コード例 #1
def encode(doc_chunks, chunks_mask, model, batch_size=32):
    embeddings, doc_ids, par_ids = [], [], []
    chunks, masks = doc_chunks, chunks_mask
    if isinstance(doc_chunks, dict) and isinstance(chunks_mask, dict):
        chunks, masks = [], []
        for doc_id, doc in tqdm(doc_chunks.items(), desc='Generating chunks embeddings...'):
            if isinstance(doc, list):
            elif isinstance(doc, dict):
                for par_id, par in doc.items():
                    if isinstance(par, list):

        #elif isinstance(doc_chunks, list) and isinstance(masks, list):
        chunks = torch.stack(chunks, axis=0)
        masks = torch.stack(masks, axis=0)
    embeddings = encode_chunks(chunks, masks, model, batch_size)
    # print(f"Shape of embeddings {embeddings.shape}")
    return embeddings
コード例 #2
def handle_for(block, instance_vars, stack):
    tokens = clean_up_list_elems(flatten_list(re.split("for\s*\(", block)))
    tokens = clean_up_list_elems(flatten_list(list(map(lambda x: re.split("\)\s*\{", x), tokens))))
    tokens = clean_up_list_elems(flatten_list(list(map(lambda x: re.split("\}", x), tokens))))
    tokens = tokens[0].split(";") + [tokens[1]]
    initialize, condition, update, statements = tokens
    assign_variable(initialize, instance_vars, stack)
    evaluated_condition = evaluate_expression(condition, instance_vars, stack)
    if type(evaluated_condition) is not bool:
        raise InvalidForLoopException("Boolean condition is of wrong type")
    while evaluate_expression(condition, instance_vars, stack):
        parse_eval(statements, instance_vars, stack)
        assign_variable(update, instance_vars, stack)
    # Assumes well-formed expression.
    var_name = initialize.split(" ")[1]
    get_variable_frame(var_name, instance_vars, stack).pop(var_name)
コード例 #3
def handle_for(block, instance_vars, stack):

    tokens = clean_up_list_elems(flatten_list(re.split("for\s*\(", block)))
    tokens = clean_up_list_elems(
        flatten_list(list(map(lambda x: re.split("\)\s*\{", x), tokens))))
    tokens = clean_up_list_elems(
        flatten_list(list(map(lambda x: re.split("\}", x), tokens))))

    tokens = tokens[0].split(";") + [tokens[1]]
    initialize, condition, update, statements = tokens

    assign_variable(initialize, instance_vars, stack)
    evaluated_condition = evaluate_expression(condition, instance_vars, stack)
    if type(evaluated_condition) is not bool:
        raise InvalidForLoopException("Boolean condition is of wrong type")
    while evaluate_expression(condition, instance_vars, stack):
        parse_eval(statements, instance_vars, stack)
        assign_variable(update, instance_vars, stack)

    # Assumes well-formed expression.
    var_name = initialize.split(" ")[1]
    get_variable_frame(var_name, instance_vars, stack).pop(var_name)

コード例 #4
def handle_conditional_statements(if_else_block, instance_vars, stack):
    has_else_clause = verify_if_else_syntax(if_else_block)
    # Tokenize if-else block: split conditions from statements
    tokens = clean_up_list_elems(flatten_list(re.split("\s*\}\s*else if\s*\(", if_else_block))) # Split by } else if (
    tokens = clean_up_list_elems(flatten_list(list(map(lambda elem: re.split("\s*if\s*\(", elem), tokens))))    # Split by if (
    tokens = clean_up_list_elems(flatten_list(list(map(lambda elem: re.split("\s*\}\s*else\s*\{", elem), tokens)))) # Split by } else {, insert True as condition
    if has_else_clause:
        tokens.insert(-1, "True")
    tokens = clean_up_list_elems(flatten_list(list(map(lambda elem: re.split("\s*\)\s*\{", elem), tokens))))    # Split  by ) {
    tokens = clean_up_list_elems(flatten_list(list(map(lambda elem: re.split("\}", elem), tokens))))    # Split by }
    # Split tokens into list of conditions and statements
    conditions_list, statements_list = [], []
    for index in range(0, len(tokens)):
        if index % 2 == 0:  # Even, is a condition.
    assert len(conditions_list) == len(statements_list), "conditions_list and statements_list are of different lengths"
    # Check the conditions; if True, return the associated statements
    for index in range(0, len(conditions_list)):
        curr_condition = evaluate_expression(conditions_list[index])
        if type(curr_condition) is not bool:
            raise InvalidIfElseBlockException("Condition parsed was not a boolean expression.  Condition was: " + str(curr_condition))
        if curr_condition:
            return statements_list[index]
    return None
コード例 #5
def dataset_for_WF_multifile(spike, y, N):
    if type(spike) == np.ndarray:
        spike = [spike]
    if type(y) == np.ndarray:
        y = [y]
    spike_wiener = []
    emg_wiener = []
    for i in range(len(spike)):
        spike_temp, emg_temp = dataset_for_WF(spike[i], y[i], N)
    return flatten_list(spike_wiener), flatten_list(emg_wiener)
コード例 #6
def handle_conditional_statements(if_else_block, instance_vars, stack):
    #import javarepl# import evaluate_expression
    has_else_clause = verify_if_else_syntax(if_else_block)

    # Tokenize if-else block: split conditions from statements
    tokens = clean_up_list_elems(
        flatten_list(re.split("\s*\}\s*else if\s*\(",
                              if_else_block)))  # Split by } else if (
    tokens = clean_up_list_elems(
            list(map(lambda elem: re.split("\s*if\s*\(", elem),
                     tokens))))  # Split by if (
    tokens = clean_up_list_elems(
            list(map(lambda elem: re.split("\s*\}\s*else\s*\{", elem),
                     tokens))))  # Split by } else {, insert True as condition
    if has_else_clause:
        tokens.insert(-1, "True")
    tokens = clean_up_list_elems(
            list(map(lambda elem: re.split("\s*\)\s*\{", elem),
                     tokens))))  # Split  by ) {
    tokens = clean_up_list_elems(
        flatten_list(list(map(lambda elem: re.split("\}", elem),
                              tokens))))  # Split by }

    # Split tokens into list of conditions and statements
    conditions_list, statements_list = [], []
    for index in range(0, len(tokens)):
        if index % 2 == 0:  # Even, is a condition.

    assert len(conditions_list) == len(
    ), "conditions_list and statements_list are of different lengths"

