コード例 #1
ファイル: swht.py プロジェクト: griffinfoster/SWHT
def swhtImageCoeffs(vis, uvw, freqs, lmax, lmin=0):
    """Generate brightness coefficients by transforming visibilities with the SWHT
    vis: complex array [Q, F], Q observed visibilities at F frequencies, can be size [Q] if only using 1 frequency
    uvw: float array [Q, 3, F], meters, has a F frequency axis because of the time steps in LOFAR station obsevrations changes uvw with respect to the frequency
    freqs: float array [F, 1] or [F], observing frequencies in Hz
    lmax: positive int, maximum spherical harmonic l number
    lmin: positive int, minimum spherical harmonic l number, usually 0
    start_time = time.time()

    #single subband cases
    if vis.ndim==1: vis = vis[np.newaxis].T
    if uvw.ndim==2: uvw = uvw.reshape(uvw.shape[0], uvw.shape[1], 1)
    if freqs.ndim==1: freqs = freqs[np.newaxis].T

    k = 2. * np.pi * freqs/cc #obs freq/c

    #convert u,v,w to r,phi,theta
    r, phi, theta = util.cart2sph(uvw[:,0], uvw[:,1], uvw[:,2])
    if r.ndim==1: #make arrays 2D
        r = r[np.newaxis].T
        phi = phi[np.newaxis].T
        theta = theta[np.newaxis].T
    phi = phi - np.pi #make range -pi to pi
    theta = np.pi - theta #flip theta values

    #from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
    #from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
    #fig = plt.figure()
    #ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
    #ax.scatter(uvw[:,0], uvw[:,1], uvw[:,2], c=r, alpha=0.5, edgecolors='none')

    #r = np.sqrt(uvw[:,0]**2. + uvw[:,1]**2. + uvw[:,2]**2.)[np.newaxis].T
    #phi = np.arctan2(uvw[:,1], uvw[:,0])[np.newaxis].T
    #theta = (np.pi/2.) - np.arctan2(uvw[:,2], np.sqrt(uvw[:,0]**2. + uvw[:,1]**2.))[np.newaxis].T #make range -pi/2 to pi/2

    #compute the SWHT visibility coefficients
    vislm = computeVislm(lmax, k, r, theta, phi, vis, lmin=lmin)
    #compute the SWHT brightness coefficients
    blm = computeblm(vislm)

    print 'Run time: %f s'%(time.time() - start_time)

    return blm
コード例 #2
def swhtImageCoeffs(vis, uvw, freqs, lmax, lmin=0):
    """Generate brightness coefficients by transforming visibilities with the SWHT
    vis: complex array [Q, F], Q observed visibilities at F frequencies, can be size [Q] if only using 1 frequency
    uvw: float array [Q, 3, F], meters, has a F frequency axis because of the time steps in LOFAR station obsevrations changes uvw with respect to the frequency
    freqs: float array [F, 1] or [F], observing frequencies in Hz
    lmax: positive int, maximum spherical harmonic l number
    lmin: positive int, minimum spherical harmonic l number, usually 0
    start_time = time.time()

    #single subband cases
    if vis.ndim == 1: vis = vis[np.newaxis].T
    if uvw.ndim == 2: uvw = uvw.reshape(uvw.shape[0], uvw.shape[1], 1)
    if freqs.ndim == 1: freqs = freqs[np.newaxis].T

    k = 2. * np.pi * freqs / cc  #obs freq/c

    #convert u,v,w to r,phi,theta
    r, phi, theta = util.cart2sph(uvw[:, 0], uvw[:, 1], uvw[:, 2])
    if r.ndim == 1:  #make arrays 2D
        r = r[np.newaxis].T
        phi = phi[np.newaxis].T
        theta = theta[np.newaxis].T

    phi = phi - np.pi  #make range -pi to pi
    theta = np.pi - theta  #flip theta values

