コード例 #1
def solveExNoOverlap(targetNum, defenders, dRewards, dPenalties, dCosts,
                     aTypes, aRewards, aPenalties, q):
    """A game where defender assignments are not allowed to overlap"""
    """Contains as many dummy targets as defenders, for defenders and attackers"""
    """In this game the attacker and defender reason ex-ante
    (they choose to follow signals or not before a signal is sent)."""
    # Add the extra dummy targets
    _dRewards = copy.deepcopy(dRewards)
    _dPenalties = copy.deepcopy(dPenalties)
    _dCosts = copy.deepcopy(dCosts)
    _aRewards = copy.deepcopy(aRewards)
    _aPenalties = copy.deepcopy(aPenalties)
    for m in defenders:
        for defenderCount in defenders:
        for lam in aTypes:
    targetNumWithDummies = len(_dRewards[0])
    targetRange = list(range(targetNumWithDummies))
    attackerActions = targetRange
    # Get the suggestions that occur with no overlap
    overlapPlacements = getPlacements(defenders, targetNumWithDummies)
    placements = list(
        filter(lambda x: len(set(x)) == len(x), overlapPlacements))
    omegaKeys = getOmegaKeys(aTypes, placements, attackerActions)

    # Build the model
    model = Model('ExAnteWithOverlap')
    w = model.continuous_var_dict(keys=omegaKeys, lb=0, ub=1, name="w")
    objectiveFunction = sum([
        q[lam] * sum([
            w[sd, sa, lam] * defenderSocialUtility(
                sd, sa, defenders, _dRewards, _dCosts, _dPenalties)
            for sd in placements for sa in attackerActions
        ]) for lam in aTypes
    # Define the constraints
    c1 = [sum([w[sd,sa,lam] * aUtility(sd,sa,lam,_aPenalties,_aRewards) for sd in placements for sa in attackerActions]) \
        >= sum([w[sd,sa,lam] * aUtility(sd,tPrime,lam,_aPenalties,_aRewards) for sd in placements for sa in attackerActions])
        for lam in aTypes for tPrime in targetRange]
    c1 = [constraint for constraint in c1 if not isinstance(constraint, bool)]
    c2 = [sum([q[lam] * sum([w[sd,sa,lam] * utilityM(sd[d],sd,sa,d,_dRewards,_dPenalties,_dCosts) for sd in placements for sa in attackerActions]) for lam in aTypes]) \
        >= sum([q[lam] * sum([w[sd,sa,lam] * utilityM(tPrime,sd,sa,d,_dRewards,_dPenalties,_dCosts) for sd in placements for sa in attackerActions]) for lam in aTypes]) \
        for d in defenders for tPrime in targetRange]
    c3 = [
        sum([w[sd, sa, lam] for sd in placements
             for sa in attackerActions]) == 1 for lam in aTypes
    # Add the constraints
    c1 = model.add_constraints(c1)
    c2 = model.add_constraints(c2)
    c3 = model.add_constraints(c3)
    # Solve the model
    # Now that w contains all the outcomes and their probabilities, sum the attacker utilities up.
    utilityPerAttacker = 0
    for k, v in w.items():
        prob = float(v)
        s, a, lam = k
        utilityPerAttacker += aUtility(s, a, lam, _aPenalties,
                                       _aRewards) * prob
    utilityPerAttacker /= len(aTypes)
    utilityPerDefender = model.solution.get_objective_value()
    utilityPerDefender /= len(defenders)
    return utilityPerDefender, utilityPerAttacker, None
コード例 #2
def solveExDualEllipsoid(targetNum,
    """A game where defender assignments are not allowed to overlap"""
    """Contains as many dummy targets as defenders, for defenders and attackers"""
    """This problem is the dual of the primal above, and is solved using the ellipsoid method."""
    # Add extra dummy targets
    _dRewards = copy.deepcopy(dRewards)
    _dPenalties = copy.deepcopy(dPenalties)
    _dCosts = copy.deepcopy(dCosts)
    _aRewards = copy.deepcopy(aRewards)
    _aPenalties = copy.deepcopy(aPenalties)
    for m in defenders:
        for defenderCount in defenders:
        for lam in aTypes:
    targetNumWithDummies = len(_dRewards[0])
    targetRange = list(range(targetNumWithDummies))

