コード例 #1
def loadStd(objectName,wvlBinEdges):
    #import the known spectrum of the calibrator and rebin to the histogram parameters given
    #must be imported into array with dtype float so division later does not have error
    std = MKIDStd.MKIDStd()
    a = std.load(objectName)
    a = std.normalizeFlux(a)
    x = a[:,0]
    y = a[:,1]
    realSpectra = y
    realSpectraWvl = x
    newa = rebin(x,y,wvlBinEdges)
    binnedSpectra = newa[:,1]
    return binnedSpectra
コード例 #2
def cleanSpectrum(x,y,objectName, wvlBinEdges):
        #locations and widths of absorption features in Angstroms
        #features = [3890,3970,4099,4340,4860,6564,6883,7619]
        #widths = [50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50]
        #for i in xrange(len(features)):
        #    #check for absorption feature in std spectrum
        #    ind = np.where((x<(features[i]+15)) & (x>(features[i]-15)))[0]
        #    if len(ind)!=0:
        #        ind = ind[len(ind)/2]
        #    #if feature is found (flux is higher on both sides of the specified wavelength where the feature should be)
        #    if y[ind]<y[ind+1] and y[ind]<y[ind-1]:
        #        #cut out width[i] around feature[i]
        #        inds = np.where((x >= features[i]+widths[i]) | (x <= features[i]-widths[i]))
        #        x = x[inds]
        #        y = y[inds]

        #fit a tail to the end of the spectrum to interpolate out to desired wavelength in angstroms
        fraction = 2.1/3
        newx = np.arange(int(x[fraction*len(x)]),20000)

        slopeguess = (np.log(y[-1])-np.log(y[fraction*len(x)]))/(x[-1]-x[fraction*len(x)])
        print "Guess at exponential slope is %f"%(slopeguess)
        guess_a, guess_b, guess_c = float(y[fraction*len(x)]), x[fraction*len(x)], slopeguess
        guess = [guess_a, guess_b, guess_c]

        fitx = x[fraction*len(x):]
        fity = y[fraction*len(x):]

        exp_decay = lambda fx, A, x0, t: A * np.exp((fx-x0) * t)

        params, cov = curve_fit(exp_decay, fitx, fity, p0=guess, maxfev=2000)
        A, x0, t= params
        print "A = %s\nx0 = %s\nt = %s\n"%(A, x0, t)
        best_fit = lambda fx: A * np.exp((fx-x0)*t)

        calcx = np.array(newx,dtype=float)
        newy = best_fit(calcx)

        #func = interpolate.splrep(x[fration*len(x):],y[fraction*len(x):],s=smooth)
        #newx = np.arange(int(x[fraction*len(x)]),self.wvlBinEdges[-1])
        #newy = interpolate.splev(newx,func)

        wl = np.concatenate((x,newx[newx>max(x)]))
        flux = np.concatenate((y,newy[newx>max(x)]))

        #new method, rebin data to grid of wavelengths generated from a grid of evenly spaced energy bins
        #R=7.0 at 4500
        #R=E/dE -> dE = R/E
        dE = 0.3936 #eV
        start = 1000 #Angs
        stop = 25000 #Angs
        enBins = ObsFile.makeWvlBins(dE,start,stop)
        rebinned = rebin(wl,flux,enBins)
        re_wl = rebinned[:,0]
        re_flux = rebinned[:,1]
        re_wl = re_wl[np.isnan(re_flux)==False]
        re_flux = re_flux[np.isnan(re_flux)==False]

        start1 = wvlBinEdges[0]
        stop1 = wvlBinEdges[-1]
        #regrid downsampled data 

        new_wl = np.arange(start1,stop1)

