コード例 #1
ファイル: old.py プロジェクト: vinhowe/problem-sets
def polynomial_function_find_negative():

    max_coeff_abs = 144
    min_degree = 2
    max_degree = 5

    degree = randint(min_degree, max_degree)

    coeffs = around(random.rand(6) * (max_coeff_abs * 2)) - max_coeff_abs

    x = symbols('x')

    # f(x)
    expr = 0
    # f(-x)
    neg_expr = 0

    # arange is half open; it doesn't include the top value, so we add 1
    for i in arange(degree - 1) + 1:
        coeff = Rational(coeffs[int(i)])
        power = Rational(degree - i)

        expr += coeff * (x)**power
        neg_expr += coeff * (-x)**power

    question = fmath("f(x) = " + latex(expr))

    answer = fmath("f(-x) = " + latex(neg_expr))

    return create_full_text_problem([question], [answer])
コード例 #2
ファイル: a7_2.py プロジェクト: vinhowe/problem-sets
def geom_parabola_given_v_aos_p_find_eq_and_lr(
        env: Environment = Environment.prod):

    problem_instruction = f"Find the equation of a parabola, and find the two points that define the latus rectum."

    a = choice([randint(-5, 0), randint(1, 6)])

    a_abs = abs(a)

    axis = choice([Axis.x, Axis.y])

    d = -a

    shift = (0, 0) if bool(getrandbits(1)) else (randint(-5, 6),
                                                 randint(-5, 6))

    shifted_d = d + (shift[0] if axis == Axis.x else shift[1])

    d_str = f"x={shifted_d}" if axis == Axis.x else f"y={shifted_d}"

    problem_text = f"Directrix the line {fmath(d_str, env)}; vertex at {fmath(str(shift), env)}"

    expr = f_expr_str_parabola(a, shift[0], shift[1], axis)

    solution_text = fmath(expr, env)

    problem = create_full_text_problem([problem_instruction, problem_text],

    if env.is_debug():
        debug_info = [{'a_abs': a_abs}, {"d": d}]
        return DebugProblemWrapper(debug_info, problem)

    return problem
コード例 #3
ファイル: a7_2.py プロジェクト: vinhowe/problem-sets
def geom_parabola_given_f_v_find_eq_and_lr(
        env: Environment = Environment.prod):

    problem_instruction = f"Find the equation of a parabola, and find the two points that define the latus rectum."

    a = choice([randint(-5, 0), randint(1, 6)])

    a_abs = abs(a)

    axis = choice([Axis.x, Axis.y])

    f = (0, a) if axis == Axis.y else (a, 0)

    shift = (0, 0) if bool(getrandbits(1)) else (randint(-5, 6),
                                                 randint(-5, 6))

    shifted_f = tuple(map(sum, zip(f, shift)))

    problem_text = f"Focus at {fmath(str(shifted_f), env)}; vertex at {fmath(str(shift), env)}"

    expr = f_expr_str_parabola(a, shift[0], shift[1], axis)

    # lr_abs = 4*

    solution_text = fmath(expr, env)

    problem = create_full_text_problem([problem_instruction, problem_text],

    if env.is_debug():
        debug_info = [{'a_abs': a_abs}, {"f": f}]
        return DebugProblemWrapper(debug_info, problem)

    return problem
コード例 #4
ファイル: a6_7.py プロジェクト: vinhowe/problem-sets
def compound_interest_discrete_find_effective_roi():
    compounding_choices = {1: "annually", 4: "quarterly", 12: "monthly", 356: "daily"}

    n_choices = list(compounding_choices.keys())

    n = choice(n_choices)

    r = randint(1, 15) / 100

    r_str = rf"{int(r*100)}\%"

    r_e = ((1 + r / n) ** (n)) - 1

    r_e_str = rf"{round(r_e*100,3)}\%"

    problem_instruction = "Find the effective return on investment for this investment (round to 3 decimal points):"

    problem_text = rf"For {fmath(r_str)} compounded {compounding_choices[n]}"

    solution_text = fmath(r_e_str)

    content = [

    solution = Widget(TextWidgetOptions(solution_text))

    return Problem(content, [solution])
コード例 #5
ファイル: old.py プロジェクト: vinhowe/problem-sets
def quadratic_function_find_vertex_intercept_form():

    # We may want to include fractions for more difficult problems in the future
    min_c = 1
    max_c = 6

    min_n = 1
    max_n = 30

    min_a = 1
    max_a = 5

    c = randint(min_c, max_c)
    n = randint(min_n, max_n)
    a = randint(min_a, max_a)

    c = -c if rand() < 0.5 else c

    x = symbols('x')

    expr = a * (x + c)**2

    # Expand into standard form

    expr = expand(expr)

    # Remove c^2

    expr = expr - a * c**2

    # Add n

    expr = expr + n

    eval_expr = a * (x + c)**2 + n - (a * (c**2))

    problem_content = fmath(latex(expr) + ' = 0')

    problem_solution = fmath(latex(eval_expr) + ' = 0')

    return create_full_text_problem([problem_content], [problem_solution])
コード例 #6
ファイル: a6_7.py プロジェクト: vinhowe/problem-sets
def compound_interest_continuous_find_effective_roi():
    r = randint(1, 15) / 100

    r_str = rf"{int(r*100)}\%"

    r_e = (e ** r) - 1

    r_e_str = rf"{round(r_e*100,3)}\%"

    problem_instruction = "Find the effective return on investment for this investment (round to 3 decimal points):"

    problem_text = rf"For {fmath(r_str)} compounded continuously"

    solution_text = fmath(r_e_str)

    content = [

    solution = Widget(TextWidgetOptions(solution_text))

    return Problem(content, [solution])