コード例 #1
ファイル: packet.py プロジェクト: toraora/ee123-image
 def decode(self, bits):
     bits = np.array(list(bits), dtype=int)
     packets = []
     flag = list(np.array(list(preamble), dtype=int))[-9:]
     cur_b = []
     num_packets = '0'
     for n in range(0, bits.shape[0] - 7):
         if list(bits[n:n+len(flag)-1]) == flag[1:]:
             if len(cur_b): # end packet; do CRC and add to packets
                 cur = "".join([str(c) for c in cur_b[len(flag)-2:-1]])
                 cur = util.NRZI2NRZ(cur)
                 cur = util.bit_unstuff(cur)
                 cur = "".join(['1' if b else '0' for b in cur])
                 if len(cur) < self.packet + 48:
                     cur_b = []
                 cur += '0' * (self.packet + 48 + self.ecc_p * 16 - len(cur))
                     if self.ecc_p:
                         cur = util.ASCIIToBin(str(self.codec_p.decode(util.binToASCII(cur))))
                     cur_b = []
                 crc = cur[0:32]
                 idx = cur[32:40]
                 tot = cur[40:48]
                 payload = cur[48:]
                 if (zlib.crc32(util.binToASCII(idx + tot + payload)) % 2**32) == int("".join(crc), 2):
                     packets += [(int(idx, 2), payload)]
                     num_packets = tot
             cur_b = []
             cur_b += [bits[n]]
     return packets, int(num_packets, 2)
コード例 #2
ファイル: data_transport.py プロジェクト: toraora/ee123-image
    def receive(self, in_port, t = 75):
        p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
        Qin = Queue.Queue()
        cQin = Queue.Queue()
        t_rec = threading.Thread(target = util.record_audio,   args = (Qin, cQin, p, 48000, in_port))

        print "STARTED RECORDING..."
        print "END RECORDING..."

        data = np.array([])
        while not Qin.empty():
            data = np.concatenate((data, Qin.get()))

        np.save("RECEIVED_LAST.npy", data)

        print "START DECODE..."
        rcv_bits = self.modem.demodulate_bits(data, pll_a = self.pll_a).astype(int)
        print "received bits:", len(rcv_bits)
        rcv_packets, n_p = self.packer.decode(rcv_bits)
        print "received packets: ", len(rcv_packets), "\t total packets: ", n_p
        payload = self.packer.decode_from_packets(rcv_packets, n_p)
        decomp = zlib.decompress(util.binToASCII(payload[2]))

        return util.ASCIIToBin(decomp)
コード例 #3
ファイル: data_transport.py プロジェクト: toraora/ee123-image
    def receive_saved(self, data):
        print "START DECODE..."
        rcv_bits = self.modem.demodulate_bits(data, pll_a = self.pll_a).astype(int)
        print "received bits:", len(rcv_bits)
        rcv_packets, n_p = self.packer.decode(rcv_bits)
        print "received packets: ", len(rcv_packets), "\t total packets: ", n_p
        payload = self.packer.decode_from_packets(rcv_packets, n_p)
        decomp = zlib.decompress(util.binToASCII(payload[2]))

        return util.ASCIIToBin(decomp)
コード例 #4
ファイル: packet.py プロジェクト: toraora/ee123-image
    def encode(self, bits, typ = 0):
        bits = np.array(list(bits), dtype=int)
        NUM_PACKETS = str(bin(int(math.ceil((2 + 24 + bits.shape[0]) / (0. + self.packet))) + 2 * self.ecc))[2:].zfill(8)
        PAYLOAD_TYPE = str(bin(typ))[2:].zfill(2)

        NUM_BITS = str(bin(bits.shape[0]))[2:].zfill(24)
        bits = np.concatenate((np.array(list(PAYLOAD_TYPE), dtype=int), np.array(list(NUM_BITS), dtype=int), bits))
        bits = np.array(list(bits), dtype=int)
        z_pad = (self.packet - (bits.shape[0] % self.packet)) % self.packet
        print "NUM BITS: ", bits.shape[0], "\t ZPAD: ", z_pad
        bits = np.concatenate((bits, np.zeros(z_pad))).astype(int)
        packets = np.reshape(bits, (-1, self.packet))

        packets_ascii = [list(util.binToASCII("".join(packet))) for packet in packets.astype(str)]
        packets_ecc = [self.codec.encode("".join(packet)) for packet in zip(*packets_ascii)]

        encoded_packets = []
        for packet_num in range(int(NUM_PACKETS, 2)):
            packet_payload = "".join([chr(packets_ecc[i][packet_num]) for i in range(self.packet / 8)])
            packet_nocrc = util.binToASCII(str(bin(packet_num))[2:].zfill(8)) + util.binToASCII(NUM_PACKETS) + packet_payload
            packet_withcrc = util.binToASCII(str(bin(zlib.crc32(packet_nocrc) % 2**32))[2:].zfill(32)) + packet_nocrc
            packet_ecc = str(self.codec_p.encode(packet_withcrc))
            encoded_packets += [packet_ecc]
        return encoded_packets
コード例 #5
ファイル: data_transport.py プロジェクト: toraora/ee123-image
    def dry_run(self, bits, typ = 0):
        bits = np.array(list(bits), dtype=str)
        if bits.shape[0] % 8 != 0:
            raise Exception("Number of bits should be a multiple of 8")

        bits_compressed = util.ASCIIToBin(min([zlib.compress(util.binToASCII("".join(bits)), i) for i in range(1,10)], key = lambda s: len(s)))
        ENT_RATIO = len(bits_compressed) / float(len(bits))
        bits_packets = self.packer.packets_to_bits(self.packer.encode(bits_compressed, typ))
        PACKED_BYTES = len(bits_packets) / 8.
        print "\nEntropy compressed ratio: ", ENT_RATIO
        print "Final size (bytes): ", PACKED_BYTES
        print "Channel efficiency ratio: ", len(bits_compressed) / 8. / PACKED_BYTES

        self.audio_sig = self.modem.modulate(np.array(list(bits_packets), dtype=int))
        print "Audio time is: ", len(self.audio_sig) / 48000.
        if len(self.audio_sig) < 75 * 48000:
            self.ready = True
            print "ready to go! call dt.transmit()"
コード例 #6
ファイル: packet.py プロジェクト: toraora/ee123-image
    def decode_from_packets(self, packets, numpackets):
        if len(packets) == 0 or len(packets) < numpackets - 2 * self.ecc:
            raise Exception("Too many packets dropped!")

        packets_order = ['0' * self.packet for _ in range(numpackets)]
        for idx, payload in packets:
            packets_order[idx] = payload
        packets_order = np.array(packets_order)
        packets_ascii = [list(util.binToASCII("".join(packet))) for packet in packets_order.astype(str)]
        packets_corrected = [self.codec.decode("".join(packet)) for packet in zip(*packets_ascii)]

        payload = ''
        for packet_num in range(numpackets - 2 * self.ecc):
            packet_payload = "".join([chr(packets_corrected[i][packet_num]) for i in range(self.packet / 8)])
            payload += packet_payload
        payload_bits = util.ASCIIToBin(payload)
        payload_type = payload_bits[:2]
        payload_size = payload_bits[2:26]
        payload = payload_bits[26:26 + int(payload_size, 2)]
        return int(payload_type, 2), int(payload_size, 2), payload