コード例 #1
ファイル: prediction.py プロジェクト: 221proj/cs221-parking
def predictLot(filename, time, AvailNum_weightsVector, Price_weightsVector, lotid, lotLocation, final_dest):
	Predicts the availNum and price at |time| by averaging the prediction result from (time-timeBuffer) to (time)

	Returns a tuple of the prediction result

	fp = open("../data"+filename, 'r')
	HourMin = time[0]*60+time[1]
	timeBuffer = 10		# the time (in minutes), ahead of arrival_time, that we will consider when we do prediction
	count = 0

	availNumEstimate = 0.0
	priceEstimate = 0.0

	for line in fp:
		parsedLine = util.exactSingleLineFromFine(line)
		_, currHour, currMin = util.convertTimeStampToDate(parsedLine[0])
		currHourMin = currHour*60+currMin

		if HourMin - currHourMin <= timeBuffer:
			count += 1
			phi, availNum, price = model.extractRecordFeatures(line,util.locDict, util.eventDict)
			if len(phi)<=0 or availNum < 0 or price < 0:
			availNumEstimate += round(util.sparseVectorDotProduct(AvailNum_weightsVector, phi))
			priceEstimate += util.sparseVectorDotProduct(Price_weightsVector, phi)

	# averaging
	availNumEstimate /= count
	priceEstimate /= count

	dist = util.calculateDistance(final_dest, lotLocation)	# distance between lot and final location

	return (lotid, lotLocation, round(availNumEstimate), priceEstimate, dist)
コード例 #2
ファイル: prediction.py プロジェクト: 221proj/cs221-parking
def filterLotsByMaxDist(final_dest, max_dist):
	lots = os.listdir('../data')      # get a list of all lots in output directory
	locDict = util.locDict
	lots_within_max_dist = list()
	for lot in lots:
		lotLocation = tuple(float(v) for v in locDict[lot])
		dist = util.calculateDistance(final_dest, lotLocation)
		if dist <= max_dist:
			# print lot, lotLocation, dist

	# print len(lots_within_max_dist)
	return lots_within_max_dist
コード例 #3
ファイル: prediction.py プロジェクト: Argons/cs221-parking
def filterLotsByMaxDist(final_dest, max_dist):
    lots = os.listdir('../data')  # get a list of all lots in output directory
    locDict = util.locDict
    lots_within_max_dist = list()
    for lot in lots:
        lotLocation = tuple(float(v) for v in locDict[lot])
        dist = util.calculateDistance(final_dest, lotLocation)

        if dist <= max_dist:
            # print lot, lotLocation, dist

    # print len(lots_within_max_dist)
    return lots_within_max_dist
コード例 #4
ファイル: prediction.py プロジェクト: Argons/cs221-parking
def predictLot(filename, time, AvailNum_weightsVector, Price_weightsVector,
               lotid, lotLocation, final_dest):
	Predicts the availNum and price at |time| by averaging the prediction result from (time-timeBuffer) to (time)

	Returns a tuple of the prediction result

    fp = open("../data" + filename, 'r')
    HourMin = time[0] * 60 + time[1]
    timeBuffer = 10  # the time (in minutes), ahead of arrival_time, that we will consider when we do prediction
    count = 0

    availNumEstimate = 0.0
    priceEstimate = 0.0

    for line in fp:
        parsedLine = util.exactSingleLineFromFine(line)
        _, currHour, currMin = util.convertTimeStampToDate(parsedLine[0])
        currHourMin = currHour * 60 + currMin

        if HourMin - currHourMin <= timeBuffer:
            count += 1
            phi, availNum, price = model.extractRecordFeatures(
                line, util.locDict, util.eventDict)
            if len(phi) <= 0 or availNum < 0 or price < 0:
            availNumEstimate += round(
                util.sparseVectorDotProduct(AvailNum_weightsVector, phi))
            priceEstimate += util.sparseVectorDotProduct(
                Price_weightsVector, phi)

    # averaging
    availNumEstimate /= count
    priceEstimate /= count

    dist = util.calculateDistance(
        final_dest, lotLocation)  # distance between lot and final location

    return (lotid, lotLocation, round(availNumEstimate), priceEstimate, dist)
コード例 #5
def extractRecordFeatures(x, locationDict, eventDict):
    Extract the features from a string line 
    @param string 'x' : represents each timestamp there is a record 
    @return dictionary 
    Feature items:
        day - M, T, W, Th, F, S, Su    [7 entries]
        time - 6-10, 10-12, 12-14, 14-16, 16-18, 18-20, 20-22 [7 entries]
        loc - |loc - centroid|     [1 entry]
        price - 0 <= price , 1<= price, ..., 8 <= price  [9 entries] 
        events -   
    featureDict = Counter()
    _tempFeatureList = []
    for item in x.split(','):
        #print "show items", item
        item = item.strip(' \"|\r|\n ')