    # Get the suggestions that occur with no overlap
    overlapPlacements = getPlacements(defenders, targetNumWithDummies)
    placements = list(
        filter(lambda x: len(set(x)) == len(x), overlapPlacements))
    s = [(sd, sa) for sd in placements for sa in targetRange]

    # Generate the keys
    aKeys = [(t, lam) for t in targetRange for lam in aTypes]
    bKeys = [(t, d) for t in targetRange for d in defenders]

    # Get a random subset of the placements
    subsetCount = int(len(placements) * 0.001)
    if subsetCount == 0:
        subsetCount = len(placements) // 4
    subsetS = random.choices(s, k=subsetCount)

    # Create the model
    relaxedModel = Model('relaxedModel')
    # Create the variables
    g = relaxedModel.continuous_var_dict(keys=aTypes,
                                         name="g")  # unbounded
    a = relaxedModel.continuous_var_dict(keys=aKeys, lb=0, ub=1000,
                                         name="a")  # No upper bound
    b = relaxedModel.continuous_var_dict(keys=bKeys, lb=0, ub=1000,
                                         name="b")  # No upper bound
    # objective function:
    objectiveFunction = sum([g[lam] for lam in aTypes])
    # Initial constraints
    dualConstraints = relaxedModel.add_constraints([\
        sum([(aUtility(sd,tPrime,lam,_aPenalties,_aRewards) - aUtility(sd,sa,lam,_aPenalties,_aRewards)) * a[tPrime,lam] for tPrime in targetRange]) \
        + sum([q[lam] * (utilityM(tPrime,sd,sa,d,_dRewards,_dPenalties,_dCosts) - utilityM(sd[d],sd,sa,d,_dRewards,_dPenalties,_dCosts)) * b[tPrime,d] for d in defenders for tPrime in targetRange]) \
        + g[lam] \
        >= q[lam] * defenderSocialUtility(sd,sa,defenders,_dRewards,_dCosts,_dPenalties)
    for sd,sa in subsetS for lam in aTypes])

    # Solve the dual using column generation
    for _ in range(maxIterations):
        #print(f"ITERATION: {_}", flush=True)

        )  # Alpha and Beta have values for each instance of target and attacker
        #print(f"Utility on iteration {_} = {relaxedModel.solution.get_objective_value()}", flush=True)

        # For every lam,t0, split (9) into two subproblems and solve each.
        violatedConstraints = False
        signalsToBeAdded = []
        for lam in aTypes:
            for t0 in targetRange:
                # Subproblem 1
                edges = {}
                # Graph weights with normal defenders
                for d in defenders:
                    edges[f"d_{d}"] = {}
                    for t in targetRange:
                        if t == t0:
                            weightValue = 10000000
                            weightValue = ((_aPenalties[lam][t] - _aRewards[lam][t0]) * float(a[t,lam])) \
                                        + (q[lam] * sum([(_dCosts[d][tPrime] - _dCosts[d][t]) * float(b[tPrime,d]) for tPrime in targetRange if tPrime != t0])) \
                                        + (q[lam] * sum([(_dCosts[d][t0] + _dRewards[d][t0] - _dCosts[d][t] - _dPenalties[d][t0]) * float(b[t0,d]) for d in defenders])) \
                                        - (q[lam] * _dCosts[d][t])
                        edges[f"d_{d}"][f"t_{t}"] = {"weight": weightValue}
                # Graph weights with added defenders
                for d in range(len(defenders), targetNumWithDummies):
                    edges[f"ed_{d}"] = {}
                    for t in targetRange:
                        weightValue = (_aRewards[lam][t] -
                                       _aRewards[lam][t0]) * float(a[t, lam])
                        edges[f"ed_{d}"][f"t_{t}"] = {"weight": weightValue}

