def tpl_list(products): cart_line = u"<code>" cart_line += st_col(2, u"№", True) + "|" cart_line += st_col(6, u"цена") + "|" cart_line += st_col(5, u"кол.") + "|" cart_line += st_col(7, u"сумма") + "\n\r" cart_line += ('-' * 23) + u"\n\r" total = 0 for product in products: sym = Decimal(product["price"]) * Decimal(product["quantity"]) total += sym cart_line += st_col(2, empty_nl(str(product["product_id"])), True) + u"|" cart_line += st_col(6, empty_nl(str(product["price"]))) + u"|" cart_line += st_col(5, empty_nl(str(product["quantity"]))) + u"|" cart_line += st_col(7, empty_nl(str(sym))) cart_line += u"\n\r" cart_line += u"</code>\n\rИтого: <b>" + empty_nl(str(total)) + u"</b>\n\r" return cart_line
def tpl_edit_msg(price, quant, total, isPrice, product_id): res = u"<code>" if product_id is not None: res += u"Товар №" + str(product_id) + u"\n\r" if isPrice: res += st_col(10, u">>Цена: ") + " " + st_col( 15, empty_nl_temp(str(price)), True) + u"\n\r" res += st_col(10, u"Кол-во: ") + " " + st_col( 15, empty_nl_temp(str(quant)), True) + u"\n\r" else: res += st_col(10, u"Цена: ") + " " + st_col( 15, empty_nl_temp(str(price)), True) + u"\n\r" res += st_col(10, u">>Кол-во: ") + " " + st_col( 15, empty_nl_temp(str(quant)), True) + u"\n\r" res += st_col(10, u"Сумма: ") + " " + st_col( 15, empty_nl(str(Decimal(price) * Decimal(quant))), True) + u"\n\r" res += u"</code>" res += u"Общая сумма: <b>" + empty_nl(str(total)) + u"</b>" return res
def tpl_delProduct(id, st_amount): resMsg = "" if st_amount is not None: resMsg = u"<code>Товар №" + empty_nl(str(id)) + u" удалён.</code>\n\r" resMsg += u"Общая сумма: <b>" + st_amount + u"</b>" else: resMsg = u"<code>Не удалось удалить товар №" + empty_nl( str(id)) + u"!</code>" return resMsg
def tpl_editProduct(editProduct): resMsg = u"<code>Товар отредактирован:\n\r" resMsg += st_col(2, u"№", True) + "|" resMsg += st_col(6, u"цена") + "|" resMsg += st_col(5, u"кол.") + "|" resMsg += st_col(7, u"сумма") + "\n\r" if editProduct["product_id"] == 1: resMsg += ('-' * 23) + "\n\r" else: resMsg += '-----------//-----------\n\r' resMsg += st_col(2, empty_nl(str( editProduct["product_id"])), True) + "|" + st_col( 6, empty_nl(str(editProduct["price"]))) + "|" + st_col( 5, empty_nl(str(editProduct["quantity"]))) + "|" + st_col( 7, empty_nl(str(editProduct["prod_amount"]))) resMsg += u"</code>\n\r\n\rОбщая сумма: <b>" + empty_nl( str(editProduct["amount"])) + "</b>" return resMsg
def tpl_newProduct(newProduct): resMsg = u"<code>Тов. добавлен в корзину:\n\r" resMsg += st_col(2, u"№", True) + "|" resMsg += st_col(6, u"цена") + "|" resMsg += st_col(5, u"кол.") + "|" resMsg += st_col(7, u"сумма") + "\n\r" if newProduct["product_id"] == 1: resMsg += ('-' * 23) + "\n\r" else: resMsg += '-----------//-----------\n\r' resMsg += st_col(2, empty_nl(str( newProduct["product_id"])), True) + "|" + st_col( 6, empty_nl(str(newProduct["price"]))) + "|" + st_col( 5, empty_nl(str(newProduct["quantity"]))) + "|" + st_col( 7, empty_nl(str(newProduct["prod_amount"]))) resMsg += u"</code>\n\r\n\rОбщая сумма: <b>" + empty_nl( str(newProduct["amount"])) + "</b>" return resMsg
def setProductTemp(self, user_id, action, name, val): # получаем временный продукт product_temp = self.getProductTemp(user_id, action) param = None price = '0' quant = '1' kb_mode = 'p' # если его нет создаём if product_temp is None: if name == 'product_id': # получаем продукт по id product = self.getProduct(user_id, int(val)) param = (int(user_id), empty_nl(Decimal(product["price"])), empty_nl(Decimal(product["quantity"])), 'u', int(val)) # сохраняем товар во временной таблице try: self.execute( 'INSERT INTO products_temp(user_id, price, quantity, action, product_id) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)', param) # получаем временный продукт product_temp = self.getProductTemp(user_id, action) # Сообщаем пользователю об ошибке базы данных except pymysql.err.InternalError: try:, self.db_error_text, parse_mode='HTML') except Exception as e: print(traceback.format_exc(10)) except Exception as e: print(traceback.format_exc(10)) else: param = (int(user_id), 'c') # сохраняем товар во временной таблице try: self.execute( 'INSERT INTO products_temp(user_id, action) VALUES(%s, %s)', param) # получаем