def preProcessTests(self): RuntestBase.preProcessTests(self) # Are we running esc - depends on a valid avm if self.runESC: self.runSource = True # generate the executable cmd for esc #escAbcs = [f for f in os.listdir(self.escbin) if f.endswith('.abc')] #not all abcs are used for esc escAbcs = ['debug','util','bytes-tamarin','util-tamarin','lex-char','lex-token', 'lex-scan','ast','ast-decode','parse','asm','abc','emit','cogen', 'cogen-stmt','cogen-expr','esc-core','eval-support','esc-env','main'] if not self.escbin.endswith('/'): self.escbin += '/' for f in escAbcs: self.avm += '' % (self.escbin, f) self.avm += ' -- ' self.avm += ' %s../test/' % self.escbin #needed to run shell harness if self.androidthreads: p=subprocess.Popen('adb devices',shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE) (out,err)=p.communicate() out = out.decode('latin_1','replace') out = out.split('\n') for line in out: items=line.split() if len(items)==2 and items[1]=='device': for i in range(self.threads): self.androiddevices.append(items[0]) if len(self.androiddevices)==0: print("error: adb did not detect any attached devices") print("adb devices stdout: %s stderr: %s" % (out,err)) sys.exit(1) print("detected %d android devices" % (len(self.androiddevices)/self.threads)) self.threads=len(self.androiddevices)
def usage(self, c): RuntestBase.usage(self, c) print " --esc run esc instead of avm" print " --escbin location of esc/bin directory - defaults to ../../esc/bin" print " --ext set the testfile extension (defaults to .as)" print " --threads number of threads to run (default=1), set to 1 to have tests finish sequentially" exit(c)
def compile_test(self, as_file): if not isfile(self.shellabc): exit("ERROR: %s does not exist, SHELLLABC environment variable or --shellabc must be set to" % self.shellabc) args = [] args.append('-import %s' % self.shellabc) if self.optimize: args.append('-optimize') RuntestBase.compile_test(self, as_file, args)
def usage(self, c): RuntestBase.usage(self, c) print ' --ext set the testfile extension (defaults to .as)' print ' --threads number of threads to run (default=# of cpu/cores), set to 1 to have tests finish sequentially' print ' --full do a full coverage pass (all switches and options exercised)' # print ' -i --intermediate create and compare intermediate code/AVM assembly/parse tree' print ' -r --regex output err.actual files that are regex corrected' exit(c)
def usage(self, c): RuntestBase.usage(self, c) print ' --ext set the testfile extension (defaults to .as)' print ' --threads number of threads to run (default=# of cpu/cores), set to 1 to have tests finish sequentially' print ' --diff create and compare intermediate code/AVM assembly/parse tree to asc2' print ' --asc2 required for diff tests - specify asc.jar to compare results to' print ' -r --regex output err.actual files that are regex corrected' exit(c)
def usage(self, c): RuntestBase.usage(self, c) print ' --esc run esc instead of avm' print ' --escbin location of esc/bin directory - defaults to ../../esc/bin' print ' --eval use run-time compiler' print ' --ext set the testfile extension (defaults to .as)' print ' --ats generate ats swfs instead of running tests' print ' --atsdir base output directory for ats swfs - defaults to ATS_SWFS' print ' --threads number of threads to run (default=# of cpu/cores), set to 1 to have tests finish sequentially' print ' --verify run a verify pass instead of running abcs' exit(c)
def usage(self, c): RuntestBase.usage(self, c) print " -S --avm2 second avmplus command to use" print " --avmname nickname for avm to use as column header" print " --avm2name nickname for avm2 to use as column header" print " -i --iterations number of times to repeat test" print " -l --log logs results to a file" print " -k --socketlog logs results to a socket server" print " -r --runtime name of the runtime VM used, including switch info eg. TTVMi (tamarin-tracing interp)" print " -m --memory logs the high water memory mark" print " --vmversion specify vmversion e.g. 502, use this if cannot be calculated from executable" print " --vmargs2 args to pass to avm2, if not specified --vmargs will be used" print " --nooptimize do not optimize files when compiling" print " --perfm parse the perfm results from avm" exit(c)