    #from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
    #from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
    #fig = plt.figure()
    #ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
    #ax.scatter(uvw[:,0], uvw[:,1], uvw[:,2], c=r, alpha=0.5, edgecolors='none')

    #r = np.sqrt(uvw[:,0]**2. + uvw[:,1]**2. + uvw[:,2]**2.)[np.newaxis].T
    #phi = np.arctan2(uvw[:,1], uvw[:,0])[np.newaxis].T
    #theta = (np.pi/2.) - np.arctan2(uvw[:,2], np.sqrt(uvw[:,0]**2. + uvw[:,1]**2.))[np.newaxis].T #make range -pi/2 to pi/2

    #compute the SWHT visibility coefficients
    vislm = computeVislm(lmax, k, r, theta, phi, vis, lmin=lmin)
    #compute the SWHT brightness coefficients
    blm = computeblm(vislm)

    print 'Run time: %f s' % (time.time() - start_time)

    return blm
コード例 #3
ファイル: swht.py プロジェクト: griffinfoster/SWHT
def iswhtVisibilities(blm, uvw, freqs):
    """Generate visibilities by inverse transforming brightness coefficients with the iSWHT
    blm: [LMAX+1, 2*LMAX + 1] array, brightness coefficients
    uvw: float array [Q, 3, F], meters, has a F frequency axis because of the time steps in LOFAR station obsevrations changes uvw with respect to the frequency
    freqs: float array [F, 1] or [F], observing frequencies in Hz
    start_time = time.time()

    #Convert brightness coefficients into visibility coefficients
    vislm = computeblm(blm, reverse=True)

    #single subband cases
    if uvw.ndim==2: uvw = uvw.reshape(uvw.shape[0], uvw.shape[1], 1)
    if freqs.ndim==1: freqs = freqs[np.newaxis].T

    k = 2. * np.pi * freqs/cc #obs freq/c

    #from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
    #from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
    #fig = plt.figure()
    #ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
    #ax.scatter(uvw[:,0], uvw[:,1], uvw[:,2])

    #convert u,v,w to r,phi,theta
    r, phi, theta = util.cart2sph(uvw[:,0], uvw[:,1], uvw[:,2])
    if r.ndim==1: #make arrays 2D
        r = r[np.newaxis].T
        phi = phi[np.newaxis].T 
        theta = theta[np.newaxis].T

    phi = phi - np.pi #make range -pi to pi
    theta = np.pi - theta #flip theta values

    #compute visibilities
    vis = computeVisSamples(vislm, k, r, theta, phi)

    print 'Run time: %f s'%(time.time() - start_time)

    return vis
コード例 #4
def iswhtVisibilities(blm, uvw, freqs):
    """Generate visibilities by inverse transforming brightness coefficients with the iSWHT
    blm: [LMAX+1, 2*LMAX + 1] array, brightness coefficients
    uvw: float array [Q, 3, F], meters, has a F frequency axis because of the time steps in LOFAR station obsevrations changes uvw with respect to the frequency
    freqs: float array [F, 1] or [F], observing frequencies in Hz
    start_time = time.time()

    #Convert brightness coefficients into visibility coefficients
    vislm = computeblm(blm, reverse=True)

    #single subband cases
    if uvw.ndim == 2: uvw = uvw.reshape(uvw.shape[0], uvw.shape[1], 1)
    if freqs.ndim == 1: freqs = freqs[np.newaxis].T

    k = 2. * np.pi * freqs / cc  #obs freq/c

    #from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
    #from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
    #fig = plt.figure()
    #ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
    #ax.scatter(uvw[:,0], uvw[:,1], uvw[:,2])

    #convert u,v,w to r,phi,theta
    r, phi, theta = util.cart2sph(uvw[:, 0], uvw[:, 1], uvw[:, 2])
    if r.ndim == 1:  #make arrays 2D
        r = r[np.newaxis].T
        phi = phi[np.newaxis].T
        theta = theta[np.newaxis].T

    phi = phi - np.pi  #make range -pi to pi
    theta = np.pi - theta  #flip theta values