временный продукт product_temp = self.getProductTemp(user_id, action) # Сообщаем пользователю об ошибке базы данных except pymysql.err.InternalError: try:, self.db_error_text, parse_mode='HTML') except Exception as e: print(traceback.format_exc(10)) except Exception as e: print(traceback.format_exc(10)) else: # значения по умалчанию price = product_temp["price"] quant = product_temp["quantity"] kb_mode = product_temp["kb_mode"] # если есть обновляем try: if name == 'num' and product_temp["kb_mode"] == 'p': if product_temp["price"] == '0' and product_temp[ "flag_price_use"] == 'n': price = val else: price = product_temp["price"] + val param = (Decimal(price), 'y', int(user_id), action) self.execute( 'UPDATE products_temp SET price = %s, flag_price_use = %s WHERE user_id = %s AND action = %s', param) elif name == 'num' and product_temp["kb_mode"] == 'q': if product_temp["quantity"] == '1' and product_temp[ "flag_quantity_use"] == 'n': quant = val else: quant = product_temp["quantity"] + val param = (Decimal(quant), 'y', int(user_id), action) self.execute( 'UPDATE products_temp SET quantity = %s, flag_quantity_use = %s WHERE user_id = %s AND action = %s', param) elif name == 'mode': kb_mode = 'p' if product_temp["kb_mode"] == 'p': kb_mode = 'q' param = (kb_mode, int(user_id), action) self.execute( 'UPDATE products_temp SET kb_mode = %s WHERE user_id = %s AND action = %s', param) elif name == 'null' and product_temp["kb_mode"] == 'p': price = '0' param = (Decimal(price), int(user_id), action) self.execute( 'UPDATE products_temp SET price = %s WHERE user_id = %s AND action = %s', param) elif name == 'null' and product_temp["kb_mode"] == 'q': quant = '0' param = (Decimal(quant), int(user_id), action) self.execute( 'UPDATE products_temp SET quantity = %s WHERE user_id = %s AND action = %s', param) elif name == 'back' and product_temp["kb_mode"] == 'p': price = '0' if len(product_temp["price"]) >= 2: price = product_temp["price"][0:-1] param = (Decimal(price), int(user_id), action) self.execute( 'UPDATE products_temp SET price = %s WHERE user_id = %s AND action = %s', param) elif name == 'back' and product_temp["kb_mode"] == 'q': quant = '0' if len(product_temp["quantity"]) >= 2: quant = product_temp["quantity"][0:-1] param = (Decimal(quant), int(user_id), action) self.execute( 'UPDATE products_temp SET quantity = %s WHERE user_id = %s AND action = %s', param) elif name == '.' and product_temp["kb_mode"] == 'p': if "." not in price: price += '.' param = (Decimal(price), int(user_id), action) self.execute( 'UPDATE products_temp SET price = %s WHERE user_id = %s AND action = %s', param) elif name == '.' and product_temp["kb_mode"] == 'q': if "." not in quant: quant += '.' param = (Decimal(quant), int(user_id), action) self.execute( 'UPDATE products_temp SET quantity = %s WHERE user_id = %s AND action = %s', param) elif name == '+' and product_temp["kb_mode"] == 'p': price = Decimal(product_temp["price"]) + 1 param = (price, int(user_id), action) print(param) self.execute( 'UPDATE products_temp SET price = %s WHERE user_id = %s AND action = %s', param) elif name == '+' and product_temp["kb_mode"] == 'q': quant = Decimal(product_temp["quantity"]) + 1 param = (quant, int(user_id), action) print(param) self.execute( 'UPDATE products_temp SET quantity = %s WHERE user_id = %s AND action = %s', param) elif name == '-' and product_temp["kb_mode"] == 'p': if Decimal(product_temp["price"]) >= 1: price = Decimal(product_temp["price"]) - 1 param = (price, int(user_id), action) self.execute( 'UPDATE products_temp SET price = %s WHERE user_id = %s AND action = %s', param) elif name == '-' and product_temp["kb_mode"] == 'q': if Decimal(product_temp["quantity"]) >= 1: quant = Decimal(product_temp["quantity"]) - 1 param = (quant, int(user_id), action) self.execute( 'UPDATE products_temp SET quantity = %s WHERE user_id = %s AND action = %s', param) # Сообщаем пользователю об ошибке базы данных except pymysql.err.InternalError: try:, self.db_error_text, parse_mode='HTML') except Exception as e: print(traceback.format_exc(10)) except Exception as e: print(traceback.format_exc(10)) return { 'price': price, 'quant': quant, "action": action, "kb_mode": kb_mode }