        #print re_wl
        #print re_flux
        #print new_wl

        print len(re_flux)
        weight = np.ones(len(re_flux))
        #decrease weights near peak
        ind = np.where(re_flux == max(re_flux))[0]
        weight[ind] = 0.3
        for p in [1,2,3]:
            if p==1:
                wt = 0.3
            elif p==2:
                wt = 0.6
            elif p==3:
                wt = 0.7
                weight[ind+p] = wt
            except IndexError:
                 if ind-p >= 0:
                     weight[ind-p] = wt
            except IndexError:
        #change weights to set how tightly fit must match data points
        #weight[-4:] = 1.0
        weight = [0.7,0.7,0.7,0.7,0.7,0.7,0.7,0.7,0.7]
        #print len(weight)
        #weight = re_flux/min(re_flux)
        #weight = 1.0/weight
        #weight = weight/max(weight)
        print weight
        f = interpolate.splrep(re_wl,re_flux,w=weight,k=3,s=max(re_flux)**200)
        new_flux = interpolate.splev(new_wl,f,der=0)
        return new_wl, new_flux
コード例 #3
def cleanSpectrum(x,y,objectName, wvlBinEdges):
        #locations and widths of absorption features in Angstroms
        #features = [3890,3970,4099,4340,4860,6564,6883,7619]
        #widths = [50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50]
        #for i in xrange(len(features)):
        #    #check for absorption feature in std spectrum
        #    ind = np.where((x<(features[i]+15)) & (x>(features[i]-15)))[0]
        #    if len(ind)!=0:
        #        ind = ind[len(ind)/2]
        #    #if feature is found (flux is higher on both sides of the specified wavelength where the feature should be)
        #    if y[ind]<y[ind+1] and y[ind]<y[ind-1]:
        #        #cut out width[i] around feature[i]
        #        inds = np.where((x >= features[i]+widths[i]) | (x <= features[i]-widths[i]))
        #        x = x[inds]
        #        y = y[inds]

        #fit a tail to the end of the spectrum to interpolate out to desired wavelength in angstroms
        fraction = 0 #4.0/5.0
        newx = np.arange(int(x[fraction*len(x)]),20000)

        #slopeguess = (np.log(y[-1])-np.log(y[fraction*len(x)]))/(x[-1]-x[fraction*len(x)])
        #print "Guess at exponential slope is %f"%(slopeguess)
        #guess_a, guess_b, guess_c = float(y[fraction*len(x)]), x[fraction*len(x)], slopeguess
        #guess = [guess_a, guess_b, guess_c]

        fitx = x[fraction*len(x)::]
        fity = y[fraction*len(x)::]

        #exp_decay = lambda fx, A, x0, t: A * np.exp((fx-x0) * t)

        #params, cov = curve_fit(exp_decay, fitx, fity, p0=guess, maxfev=2000)
        #A, x0, t= params
        #print "A = %s\nx0 = %s\nt = %s\n"%(A, x0, t)
        #best_fit = lambda fx: A * np.exp((fx-x0)*t)

        #calcx = np.array(newx,dtype=float)
        #newy = best_fit(calcx)

        norm = fity.max()

        guess_a, guess_b = 1/(2*h*c**2/1e-9), 5600 #Constant, Temp
        guess = [guess_a, guess_b]

        blackbody = lambda fx, N, T: N * 2*h*c**2 / (fx)**5 * (exp(h*c/(k*T*(fx))) - 1)**-1 # Planck Law
        #blackbody = lambda fx, N, T: N*2*c*k*T/(fx)**4 #Rayleigh Jeans tail
        #blackbody = lambda fx, N, T: N*2*h*c**2/(fx**5) * exp(-h*c/(k*T*fx)) #Wein Approx

        params, cov = curve_fit(blackbody, fitx*1.0e-8, fity, p0=guess, maxfev=2000)
        N, T= params
        print "N = %s\nT = %s\n"%(N, T)
        best_fit = lambda fx: N * 2*h*c**2 / (fx)**5 * (exp(h*c/(k*T*(fx))) - 1)**-1 #Planck Law
        #best_fit = lambda fx: N*2*c*k*T/(fx)**4 # Rayleigh Jeans Tail
        #best_fit = lambda fx: N*2*h*c**2/(fx**5) * exp(-h*c/(k*T*fx)) #Wein Approx

        calcx = np.array(newx,dtype=float)
        bbfit = best_fit(calcx*1.0E-8)

        calcx = np.array(newx,dtype=float)
        newy = best_fit(calcx*1.0E-8)


        plt.plot(calcx[3.0*len(fitx)/4.0::],newy[3.0*len(fitx)/4.0::]*1E15,linestyle='--',linewidth=2, color="black",alpha=0.5) #plot fit