    # build feature vector phi

    timeRecord = util.convertTimeStampToDate(_tempFeatureList[0])
    day, hour, minute = timeRecord

    # if earlier than 6am or later than 10pm, return empty feature
    if hour < initialHour or hour >= finalHour:
        return (featureDict, 0, 0)

    dayDict = {
        0: 'Mon',
        1: 'Tues',
        2: 'Wed',
        3: 'Thu',
        4: 'Fri',
        5: 'Sat',
        6: 'Sun'

    assert day in dayDict

    # update the day feature
    featureDict[dayDict[day]] = 1

    # update time feature
    def updateTimeFeature(timeFeature):
        # print '-----'
        # print timeFeature
        # print len(timeFeature)
        # for i in range(len(timeFeature)):
        #     print i
        #     startTuple, endTuple = timeFeature[i]

        for startTuple, endTuple in timeFeature:
            # print startTuple, endTuple
            startHour, startMin = startTuple
            endHour, endMin = endTuple

            startHourMin = startHour * 60 + startMin
            finalHourMin = endHour * 60 + endMin

            actualHourMin = hour * 60 + minute
            # print actualHourMin
            # print startHourMin, finalHourMin

            if actualHourMin >= startHourMin and actualHourMin < finalHourMin:
                timeFeatureKey = str(startHour) + ':' + str(
                    startMin) + '-' + str(endHour) + ':' + str(endMin)
                featureDict[timeFeatureKey] = 1
                # print timeFeatureKey

    # updateTimeFeature(timeFeature10min)
    # updateTimeFeature(timeFeature30min)
    # updateTimeFeature(timeFeature1hr)

    dist = 0
    if locationDict[_tempFeatureList[1]]:
        lat, lng = locationDict[_tempFeatureList[1]]
        lotLocation = (float(lat), float(lng))
        #print "centroid", CENTROIDS[0]
        dist = min([
                lotLocation, (util.CENTROIDS[0][i], util.CENTROIDS[1][i]))
            for i in range(len(util.CENTROIDS[0]))
        dist = 0.5

    def updateDistFeature(dist, interval=.2, max_miles=5):
        Returns indicator functions for distance, in intervals of |interval| miles, up to |max_miles| miles

        feature is 1 if dist <= _d
        _d = 0
        while _d < max_miles:
            _d += interval
            if dist <= _d:
                featureDict['Dist<=' + str(_d)] = 1

    featureDict['Dist'] = dist

    # updateDistFeature(dist, .2, 5)

    def checkEvent(timeTS):
        #print type(float(timeTS))
        currentTS = float(timeTS)
        for i in range(len(eventDict['ST'])):
            #print "Start TimeStamp",  eventDict['ST'][i], type(eventDict['ST'][i])
            #print currentTS > eventDict['ST'][i]
            #print currentTS < eventDict['ET'][i]
            if currentTS > eventDict['ST'][i] and currentTS < eventDict['ET'][
                featureDict[eventDict['NAME'][i]] = 1

    def checkPrice(price, featureDict):
        #print "current price", currPrice
        if currPrice < 0:
            featureDict = Counter()
            return featureDict

        if currPrice >= 0 and currPrice < 1:
            featureDict['price_0-1'] = 1
        elif currPrice >= 1 and currPrice < 2:
            featureDict['price_1-2'] = 1
        elif currPrice >= 2 and currPrice < 3:
            featureDict['price_2-3'] = 1
        elif currPrice >= 3 and currPrice < 4:
            featureDict['price_3-4'] = 1
        elif currPrice >= 4 and currPrice < 5:
            featureDict['price_4-5'] = 1
        elif currPrice >= 5 and currPrice < 6:
            featureDict['price_5-6'] = 1
        elif currPrice >= 6 and currPrice < 7:
            featureDict['price_6-7'] = 1
            featureDict['price_gte7'] = 1

    # checkPrice(currPrice, featureDict)
    currPrice = float(_tempFeatureList[-1])  # current price

               )  # here call the internal function to check the events feature

    # extract label y
    if int(_tempFeatureList[3]) < 0 or int(_tempFeatureList[2]) < 0:
        avlNum = -99
        avlNum = int(_tempFeatureList[3]) - int(_tempFeatureList[2])

    return (featureDict, avlNum, currPrice)
コード例 #6
def extractRecordFeatures(x, locationDict, eventDict):
    Extract the features from a string line 
    @param string 'x' : represents each timestamp there is a record 
    @return dictionary 
    Feature items:
        day - M, T, W, Th, F, S, Su    [7 entries]
        time - 6-10, 10-12, 12-14, 14-16, 16-18, 18-20, 20-22 [7 entries]
        loc - |loc - centroid|     [1 entry]
        price - 0 <= price , 1<= price, ..., 8 <= price  [9 entries] 
        events -   
    featureDict = Counter()
    _tempFeatureList = []
    for item in x.split(","):
        # print "show items", item
        item = item.strip(' "|\r|\n ')