def parseOptions(self): opts = RuntestBase.parseOptions(self) for o, v in opts: if o in ('-S', '--avm2'): self.avm2 = v elif o in ('--avmname',): self.avmname = v elif o in ('--avm2name',): self.avm2name = v elif o in ('-i', '--iterations'): self.iterations = int(v) elif o in ('-l','--log'): self.logFileType='log' self.createOutputFile() elif o in ('-k', '--socketlog'): self.logresults = True elif o in ('-r', '--runtime'): self.vmname = v elif o in ('-m', '--memory'): self.memory = True elif o in ('--vmversion',): self.vmversion = v elif o in ('--vmargs2',): self.vmargs2 = v elif o in ('--nooptimize',): self.optimize = False elif o in ('--perfm',): self.perfm = True
def preProcessTests(self): RuntestBase.preProcessTests(self) # Are we running esc - depends on a valid avm if self.runESC: self.runSource = True # generate the executable cmd for esc #escAbcs = [f for f in os.listdir(self.escbin) if f.endswith('.abc')] #not all abcs are used for esc escAbcs = ['debug','util','bytes-tamarin','util-tamarin','lex-char','lex-token', 'lex-scan','ast','ast-decode','parse','asm','abc','emit','cogen', 'cogen-stmt','cogen-expr','esc-core','eval-support','esc-env','main'] if not self.escbin.endswith('/'): self.escbin += '/' for f in escAbcs: self.avm += '' % (self.escbin, f) self.avm += ' -- ' self.avm += ' %s../test/' % self.escbin #needed to run shell harness
def usage(self, c): RuntestBase.usage(self, c) print ' --esc run esc instead of avm' print ' --escbin location of esc/bin directory - defaults to ../../esc/bin' print ' --eval use run-time compiler' print ' --ext set the testfile extension (defaults to .as)' print ' --ats generate ats swfs instead of running tests' print ' --atsdir base output directory for ats swfs - defaults to ATS_SWFS' print ' --threads number of threads to run (default=# of cpu/cores), set to 1 to have tests finish sequentially' print ' --verify run a verify pass instead of running abcs' print ' --aotsdk location of the AOT sdk used to compile tests to standalone executables.' print ' --aotout where the resulting binaries should be put (defaults to the location of the as file).' print ' --aotargs any extra arguments to pass to' print ' --remoteip IP/DNS address of the machine to run the tests on.' print ' --remoteuser user name to use to connect to the remote machine.' exit(c)
def parseOptions(self): opts = RuntestBase.parseOptions(self) for o, v in opts: if o in ('--ext',): self.sourceExt = v elif o in ('--esc',): self.runESC = True elif o in ('--escbin',): self.escbin = v elif o in ('--eval',): self.eval = True elif o in ('--threads',): self.threads=int(v) elif o in ('--ats',): self.genAtsSwfs = True self.rebuildtests = True elif o in ('--atsdir',): self.atsDir = v elif o in ('--verify',): self.verify = True self.vmargs = '-Dverifyall -Dverbose=verify' elif o in ('--aotsdk',): self.aotsdk = v elif o in ('--aotout',): self.aotout = v elif o in ('--aotargs',): self.aotextraargs = v elif o in ('--remoteip',): self.remoteip = v elif o in ('--remoteuser',): self.remoteuser = v