    #compute visibilities
    vis = computeVisSamples(vislm, k, r, theta, phi)

    print 'Run time: %f s' % (time.time() - start_time)

    return vis
コード例 #5
ファイル: swht.py プロジェクト: griffinfoster/SWHT
def make2Dimage(coeffs, res, px=[64, 64], phs=[0., 0.]):
    """Make a flat image of a single hemisphere from SWHT image coefficients
    coeffs: SWHT brightness coefficients
    px: [int, int], number of pixels, note these are equivalent to the l,m coordinates in FT imaging
    res: float, resolution of the central pixel in radians
    phs: [float, float], RA and Dec (radians) position at the center of the image
    start_time = time.time()

    #start from a regular Cartesian grid
    lrange = np.linspace(-1.*px[0]*res/2., px[0]*res/2., num=px[0], endpoint=True)/(np.pi/2.) #m range (-1,1)
    mrange = np.linspace(-1.*px[1]*res/2., px[1]*res/2., num=px[1], endpoint=True)/(np.pi/2.) #l range (-1,1)
    xx,yy = np.meshgrid(lrange, mrange)
    #xx,yy = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-1., 1., num=px[0]), np.linspace(-1., 1., num=px[1])) #Full hemisphere, no FoV control
    img = np.zeros(xx.shape, dtype='complex')
    #convert to polar positions
    r = np.sqrt(xx**2. + yy**2.)
    phi = np.arctan2(yy, xx)

    # zero out undefined regions of the image where r>0
    # overly tedious steps for something that should be much easier to do
    rflat = r.flatten()
    phiflat = phi.flatten()
    maxRcond = r.flatten() > 1
    idx = np.argwhere(maxRcond)
    rflat[idx] = 0.
    phiflat[idx] = 0.
    r = np.reshape(rflat, r.shape)
    phi = np.reshape(phiflat, phi.shape)

    #convert to unit sphere coordinates
    thetap = np.arccos(r) - np.pi/2. #north pole is at 0 in spherical coordinates
    phip = np.pi - phi #azimuth range [-pi, pi] -> [2pi, 0]

    #Determine the theta, phi coordinates for a hemisphere at the snapshot zenith
    X, Y, Z = util.sph2cart(thetap, phip)
    ra = phs[0]
    raRotation = np.array([[np.cos(ra), -1.*np.sin(ra), 0.],
                           [np.sin(ra),     np.cos(ra), 0.],
                           [        0.,             0., 1.]]) #rotate about the z-axis
    dec = np.pi - phs[1] #adjust relative to the north pole at -pi/2
    print 'dec', dec, 'phs', phs[1]
    # TODO: might need to do a transpose to apply the inverse rotation
    decRotation = np.array([[1.,0.,0.],
                            [0., np.cos(dec), -1.*np.sin(dec)],
                            [0., np.sin(dec), np.cos(dec)]]) #rotate about the x-axis
    XYZ = np.vstack((X.flatten(), Y.flatten(), Z.flatten()))
    rotMatrix = np.dot(decRotation, raRotation)
    XYZ0 = np.dot(rotMatrix, XYZ) #order of rotation is important
    #XYZ0 = np.dot(np.dot(raRotation, decRotation), XYZ) #order of rotation is important
    r0, phi0, theta0 = util.cart2sph(XYZ0[0,:], XYZ0[1,:], XYZ0[2,:])
    r0 = r0.reshape(thetap.shape) #not used, should all be nearly 1
    phi0 = phi0.reshape(thetap.shape) #rotated phi values
    theta0 = theta0.reshape(thetap.shape) #rotated theta values

    lmax = coeffs.shape[0]
    print 'L:',
    for l in np.arange(lmax):
        print l,
        for m in np.arange(-1*l, l+1):
            img += coeffs[l, l+m] * Ylm.Ylm(l, m, phi0, theta0) #TODO: a slow call
    print 'done'

    print 'Run time: %f s'%(time.time() - start_time)

    return np.ma.array(img, mask=maxRcond)
コード例 #6
def make2Dimage(coeffs, res, px=[64, 64], phs=[0., 0.]):
    """Make a flat image of a single hemisphere from SWHT image coefficients
    coeffs: SWHT brightness coefficients
    px: [int, int], number of pixels, note these are equivalent to the l,m coordinates in FT imaging
    res: float, resolution of the central pixel in radians
    phs: [float, float], RA and Dec (radians) position at the center of the image
    start_time = time.time()