    # Check the conditions; if True, return the associated statements
    for index in range(0, len(conditions_list)):
        curr_condition = evaluate_expression(conditions_list[index],
                                             instance_vars, stack)
        if type(curr_condition) is not bool:
            raise InvalidIfElseBlockException(
                "Condition parsed was not a boolean expression.  Condition was: "
                + str(curr_condition))
        if curr_condition:
            return statements_list[index]

    return None
コード例 #7
def handle_while(block, instance_vars, stack):
    tokens = clean_up_list_elems(flatten_list(re.split("while\s*\(", block)))
    tokens = clean_up_list_elems(flatten_list(list(map(lambda x: re.split("\)\s*\{", x), tokens))))
    tokens = clean_up_list_elems(flatten_list(list(map(lambda x: re.split("\}", x), tokens))))
    assert len(tokens) == 2, "There should be 2 tokens, but there are " + str(len(tokens))
    condition, statements = tokens[0], tokens[1]
    while evaluate_expression(condition, instance_vars, stack):
        parse_eval(statements, instance_vars, stack)    # We will NOT support different scoping for variables inside.
    return  # Call parse_eval with instance_vars
コード例 #8
ファイル: bbvi.py プロジェクト: wonyeol/reparam-nondiff
def print_last_thts(bm_fname, optz_cfg=None):
    # load bm_fname
    bm = importlib.import_module(bm_fname.rsplit('.', 1)[0])
    e       = bm.e; decorate_stind(e)
    compare = bm.compare
    if optz_cfg is None: optz_cfg = bm.optz_cfg

    # optz_detail
    optz_detail = get_optz_detail(bm_fname, optz_cfg)
    print('\n===== inferred thts: %s =====' % optz_detail)

    # load res's from files
    thts_l    = []
    alg_str_l = []
    for alg_str in compare:
        thts = load_res(optz_detail, alg_str)[-1][1]
        thts_l    += [thts]
        alg_str_l += [alg_str]

    # print
    print('\t%s' % ('\t\t'.join(alg_str_l)))
    for i in range(len(thts_l[0])/2):
        thts_i_float = util.flatten_list([[thts[2*i], util.softplus(thts[2*i+1])] for thts in thts_l])
        thts_i_str = ['%.3f' % v for v in thts_i_float]
        print('tht_%d(mean)\t%s' % (i+1, '\t'.join(thts_i_str[0::2])))
        print('tht_%d(std )\t%s' % (i+1, '\t'.join(thts_i_str[1::2])))
コード例 #9
ファイル: rollover.py プロジェクト: delgadom/EnergyPATHWAYS
    def introduce_inputs_override(self, num, introduced_stock_changes, introduced_specified_stock, introduced_specified_sales, decimals=10):
        list_steps = range(self.i, self.num_years*self.spy) if num is None else range(self.i, min(self.i+num*self.spy, self.num_years*self.spy))        
        if introduced_stock_changes is not None:
            if num!=len(util.ensure_iterable_and_not_string(introduced_stock_changes)):
                raise ValueError("length of annual stock_changes must match the number of years to run")
            if np.any(np.isnan(introduced_stock_changes)):
                raise ValueError("introduced annual stock_changes cannot be nan")
            self.stock_changes[list_steps] = np.reshape(np.repeat(introduced_stock_changes/self.spy, self.spy, axis=0), len(list_steps))

        if introduced_specified_stock is not None:
            if num!=len(util.ensure_iterable_and_not_string(introduced_specified_stock)):
                raise ValueError("length of annual specified_stock must match the number of years to run")
            self.specified_stock[list_steps] = np.array(util.flatten_list([[[np.nan]*self.num_techs]*(self.spy-1) + [list(util.ensure_iterable_and_not_string(ss))] for ss in np.round(introduced_specified_stock, decimals)]))
            if np.any(self.specified_stock[list_steps]<0):
                raise ValueError("introduced specified stock cannot be negative")
            i = self.i
            self.prior_year_stock = self.initial_stock if i == 0 else np.sum(self.stock[:, :i + 1, i - 1], axis=1)
            if np.sum(self.prior_year_stock) + np.sum(self.stock_changes[list_steps])>np.nansum(self.specified_stock[list_steps]) and not np.all(np.isnan(self.specified_stock[list_steps])) and self.stock_changes_as_min and self.use_stock_changes:
                self.specified_stock[list_steps] *= (np.sum(self.prior_year_stock) + np.sum(self.stock_changes[list_steps]))/np.nansum(self.specified_stock[list_steps])
#                self.stock_changes[list_steps] = np.reshape(np.repeat(0/self.spy, self.spy, axis=0), len(list_steps))

#            self.specified_stock[list_steps] = np.reshape(np.repeat(introduced_specified_stock, self.spy, axis=0), len(list_steps))

        if introduced_specified_sales is not None:
            if num!=len(util.ensure_iterable_and_not_string(introduced_specified_sales)):
                raise ValueError("length of annual specified_sales must match the number of years to run")
            self.specified_sales[list_steps] = np.reshape(np.repeat(np.round(introduced_specified_sales, decimals)/self.spy, self.spy, axis=0), len(list_steps))
            if np.any(self.specified_sales[list_steps]<0):
                raise ValueError("introduced specified sales cannot be negative")
コード例 #10
def get_labels(authors, POS):
    """Returns true labels for list of authors.

    Given a list of authors, returns a list of integers representing
    the documents for all documents written by an author in your author
    list. These integers represent 'true labels'.

        authors (list): A list of strings of Author names.
        POS (boolean): A boolean value representing whether you want the 
            original document or the POS-converted document.