def usage(self, c): RuntestBase.usage(self, c) print(' --esc run esc instead of avm') print(' --escbin location of esc/bin directory - defaults to ../../esc/bin') print(' --eval use run-time compiler') print(' --ext set the testfile extension (defaults to .as)') print(' --ats generate ats swfs instead of running tests') print(' --atsdir base output directory for ats swfs - defaults to ATS_SWFS') print(' --threads number of threads to run (default=# of cpu/cores), set to 1 to have tests finish sequentially') print(' --passthreadid set the environment variable threadid when calling the AVM script. The threadid is an integer 0...n-1 where threads=n.') print(' --androidthreads assign a thread for each android device connected.') print(' --verify run a verify pass instead of running abcs') print(' --verifyonly run a -Dverifyonly pass: only checks test exitcode') print(' --remoteip IP/DNS address of the machine to run the tests on.') print(' --remoteuser user name to use to connect to the remote machine.') exit(c)
def parseOptions(self): opts = RuntestBase.parseOptions(self) for o, v in opts: if o in ('-S', '--avm2'): self.avm2 = v elif o in ('--avmname',): self.avmname = v elif o in ('--avm2name',): self.avm2name = v elif o in ('-i', '--iterations'): self.iterations = int(v) elif o in ('-l','--log'): self.logFileType='log' self.createOutputFile() elif o in ('-k', '--socketlog'): self.logresults = True elif o in ('-r', '--runtime'): self.vmname = v elif o in ('-m', '--memory'): self.memory = True elif o in ('--vmversion',): self.vmversion = v elif o in ('--vmargs2',): self.vmargs2 = v elif o in ('--nooptimize',): self.optimize = False elif o in ('--perfm',): self.perfm = True elif o in ('--csv',): self.csv = True elif o in ('-p', '--prettyprint'): self.prettyprint = True
def preProcessTests(self): RuntestBase.preProcessTests(self) # Are we running esc - depends on a valid avm if self.runESC: self.runSource = True # generate the executable cmd for esc #escAbcs = [f for f in os.listdir(self.escbin) if f.endswith('.abc')] #not all abcs are used for esc escAbcs = [ 'debug', 'util', 'bytes-tamarin', 'util-tamarin', 'lex-char', 'lex-token', 'lex-scan', 'ast', 'ast-decode', 'parse', 'asm', 'abc', 'emit', 'cogen', 'cogen-stmt', 'cogen-expr', 'esc-core', 'eval-support', 'esc-env', 'main' ] if not self.escbin.endswith('/'): self.escbin += '/' for f in escAbcs: self.avm += '' % (self.escbin, f) self.avm += ' -- ' self.avm += ' %s../test/' % self.escbin #needed to run shell harness
def preProcessTests(self): RuntestBase.preProcessTests(self) #if not isfile(self.abcasmShell+'.abc'): # self.js_print("Precompiling %s" % self.abcasmShell) # self.compile_test(self.abcasmShell+'.as') # Are we running esc - depends on a valid avm if self.runESC: self.runSource = True # generate the executable cmd for esc #escAbcs = [f for f in os.listdir(self.escbin) if f.endswith('.abc')] #not all abcs are used for esc escAbcs = [ 'debug', 'util', 'bytes-tamarin', 'util-tamarin', 'lex-char', 'lex-token', 'lex-scan', 'ast', 'ast-decode', 'parse', 'asm', 'abc', 'emit', 'cogen', 'cogen-stmt', 'cogen-expr', 'esc-core', 'eval-support', 'esc-env', 'main' ] if not self.escbin.endswith('/'): self.escbin += '/' for f in escAbcs: self.avm += '' % (self.escbin, f) self.avm += ' -- ' self.avm += ' %s../test/' % self.escbin #needed to run shell harness if self.androidthreads: p = subprocess.Popen('adb devices', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) (out, err) = p.communicate() out = out.decode('latin_1', 'replace') out = out.split('\n') for line in out: items = line.split() if len(items) == 2 and items[1] == 'device': for i in range(self.threads): self.androiddevices.append(items[0]) if len(self.androiddevices) == 0: print("error: adb did not detect any attached devices") print("adb devices stdout: %s stderr: %s" % (out, err)) sys.exit(1) print("detected %d android devices" % (len(self.androiddevices) / self.threads)) self.threads = len(self.androiddevices)
def parseOptions(self): opts = RuntestBase.parseOptions(self) for o, v in opts: if o in ('--ext'): self.sourceExt = v elif o in ('--esc'): self.runESC = True elif o in ('--escbin'): self.escbin = v elif o in ('--threads'): self.threads=int(v)