    # build feature vector phi

    timeRecord = util.convertTimeStampToDate(_tempFeatureList[0])
    day, hour, minute = timeRecord

    # if earlier than 6am or later than 10pm, return empty feature
    if hour < initialHour or hour >= finalHour:
        return (featureDict, 0, 0)

    dayDict = {0: "Mon", 1: "Tues", 2: "Wed", 3: "Thu", 4: "Fri", 5: "Sat", 6: "Sun"}

    assert day in dayDict

    # update the day feature
    featureDict[dayDict[day]] = 1

    # update time feature
    def updateTimeFeature(timeFeature):
        # print '-----'
        # print timeFeature
        # print len(timeFeature)
        # for i in range(len(timeFeature)):
        #     print i
        #     startTuple, endTuple = timeFeature[i]

        for startTuple, endTuple in timeFeature:
            # print startTuple, endTuple
            startHour, startMin = startTuple
            endHour, endMin = endTuple

            startHourMin = startHour * 60 + startMin
            finalHourMin = endHour * 60 + endMin

            actualHourMin = hour * 60 + minute
            # print actualHourMin
            # print startHourMin, finalHourMin

            if actualHourMin >= startHourMin and actualHourMin < finalHourMin:
                timeFeatureKey = str(startHour) + ":" + str(startMin) + "-" + str(endHour) + ":" + str(endMin)
                featureDict[timeFeatureKey] = 1
                # print timeFeatureKey

    # updateTimeFeature(timeFeature10min)
    # updateTimeFeature(timeFeature30min)
    # updateTimeFeature(timeFeature1hr)

    dist = 0
    if locationDict[_tempFeatureList[1]]:
        lat, lng = locationDict[_tempFeatureList[1]]
        lotLocation = (float(lat), float(lng))
        # print "centroid", CENTROIDS[0]
        dist = min(
                util.calculateDistance(lotLocation, (util.CENTROIDS[0][i], util.CENTROIDS[1][i]))
                for i in range(len(util.CENTROIDS[0]))
        dist = 0.5

    def updateDistFeature(dist, interval=0.2, max_miles=5):
        Returns indicator functions for distance, in intervals of |interval| miles, up to |max_miles| miles

        feature is 1 if dist <= _d
        _d = 0
        while _d < max_miles:
            _d += interval
            if dist <= _d:
                featureDict["Dist<=" + str(_d)] = 1

    featureDict["Dist"] = dist
    # updateDistFeature(dist, .2, 5)

    def checkEvent(timeTS):
        # print type(float(timeTS))
        currentTS = float(timeTS)
        for i in range(len(eventDict["ST"])):
            # print "Start TimeStamp",  eventDict['ST'][i], type(eventDict['ST'][i])
            # print currentTS > eventDict['ST'][i]
            # print currentTS < eventDict['ET'][i]
            if currentTS > eventDict["ST"][i] and currentTS < eventDict["ET"][i]:
                featureDict[eventDict["NAME"][i]] = 1

    def checkPrice(price, featureDict):
        # print "current price", currPrice
        if currPrice < 0:
            featureDict = Counter()
            return featureDict

        if currPrice >= 0 and currPrice < 1:
            featureDict["price_0-1"] = 1
        elif currPrice >= 1 and currPrice < 2:
            featureDict["price_1-2"] = 1
        elif currPrice >= 2 and currPrice < 3:
            featureDict["price_2-3"] = 1
        elif currPrice >= 3 and currPrice < 4:
            featureDict["price_3-4"] = 1
        elif currPrice >= 4 and currPrice < 5:
            featureDict["price_4-5"] = 1
        elif currPrice >= 5 and currPrice < 6:
            featureDict["price_5-6"] = 1
        elif currPrice >= 6 and currPrice < 7:
            featureDict["price_6-7"] = 1
            featureDict["price_gte7"] = 1

    # checkPrice(currPrice, featureDict)
    currPrice = float(_tempFeatureList[-1])  # current price

    checkEvent(_tempFeatureList[0])  # here call the internal function to check the events feature

    # extract label y
    if int(_tempFeatureList[3]) < 0 or int(_tempFeatureList[2]) < 0:
        avlNum = -99
        avlNum = int(_tempFeatureList[3]) - int(_tempFeatureList[2])

    return (featureDict, avlNum, currPrice)