コード例 #1
    def Run(self):
        Get all the user options and run the logger.

        @return Exit code from the logger pintool

        # import pdb;  pdb.set_trace()
        options = self.ParseCommandLine()

        # Get the kit to be used for logging.
        kit = self.GetKit()

        # Set the binary type in the kit.  Assume the first string in the
        # command line is the binary.  Only do this if user hasn't given 'pid'
        # or 'pintool_help'.
        if not (hasattr(options, 'pid') and options.pid) and \
           not (hasattr(options, 'pintool_help') and options.pintool_help):
            binary = options.command.split()[0]
            if kit.binary_type == config.ARCH_INVALID:
                    '\nWARNING: Unable to determine binary file type.\n'
                    'Perhaps the string assumed to be the binary is incorrect.\n'
                    '   Command line:     ' + options.command + '\n'
                    '   Binary: (assumed) ' + binary + '\n'
                    'Setting binary type to \'Intel64\' as the default value.\n'
            # If user has given 'pid' or wants 'pintool_help', then need to
            # explictly set the architecture of the binary in the kit.
            kit.binary_type = options.arch

        # Now that we know the type of the binary, set the user defined pintool,
        # if one exists.  Need to wait until now to set the tool because the
        # user may only have the tool in the architecture dependent directory
        # for this type of application.  Thus we need the binary type in order
        # to find it.
        if hasattr(options, 'pintool') and options.pintool:

        # If user just wants 'pintool_help' go ahead and print it, then exit
        # the script.  Need to do this after we get the kit in order to print
        # the help for the correct kit.  Also needs to be after any user
        # defined pintools have been added to the kit. This ensures the
        # correct pintool help msg will be displayed.
        if hasattr(options, 'pintool_help') and options.pintool_help:
            result = util.PintoolHelpKit(kit, options)

            return result

        # Get path to the kit pin binary, any user defined Pin knobs and
        # the pintool.
        # import pdb;  pdb.set_trace()
        cmd = os.path.join(kit.path, kit.pin)
        if hasattr(options, 'pin_options') and options.pin_options:
            cmd += ' ' + options.pin_options
        if hasattr(options, 'pid') and options.pid:
            if kit.kit_type == config.PINPLAY:
                cmd += ' -pid ' + str(options.pid)
            elif kit.kit_type == config.SDE:
                cmd += ' -attach-pid ' + str(options.pid)

        cmd += kit.GetPinToolKnob()

        # Pintool knobs required for logging.
        if not (hasattr(options, 'no_log') and options.no_log):
            cmd += ' -log'
            cmd += ' -xyzzy '

            # Add any knobs required by user options or the type of binary
            if hasattr(options, 'log_file') and options.log_file:
                cmd += self.AddOptionIfNotPresent(options, '-log:basename',
            cmd += util.AddMt(options)
            cmd += util.AddCompressed(options)
            cmd += util.GetMsgFileOption(options.log_file)

            # Add any user logging options given by the user
            if hasattr(options, 'log_options') and options.log_options:
                cmd += options.log_options

        # Need to add shared memory knobs and create memory pools for MPI/MP apps.
        create_mem_pool = False
        if options.mode == config.MPI_MODE or options.mode == config.MPI_MT_MODE or \
           options.mode == config.MP_MODE or options.mode == config.MP_MT_MODE:

            # Need to add the MPI options to the existing MT options already in
            # 'pintool_options'.
            if not (hasattr(options, 'no_log') and options.no_log):
                cmd += self.MpModeOptions(options)
                create_mem_pool = True
                create_mem_pool = False

        # Format the MPI command line, if required to run the command line.
        if options.mode == config.MPI_MODE or options.mode == config.MPI_MT_MODE:
            cmd = util.MPICmdLine(options) + ' ' + cmd

        # If logging enabled for multi-threaded app, generate the mp_pool.
        if create_mem_pool:
            log_key = self.RunMPCreate(kit, options)
            cmd += log_key

        # Add program and arguments
        if not options.pid:
            cmd += ' -- ' + options.command

        # Print out command line used for pin and pintool
        if not (hasattr(options, 'no_print_cmd')
                and options.no_print_cmd) or options.verbose:
            string = '\n' + cmd

        # Finally execute the command line and gather stdin and stdout.
        # Exit with the return code from executing the logger.
        result = 0
        # import pdb;  pdb.set_trace()
        if not config.debug:
            platform = util.Platform()
            if not (hasattr(options, 'no_print_cmd') and options.no_print_cmd):
                if platform != config.WIN_NATIVE:
                    cmd = 'time ' + cmd
            p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True)
            result = p.returncode

        # If logging enabled for multi-threaded app, delete the mp_pool.
        if create_mem_pool:
            self.RunMPDelete(kit, log_key, options)

        return result
コード例 #2
    def ParseCommandLine(self):
        Process command line arguments, get Kit, tool options, and their paths.

