def _loss(self, scores, labels): scores = tf.squeeze(scores, axis=-1) diff_scores = scores[..., tf.newaxis] - scores[:, tf.newaxis] diff_labes = labels[..., tf.newaxis] - labels[:, tf.newaxis] diff_labes = (1.0 + diff_labes / (self._k / 2.0)**2) / 2.0 add_extra_tensor('diff_labes', diff_labes) loss = tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=diff_labes, logits=diff_scores) return tf.reduce_mean(loss, axis=-1)
def _normalize_labels(self, class_hist, class_hist0, class_hist1, neg_class_hist): rank = _pairwise_scores(class_hist0, class_hist1, neg_class_hist, type='sum') is_fg = tf.equal(rank, int(self._k / 2)**2) add_extra_tensor('is_fg', is_fg) add_extra_tensor('rank', rank) return rank, is_fg
def _normalize_labels(self, class_hist, class_hist0, class_hist1, neg_class_hist): # Match happens when at least min_match_frac*k objects # belongs to the same foreground class. labels, fg, bg = _onehot_labels(class_hist, self._k, neg_class_hist) add_extra_tensor('class_hist_{}'.format(self._k), class_hist) if self._class_agnostic: return (tf.to_float(fg), tf.squeeze(fg, axis=-1)) else: return (tf.to_float(labels), tf.squeeze(fg, axis=-1))
def _loss(self, scores, labels): add_extra_tensor('pw_scores_k{}'.format(self._k), scores) add_extra_tensor('pw_labels_k{}'.format(self._k), labels) if self._loss_type == 'cross_entropy': loss = tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=labels, logits=scores) elif self._loss_type == 'l2': diff = scores - labels loss = 0.5 * tf.multiply(diff, diff) return tf.reduce_sum(loss, axis=-1)
def _clear_negative_classes(class_hist, neg_class_hist): ## "not", "tile", and then "and" with class_hist if neg_class_hist is not None: # [MBS, num_classes + 1] neg_shape = shape_utils.combined_static_and_dynamic_shape( neg_class_hist) # [MBS*N, B, num_classes + 1] class_hist_shape = shape_utils.combined_static_and_dynamic_shape( class_hist) N = class_hist_shape[0] // neg_shape[0] B = class_hist_shape[1] add_extra_tensor('neg_class_hist_N{}'.format(N), neg_class_hist) add_extra_tensor('class_hist_N{}'.format(N), class_hist) # [MBS, 1, 1, num_classes + 1] neg_class_hist = neg_class_hist[:, tf.newaxis, tf.newaxis] # [MBS, N, B, num_classes + 1] neg_class_hist = tf.tile(neg_class_hist, [1, N, B, 1]) neg_class_hist = tf.reshape(neg_class_hist, class_hist_shape) not_neg_class_hist = tf.logical_not(neg_class_hist) add_extra_tensor('not_neg_class_hist_tiled_N{}'.format(N), not_neg_class_hist) not_neg_class_hist = tf.cast(not_neg_class_hist, dtype=class_hist.dtype) class_hist = tf.multiply(class_hist, not_neg_class_hist) add_extra_tensor('final_class_hist_N{}'.format(N), class_hist) ## return class_hist
def _subsample_inds(self, cross_co, instance_loss): cobj_energy = cross_co.get('energy') if self._is_training: if self._stratified_subsampling: ## RANDOM/HARD_EXAMPLE SAMPLING FROM STRATA return self._subsample_stratified( instance_loss, cross_co.get('matched_class'), cross_co.get('target_class')) else: ## RANDOM/HARD_EXAMPLE (optionally +BALANCED) SAMPLING FROM TOP-K positive_fraction = self._positive_balance_fraction return self._subsample_from_topk(cross_co.get('is_target'), cobj_energy, instance_loss, positive_fraction) else: #if cross_co.has_key('boxes'): # nms_idx = nms_tf_wrapper.batch_nms(cross_co.get('boxes'), # cobj_energy, # self._ncobj_proposals, # threshold=0.5, use_py_fn=True) #util.add_extra_tensor('boxes_{}'.format(self._k), cross_co.get('boxes')) #util.add_extra_tensor('energy_{}'.format(self._k), cobj_energy) #util.add_extra_tensor('nms_idx_{}'.format(self._k), nms_idx) #nms_idx2 = nms_tf_wrapper.batch_nms(cross_co.get('boxes'), # cobj_energy, # self._ncobj_proposals, # threshold=0.8, # use_py_fn=False) #util.add_extra_tensor('nms_idx2_{}'.format(self._k), nms_idx2) ncobj = cobj_energy.shape[1] assert (ncobj is not None and ncobj >= self._ncobj_proposals) if self._ncobj_proposals == ncobj: return None _, topk_idx = tf.nn.top_k(cobj_energy, k=self._ncobj_proposals, sorted=False) #all_true = tf.ones_like(cobj_energy, dtype=tf.bool) #topk_idx = util.batched_topk_or_pad_inds_with_resampling( # all_true, cobj_energy, # self._ncobj_proposals) #from IPython import embed;embed() util.add_extra_tensor('topk_idx_{}'.format(self._k), topk_idx) return topk_idx
def build(self, fea, neg_fea, matched_class0, neg_matched_class, reuse_vars=False, scope=None): ''' Args: fea: feature tensor of size [MBS*K, 1, B, 1, d] of positive bags neg_fea: feature tensor of size [MBS, N*B, 1, 1, d] of negative bags matched_class0: [MBS*K, B, num_classes+1] neg_matched_class: [MBS*N, B, num_classes+1] ''' with tf.variable_scope(scope, 'negative_attention', reuse=reuse_vars, values=[fea, neg_fea]): neg_fea_shape = shape_utils.combined_static_and_dynamic_shape( neg_fea) orig_neg_fea = neg_fea #[MBS*K, 1, B, 1, d] -> [MBS*K, B, d] orig_fea_shape = shape_utils.combined_static_and_dynamic_shape(fea) orig_fea = fea fea = tf.squeeze(fea, [1, 3]) fea_shape = shape_utils.combined_static_and_dynamic_shape(fea) #[MBS*K, B, d] -> [MBS, K*B, d] fea = tf.reshape(fea, [neg_fea_shape[0], -1] + fea_shape[2:]) add_extra_tensor('input_fea', fea) add_extra_tensor('input_neg_fea', neg_fea) #[MBS, K*B, 1, 1, d] fea = fea[:, :, tf.newaxis, tf.newaxis, :] if self._convline is not None: #[MBS, (K+N)*B, 1, 1, d] combined_fea = tf.concat([fea, neg_fea], axis=1) combined_fea =, scope='combined_convline') #combined_fea = tf.squeeze(combined_fea, [2,3]) fea = combined_fea[:, :-neg_fea_shape[1], ...] neg_fea = combined_fea[:, -neg_fea_shape[1]:, ...] add_extra_tensor('conv_fea', fea) add_extra_tensor('conv_neg_fea', neg_fea) fea = tf.squeeze(fea, [2, 3]) neg_fea = tf.squeeze(neg_fea, [2, 3]) gt_alphas = None loss = None if neg_matched_class is not None and matched_class0 is not None: # [MBS, N*B, num_class+1] neg_matched_class = tf.reshape(neg_matched_class, neg_fea_shape[:2] + [-1]) neg_cls_shape = shape_utils.combined_static_and_dynamic_shape( neg_matched_class) # [MBS, K*B, num_class+1] (k is 1 always...) matched_class0 = tf.reshape( matched_class0, [neg_cls_shape[0], -1, neg_cls_shape[2]]) # [MBS, K*B, N*B] gt_alphas = tf.matmul(matched_class0[..., 1:], neg_matched_class[..., 1:], transpose_b=True) #[MBS, N*B+1, d] neg_fea = tf.pad(neg_fea, [[0, 0], [1, 0], [0, 0]]) if self._use_gt_labels and gt_alphas is not None: #[MBS, K*B, N*B] alphas = gt_alphas / ( tf.reduce_sum(gt_alphas, axis=-1, keep_dims=True) + 1e-7) #[MBS, K*B, N*B+1] TODO: not sure about this alphas = tf.pad(alphas, [[0, 0], [0, 0], [1, 0]]) else: scores, pairs, joined_fea, _ = fea, neg_fea, None, None, 2, None, reuse_vars) #[MBS, K*B, N*B+1] scores scores = tf.reshape( scores[..., 1], [neg_fea_shape[0], -1, neg_fea_shape[1] + 1]) add_extra_tensor('scores', scores) if self._add_loss and gt_alphas is not None: gt_alphas = tf.cast(gt_alphas, tf.bool) is_in_neg = tf.reduce_any(gt_alphas, axis=-1, keep_dims=True) not_in_neg = tf.logical_not(is_in_neg) labels = tf.to_float( tf.concat([not_in_neg, gt_alphas], axis=-1)) labels = labels / tf.reduce_sum( labels, axis=-1, keep_dims=True) logits = scores loss = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( labels=labels, logits=logits) loss = tf.reduce_mean(loss) #[MBS, K*B, N*B+1] alphas = tf.nn.softmax(scores, dim=2) add_extra_tensor('alphas', alphas) neg_fea_to_attend, pos_fea = None, None if self._concat_type == 'NEGATIVE_IN_ORIG': # orig_neg_fea is [MBS, N*B, 1, 1, d] -> [MBS, N*B, d] orig_neg_fea = tf.squeeze(orig_neg_fea, [2, 3]) # [MBS, N*B+1, d] orig_neg_fea = tf.pad(orig_neg_fea, [[0, 0], [1, 0], [0, 0]]) neg_fea_to_attend = orig_neg_fea pos_fea = orig_fea elif self._concat_type == 'NEGATIVE_IN_FEA': neg_fea_to_attend = neg_fea pos_fea = orig_fea elif self._concat_type == 'CONCAT_IN_FEA': neg_fea_to_attend = neg_fea pos_fea = tf.reshape(fea, orig_fea_shape[:4] + [-1]) else: raise ValueError('concat type {} is not defined'.format( self._concat_type)) # [MBS, K*B, N*B+1] * [MBS, N*B+1, d] -> [MBS, K*B, d] attended_neg_feas = tf.matmul(alphas, neg_fea_to_attend) add_extra_tensor('attended_neg_feas', attended_neg_feas) attended_neg_feas = tf.reshape(attended_neg_feas, orig_fea_shape[:4] + [-1]) fea01 = tf.concat((pos_fea, attended_neg_feas), axis=-1) return fea01, loss
def _loss(self, scores, labels): def _target_vals(tensor): if self._bag_target_class is None: return tensor score_inds = tf.cast(self._bag_target_class[..., tf.newaxis], tf.int32) - 1 tr_tensor = tf.transpose(tensor, [0, 2, 1]) tr_tensor = util.batched_gather(score_inds, tr_tensor) return tf.transpose(tr_tensor, [0, 2, 1]) add_extra_tensor('scores_b{}'.format(self._k), scores) add_extra_tensor('labels_b{}'.format(self._k), labels) scores = _target_vals(scores) labels = _target_vals(labels) loss = tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=labels, logits=scores) add_extra_tensor('scores_{}'.format(self._k), scores) add_extra_tensor('labels_{}'.format(self._k), labels) add_extra_tensor('loss_{}'.format(self._k), loss) if self._focal_loss: gamma = 2.0 alpha = 1.0 sigm = tf.nn.sigmoid(scores) weights = tf.where(tf.cast(labels, dtype=tf.bool), 1.0 - sigm, sigm) weights = alpha * tf.pow(weights, gamma) loss = weights * loss add_extra_tensor('weights_{}'.format(self._k), weights) add_extra_tensor('sigm_{}'.format(self._k), sigm) return tf.reduce_sum(loss, axis=-1)
def _loss(self, scores, labels): add_extra_tensor('pw_scores_k{}'.format(self._k), scores) add_extra_tensor('pw_labels_k{}'.format(self._k), labels) loss = tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=labels, logits=scores) if True: gamma = 2.0 alpha = 1.0 sigm = tf.nn.sigmoid(scores) weights = tf.where(tf.cast(labels, dtype=tf.bool), 1.0 - sigm, sigm) weights = alpha * tf.pow(weights, gamma) loss = weights * loss add_extra_tensor('weights', weights) add_extra_tensor('sigm', sigm) add_extra_tensor('labels', labels) add_extra_tensor('loss_k{}'.format(self._k), loss) return tf.reduce_sum(loss, axis=-1)
def _normalize_labels(self, class_hist, class_hist0, class_hist1, neg_class_hist): add_extra_tensor('class_hist_k{}'.format(self._k), class_hist) add_extra_tensor('class_hist0_k{}'.format(self._k), class_hist0) add_extra_tensor('class_hist1_k{}'.format(self._k), class_hist1) neg_class_hist = None energy = _pairwise_scores(class_hist0, class_hist1, neg_class_hist, type='max') labels = [] for i in range(self.score_size): labs = tf.greater(energy, i) labels.append(labs) labels = tf.cast(tf.stack(labels, axis=-1), dtype=tf.float32) add_extra_tensor('labels_k{}'.format(self._k), labels) add_extra_tensor('labs_k{}'.format(self._k), labs) add_extra_tensor('energy_k{}'.format(self._k), energy) return labels, labs