        list: The length of this list is equal to the total
        number of documents written by authors in your authors list. These
        integers are subject to the requirement that any two documents written
        by the same author will be represented by the same integer.
    author_lengths = [
        len(i) for i in [auth_paths(auth, POS) for auth in authors]
    unflattened_labels = [
        author_length * [i]
        for author_length, i in [(author_lengths[i], i)
                                 for i in range(len(author_lengths))]
    return flatten_list(unflattened_labels)
コード例 #11
ファイル: rollover.py プロジェクト: anamileva/energyPATHWAYS
    def introduce_inputs_override(self, num, introduced_stock_changes, introduced_specified_stock, introduced_specified_sales, decimals=10):
        list_steps = range(self.i, self.num_years*self.spy) if num is None else range(self.i, min(self.i+num*self.spy, self.num_years*self.spy))        
        if introduced_stock_changes is not None:
            if num!=len(util.ensure_iterable_and_not_string(introduced_stock_changes)):
                raise ValueError("length of annual stock_changes must match the number of years to run")
            if np.any(np.isnan(introduced_stock_changes)):
                raise ValueError("introduced annual stock_changes cannot be nan")
            self.stock_changes[list_steps] = np.reshape(np.repeat(introduced_stock_changes/self.spy, self.spy, axis=0), len(list_steps))

        if introduced_specified_stock is not None:
            if num!=len(util.ensure_iterable_and_not_string(introduced_specified_stock)):
                raise ValueError("length of annual specified_stock must match the number of years to run")
            self.specified_stock[list_steps] = np.array(util.flatten_list([[[np.nan]*self.num_techs]*(self.spy-1) + [list(util.ensure_iterable_and_not_string(ss))] for ss in np.round(introduced_specified_stock, decimals)]))
            if np.any(self.specified_stock[list_steps]<0):
                raise ValueError("introduced specified stock cannot be negative")
            i = self.i
            self.prior_year_stock = self.initial_stock if i == 0 else np.sum(self.stock[:, :i + 1, i - 1], axis=1)
            if np.sum(self.prior_year_stock) + np.sum(self.stock_changes[list_steps])>np.nansum(self.specified_stock[list_steps]) and not np.all(np.isnan(self.specified_stock[list_steps])) and self.stock_changes_as_min and self.use_stock_changes:
                self.specified_stock[list_steps] *= (np.sum(self.prior_year_stock) + np.sum(self.stock_changes[list_steps]))/np.nansum(self.specified_stock[list_steps])
#                self.stock_changes[list_steps] = np.reshape(np.repeat(0/self.spy, self.spy, axis=0), len(list_steps))

#            self.specified_stock[list_steps] = np.reshape(np.repeat(introduced_specified_stock, self.spy, axis=0), len(list_steps))

        if introduced_specified_sales is not None:
            if num!=len(util.ensure_iterable_and_not_string(introduced_specified_sales)):
                raise ValueError("length of annual specified_sales must match the number of years to run")
            self.specified_sales[list_steps] = np.reshape(np.repeat(np.round(introduced_specified_sales, decimals)/self.spy, self.spy, axis=0), len(list_steps))
            if np.any(self.specified_sales[list_steps]<0):
                raise ValueError("introduced specified sales cannot be negative")
コード例 #12
 def set_average_net_loads(self, total_net_load):
     df = total_net_load.copy()
     df['period'] = util.flatten_list([[p]*self.period_lengths[p] for p in self.periods])*len(cfg.dispatch_geographies)
     df = df.set_index(['period'], append=True)
     self.period_net_load = df.groupby(level=[self.dispatch_geography, 'period']).sum().squeeze().to_dict()
     self.average_net_load = df.groupby(level=[self.dispatch_geography]).sum()/float(len(self.periods))
     self.average_net_load = self.average_net_load[self.average_net_load.columns[0]].to_dict()
コード例 #13
ファイル: loops.py プロジェクト: japhethwong/java_interpreter
def handle_while(block, instance_vars, stack):
    tokens = clean_up_list_elems(flatten_list(re.split("while\s*\(", block)))
    tokens = clean_up_list_elems(flatten_list(list(map(lambda x: re.split("\)\s*\{", x), tokens))))
    tokens = clean_up_list_elems(flatten_list(list(map(lambda x: re.split("\}", x), tokens))))
    print("tokens: " + str(tokens))
    assert len(tokens) == 2, "There should be 2 tokens, but there are " + str(len(tokens))
    condition, statements = tokens[0], tokens[1]
    while evaluate_expression(condition):
        parse_eval(statements, instance_vars, stack)    # We will NOT support different scoping for variables inside.
    return  # Call parse_eval with instance_vars
コード例 #14
 def set_average_net_loads(self, total_net_load):
     df = total_net_load.copy()
     df['period'] = util.flatten_list([[p]*self.period_lengths[p] for p in self.periods])*len(GeoMapper.dispatch_geographies)
     df = df.set_index(['period'], append=True)
     self.period_net_load = df.groupby(level=[self.dispatch_geography, 'period']).sum().squeeze().to_dict()
     self.average_net_load = df.groupby(level=[self.dispatch_geography]).sum()/float(len(self.periods))
     self.average_net_load = self.average_net_load[self.average_net_load.columns[0]].to_dict()
コード例 #15
 def __check_ev_paths__(self,EvFilesPath,SkipEvFiles,EvPatternsPath,SkipEvPatterns):
     ev_files_list,ev_patterns_list = [],[]
     if self.chk_subdirectories:
         __get_dir_contents__ = lambda a_dir:util.SysCommand('find %s'%a_dir)
         __get_dir_contents__ = lambda a_dir:util.GetFileListing(os.path.join(a_dir,'*.*'),'-1')
     get_files = lambda search_expr,a_dir: util.keep_in_list(__get_dir_contents__(a_dir).output,search_expr)
     if not SkipEvFiles:
         ev_files_list = util.unique_sub_list(util.flatten_list(\
             [get_files(self.EvFileExpr,a_dir) for a_dir in EvFilesPath]))
         if len(ev_files_list)>0: setattr(self,'ev_files_list',ev_files_list)
     if not SkipEvPatterns:
         ev_patterns_list = util.unique_sub_list(util.flatten_list(\
             [get_files(self.EvPatternExpr,a_dir) for a_dir in EvPatternsPath]))
         if len(ev_patterns_list)>0: setattr(self,'ev_patterns_list',ev_patterns_list)
     return ((len(ev_files_list)+len(ev_patterns_list))>0)
コード例 #16
 def set_timeperiods(self):
     """sets optimization periods based on selection of optimization hours
     in the dispatch configuration
       period_hours = range from 1 to the number of opt_hours
       periods = range from 1 to the maximum number of periods (i.e. 8760/period_hours)
       period_timepoints = dictionary with keys of period and values of period hours
       period_flex_load_timepoints = dictionary with keys of period and values of a nested dictionary with the keys of period_hours and the values of those period hours offset
       by the flexible_load_constraint_offset configuration parameter
     if hasattr(self, 'hours'):
     self.num_hours = len(shape.shapes.active_dates_index)
     self.hours = range(self.num_hours)
     num_periods = int(round(self.num_hours / float(cfg.opt_period_length)))
     self.periods = range(num_periods)
     split_hours = [
         list(a) for a in np.array_split(self.hours, num_periods)
     ]  # splits into roughly equal lengths
     self.period_lengths = dict(
         zip(self.periods, [len(a) for a in split_hours]))
     self.period_timepoints = dict(zip(self.periods, split_hours))
     self.period_previous_timepoints = dict(
             [dict(zip(*(a, util.rotate(a, 1)))) for a in split_hours]))
     self.period_repeated = util.flatten_list([[p] * self.period_lengths[p]
                                               for p in self.periods])
コード例 #17
def detect_if_king_is_mate(colour, pieces):
    possible_king = filter(lambda piece: piece.letter == 'K' and
                                         piece.colour == colour, pieces)
    if len(possible_king) == 0:
        return False


