def testGetPixelCountImage(bins=250, integrationTime=1): ''' Do two runs of getPixelCountImage and compare the results to check the repeatability (i.e., test the degree of effect of the random dithering in the wavelength handling.) INPUTS: bins - set the number of bins for the output histogram OUTPUTS: Displays the two images in ds9, as well as image1 divided by image2. Also shows the latter in a regular plot, as well as a histogram of the image1/image2 ratios over all pixels. ''' obsfile = loadTestObsFile.loadTestObsFile() obsfile.setWvlCutoffs(4000,8000) #Get first image im1 = obsfile.getPixelCountImage(firstSec=0, integrationTime=30, weighted=True, fluxWeighted=False, getRawCount=False, scaleByEffInt=False)['image'] #Get supposedly identical image im2 = obsfile.getPixelCountImage(firstSec=0, integrationTime=30, weighted=True, fluxWeighted=False, getRawCount=False, scaleByEffInt=False)['image'] utils.ds9Array(im1,frame=1) utils.ds9Array(im2,frame=2) divim = im1/im2 utils.ds9Array(divim,frame=3) utils.plotArray(divim,, cbar=True, normMax=np.mean(divim)+2*np.std(divim)) toHist = divim.flatten() toHist = toHist[np.isfinite(toHist)] pl.figure() pl.hist(toHist,bins=bins) pl.title('Ratio of image1/image2, wavelength range '+str(obsfile.wvlLowerLimit) +'-'+str(obsfile.wvlUpperLimit)+'Ang') pl.xlabel('Ratio') pl.ylabel('Number of pixels') print 'Mean image1/image2: ',np.mean(toHist) print 'Std. dev image1/image2: ',np.std(toHist)
def display( self, normMin=None, normMax=None, expWeight=True, pclip=None,, image=None, logScale=False, fileName=None, ds9=False, cbar=False, noAxis=False, ): """ Display the current image. Currently just a short-cut to utils.plotArray, but needs updating to mark RA and Dec on the axes. NOTE: FOR NOW, PLOTTING AGAINST RA/DEC IS SWITCHED OFF, SINCE IT LOOKS LIKE THE IMAGE FLIP/ROTATION ASSUMED BY CALCULATERADEC.PY MAY BE WRONG. NEEDS SORTING OUT, BUT IN THE MEANTIME, JUST SHOW THE IMAGE THE RIGHT WAY ROUND, AND DON'T LABEL THE AXES. INPUTS: normMin, normMax: Minimum and maximum values for the color-scale stretch expWeight: if True, scale each virtual pixel by its exposure time pclip: Apply a percentile clip to the image at the lower [pclip] and upper [100-pclip]'th percentiles (where pclip is in percent). Overrides normMin and normMax. colorMap: as for plotArray, can specify the matplotlib color map to use. image: if set to a 2D array, displays that array instead of the default image. logScale: if True, display the intensities on a log scale. fileName: if a string, save the plot to this filename. If anything else (inc. None), display to screen. ds9: if True, send image to DS9 (in which case pretty much all the other parameters are ignored). cbar: if True, add a colour bar (note you can end up with multiple color bars if you call this repeatedly though.) noAxis: if True, don't mark or label the axes. """ showCoordsOnAxes = ( False ) # For now, don't try, since it looks like image flip/rotation assumed by CalculateRaDec may be wrong. assert np.all(self.image[self.effIntTimes == 0] == 0) if expWeight: toDisplay = np.copy(self.image * self.expTimeWeights) else: toDisplay = np.copy(self.image) if ds9 is True: utils.ds9Array(toDisplay) return # Don't need to do anything else in this case. if logScale is True: toDisplay = np.log10(toDisplay) if image is not None: toDisplay = np.copy(image) ##################### # Rotate by 180deg so north is up and east is left - just a fudge for now, need to # sort this out properly. if showCoordsOnAxes is False: toDisplay = np.rot90(np.rot90(toDisplay)) ##################### if pclip: normMin = np.percentile(toDisplay[np.isfinite(toDisplay)], q=pclip) normMax = np.percentile(toDisplay[np.isfinite(toDisplay)], q=100.0 - pclip) # Display NaNs as zeros so it looks better toDisplay[np.isnan(toDisplay)] = 0 # Find the coordinates of the centers of the virtual pixels in degrees # raMin = (self.gridRA[0:-1] + self.gridRA[1:])/2.0 / np.pi * 180. # dec = (self.gridDec[0:-1] + self.gridDec[1:])/2.0 / np.pi * 180. # utils.plotArray(toDisplay,cbar=True,normMin=normMin,normMax=normMax, # colormap=colormap,plotFileName=fileName, # showMe=(type(fileName) is not str)) # fig = mpl.figure() # ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # ax.set_xticklabels(ax.get_xticklabels(),rotation=90) mpl.ticklabel_format(style="plain", useOffset=False) mpl.tick_params(direction="out") ### Use until we get image rotation/flip sorted out properly if showCoordsOnAxes is True: origin = "lower" extent = (180.0 / np.pi) * np.array([self.gridRA[0], self.gridRA[-1], self.gridDec[0], self.gridDec[-1]]) else: origin = "lower" extent = None ### if noAxis is True: mpl.axis("off") # Hopefully overrides any axis labeling that comes later. But haven't checked... mpl.imshow(toDisplay, vmin=normMin, vmax=normMax, extent=extent, origin=origin, cmap=colormap) # mpl.ticklabel_format(style='plain',useOffset=False) if showCoordsOnAxes is True: ax = mpl.gca() xtickBase = 10 ** (np.round(np.log10((self.gridRA[-1] - self.gridRA[0]) * 180.0 / np.pi / 10.0))) ytickBase = 10 ** (np.round(np.log10((self.gridDec[-1] - self.gridDec[0]) * 180.0 / np.pi / 10.0))) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(mpl.MultipleLocator(base=xtickBase)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(mpl.MultipleLocator(base=ytickBase)) mpl.xticks(rotation=90) mpl.xlabel("R.A. (deg)") mpl.ylabel("Dec. (deg)") if cbar is True: mpl.colorbar() utils.showzcoord()
def divideObsFiles(fileName1='/Users/vaneyken/Data/UCSB/ARCONS/turkDataCopy/ScienceData/PAL2012/20121211/flat_20121212-134024.h5', fileName2='/Users/vaneyken/Data/UCSB/ARCONS/turkDataCopy/ScienceData/PAL2012/20121211/flat_20121212-134637.h5', firstSec=0, integrationTime=10., nbins=None): ''' Divide the raw image from one obs file by another, and display and return the result. This works with raw counts, so the obs file need not be calibrated. INPUTS: fileName1, fileName2 -- names of two obs files to divide by each other, OR two ObsFile objects can be passed directly. firstSec - time during the obs files at which to start integration of images (sec) integrationTime - time to integrate for to make the images (sec) nbins - number of bins for histogram plot (if None, makes a semi-reasonable guess) OUTPUTS: Displays the divided result to the screen and to ds9. Returs a tuple of image arrays: divided image, input image 1, input image 2, obsFile 1, obsFile 2 ''' if type(fileName1) is str: obsf1 = ObsFile.ObsFile(fileName1) fn1 = fileName1 else: obsf1=fileName1 #Otherwise just assume it's an ObsFile instance. fn1=obsf1.fileName if type(fileName2) is str: obsf2 = ObsFile.ObsFile(fileName2) fn2 = fileName2 else: obsf2=fileName2 fn2=obsf2.fileName print 'Reading '+os.path.basename(fn1) pci1 = obsf1.getPixelCountImage(firstSec=firstSec,integrationTime=integrationTime,getRawCount=True) print 'Reading '+os.path.basename(fn2) pci2 = obsf2.getPixelCountImage(firstSec=firstSec,integrationTime=integrationTime,getRawCount=True) im1 = pci1['image'] im2 = pci2['image'] divIm = im1/im2 med = np.median(divIm[~np.isnan(divIm)]) #Approximate std. dev from median abs. dev. (more robust) sdev = astropy.stats.median_absolute_deviation(divIm[~np.isnan(divIm)]) *1.4826 badFlag = np.abs(divIm - med) > 3.0*sdev print 'Displaying' toDisplay = np.copy(divIm) toDisplay[np.isnan(toDisplay)]=0 utils.plotArray(toDisplay, cbar=True, normMin=med-4.*sdev, normMax=med+4.*sdev,, fignum=None) yy,xx = np.indices(np.shape(divIm)) mpl.scatter(xx[badFlag], yy[badFlag], marker='o', c='r') utils.ds9Array(divIm) mpl.figure() if nbins is None: nbins=np.sqrt(np.sum(np.isfinite(divIm))) mpl.hist(divIm[np.isfinite(divIm)].flatten(),bins=nbins) print 'Median: ',med print 'Approx std. dev. (M.A.D * 1.4826): ',sdev print 'Done.' return divIm,im1,im2,obsf1,obsf2,badFlag