def parseOptions(self): opts = RuntestBase.parseOptions(self) for o, v in opts: if o in ("--ext"): self.sourceExt = v elif o in ("--esc"): self.runESC = True elif o in ("--escbin"): self.escbin = v elif o in ("--threads"): self.threads = int(v)
def parseOptions(self): opts = RuntestBase.parseOptions(self) for o, v in opts: if o in ('--ext',): self.sourceExt = v elif o in ('--threads',): self.threads=int(v) elif o in ('-r','--regex',): self.regexOutput = True elif o in ('--full',): self.fullRun = True
def usage(self, c): RuntestBase.usage(self, c) print " -S --avm2 second avmplus command to use" print " --avmname nickname for avm to use as column header" print " --avm2name nickname for avm2 to use as column header" print " -i --iterations number of times to repeat test" print " -l --log logs results to a file" print " -k --socketlog logs results to a socket server" print " -r --runtime name of the runtime VM used, including switch info eg. TTVMi (tamarin-tracing interp)" print " -m --memory logs the high water memory mark" print " --aotsdk location of the AOT sdk used to compile tests to standalone executables." print " --aotout where the resulting binaries should be put (defaults to the location of the as file)." print " --aotargs any extra arguments to pass to" print " --vmversion specify vmversion e.g. 502, use this if cannot be calculated from executable" print " --vm2version specify version of avm2" print " --vmargs2 args to pass to avm2, if not specified --vmargs will be used" print " --nooptimize do not optimize files when compiling" print " --perfm parse the perfm results from avm" print " --csv output in csv format" print " -p --prettyprint enhanced terminal coloring" exit(c)
def parseOptions(self): opts = RuntestBase.parseOptions(self) for o, v in opts: if o in ('--ext',): self.sourceExt = v elif o in ('--threads',): self.threads=int(v) elif o in ('-r','--regex',): self.regexOutput = True elif o in ('--diff',): self.diffTesting = True elif o in ('--asc2',): self.asc2 = v
def parseOptions(self): opts = RuntestBase.parseOptions(self) for o, v in opts: if o in ('--ext', ): self.sourceExt = v elif o in ('--threads', ): self.threads = int(v) elif o in ( '-r', '--regex', ): self.regexOutput = True elif o in ('--full', ): self.fullRun = True
def parseOptions(self): opts = RuntestBase.parseOptions(self) for o, v in opts: if o in ('--ext', ): self.sourceExt = v elif o in ('--threads', ): self.threads = int(v) elif o in ( '-r', '--regex', ): self.regexOutput = True elif o in ('--diff', ): self.diffTesting = True elif o in ('--asc2', ): self.asc2 = v
def parseOptions(self): opts = RuntestBase.parseOptions(self) for o, v in opts: if o in ('--ext',): self.sourceExt = v elif o in ('--esc',): self.runESC = True elif o in ('--escbin',): self.escbin = v elif o in ('--eval',): self.eval = True elif o in ('--passthreadid',): self.passthreadid=True elif o in ('--androidthreads',): self.androidthreads=True self.threads=1 elif o in ('--threads',): try: self.threads=int(v) except ValueError: print('Incorrect threads value: %s\n' % v) self.usage(2) elif o in ('--ats',): self.genAtsSwfs = True self.rebuildtests = True # Need to run single threaded since we create a temp file for # every test and this file can collide when using multiple threads self.threads = 1 elif o in ('--atsdir',): self.atsDir = v elif o in ('--verify',): self.verify = True self.vmargs = '-Dverifyall -Dverbose=verify' elif o in ('--verifyonly',): self.verifyonly = True if '-Dverifyonly' not in self.vmargs: self.vmargs += ' -Dverifyonly' elif o in ('--remoteip',): self.remoteip = v elif o in ('--remoteuser',): self.remoteuser = v