def _build(self, fea0, fea1, ind0, ind1, score_size, neg_fea, matched_class0, neg_matched_class, reuse_vars, scope, tile_fea1=True): fea0_shape = shape_utils.combined_static_and_dynamic_shape(fea0) assert (len(fea0_shape) == 3) m = fea0_shape[1] if fea1 is None: # shape: [N, M, 1, K] fea01 = fea0[:, :, tf.newaxis] else: fea1_shape = shape_utils.combined_static_and_dynamic_shape(fea1) if tile_fea1: assert (len(fea1_shape) == 3) l = fea1_shape[1] # shape = [N, M, L, K] fea1 = tf.tile(fea1[:, tf.newaxis], [1, m, 1, 1]) else: assert (len(fea1_shape) == 4) l = fea1_shape[2] # shape = [N, M, L, K] fea0 = tf.tile(fea0[:, :, tf.newaxis], [1, 1, l, 1]) # shape = [N, M, L, 2K] fea01 = tf.concat((fea0, fea1), axis=-1) ### Rearange the order of the input features ### This is required to have a symmetric funciton if False: #neg_fea is None: fea01_shape = shape_utils.combined_static_and_dynamic_shape( fea01) rfea01 = tf.reshape(fea01, fea0_shape[:2] + [l, 2, -1]) absum = tf.reduce_sum(tf.abs(rfea01), axis=-1) order = tf.argmax(absum, axis=-1) rf = tf.reshape(rfea01, [-1, 2, fea0_shape[-1]]) oo = tf.reshape(order, [-1, 1]) xfea0 = util.batched_gather(oo, rf) xfea1 = util.batched_gather(1 - oo, rf) xfea01 = tf.concat((xfea0, xfea1), axis=1) fea01 = tf.reshape(xfea01, fea01_shape) # shape = [N, 1, M, L, 2K] or [N, 1, M, 1, K] fea01 = fea01[:, tf.newaxis] if self._joining_convline is not None: fea01 =, scope='join') self._joined_fea = tf.squeeze(fea01, 1) if self._stop_gradient: fea01 = tf.stop_gradient(fea01) #### ADD BACKGROUND FEATURE negative_loss = None if neg_fea is not None: if self._negative_attention is None: #just averaged #neg_fea is [MBS, 1, 1, 1, d] #fea01 is [MBS*k_shot, 1, M, P, C] where P is 1 or L fea01_shape = shape_utils.combined_static_and_dynamic_shape( fea01) neg_fea_shape = shape_utils.combined_static_and_dynamic_shape( neg_fea) mbs = neg_fea_shape[0] k = fea01_shape[0] // mbs util.add_extra_tensor('fea01_before', fea01) # list of size MBS with [1,1,1,1,d] shape tensors util.add_extra_tensor('neg_fea_before', neg_fea) neg_fea_mbs = tf.split(neg_fea, mbs, axis=0) # list of size MBS with [k, 1, M, P, d] shape tensors util.add_extra_tensor('neg_fea_mbs', neg_fea_mbs) neg_fea_mbs_tiled = [ tf.tile(n, [k, 1, fea01_shape[2], fea01_shape[3], 1]) for n in neg_fea_mbs ] util.add_extra_tensor('neg_fea_mbs_tiled', neg_fea_mbs_tiled) # neg_fea will be [MBS*k, 1, M, P, d] tensor neg_fea = tf.concat(neg_fea_mbs_tiled, axis=0) util.add_extra_tensor('neg_fea', neg_fea) #fea01 becomes [MBS*k_shot, 1, M, P, C+d] fea01 = tf.concat((fea01, neg_fea), axis=-1) util.add_extra_tensor('fea01_after', fea01) else: #[MBS*k_shot, 1, M, 1, C] #fea01 = tf.Print(fea01, tf.nn.moments(fea01, axes=[0,1,2,3,4]) + # tf.nn.moments(neg_fea, axes=[0,1,2,3,4])) fea01, negative_loss = fea01, neg_fea, matched_class0, neg_matched_class, reuse_vars) #### # shape = [N, 1, M', M, 2K] or [N, 1, M, 1, K] if self._convline is not None: fea01 =, scope='convline') with slim.arg_scope(self._fc_hyperparameters): with slim.arg_scope([slim.fully_connected], activation_fn=None, normalizer_fn=None, normalizer_params=None): scores = slim.fully_connected(fea01, score_size, scope='score') if self._sum_output: with tf.variable_scope('score', reuse=True): w = tf.get_variable('weights') b = tf.get_variable('biases') sw = tf.reduce_sum(w, axis=-1) sb = tf.reduce_sum(b) scores = (tf.tensordot(fea01, w[:, 0], [[4], [0]]) + sb)[..., tf.newaxis] scores = tf.squeeze(scores, 1) if self._target_score_inds is not None and score_size > 1: score_inds = self._target_score_inds[..., tf.newaxis] scores_trans = tf.transpose(scores, [0, 3, 1, 2]) scores_trans = util.batched_gather(score_inds, scores_trans) scores = tf.transpose(scores_trans, [0, 2, 3, 1]) return scores, negative_loss