                # Solve the problem
                G = nx.from_dict_of_dicts(edges)
                matchings = nx.algorithms.bipartite.minimum_weight_full_matching(
                newPlacement = [0] * len(defenders)
                for k, v in matchings.items():
                    if k.startswith("d_"):
                        defender = int(k.split("_")[1])
                        target = int(v.split("_")[1])
                        newPlacement[defender] = target

                # Check the value of this s using (10) -- if negative, add s to
                # the subset of solutions.
                value = sum([(aUtility(newPlacement,tPrime,lam,_aPenalties,_aRewards) - aUtility(newPlacement,t0,lam,_aPenalties,_aRewards)) * float(a[tPrime,lam]) for tPrime in targetRange]) \
                    + sum([q[lam] * (utilityM(tPrime,newPlacement,t0,d,_dRewards,_dPenalties,_dCosts) - utilityM(newPlacement[d],newPlacement,t0,d,_dRewards,_dPenalties,_dCosts)) * float(b[tPrime,d]) for d in defenders for tPrime in targetRange]) \
                    - (q[lam] * defenderSocialUtility(newPlacement,t0,defenders,_dRewards,_dCosts,_dPenalties)) + float(g[lam])

                if value < EPSILON:
                    signal = (newPlacement, t0)
                    if signal not in signalsToBeAdded:
                        violatedConstraints = True

                # Subproblem 2
                # Fix each possible defender that coveres t0. For each of these, find
                # the best matching
                for d0 in defenders:
                    edges = {}
                    # Graph weights with normal defenders (minus d0 and t0)
                    for d in defenders:
                        if d != d0:
                            edges[f"d_{d}"] = {}
                            for t in targetRange:
                                if t != t0:
                                    weightValue = (_aPenalties[lam][t] - _aPenalties[lam][t0]) * float(a[t,lam]) \
                                                + q[lam] * (sum([(_dCosts[d][tPrime] - _dCosts[d][t]) * float(b[tPrime,d]) for tPrime in targetRange])) \
                                                - (q[lam] * _dCosts[d][t])
                                    edges[f"d_{d}"][f"t_{t}"] = {
                                        "weight": weightValue
                    # Graph weights with added defenders (minus t0)
                    for d in range(len(defenders), targetNumWithDummies):
                        edges[f"ed_{d}"] = {}
                        for t in targetRange:
                            if t != t0:
                                weightValue = (_aRewards[lam][t] -
                                               _aPenalties[lam][t0]) * float(
                                                   a[t, lam])
                                edges[f"ed_{d}"][f"t_{t}"] = {
                                    "weight": weightValue

                    # Solve the problem
                    G = nx.from_dict_of_dicts(edges)
                    matchings = nx.algorithms.bipartite.minimum_weight_full_matching(
                    newPlacement = [0] * len(defenders)
                    for k, v in matchings.items():
                        if k.startswith("d_"):
                            defender = int(k.split("_")[1])
                            target = int(v.split("_")[1])
                            newPlacement[defender] = target
                    newPlacement[d0] = t0

                    # Check the value of this s using (9) -- if negative, add s to
                    # the subset of solutions.
                    value = sum([(aUtility(newPlacement,tPrime,lam,_aPenalties,_aRewards) - aUtility(newPlacement,t0,lam,_aPenalties,_aRewards)) * float(a[tPrime,lam]) for tPrime in targetRange]) \
                        + sum([q[lam] * (utilityM(tPrime,newPlacement,t0,d,_dRewards,_dPenalties,_dCosts) - utilityM(newPlacement[d],newPlacement,t0,d,_dRewards,_dPenalties,_dCosts)) * float(b[tPrime,d]) for d in defenders for tPrime in targetRange]) \
                        - (q[lam] * defenderSocialUtility(newPlacement,t0,defenders,_dRewards,_dCosts,_dPenalties)) + float(g[lam])

                    if value < EPSILON:
                        signal = (newPlacement, t0)
                        if signal not in signalsToBeAdded:
                            violatedConstraints = True