    pieces_of_this_colour = filter(lambda piece: piece.colour == colour, pieces)

    piece_moves_all_move_results = map(lambda piece:
                                       piece.inspect_moves_for_piece(pieces, all_chess_coords),

    def any_valid_move_available(piece, moves_move_results):
        def check_for_valid(move, move_result):
            return move_result.is_valid_move
        return map(lambda move_move_result:

    any_valid_move = map(lambda piece_moves_move_results:

    any_valid_move_flat = util.flatten_list(any_valid_move)

    valid_move_exists = (True in any_valid_move_flat)

    return not valid_move_exists
コード例 #18
 def __init__(self):
     self.geographies = OrderedDict()
     self.geography_names = dict(util.sql_read_table('GeographiesData', ['id', 'name'], return_unique=True, return_iterable=True)) # this is used for outputs
     self.timezone_names = {}
     self.map_keys = []
     self.gau_to_geography = dict(util.flatten_list([(v, k) for v in vs] for k, vs in self.geographies.iteritems()))
     self.id_to_geography = dict((k, v) for k, v in util.sql_read_table('Geographies'))
     self.geographies_unfiltered = copy.copy(self.geographies) # keep a record
コード例 #19
def create_samples_xy_rnn_list(input_x_list, input_y_list, lags, transpose):
    if type(input_x_list) == np.ndarray:
        input_x_list = [input_x_list]
    if type(input_y_list) == np.ndarray:
        input_y_list = [input_y_list]
    dataX, dataY = [], []
    for x, y in zip(input_x_list, input_y_list):
        temp_x, temp_y = create_samples_xy_rnn(x, y, lags, transpose)
    return flatten_list_3d(dataX), flatten_list(dataY)
コード例 #20
ファイル: geomapper.py プロジェクト: anamileva/energyPATHWAYS
 def __init__(self):
     self.geographies = OrderedDict()
     self.geography_names = dict(util.sql_read_table('GeographiesData', ['id', 'name'], return_unique=True, return_iterable=True)) # this is used for outputs
     self.timezone_names = {}
     self.map_keys = []
     self.gau_to_geography = dict(util.flatten_list([(v, k) for v in vs] for k, vs in self.geographies.iteritems()))
     self.id_to_geography = dict((k, v) for k, v in util.sql_read_table('Geographies'))
     self.geographies_unfiltered = copy.copy(self.geographies) # keep a record
コード例 #21
ファイル: loops.py プロジェクト: japhethwong/java_interpreter
def handle_for(block, instance_vars, stack):
    tokens = clean_up_list_elems(flatten_list(re.split("for\s*\(", block)))
    tokens = clean_up_list_elems(flatten_list(list(map(lambda x: re.split("\)\s*\{", x), tokens))))
    tokens = clean_up_list_elems(flatten_list(list(map(lambda x: re.split("\}", x), tokens))))
    print("tokens: " + str(tokens))
    tokens = tokens[0].split(";") + [tokens[1]]
    print("tokens: " + str(tokens))
    initialize, condition, update, statements = tokens
    print("tokens: " + str(tokens))
    assign_variable(initialize, instance_vars, stack)
    evaluated_condition = evaluate_expression(condition)
    if type(evaluated_condition) is not bool:
        raise InvalidForLoopException("Boolean condition is of wrong type")
    while evaluated_condition:
        parse_eval(statements, instance_vars, stack)
        assign_variable(update, instance_vars, stack)
コード例 #22
 def __get_dest_sub_dirs__(self,path_list):
     chk_list = [ [j for j in xrange(len(path_list)) if j!=i] for i,a_path in enumerate(path_list) ]
     common_index = min(\
         max(j for j,a_dir,b_dir in zip(util.InfiniteCounter(start=-1),a_path.split('/'),path_list[i].split('/')) \
         if cmp(b_dir,a_dir)==0 ) \
         for i in a_range )\
         for a_range,a_path in zip(chk_list,path_list) )
     ci = common_index+1
     tree = '/'.join(path_list[0].split('/')[:ci])+'/'
     branches = util.unique_sub_list([a_path.replace(tree,'').split('/')[0] for a_path in path_list])
     return util.flatten_list([[a_path.replace(tree,'') for a_path in path_list \
         if cmp(a_branch,a_path.split('/')[ci]) == 0] for a_branch in branches])
コード例 #23
    def setUp(self):
        self.res = RESOLUTIONS['TESTBIG']

        db = DoubleBuffer(self.res.words_per_line + 1,
        self.db_write = db.write
        self.add(db, 'db')
        self.vt = VideoTimer(self.res)
        self.add(self.vt, 'vt')
        self.reader = DoubleBufferReaderRGB(self.vt, db.read)
        self.add(self.reader, 'reader')

        # list of frames
        # each frame has 44 lines of 4 words
        def make_frame(c):
            return [[c * 0x1000 + j * 0x10 + i for i in range(4)]
                    for j in range(44)]

        self.frames = [make_frame(c + 1) for c in range(3)]
        self.bits = all_bits_list(flatten_list(flatten_list(self.frames)))
コード例 #24
def get_latest_videos_from_channel_ids(channel_ids):
    max_results = 50
    videos = []
    for channel_id in channel_ids:
        channel_videos = VIDEOS_CACHE.get_from_cache(channel_id)
        if channel_videos is None:
            channel_videos = edict(_search_videos(channel_id=channel_id, max_results=max_results))
            # channel_videos = edict(load_file('sample_channel_videos_response.json'))
            channel_videos = VIDEOS_CACHE.add_to_cache(key=channel_id, data=process_video_records(channel_videos),