        @return List containing: pin_options, pintool_options, options.replay_file, kit_obj

        # import pdb;  pdb.set_trace()
        version = '$Revision: 1.63 $'
        version = version.replace(' ', '')
        ver = version.replace(' $', '')
        us = '%prog [options] pinball_basename \nVersion: ' + ver
        desc = 'Replays one pinball. Use \'--replay_options\' or ' \
               '\'--log_options\' to modify the pintool behavior during replay.'
        parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=us, version=ver, description=desc)

        # Define the command line options which control the behavior of the
        # script.
        # Some of these methods take a 2nd argument which is the empty string
        # ''.  If this script used option groups, then the 2nd parameter would
        # be the group.  However, this script does not use option groups, so
        # the argument is empty.
        cmd_options.arch(parser, '')
        cmd_options.cross_os(parser, '')
        cmd_options.pinplayhome(parser, '')
        cmd_options.sdehome(parser, '')

        # import pdb;  pdb.set_trace()
        (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

        if options.verbose:
            msg.PrintMsg('Started replayer.py')
        # Check to make sure the pinball basename has been given as an argument or
        # command line option.
        # import pdb;  pdb.set_trace()
        if options.replay_file == '' and \
           not (hasattr(options, 'pintool_help') and options.pintool_help):
            if len(sys.argv) == 1 or len(args) == 0:
                    "ERROR: Must have a trace basename on the command line.\n"
                    "Usage: %s [options] pinball_basename" %
                util.CheckResult(-1, options, 'Checking command line options')
            options.replay_file = args[0]

        # Read in an optional configuration files and set global variables.
        config_obj = config.ConfigClass()
                                 False)  # Don't need to require 4 variables

        # Once the tracing configuration parameters are read, get the kit in
        # case pinplayhome was set on the command line.
        # import pdb;  pdb.set_trace()
        kit_obj = self.GetKit()

        # If user just wants 'pintool_help' go ahead and print it, then exit
        # the script.
        if hasattr(options, 'pintool_help') and options.pintool_help:
            result = util.PintoolHelpKit(kit_obj, options)

        # Translate the 'arch' value given by the user into
        # the internal arch type used by the scripts.
        if hasattr(options, 'arch') and options.arch:
            if 'intel64' in options.arch:
                options.arch = config.ARCH_INTEL64
            elif 'ia32' in options.arch:
                options.arch = config.ARCH_IA32
                options.arch = config.ARCH_INVALID

        # Now that we know the type of the binary, set the user defined pintool,
        # if one exists.  Need to wait until now to set the tool because the
        # user may only have the tool in the architecture dependent directory
        # for this type of application.  Thus we need the binary type in order
        # to find it.
        # import pdb;  pdb.set_trace()
        kit_obj.binary_type = options.arch

        pin_options = ''
        pintool_options = ''

        # Check to see if there is a pinball to replay.
        if options.replay_file == "":
            msg.PrintHelpAndExit('Replay file not specified!')

        # If the user specified a pintool, replace the default pintool in the kit with
        # it.
        if hasattr(options, "pintool") and options.pintool:
            kit_obj.SetPinTool(options.pintool, options.replay_file)

        platform = util.Platform()
        if platform == config.LINUX:
            pin_options = ' ' + kit_obj.prefix + ' -xyzzy '

            # If using NOT using Linux tools to work with whole program pinballs generated on Windows,
            # then need a set of  knobs for the pin binary itself.
            if not options.cross_os:
                pin_options += kit_obj.prefix + ' -reserve_memory '
                pin_options += kit_obj.prefix + ' ' + options.replay_file + '.address '

        pintool_options += ' -replay:basename ' + options.replay_file
        if options.playout or '-replay:playout 1' in options.replay_options:
            # If present, need to remove the knob '-replay:playout 1' from
            # options.replay_options because it can only be given once on the
            # command line.
            pintool_options += ' -replay:playout 1 '
            options.replay_options = options.replay_options.replace(
                '-replay:playout 1', '')
            pintool_options += ' -replay:playout 0 '

        # If running Windows WP pinballs on Linux, then need this knob for the replayer pintool.
        if options.cross_os:
            pintool_options += ' -replay:addr_trans'

        # Add knobs for Pin and replay/logging user gave on the command line.
        pin_options += ' ' + options.pin_options
        pintool_options += ' ' + options.replay_options + ' ' + options.log_options

        # If user has log options, then may need to at multi-thread knob.
        if options.log_options:
            pintool_options += util.AddMt(options, options.replay_file)

        return pin_options, pintool_options, options.replay_file, kit_obj, options