        # Now that we have checked all the violated constraints, either return
        # the solution ( get the dual values) or recompute the optimal value of
        # the dual with additional constraints
        newConstraints = relaxedModel.add_constraints([\
            sum([(aUtility(sd,tPrime,lam,_aPenalties,_aRewards) - aUtility(sd,sa,lam,_aPenalties,_aRewards)) * a[tPrime,lam] for tPrime in targetRange]) \
            + sum([q[lam] * (utilityM(tPrime,sd,sa,d,_dRewards,_dPenalties,_dCosts) - utilityM(sd[d],sd,sa,d,_dRewards,_dPenalties,_dCosts)) * b[tPrime,d] for d in defenders for tPrime in targetRange]) \
            + g[lam] \
            >= q[lam] * defenderSocialUtility(sd,sa,defenders,_dRewards,_dCosts,_dPenalties)
        for sd,sa in signalsToBeAdded for lam in aTypes])
        for signal in signalsToBeAdded:
        if not violatedConstraints:
            return relaxedModel.solution.get_objective_value(
            ), relaxedModel, None  #relaxedModel.dual_values(relaxedModel.iter_constraints())
    return relaxedModel.solution.get_objective_value(
    ), relaxedModel, None  #relaxedModel.dual_values(relaxedModel.iter_constraints())
コード例 #3
def solvePostOverlap(targetNum, defenders, dRewards, dPenalties, dCosts,
                     aTypes, aRewards, aPenalties, q):
    """A game where defender assignments are allowed to overlap"""
    """Contains a dummy target for defenders and attackers"""
    # Add the extra dummy target
    _dRewards = copy.deepcopy(dRewards)
    _dPenalties = copy.deepcopy(dPenalties)
    _dCosts = copy.deepcopy(dCosts)
    _aRewards = copy.deepcopy(aRewards)
    _aPenalties = copy.deepcopy(aPenalties)
    for m in defenders:
        for defenderCount in defenders:
        for lam in aTypes:
    targetNumWithDummies = len(_dRewards[0])
    targetRange = list(range(targetNumWithDummies))
    attackerActions = targetRange
    placements = getPlacements(defenders, targetNumWithDummies)
    omegaKeys = getOmegaKeys(aTypes, placements, attackerActions)

    # Build the model
    model = Model('PrimalWithOverlap')
    w = model.continuous_var_dict(keys=omegaKeys, lb=0, ub=1, name="w")
    objectiveFunction = sum([
        q[lam] * sum([
            w[s, a, lam] * defenderSocialUtility(s, a, defenders, _dRewards,
                                                 _dCosts, _dPenalties)
            for s in placements for a in attackerActions
        ]) for lam in aTypes
    c1 = [sum([w[s,a,lam] * aUtility(s,a,lam,_aPenalties,_aRewards) for s in placements]) \
                            >= sum([w[s,a,lam] * aUtility(s,b,lam,_aPenalties,_aRewards) for s in placements])
                            for lam in aTypes for a in attackerActions for b in attackerActions if a != b]
    c1 = [constraint for constraint in c1 if not isinstance(constraint, bool)]
    c1 = model.add_constraints(c1)
    c2 = model.add_constraints([sum([q[lam] * sum([w[s,a,lam] * utilityM(d,s,a,m,_dRewards,_dPenalties,_dCosts) for a in attackerActions for s in placements if s[m] == d]) for lam in aTypes]) \
                            >= sum([q[lam] * sum([w[s,a,lam] * utilityM(e,s,a,m,_dRewards,_dPenalties,_dCosts) for a in attackerActions for s in placements if s[m] == d]) for lam in aTypes])
                            for m in defenders for d in targetRange for e in targetRange if d!=e])
    c3 = model.add_constraints([
        sum([w[(s, a, lam)] for s in placements for a in attackerActions]) == 1
        for lam in aTypes
    # Solve the model
    # Now that w contains all the outcomes and their probabilities, sum the attacker utilities up.
    utilityPerAttacker = 0
    for k, v in w.items():
        prob = float(v)
        s, a, lam = k
        utilityPerAttacker += aUtility(s, a, lam, _aPenalties,
                                       _aRewards) * prob
    utilityPerAttacker /= len(aTypes)
    utilityPerDefender = model.solution.get_objective_value()
    utilityPerDefender /= len(defenders)

    return utilityPerDefender, utilityPerAttacker, None