コード例 #1
ファイル: field.py プロジェクト: music960633/PyTetris
 def drawBuffer(self, color, linewidth):
   surface = pygame.Surface((BUFFER_WIDTH, self.height*BLOCK_WIDTH))
   transform = lambda y: (0, (self.height-1-y)*BLOCK_WIDTH)
   buffer_sum = sum(self.atk_buffer)
   for i in range(min(buffer_sum, self.height)):
     bar = make_surface(RED, (BUFFER_WIDTH, BLOCK_WIDTH))
     surface.blit(bar, transform(i))
   # add frame
   surface = add_frame(surface, color, linewidth)
   return surface
コード例 #2
ファイル: field.py プロジェクト: music960633/PyTetris
 def drawHold(self, color, linewidth):
   surface = pygame.Surface((4*BLOCK_WIDTH, 4*BLOCK_WIDTH))
   transform = lambda (x, y): (x*BLOCK_WIDTH, (3-y)*BLOCK_WIDTH)
   # hold piece
   if self.hold is not None:
     fx, fy = 2*BLOCK_WIDTH, 2*BLOCK_WIDTH
     cx, cy = find_center(self.hold.get_pos())
     for x, y in self.hold.get_pos():
       surface.blit(self.hold.pattern, (int(fx + (x-cx-0.5)*BLOCK_WIDTH), int(fy + (-y+cy-0.5)*BLOCK_WIDTH)))
   # resize to hold size
   surface = pygame.transform.scale(surface, HOLD_SIZE)
   # add frame
   surface = add_frame(surface, color, linewidth)
   return surface
コード例 #3
ファイル: field.py プロジェクト: music960633/PyTetris
 def drawNext(self, color, linewidth):
   surfaceList = []
   transform = lambda (x, y): (x*BLOCK_WIDTH, (3-y)*BLOCK_WIDTH)
   for i in range(self.next_size):
     nextmino = self.nextminos[i]
     surface = pygame.Surface((4*BLOCK_WIDTH, 4*BLOCK_WIDTH))
     fx, fy = 2*BLOCK_WIDTH, 2*BLOCK_WIDTH
     cx, cy = find_center(nextmino.get_pos())
     for x, y in nextmino.get_pos():
       surface.blit(nextmino.pattern, (int(fx + (x-cx-0.5)*BLOCK_WIDTH), int(fy + (-y+cy-0.5)*BLOCK_WIDTH)))
     # resize to next size
     surface = pygame.transform.scale(surface, NEXT_SIZE)
     # add frame
     surface = add_frame(surface, color, linewidth)
     # add to list
   return surfaceList
コード例 #4
ファイル: field.py プロジェクト: music960633/PyTetris
 def drawStatus(self, color, linewidth):
   f = pygame.font.SysFont("Consolas", 24)
   text1 = f.render("%4d lines  " % self.info.lineTot, 2, WHITE)
   text2 = f.render("%4d attack " % self.info.atkTot, 2, WHITE)
   text3 = f.render("%4d combo  " % self.info.combo, 2, WHITE)
   text4 = f.render(self.getClearDescription(self.lineClear, self.tSpinDisplay), 2, WHITE)
   w1, h1 = text1.get_size()
   w2, h2 = text2.get_size()
   w3, h3 = text3.get_size()
   w4, h4 = text4.get_size()
   surface = pygame.Surface((max(w1, w2, w3, w4), h1 + h2 + h3 + h4))
   surface.blit(text1, (0, 0))
   surface.blit(text2, (0, h1))
   surface.blit(text3, (0, h1 + h2))
   surface.blit(text4, (0, h1 + h2 + h3))
   # add frame
   surface = add_frame(surface, color, linewidth)
   return surface 
コード例 #5
ファイル: field.py プロジェクト: music960633/PyTetris
 def drawGrid(self, color, linewidth):
   surface = pygame.Surface((self.width*BLOCK_WIDTH, self.height*BLOCK_WIDTH))
   transform = lambda (x, y): (x*BLOCK_WIDTH, (self.height-y-1)*BLOCK_WIDTH)
   # current map
   for i in range(self.width):
     for j in range(self.height):
       if self.pattern[i][j] is not None:
         surface.blit(self.pattern[i][j], transform((i, j)))
         surface.blit(self.default[i][j], transform((i, j)))
   # ghost piece
   ghost = self.mino.ghost(self)
   for pos in ghost.get_pos():
     if self.check_inside(pos):
       surface.blit(ghost.pattern, transform(pos))
   # current piece
   for pos in self.mino.get_pos():
     if self.check_inside(pos):
       surface.blit(self.mino.pattern, transform(pos))
   # add frame
   surface = add_frame(surface, color, linewidth)
   return surface