid from event where eid in (select eid from event_member where uid=me() and rsvp_status="not_replied") and start_time > now()'
STATUS_QUERY    = 'select message, status_id, time, uid from status where uid=me() limit 1'

NOTIFICATIONS_QUERY = 'select notification_id,sender_id,created_time,updated_time,title_html,title_text,href,is_unread,app_id from notification where recipient_id=me()'
APP_QUERY = 'SELECT app_id,icon_url FROM application WHERE app_id IN (SELECT app_id from #notifications)'

POST_FILTER_KEY_QUERY = "select post_id, filter_key from stream where post_id in (select post_id from #latest_posts) and filter_key in (select filter_key from #filter_keys)"
FILTER_KEY_QUERY = "select filter_key, name, icon_url from stream_filter where uid=me() and ((is_visible=1 and type='application') or filter_key in ('" + "', '".join(FORCED_APPS.values()) + "')) ORDER BY rank ASC"
POST_QUERY = 'SELECT post_id, comments, permalink, created_time, updated_time, viewer_id, actor_id, target_id, source_id, message, attachment, action_links, likes FROM stream where post_id="%s"'
コード例 #5
ファイル: topo_sort.py プロジェクト: sgricci/digsby
    G = create_graph(chains, incidence)
    assert len(G) == len(incidence)
    color = {}
    pred = {}
    disc = {}
    fin = {}
    DFS(G, color, pred, disc, fin)
    fin2 = dictreverse(fin)
    fin3 = []
    for i in sorted(fin2, reverse=True):
    return fin3

if __name__ == '__main__':
    incidence = dict()
    G = create_graph([ [6, 0, 5], [5, 6, 9, 3, 8, 7, 4, 2], [1, 0], [5, 6, 1, 0, 9, 3, 8, 7, 4, 2]], incidence)
    assert len(G) == len(incidence)
    color = {}
    pred = {}
    disc = {}
    fin = {}
    DFS(G, color, pred, disc, fin)
    from mapping import dictreverse
    fin2 = dictreverse(fin)
    fin3 = []
    for i in sorted(fin2, reverse=True):
    print fin3
#    print incidence