    return flatten_list(videos)
コード例 #25
def import_data(data, index, dtype, step=1000):
    data_to_import = zip([{
        "create": {
            "_index": index,
            "_type": dtype,
            "_id": i
    } for i in range(len(data))], data)
    data_to_import = list(flatten_list(map(list, data_to_import)))
    count = 0
    while count < len(data_to_import):
        es.bulk(body=data_to_import[count:count + step], refresh=True)
        count += step
    print('Loaded {} records to elasticsearch'.format(len(data)))
コード例 #26
    def rng_process(self):
        yield Passive()
        # Set new data whenever enable is set
        for word in flatten_list(self.rng_data):
            yield self.lw.rng_in.eq(word)
            while not (yield self.lw.rng_enable):

        yield  # Allow one more enable
        # That's all the data we have
        while not (yield self.lw.rng_enable):
        fail("Requested more random numbers than expected")
コード例 #27
ファイル: rollover.py プロジェクト: menghaniv/EnergyPATHWAYS
 def initialize_specified_stock(self, specified_stock):
     """ Stock gets specified in the past period of the year
     shape = (self.num_years * self.spy, self.num_techs)
     if specified_stock is None:
         self.specified_stock = np.empty(shape)
         self.specified_stock = np.array(
                 [[[np.nan] * self.num_techs] * (self.spy - 1) +
                  for ss in specified_stock]))
     if np.any(self.specified_stock < -1E-9):
         raise ValueError(
             "Specified stock cannot be initialized with negative numbers")
     self.specified_stock = np.clip(self.specified_stock, 0, None)
コード例 #28
ファイル: rollover.py プロジェクト: Conleigh/energyPATHWAYS
    def initialize_specified_stock(self, specified_stock):
        """ Stock gets specified in the past period of the year
        shape = (self.num_years*self.spy, self.num_techs)
        if specified_stock is None:
            self.specified_stock = np.empty(shape)
            self.specified_stock = np.array(util.flatten_list([[[np.nan]*self.num_techs]*(self.spy-1) + [list(util.ensure_iterable_and_not_string(ss))] for ss in specified_stock]))
#            if self.spy == 1:
#                self.specified_stock = specified_stock
#            else:
#                self.specified_stock = np.array(util.flatten_list([[[np.nan]*self.num_techs]*(self.spy-1) + [list(util.ensure_iterable_and_not_string(ss))] for ss in specified_stock]))
#                if self.num_techs == 1:
#                    self.specified_stock = self.specified_stock.flatten()
        if np.any(self.specified_stock<0):
            raise ValueError("Specified stock cannot be initialized with negative numbers")
コード例 #29
def run():

    email_leads = util.read_email_excel_leads()
    email_leads = fulgencio.filter_results(email_leads)

    emails = [
        for string_list in list(email_leads['emails'])
    emails = util.flatten_list(emails)

    with open('email_body.txt', 'r', encoding='latin-1') as email_body:
        with open('email_subject.txt', 'r',
                  encoding='latin-1') as email_subject:
            if not DEBUG:
                mail_gun_post(emails, email_subject.read(), email_body.read())


    print('Se enviaron: ', len(email_leads['emails']), 'correos')
コード例 #30
 def set_timeperiods(self):
     """sets optimization periods based on selection of optimization hours
     in the dispatch configuration
       period_hours = range from 1 to the number of opt_hours
       periods = range from 1 to the maximum number of periods (i.e. 8760/period_hours)
       period_timepoints = dictionary with keys of period and values of period hours
       period_flex_load_timepoints = dictionary with keys of period and values of a nested dictionary with the keys of period_hours and the values of those period hours offset
       by the flexible_load_constraint_offset configuration parameter
     if hasattr(self,'hours'):
     self.num_hours = len(shape.shapes.active_dates_index)
     self.hours = range(self.num_hours)
     num_periods = int(round(self.num_hours / float(cfg.opt_period_length)))
     self.periods = range(num_periods)
     split_hours = [list(a) for a in np.array_split(self.hours, num_periods)] # splits into roughly equal lengths
     self.period_lengths = dict(zip(self.periods, [len(a) for a in split_hours]))
     self.period_timepoints = dict(zip(self.periods, split_hours))
     self.period_previous_timepoints = dict(zip(self.periods, [dict(zip(*(a, util.rotate(a,1)))) for a in split_hours]))
     self.period_repeated = util.flatten_list([[p]*self.period_lengths[p] for p in self.periods])
コード例 #31
def get_matrix(authors, POS, ngram_range):
    """Builds design matrix and runs TFIDF.

    Given a list of authors, builds a design matrix on n-gram
    feature sets over all documents (either POS or words) for
    all authors.

        authors (list): A list of strings of Author names.
        POS (boolean): A boolean value representing whether you want the 
            original documents or the POS-converted documents.

        numpy.ndarray: The vectorized documents fetched by auth_paths.
                M = Number of Features
                N = Number of documents
            The matrix value at (n, m) represents the number of occurences
            of the mth feature (n-gram) in the nth documents, re-weighted
            by TDIDF.
    paths = [auth_paths(i, POS) for i in authors]
    vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(input='filename', ngram_range=ngram_range)
    return vectorizer.fit_transform(flatten_list(paths)).toarray()
コード例 #32
def supervised_improvement(matrix, cluster_cores):
    """Classifies the documents based on core elements.

    Clusters the documents represented by the design matrix using core elements
    listed in cluster_cores.

        matrix (numpy.ndarray): A design matrix representing features of each 
        cluster_cores (list): A list of cluster cores to be used by
            the classifier.
        list: The predicted label for each document by a Random Forest 
            classifier, having been trained on the cluster cores found from 
            Spectral Clustering.
    y = flatten_list([[i] * len(cluster_cores[i])
                      for i in range(len(cluster_cores))])
    matrix_trained = np.vstack([matrix[core] for core in cluster_cores])

    clf = random_forest()
    clf.fit(matrix_trained, y)
    return clf.predict(matrix)
コード例 #33
ファイル: models.py プロジェクト: jisazaTappsi/High_Heels
def train_model_and_eval(lvl2_label_name, data, true_positives_all, true_negatives_all, params):
    """Will train, evaluate and update the true positive nested_list"""