        #func = interpolate.splrep(x[fration*len(x):],y[fraction*len(x):],s=smooth)
        #newx = np.arange(int(x[fraction*len(x)]),self.wvlBinEdges[-1])
        #newy = interpolate.splev(newx,func)

        wl = np.concatenate((x,newx[newx>max(x)]))
        flux = np.concatenate((y,newy[newx>max(x)]))

        #new method, rebin data to grid of wavelengths generated from a grid of evenly spaced energy bins
        #R=7.0 at 4500
        #R=E/dE -> dE = R/E
        dE = 0.3936 #eV
        start = 1000 #Angs
        stop = 25000 #Angs
        enBins = ObsFile.makeWvlBins(dE,start,stop)
        rebinned = rebin(wl,flux,enBins)
        re_wl = rebinned[:,0]
        re_flux = rebinned[:,1]
        plt.plot(re_wl,re_flux*1E15,linestyle="o", marker="o",markersize=6) #plot rebinned spectrum with exp tail
        re_wl = re_wl[np.isnan(re_flux)==False]
        re_flux = re_flux[np.isnan(re_flux)==False]

        start1 = wvlBinEdges[0]
        stop1 = wvlBinEdges[-1]
        #regrid downsampled data 

        new_wl = np.arange(start1,stop1)

        #print re_wl
        #print re_flux
        #print new_wl

        print len(re_flux)
        weight = np.ones(len(re_flux))
        #decrease weights near peak
        ind = np.where(re_flux == max(re_flux))[0]
        weight[ind] = 0.3
        for p in [1,2,3]:
            if p==1:
                wt = 0.3
            elif p==2:
                wt = 0.6
            elif p==3:
                wt = 0.7
                weight[ind+p] = wt
            except IndexError:
                 if ind-p >= 0:
                     weight[ind-p] = wt
            except IndexError:
        #change weights to set how tightly fit must match data points
        #weight[-4:] = 1.0
        weight = 0.7*np.ones((len(re_wl)),dtype=float)
        #weight = [0.7,0.7,0.7,0.7,0.7,0.7,0.7,0.7,0.7]
        #print len(weight)
        #weight = re_flux/min(re_flux)
        #weight = 1.0/weight
        #weight = weight/max(weight)
        print weight
        f = interpolate.splrep(re_wl,re_flux,w=weight,k=2,s=0)#max(re_flux)**300)
        new_flux = interpolate.splev(new_wl,f,der=0)
        return new_wl, new_flux
コード例 #4
y = np.array(fdata[:,1])/scale #flux in ergs/s/cm^2/Angs
print y
y = y/(h*c/x) #flux in counts/s/cm^2/Angs
print y

print "Loaded standard spectrum of %s"%(objectName)

newwl, newflux = cleanSpectrum(x,y,objectName,wvlBinEdges)
print newwl
print newflux
#plot these to debug std spectrum fitting

newa = rebin(newwl,newflux,wvlBinEdges)
x = newa[:,0]
y = newa[:,1]

#print x
#print y

ax.set_title('Absolute Spectrum of  '+FileName.split('/')[-1].split('_')[0])


fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
コード例 #5

#Plot SDSSJ0926 spectrum for comparison
scale = (1.0E17) #for .txt files strange unit scaling
fname = 'sdssj0926.txt'
fdata = np.loadtxt(fname,dtype=float)
x = np.array(fdata[:,0])
y = np.array(fdata[:,1])/scale #flux in ergs/s/cm^2/Angs
print y
y = y/(h*c/x) #flux in counts/s/cm^2/Angs
energyBinWidth = 0.3936
wvlStart = 3000
wvlStop = 13000
wvlBinEdges = ObsFile.makeWvlBins(energyBinWidth,wvlStart,wvlStop)
rebinned = rebin(x,y,wvlBinEdges)

#put crab photometry points on plot


#output spectrum
outspec = synthSpectrum*corotScale