    #start from a regular Cartesian grid
    lrange = np.linspace(
        -1. * px[0] * res / 2., px[0] * res / 2., num=px[0], endpoint=True) / (
            np.pi / 2.)  #m range (-1,1)
    mrange = np.linspace(
        -1. * px[1] * res / 2., px[1] * res / 2., num=px[1], endpoint=True) / (
            np.pi / 2.)  #l range (-1,1)
    xx, yy = np.meshgrid(lrange, mrange)
    #xx,yy = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-1., 1., num=px[0]), np.linspace(-1., 1., num=px[1])) #Full hemisphere, no FoV control
    img = np.zeros(xx.shape, dtype='complex')

    #convert to polar positions
    r = np.sqrt(xx**2. + yy**2.)
    phi = np.arctan2(yy, xx)

    # zero out undefined regions of the image where r>0
    # overly tedious steps for something that should be much easier to do
    rflat = r.flatten()
    phiflat = phi.flatten()
    maxRcond = r.flatten() > 1
    idx = np.argwhere(maxRcond)
    rflat[idx] = 0.
    phiflat[idx] = 0.
    r = np.reshape(rflat, r.shape)
    phi = np.reshape(phiflat, phi.shape)

    #convert to unit sphere coordinates
    thetap = np.arccos(
        r) - np.pi / 2.  #north pole is at 0 in spherical coordinates
    phip = np.pi - phi  #azimuth range [-pi, pi] -> [2pi, 0]

    #Determine the theta, phi coordinates for a hemisphere at the snapshot zenith
    X, Y, Z = util.sph2cart(thetap, phip)
    ra = phs[0]
    raRotation = np.array([[np.cos(ra), -1. * np.sin(ra), 0.],
                           [np.sin(ra), np.cos(ra), 0.],
                           [0., 0., 1.]])  #rotate about the z-axis
    dec = np.pi - phs[1]  #adjust relative to the north pole at -pi/2
    print 'dec', dec, 'phs', phs[1]
    # TODO: might need to do a transpose to apply the inverse rotation
    decRotation = np.array([[1., 0., 0.], [0.,
                                           np.cos(dec), -1. * np.sin(dec)],
                            [0., np.sin(dec),
                             np.cos(dec)]])  #rotate about the x-axis
    XYZ = np.vstack((X.flatten(), Y.flatten(), Z.flatten()))
    rotMatrix = np.dot(decRotation, raRotation)
    XYZ0 = np.dot(rotMatrix, XYZ)  #order of rotation is important
    #XYZ0 = np.dot(np.dot(raRotation, decRotation), XYZ) #order of rotation is important
    r0, phi0, theta0 = util.cart2sph(XYZ0[0, :], XYZ0[1, :], XYZ0[2, :])
    r0 = r0.reshape(thetap.shape)  #not used, should all be nearly 1
    phi0 = phi0.reshape(thetap.shape)  #rotated phi values
    theta0 = theta0.reshape(thetap.shape)  #rotated theta values

    lmax = coeffs.shape[0]
    print 'L:',
    for l in np.arange(lmax):
        print l,
        for m in np.arange(-1 * l, l + 1):
            img += coeffs[l, l + m] * Ylm.Ylm(l, m, phi0,
                                              theta0)  #TODO: a slow call
    print 'done'

    print 'Run time: %f s' % (time.time() - start_time)

    return np.ma.array(img, mask=maxRcond)