    (xtrain_array, ytrain_array, xtest_array, y_test) = data

    # --------------------- EVAL RESULTS ---------------------

    m2 = train_model(params=params,
                     data=(xtrain_array, ytrain_array, xtest_array, y_test))

    flatten_test_prediction = util.flatten_list(m2.predict(xtest_array))

    scaled_prediction = util.scale_score_by_frequency(flatten_test_prediction, ytrain_array)

    result.print_partial_results(lvl2_label_name, y_test, scaled_prediction, true_positives_all, true_negatives_all)
コード例 #34
def add_has_valence_extension_to_matches(matches):
    for match in matches:
        tokens = util.flatten_list(match.values())
        for token in tokens:
            if token._.valence:
                setattr(token._, 'has_valence', True)
コード例 #35
def eval(e, thts, env={}):
      - e     : Expr
      - thts  : float array
      - env   : (str -> float) dict
      - retvl : float
      - logpq : float
      - glogq : float list
      - xs    : float list
      - env[var_str] = return value of Var(var_str)
      - retvl = return value
      - logpq = log p(xs,Y) - log q_thts(xs)
      - glogq = \grad_\THT log q_\THT(xs) |_{\THT=thts}
      - xs    = samples values
    here capital math symbols denote vectors.
    if isinstance(e, Cnst):
        retvl = e.c
        logpq = 0.0
        glogq = []
        xs    = []

    elif isinstance(e, Var):
        assert(e.v in env)
        retvl = env[e.v]
        logpq = 0.0
        glogq = []
        xs    = []

    elif isinstance(e, Linear):
        retvl = e.c0 + sum([ci*env[vi] for (ci,vi) in e.cv_l])
        logpq = 0.0
        glogq = []
        xs    = []

    elif isinstance(e, App):
        # recursive calls
        num_args = len(e.args)
        (retvl_sub, logpq_sub, glogq_sub, xs_sub)\
            = zip(*[ eval(e.args[i], thts, env) for i in range(num_args) ])

        # compute: all
        op = App.OP_DICT[num_args][e.op]
        retvl = op(*[retvl_sub[i] for i in range(num_args)])
        logpq = np.sum(logpq_sub)
        glogq = util.flatten_list(glogq_sub)
        xs    = util.flatten_list(   xs_sub)
    elif isinstance(e, If):
        # recursive calls
        (retvl_1, logpq_1, glogq_1, xs_1) =  eval(e.e1, thts, env)
        (retvl_r, logpq_r, glogq_r, xs_r) = (eval(e.e2, thts, env) if retvl_1 > 0 else\
                                             eval(e.e3, thts, env))

        # compute: all
        retvl = retvl_r
        logpq = logpq_1 + logpq_r
        if retvl_1 > 0: glogq = glogq_1 + glogq_r + [0.]*get_num_thts(e.e3)
        else:           glogq = glogq_1 + [0.]*get_num_thts(e.e2) + glogq_r
        xs    =    xs_1 +    xs_r
    elif isinstance(e, Let):
        # recursive calls
        (retvl_1, logpq_1, glogq_1, xs_1) = eval(e.e1, thts, env)
        env_new = util.copy_add_dict(env, {e.v1.v : retvl_1})
        (retvl_2, logpq_2, glogq_2, xs_2) = eval(e.e2, thts, env_new)
        # compute: all
        retvl = retvl_2
        logpq = logpq_1 + logpq_2
        glogq = glogq_1 + glogq_2
        xs    =    xs_1 +    xs_2

    elif isinstance(e, Sample):
        # recursive calls
        (retvl_1, logpq_1, glogq_1, xs_1) = eval(e.e1, thts, env)
        (retvl_2, logpq_2, glogq_2, xs_2) = eval(e.e2, thts, env)

        # compute: x_3
        stind = e.stind['thts']
        x_3 = np.random.normal(thts[stind], util.softplus(thts[stind+1]))  # do sampling

        # compute: log p(x|p_loc,p_scale) - log q(x|q_loc,q_scale)
        (p_loc, p_scale) = (retvl_1, retvl_2)
        (q_loc, q_scale) = (thts[stind], util.softplus(thts[stind+1]))
        logpq_3 = (scipy.stats.norm.logpdf(x_3, p_loc, p_scale) -\
                   scipy.stats.norm.logpdf(x_3, q_loc, q_scale))

        # compute: \grad_\tht log q_\tht(x) |_{x=x_3, \tht=thts[stind:stind+2]}
        glogq_3 = list(grad_norm_logpdf_tht(x_3, thts[stind:stind+2]))

        # compute: all
        retvl = x_3
        logpq = logpq_1 + logpq_2 + logpq_3
        glogq = glogq_1 + glogq_2 + glogq_3
        xs    =    xs_1 +    xs_2 +    [x_3]
    elif isinstance(e, Fsample):
        # recursive calls
        (retvl_1, logpq_1, glogq_1, xs_1) = eval(e.e1, thts, env)
        (retvl_2, logpq_2, glogq_2, xs_2) = eval(e.e2, thts, env)

        # compute: all
        retvl = np.random.normal(retvl_1, retvl_2)  # do sampling
        logpq = logpq_1 + logpq_2
        glogq = glogq_1 + glogq_2
        xs    =    xs_1 +    xs_2

    elif isinstance(e, Observe): 
        # recursive calls
        num_args = len(e.args)
        (retvl_sub, logpq_sub, glogq_sub, xs_sub)\
            = zip(*[ eval(e.args[i], thts, env) for i in range(num_args) ])

        # compute: log p(c|p_loc,p_scale)
        dstr_logpdf = Observe.DSTR_DICT[e.dstr]
        logpq_cur = dstr_logpdf(e.c1.c, *[retvl_sub[i] for i in range(num_args)])

        # compute: all
        retvl = e.c1.c
        logpq = np.sum(logpq_sub) + logpq_cur
        glogq = util.flatten_list(glogq_sub)
        xs    = util.flatten_list(   xs_sub)

    else: assert(False)
    return (retvl, logpq, glogq, xs)
コード例 #36
ファイル: piece.py プロジェクト: eklockare/chess-experiment
 def get_all_squares_the_enemy_threatens(self, pieces):
     enemy_pieces = filter(lambda piece: piece.colour != self.colour, pieces)
     squares_unflattened = map(lambda piece: piece.is_threat_to_these_squares,
     return flatten_list(squares_unflattened)
コード例 #37
from board_parts import NUM_ROWS, NUM_COLS, GridCoord, grid_coord_to_chess_coord
import util

def make_row(columns):
    return lambda row_num: zip(([row_num] * len(columns)), columns)

all_coords = util.flatten_list(map(make_row(NUM_COLS), NUM_ROWS))
all_grid_coords = map(lambda coords: GridCoord(coords[0], coords[1]), all_coords)

