def build_uplift_requirements(repo_dir): if os.path.exists(requirements_file) and util.ask_yn("Found existing requirements. Should they be used?"): bug_info = util.read_json(requirements_file) else: bug_info = {} enabled_branches = c.read_value('repository.enabled_branches') all_queries = c.read_value('queries') queries = [] for branch in enabled_branches: queries.extend(all_queries[branch]) bugs = [x for x in find_bugs(queries) if not is_skipable(x)] print "Fetching bug data" for bug_id in bugs: if is_skipable(bug_id): continue bug = bzapi.fetch_complete_bug(bug_id) print "+", needed_on = branch_logic.needed_on_branches(bug) if len(needed_on) == 0: continue b = bug_info[bug_id] = {} b['needed_on'] = needed_on b['already_fixed_on'] = branch_logic.fixed_on_branches(bug) b['summary'] = bug['summary'] print "\nFinished fetching bug data" util.write_json(requirements_file, bug_info) return bug_info
def guess_bug_id(repo_dir, commit): def _show_bugs(): print "Possible bugs:" for i in range(0, len(possible_bug_ids)): print "%d) Bug %s: %s" % (i, possible_bug_ids[i], bug_summaries.get(possible_bug_ids[i], "Closed bug")) msg = git.log(repo_dir, commit, number=1, pretty="%B") bug_ids = [] possible_bug_ids = [] bug_summaries = {} for pattern in bug_id_patterns: possible_bug_ids.extend([int(x) for x in pattern.findall(msg)]) possible_bug_ids = list(set(sorted(possible_bug_ids))) for bug in possible_bug_ids: bug_data = bzapi.fetch_bug(bug, include_fields="summary") if bug_data.has_key("summary"): bug_summaries[bug] = bug_data["summary"] print "Commit %s has a body of:\n%s" % (commit, msg.strip()) print "-" * 80 if len(possible_bug_ids) == 1: print "I only found one bug:\nBug %s -- %s" % ( possible_bug_ids[0], bug_summaries.get(possible_bug_ids[0], "Closed bug"), ) if util.ask_yn("Use it?"): bug_ids = possible_bug_ids elif len(possible_bug_ids) > 0: _show_bugs() index = None prompt = "index, 'clear' or 'done' %s: " _input = raw_input(prompt % str(bug_ids)) while _input.strip().lower() != "done": if _input.strip().lower() == "clear": bug_ids = [] else: try: i = int(_input.strip()) if possible_bug_ids[i] in bug_ids: print "Dude, this is already there!" else: bug_ids.append(possible_bug_ids[i]) except: print "try again!" pass _input = raw_input(prompt % str(bug_ids)) else: print "There are no bugs to guess from" print "=" * 80 return bug_ids
def push(repo_dir): branches = c.read_value('repository.enabled_branches') preview_push_info = git.push(repo_dir, remote="origin", branches=branches, dry_run=True) print "If you push, you'd be pushing: " _display_push_info(preview_push_info) if not util.ask_yn('Do you wish to push?'): return None for i in range(5): try: rv = git.push(repo_dir, remote="origin", branches=branches, dry_run=False) util.write_json(push_info_file, rv) print "Push attempt %d worked" % int(i+1) return rv except: print "Push attempt %d failed" % int(i+1) raise git.PushFailure("remote %s branches %s" % (remote, util.e_join(branches)))
def merge(repo_dir, gaia_url, branch_to, branch_from): git.delete_gaia(repo_dir) t = util.time_start() if os.path.exists(repo_dir): print "Updating Gaia" git.update_gaia(repo_dir, gaia_url) print "Updated Gaia in %0.2f seconds" % util.time_end(t) else: print "Creating Gaia" git.create_gaia(repo_dir, gaia_url) # This is sadly broken print "Created Gaia in %0.2f seconds" % util.time_end(t) print "Merging %s into branch %s" % (branch_from, branch_to) if not branch_to in git.branches(repo_dir): print >> sys.stderr, "Asking to merge into a branch that doesn't exist (%s)" % branch_to return None if not branch_from in git.branches(repo_dir): print >> sys.stderr, "Asking to merge from a branch that doesn't exist (%s)" % branch_from return None git.checkout(repo_dir, branch_to) start_commit = git.get_rev(repo_dir) git.merge(repo_dir, branch_from, strategy="recursive") end_commit = git.get_rev(repo_dir) print "Merge range is %s..%s" % (start_commit[:7], end_commit[:7]) print git.log(repo_dir, "%s..%s" % (start_commit, end_commit), pretty="oneline") print "Dry Run push" git.push(repo_dir, remote="origin", branches=[branch_to], dry_run=True) info = git.push(repo_dir, remote="origin", branches=[branch_to]) print "Would be pusing to %s" % info["url"] for branch in info["branches"].keys(): s, e = info["branches"][branch] print " %s: %s..%s" % (branch, s, e) if util.ask_yn("Push for realises?"): info = git.push(repo_dir, remote="origin", branches=[branch_to], dry_run=False) print "Pushed to %s" % info["url"] for branch in info["branches"].keys(): s, e = info["branches"][branch] print " %s: %s..%s" % (branch, s, e) comment(repo_dir, branch_to, "%s..%s" % (start_commit, end_commit))
"--verbose", ]) def resume_learning(): import as spt spt.handle_arguments(cmd_line_args=[ "resume", slpolicy_weight, "--epochs", "10", "--verbose" ]) if __name__ == '__main__': flag = [True for _ in range(3)] if path.isfile(slpolicy_planes): print("slpolicy_planes is exists. Can I execute sgf_to_tensor?") flag[0] = ask_yn() if path.isfile(slpolicy_model): print("slpolicy_model is exists. Can I execute create_model?") flag[1] = ask_yn() if path.isdir(slpolicy_weight): print("slpolicy_weight is exists. Can I execute learn_weights?") flag[2] = ask_yn() features = [ "board", "ones", "turns_since", "liberties", "capture_size", "self_atari_size", "liberties_after", "ladder_capture", "ladder_escape", "sensibleness", "zeros" ]
]) def resume_learning(weight_RL): run_training(cmd_line_args=[ slpolicy_model, weight_RL, rlpolicy_weight, # "--save-every", "500", # "--game-batch", "20", # "--iterations", "10000", "--save-every", "100", "--game-batch", "1", "--iterations", "2", "--resume", "--verbose", ]) if __name__ == '__main__': flag = True if os.path.isdir(rlpolicy_weight): print("rlpolicy_weight is exists. Can I execute learn_weights?") flag = ask_yn() weight_SL = os.path.join(slpolicy_weight, "weights.00001.hdf5") if flag: learn_weights(weight_SL)
commits = [] elif len(commits) > 0 and delete_match: try: delete_num = int('delete')) except ValueError: delete_num = None if delete_num is None or delete_num < 1 or delete_num > len(commits): print "You are trying to delete an invalid commit number" else: del commits[delete_num - 1] elif user_input == "skip": print "Adding a bug to the skipped bug list means that you will never" print "see it again. This is persisted between executions of this program" if util.ask_yn("Add bug to skipped bug list?"): uplift.skip_bug(bug_id) break else: added = False if git.valid_id(user_input): add_commit(repo_dir, upstream, commits, user_input) added = True else: for pattern in commit_regex: match = if match: add_commit(repo_dir, upstream, commits,'id')) added = True if not added: print "This is not valid input: %s" % user_input