def parseOptions(self): opts = RuntestBase.parseOptions(self) for o, v in opts: if o in ('--ext', ): self.sourceExt = v elif o in ('--esc', ): self.runESC = True elif o in ('--escbin', ): self.escbin = v elif o in ('--eval', ): self.eval = True elif o in ('--passthreadid', ): self.passthreadid = True elif o in ('--androidthreads', ): self.androidthreads = True self.threads = 1 elif o in ('--threads', ): try: self.threads = int(v) except ValueError: print('Incorrect threads value: %s\n' % v) self.usage(2) elif o in ('--ats', ): self.genAtsSwfs = True self.rebuildtests = True # Need to run single threaded since we create a temp file for # every test and this file can collide when using multiple threads self.threads = 1 elif o in ('--atsdir', ): self.atsDir = v elif o in ('--verify', ): self.verify = True self.vmargs = '-Dverifyall -Dverbose=verify' elif o in ('--verifyonly', ): self.verifyonly = True if '-Dverifyonly' not in self.vmargs: self.vmargs += ' -Dverifyonly' elif o in ('--remoteip', ): self.remoteip = v elif o in ('--remoteuser', ): self.remoteuser = v
def parseOptions(self): opts = RuntestBase.parseOptions(self) for o, v in opts: if o in ('--ext', ): self.sourceExt = v elif o in ('--esc', ): self.runESC = True elif o in ('--escbin', ): self.escbin = v elif o in ('--eval', ): self.eval = True elif o in ('--threads', ): self.threads = int(v) elif o in ('--ats', ): self.genAtsSwfs = True self.rebuildtests = True elif o in ('--atsdir', ): self.atsDir = v elif o in ('--verify', ): self.verify = True self.vmargs = '-Dverifyall -Dverbose=verify'
def __init__(self): RuntestBase.__init__(self)
def setOptions(self): RuntestBase.setOptions(self) self.longOptions.extend([ 'ext=', 'esc', 'escbin=', 'eval', 'threads=', 'ats', 'atsdir=', 'verify' ])
def setOptions(self): RuntestBase.setOptions(self) self.options += 'S:i:lkr:m' self.longOptions.extend(['avm2=','avmname=','avm2name=','iterations=','log','socketlog', 'runtime=','memory','larger','vmversion=','vmargs2=','nooptimize', 'perfm'])
def setOptions(self): RuntestBase.setOptions(self) # self.options += '' self.longOptions.extend(['ext=','esc','escbin=','threads='])
def setEnvironVars(self): RuntestBase.setEnvironVars(self) if 'AVM2' in environ: self.avm2 = environ['AVM2'].strip() if 'VMARGS2' in environ: self.vmargs2 = environ['VMARGS2'].strip()
def setEnvironVars(self): RuntestBase.setEnvironVars(self)
def setOptions(self): RuntestBase.setOptions(self) self.options += 'r' self.longOptions.extend(['ext=', 'full', 'regex', 'threads='])
def setOptions(self): RuntestBase.setOptions(self) self.longOptions.extend(['ext=','esc','escbin=','eval','threads=','ats','atsdir=','verify'])
def setOptions(self): RuntestBase.setOptions(self) self.longOptions.extend([ 'ext=', 'esc', 'escbin=', 'eval', 'threads=', 'ats', 'atsdir=', 'verify', 'verifyonly', 'androidthreads', 'passthreadid' ])
def setEnvironVars(self): RuntestBase.setEnvironVars(self) if 'ESCBIN' in environ: self.escbin = environ['ESCBIN'].strip()
def __init__(self): # Set threads to # of available cpus/cores self.threads = detectCPUs() RuntestBase.__init__(self)
def setEnvironVars(self): RuntestBase.setEnvironVars(self) if "ESCBIN" in environ: self.escbin = environ["ESCBIN"].strip()
def setOptions(self): RuntestBase.setOptions(self) self.options += 'r' self.longOptions.extend(['ext=','full','regex','threads='])
def setOptions(self): RuntestBase.setOptions(self) self.options += 'ri' self.longOptions.extend(['ext=', 'diff', 'asc2=', 'regex', 'threads='])
def setOptions(self): RuntestBase.setOptions(self) self.options += 'ri' self.longOptions.extend(['ext=','diff','asc2=','regex','threads='])
def setOptions(self): RuntestBase.setOptions(self) # self.options += '' self.longOptions.extend(["ext=", "esc", "escbin=", "threads="])
def setOptions(self): RuntestBase.setOptions(self) self.longOptions.extend(['ext=','esc','escbin=','eval','threads=','ats', 'atsdir=','verify','verifyonly','androidthreads','passthreadid'])
def setOptions(self): RuntestBase.setOptions(self) self.options += 'S:i:lkr:mp' self.longOptions.extend(['avm2=','avmname=','avm2name=','iterations=','log','socketlog', 'runtime=','memory','larger','vmversion=','vmargs2=','nooptimize', 'perfm','csv','prettyprint'])