all_chess_coords = map(grid_coord_to_chess_coord, all_grid_coords)
コード例 #38
def do_sample(e, thts, env={}):
    Summary: do sampling for Sample and Fsample
      - e     : Expr
      - thts  : float array
      - env   : (str -> float) dict
      - retvl : float
      - xs_s  : float list
      - xs_f  : float list
      - env[var_str] = return value of Var(var_str) as float
      - retvl = return value
      - xs_s  = sampled values for Sample  (from approximating distribution)
      - xs_f  = sampled values for Fsample (from prior distribution)

    if isinstance(e, Cnst):
        retvl = e.c
        xs_s = []
        xs_f = []

    elif isinstance(e, Var):
        assert (e.v in env)
        retvl = env[e.v]
        xs_s = []
        xs_f = []

    elif isinstance(e, Linear):
        retvl = e.c0 + sum([ci * env[vi] for (ci, vi) in e.cv_l])
        xs_s = []
        xs_f = []

    elif isinstance(e, App):
        # recursive calls
        num_args = len(e.args)
        (retvl_sub, xs_s_sub, xs_f_sub)\
            = zip(*[ do_sample(e.args[i], thts, env) for i in range(num_args) ])

        # compute: all
        op = App.OP_DICT[num_args][e.op]
        retvl = op(*[retvl_sub[i] for i in range(num_args)])
        xs_s = util.flatten_list(xs_s_sub)
        xs_f = util.flatten_list(xs_f_sub)

    elif isinstance(e, If):
        # recursive calls
        (retvl_1, xs_s_1, xs_f_1) = do_sample(e.e1, thts, env)
        e_next = e.e2 if retvl_1 > 0 else\
        (retvl_r, xs_s_r, xs_f_r) = do_sample(e_next, thts, env)

        # compute: all
        retvl = retvl_r
        xs_s = xs_s_1 + xs_s_r
        xs_f = xs_f_1 + xs_f_r

    elif isinstance(e, Let):
        # recursive calls
        (retvl_1, xs_s_1, xs_f_1) = do_sample(e.e1, thts, env)
        env_new = util.copy_add_dict(env, {e.v1.v: retvl_1})
        (retvl_2, xs_s_2, xs_f_2) = do_sample(e.e2, thts, env_new)

        # compute: all
        retvl = retvl_2
        xs_s = xs_s_1 + xs_s_2
        xs_f = xs_f_1 + xs_f_2

    elif isinstance(e, Sample):
        # recursive calls
        (retvl_1, xs_s_1, xs_f_1) = do_sample(e.e1, thts, env)
        (retvl_2, xs_s_2, xs_f_2) = do_sample(e.e2, thts, env)

        # sample: x_3 from approximating distribution
        stind = e.stind['thts']
        x_3 = np.random.normal(thts[stind], util.softplus(thts[stind + 1]))

        # compute: all
        retvl = x_3
        xs_s = xs_s_1 + xs_s_2 + [x_3]  # add to xs_s
        xs_f = xs_f_1 + xs_f_2

    elif isinstance(e, Fsample):
        # recursive calls
        (retvl_1, xs_s_1, xs_f_1) = do_sample(e.e1, thts, env)
        (retvl_2, xs_s_2, xs_f_2) = do_sample(e.e2, thts, env)

        # sample: x_3 from prior distribution
        x_3 = np.random.normal(retvl_1, retvl_2)

        # compute: all
        retvl = x_3
        xs_s = xs_s_1 + xs_s_2
        xs_f = xs_f_1 + xs_f_2 + [x_3]  # add to xs_f

    elif isinstance(e, Observe):
        # recursive calls
        num_args = len(e.args)
        (retvl_sub, xs_s_sub, xs_f_sub)\
            = zip(*[ do_sample(e.args[i], thts, env) for i in range(num_args) ])

        # compute: all
        retvl = e.c1.c
        xs_s = util.flatten_list(xs_s_sub)
        xs_f = util.flatten_list(xs_f_sub)

        assert (False)
    return (retvl, xs_s, xs_f)
コード例 #39
    def export_results_to_db(self):
        scenario_run_id = util.active_scenario_run_id(self.scenario_id)
        # Levelized costs
        costs = self.outputs.c_costs.groupby(level=['SUPPLY/DEMAND', 'YEAR']).sum()
        util.write_output_to_db(scenario_run_id, 1, costs)

        energy = self.outputs.c_energy.xs('FINAL', level='ENERGY ACCOUNTING')\
            .groupby(level=['SECTOR', 'FINAL_ENERGY', 'YEAR']).sum()
        # Energy demand by sector
        util.write_output_to_db(scenario_run_id, 2, energy.groupby(level=['SECTOR', 'YEAR']).sum())
        # Residential Energy by Fuel Type
        util.write_output_to_db(scenario_run_id, 6, energy.xs('RESIDENTIAL', level='SECTOR'))
        # Commercial Energy by Fuel Type
        util.write_output_to_db(scenario_run_id, 8, energy.xs('COMMERCIAL', level='SECTOR'))
        # Transportation Energy by Fuel Type
        util.write_output_to_db(scenario_run_id, 10, energy.xs('TRANSPORTATION', level='SECTOR'))
        # Productive Energy by Fuel Type
        util.write_output_to_db(scenario_run_id, 12, energy.xs('PRODUCTIVE', level='SECTOR'))

        emissions = self.outputs.c_emissions.xs('DOMESTIC', level='EXPORT/DOMESTIC')\
            .groupby(level=['SECTOR', 'FINAL_ENERGY', 'YEAR']).sum()
        emissions = util.DfOper.mult((emissions, 1-(emissions.abs()<1E-10).groupby(level='FINAL_ENERGY').all())) # get rid of noise
        # Annual emissions by sector
        util.write_output_to_db(scenario_run_id, 3, emissions.groupby(level=['SECTOR', 'YEAR']).sum())
        # Residential Emissions by Fuel Type
        util.write_output_to_db(scenario_run_id, 7, emissions.xs('RESIDENTIAL', level='SECTOR'))
        # Commercial Emissions by Fuel Type
        util.write_output_to_db(scenario_run_id, 9, emissions.xs('COMMERCIAL', level='SECTOR'))
        # Transportation Emissions by Fuel Type
        util.write_output_to_db(scenario_run_id, 11, emissions.xs('TRANSPORTATION', level='SECTOR'))
        # Productive Emissions by Fuel Type
        util.write_output_to_db(scenario_run_id, 13, emissions.xs('PRODUCTIVE', level='SECTOR'))

        # Domestic emissions per capita
        annual_emissions = self.outputs.c_emissions.xs('DOMESTIC', level='EXPORT/DOMESTIC').groupby(level=['YEAR']).sum()
        population_driver = self.demand.drivers[2].values.groupby(level='year').sum().loc[annual_emissions.index]
        population_driver.index.name = 'YEAR'
        factor = 1E6
        df = util.DfOper.divi((annual_emissions, population_driver)) * factor
        df.columns = ['TONNE PER CAPITA']
        util.write_output_to_db(scenario_run_id, 4, df)

        # Electricity supply
        electricity_node_names = [self.supply.nodes[nodeid].name.upper() for nodeid in util.flatten_list(self.supply.injection_nodes.values())]
        df = self.outputs.c_energy.xs('ELECTRICITY', level='FINAL_ENERGY')\
            .xs('EMBODIED', level='ENERGY ACCOUNTING')\
            .groupby(level=['SUPPLY_NODE', 'YEAR']).sum()
        util.write_output_to_db(scenario_run_id, 5, df.loc[electricity_node_names])
コード例 #40
def get_matches(pattern, docs):
    matches = [pattern.match(doc) for doc in docs]
    matches = util.flatten_list(matches)
    return matches
コード例 #41
    token_rows = [util.unpack_json_field(row, 'data') for row in token_rows]

    new_training_match_slots = {}
    for label, tokens in training_match_slots.items():
        new_training_match_slots[label] = []
        for token in tokens:
            indices_to_check = range(len(token_rows))
            starting_index = token['token_offset']
            indices_behind = [
                idx for idx in indices_to_check if idx < starting_index
            indices_ahed = [
                idx for idx in indices_to_check if idx > starting_index
            check_idxs = zip(reversed(indices_behind), indices_ahed)
            check_idxs = util.flatten_list(check_idxs)
            check_idxs.insert(0, starting_index)
            token_found = False
            for idx in check_idxs:
                token_row = token_rows[idx]
                tokens_are_equal = token_row['text'] == token['text']
                if tokens_are_equal:
                    token_found = token_row
            if not token_found:
                print('token not found:', label, token)

    training_match_feature_dict = {
コード例 #42
    def export_results_to_db(self):
        scenario_run_id = util.active_scenario_run_id(self.scenario_id)
        # Levelized costs
        costs = self.outputs.c_costs.groupby(level=['SUPPLY/DEMAND', 'YEAR']).sum()
        util.write_output_to_db(scenario_run_id, 1, costs)

        energy = self.outputs.c_energy.xs('FINAL', level='ENERGY ACCOUNTING')\
            .groupby(level=['SECTOR', 'FINAL_ENERGY', 'YEAR']).sum()
        # Energy demand by sector
        util.write_output_to_db(scenario_run_id, 2, energy.groupby(level=['SECTOR', 'YEAR']).sum())
        # Residential Energy by Fuel Type
        util.write_output_to_db(scenario_run_id, 6, energy.xs('RESIDENTIAL', level='SECTOR'))
        # Commercial Energy by Fuel Type
        util.write_output_to_db(scenario_run_id, 8, energy.xs('COMMERCIAL', level='SECTOR'))
        # Transportation Energy by Fuel Type
        util.write_output_to_db(scenario_run_id, 10, energy.xs('TRANSPORTATION', level='SECTOR'))
        # Productive Energy by Fuel Type
        util.write_output_to_db(scenario_run_id, 12, energy.xs('PRODUCTIVE', level='SECTOR'))

        emissions = self.outputs.c_emissions.xs('DOMESTIC', level='EXPORT/DOMESTIC')\
            .groupby(level=['SECTOR', 'FINAL_ENERGY', 'YEAR']).sum()
        emissions = util.DfOper.mult((emissions, 1-(emissions.abs()<1E-10).groupby(level='FINAL_ENERGY').all())) # get rid of noise
        # Annual emissions by sector
        util.write_output_to_db(scenario_run_id, 3, emissions.groupby(level=['SECTOR', 'YEAR']).sum())
        # Residential Emissions by Fuel Type
        util.write_output_to_db(scenario_run_id, 7, emissions.xs('RESIDENTIAL', level='SECTOR'))
        # Commercial Emissions by Fuel Type
        util.write_output_to_db(scenario_run_id, 9, emissions.xs('COMMERCIAL', level='SECTOR'))
        # Transportation Emissions by Fuel Type
        util.write_output_to_db(scenario_run_id, 11, emissions.xs('TRANSPORTATION', level='SECTOR'))
        # Productive Emissions by Fuel Type
        util.write_output_to_db(scenario_run_id, 13, emissions.xs('PRODUCTIVE', level='SECTOR'))

        # Domestic emissions per capita
        annual_emissions = self.outputs.c_emissions.xs('DOMESTIC', level='EXPORT/DOMESTIC').groupby(level=['YEAR']).sum()
        population_driver = self.demand.drivers[2].values.groupby(level='year').sum().loc[annual_emissions.index]
        population_driver.index.name = 'YEAR'
        factor = 1E6
        df = util.DfOper.divi((annual_emissions, population_driver)) * factor
        df.columns = ['TONNE PER CAPITA']
        util.write_output_to_db(scenario_run_id, 4, df)

        # Electricity supply
        electricity_node_names = [self.supply.nodes[nodeid].name.upper() for nodeid in util.flatten_list(self.supply.injection_nodes.values())]
        df = self.outputs.c_energy.xs('ELECTRICITY', level='FINAL_ENERGY')\
            .xs('EMBODIED', level='ENERGY ACCOUNTING')\
            .groupby(level=['SUPPLY_NODE', 'YEAR']).sum()
        util.write_output_to_db(scenario_run_id, 5, df.loc[electricity_node_names])
コード例 #43
ファイル: as65c.py プロジェクト: MrL314/Project-L
    optional_args = {}
	for ARG in ASM_ARGS:
		sp = ARG.split("=")
		if len(sp) != 2:
			raise Exception("Invalid option format " + str(ARG))

			if sp[0][0] != "-":
				raise Exception("Invalid option format " + str(ARG))
			optional_args[sp[0][1:]] = int(sp[1])
		except ValueError:
			raise Exception("Invalid option format " + str(ARG))

    for ARG in util.flatten_list(ARGS["asm_vars"]):

        sp = ARG.split("=")
        if len(sp) != 2:
            raise Exception("Invalid option format " + str(ARG))

            optional_args[sp[0]] = int(sp[1], 16)
        except ValueError:
            raise Exception("Invalid option format " + str(ARG))


    force_assembly = False

    if ARGS["force_assemble"] == True: