def te(): rowValueMap = {} to_dbid = 1 # TODO: 验证玩家有效性 mailType = 2 title = "das" from_name = "chong" text = "text" time = util.getCurrentTime() attachment = "sd" state = 1 extern_info = "adsdasd" sql = "insert into tbl_Mails(sm_to_dbid,sm_mail_type,sm_title,sm_from_name,sm_text,sm_time,sm_attachment,sm_state,sm_extern_info) " \ "select '" + str(to_dbid) + "','"\ +str(mailType) +"','"\ +title+"','"\ +from_name+"','"\ +text +"','"\ +str(util.getCurrentTime())+"','"\ +attachment +"','"\ +str(state)+"','"\ +extern_info + \ "' from dual where exists (select * from tbl_Avatar where id = " + str(to_dbid) +")" print(sql)
def onClientGetCoachList(self): period = util.getCurrentTime() - self.coachLastTime self.coachLastTime = util.getCurrentTime() for item in self.coachList: if item["isLock"] == 0: continue if item["useTime"] < period: item["useTime"] = 0 else: item["useTime"] = item["useTime"] - period self.client.onGetCoachList(self.coachList)
def sendMail(self, to_dbid, mailType, title, text, attachment=None, extern_info=None): rowValueMap = {} rowValueMap["to_dbid"] = to_dbid rowValueMap["mail_type"] = mailType rowValueMap["title"] = title rowValueMap["from_name"] = rowValueMap["text"] = text rowValueMap["time"] = util.getCurrentTime() rowValueMap["attachment"] = attachment rowValueMap["state"] = Mails.Mail_State_Not_Open rowValueMap["extern_info"] = extern_info # TODO:后期修改 self.databaseID sql = "insert into tbl_Mails(sm_to_dbid,sm_mail_type,sm_title,sm_from_name,sm_text,sm_time,sm_attachment,sm_state,sm_extern_info) " \ "select '" + str(self.databaseID) + "','"\ +str(mailType) +"','"\ +title+"','"\"','"\ +text +"','"\ +str(util.getCurrentTime())+"','"\ +attachment +"','"\ +str(Mails.Mail_State_Not_Open)+"','"\ +extern_info + \ "' from dual where exists (select * from tbl_Avatar where id = " + str(to_dbid) +")" DEBUG_MSG("sendMail " + sql) @util.dbDeco def onMailsSaveCB(result, rownum, error): if rownum == 1: del rowValueMap["to_dbid"] KBEngine.globalData["PlayerMgr"].onCmdByDBID( self.databaseID, "recNewMail", rowValueMap) # self.recNewMail(mailType,, rowValueMap["time"], title, text, attachment, extern_info) # 通知另外一个人 self.client.onOperateSuc("sendMail") else: DEBUG_MSG("----------sendMail 茶如失败-------------------------") KBEngine.executeRawDatabaseCommand(sql, onMailsSaveCB)
def diamondLottery(self,configDict): result = "" op = ErrorCode.LotteryError.Success # 检查冷却时间 # 检查免费次数 # cdTime = configDict["cdTime"] moneyCount = configDict["moneyCount"] dropIds = configDict["dropIds"] lastTime = self.diamondLastTime nowTime = util.getCurrentTime() period = nowTime - lastTime # 免费抽取 if period >= cdTime and self.diamondFreeTimes < configDict["freeTime"] : self.diamondFreeTimes = self.diamondFreeTimes + 1 self.diamondLastTime = nowTime for key in dropIds: result += str(key) + "," DEBUG_MSG("diamondLottery ----------" + result) return (op, result) # 钻石抽取 if self.diamond >= moneyCount: self.diamond = self.diamond - moneyCount for key in dropIds: self.putItemInBag(key, 1) result += str(key) + "," DEBUG_MSG("diamondLottery ----------" + result) return (op, result)
def __postProcessData(self): #convert file paths into numpy array by reading the files print "Reading the training image files..." + util.getCurrentTime() self.trainingDataX = self.__loadImageDataParallely(self.trainingDataX) print "Reading the training image files..." + util.getCurrentTime() self.testingDataX = self.__loadImageDataParallely(self.testingDataX) #convert class lables into one hot encoded print "Creating one hot encoded vectors for training labels..." + util.getCurrentTime( ) self.trainingDataY = self.__convertLabelsToOneHotVector( self.trainingDataY, self.numClasses) print "Creating one hot encoded vectors for testing labels..." + util.getCurrentTime( ) self.testingDataY = self.__convertLabelsToOneHotVector( self.testingDataY, self.numClasses)
def onGetFromLastOutLinesDays(self): if len(self.lastTime) == 0: return hour = self.lastTime.split(",")[0] mintue = self.lastTime.split(",")[1] second = self.lastTime.split(",")[2] offset = 86400 - (int(hour) * 3600 + int(mintue) * 60 + int(second)) days = 0 period = util.getCurrentTime() - int(self.logoutTime) if period > offset: days = 1 + (period - offset) // 86400 if days > 0: for Item in self.gameShopItemList: config = gameShopConfig.gameShopConfig[Item["itemID"]] Item["limitTimes"] = config["limitTimes"] # 购买竞技次数 self.buyArenaTimes = int( vipConfig.VipConfig[self.vipLevel]["buyArenaTimes"]) # 竞技次数 self.arenaTimes = int(CommonConfig.CommonConfig[6]["value"]) self.isPrompt = 0 self.isCanEncourage = 0 self.officialReward = 0 self.buyLinePower = 0 self.updateforPermissionInfo() ERROR_MSG("-------have " + str(days) + " days not enter game-------") return days
def onClientWorldChat(self, message): # 1、消息超过规定长度 if self.checkMessageLen(message) is False: return # 2、等级不足 level = self.level levelLimit = chatConfig.ChatConfig[1]["worldChannelLevelLimit"] if level < levelLimit: self.client.onChatError(ChatError.Chat_world_level_not_enough) return # 3、世界频道在CD curTime = util.getCurrentTime() cd = chatConfig.ChatConfig[1]["worldChannelCD"] if curTime - self.worldChanelSendTime < cd: self.client.onChatError(ChatError.Chat_world_cd) return # 4、有脏话 if self.checkHasBadWords(message) is True: return messageInfo = self.makeMessageInfo(message) KBEngine.globalData["PlayerMgr"].sendWorldChat(self.databaseID, messageInfo)
def upload_file(): result = {"result": False, "msg": "上传失败"} if request.method == 'POST': files = request.files.get('mp4File') print(files) f = request.files['mp4File'] # f.filename (filepath, ext) = os.path.splitext(f.filename) filename = getCurrentTime() path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'upload') if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) upload_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'upload', filename + ext) fileObj = { "fileName": f.filename, "filePath": upload_path, "id": filename } instance = FileList() instance.addFile(fileObj) result["result"] = True result["msg"] = "上传成功" result["path"] = upload_path return result return result
def execShell(self, cmd,m3u8): keepprinting = Shell(cmd,m3u8) # keepprint will print out one line every 2 seconds keepprinting.run_background() id=getCurrentTime() self.taskMap.update({id: keepprinting}) # keepprinting.print_output() return id
def makeMessageInfo(self, message): messageInfo = {} messageInfo[MessageInfoEnum.message] = message messageInfo[MessageInfoEnum.photoIndex] = self.photoIndex messageInfo[] = messageInfo[MessageInfoEnum.level] = self.level messageInfo[MessageInfoEnum.vipLevel] = self.vipLevel messageInfo[MessageInfoEnum.sendTime] = util.getCurrentTime() return messageInfo
def onClientDeath(self): """ KBEngine method. entity丢失了客户端实体 """ self.addTimer(5, 5, TimerDefine.Time_destroy_avatar) self.lastTime = str( + "," + str( + "," + str( DEBUG_MSG("Avatar[%i].onClientDeath:" % # 防止正在请求创建cell的同时客户端断开了, 我们延时一段时间来执行销毁cell直到销毁base # 这段时间内客户端短连接登录则会激活entity # self._destroyTimer = self.addTimer(1, 0, SCDefine.TIMER_TYPE_DESTROY) cls = Avatar.__bases__ for c in cls: if hasattr(c, 'onClientDeath'): c.onClientDeath(self) self.logoutTime = util.getCurrentTime() DEBUG_MSG("--------logoutTime ----------------" + str(self.logoutTime)) playerInfo = {} playerInfo[FriendInfoKey.DBID] = self.databaseID playerInfo[FriendInfoKey.photoIndex] = self.photoIndex playerInfo[] = playerInfo[FriendInfoKey.level] = self.level playerInfo[FriendInfoKey.clubName] = playerInfo[FriendInfoKey.fightValue] = self.fightValue playerInfo[FriendInfoKey.vipLevel] = self.vipLevel playerInfo[FriendInfoKey.onlineState] = self.logoutTime playerInfo[FriendInfoKey.formation] = self.formation KBEngine.globalData["PlayerMgr"].playerOffline(self.databaseID, playerInfo) baby = KBEngine.entities.get(self.babyID) if baby is not None: baby.destroyBaby() for id in self.cardIDList: card = KBEngine.entities.get(id) if card is None: continue card.destroyCard() if hasattr( self, "spaceMb" ) and self.spaceMb is not None and self.spaceMb.isDestroyed is not True: self.spaceMb.destroyClone() self.destroySelf()
def startWork(self, inputM3u8, tempFilePath): id = getCurrentTime() (fileName, extension) = os.path.splitext(inputM3u8) uploadTask = SplitToolMan( inputM3u8, fileName + "_out.m3u8", tempFilePath) # keepprint will print out one line every 2 seconds uploadTask.runBackground() self.taskMap.update({id: uploadTask}) return id
def touch_web(): #print "touch the web page" load_new_page_info() new_data = util.get_file_data(WPINFO_NEW) old_data = util.get_file_data(WPINFO_OLD) if cmp(new_data, old_data) != 0: print util.getCurrentTime() + ": The web page has been updated" imglist = get_image_list(new_data) for img in imglist: if not img.debug: continue # only download debug version log_data = util.get_file_data(DOWNLOADLOG) if log_data.find( == -1: print "Begin to download " + load_image(img) #else: #print + " has been downloaded." else: print util.getCurrentTime() + ": The web page has no updating info" print "Waiting for new released image..."
def applyJoinGuildCB(self, argMap, guild, guildDBID, wasActive): playerMB = argMap["playerMB"] applyInfo = { "dbid": argMap["playerDBID"], "playerName": argMap["playerName"], "offical": argMap["officalPosition"], "level": argMap["playerLevel"], "applyTime": util.getCurrentTime(), "playerMB": playerMB, } guild.onCmd("applyJoinGuild", applyInfo)
def touch_web(): # print "touch the web page" load_new_page_info() new_data = util.get_file_data(WPINFO_NEW) old_data = util.get_file_data(WPINFO_OLD) if cmp(new_data, old_data) != 0: print util.getCurrentTime() + ": The web page has been updated" imglist = get_image_list(new_data) for img in imglist: if not img.debug: continue # only download debug version log_data = util.get_file_data(DOWNLOADLOG) if log_data.find( == -1: print "Begin to download " + load_image(img) # else: # print + " has been downloaded." else: print util.getCurrentTime() + ": The web page has no updating info" print "Waiting for new released image..."
def sendMailToPlayer(self, mailInfo): mailType = mailInfo["mail_type"] title = mailInfo["title"] fromName = mailInfo["from_name"] to_dbid = mailInfo["to_dbid"] text = mailInfo["text"] time = util.getCurrentTime() attachment = mailInfo["attachment"] state = MailState.Unread extern_info = mailInfo["extern_info"] sql = util.getInsertSql("tbl_Mails", mailInfo)
def onOfflineRecoverPower(self): current = util.getCurrentTime() logout = self.logoutTime recoverTime = bodyPowerConfig.bodyPowerConfig[1]["recoverTime"] * 60 addPower = (current - logout)//recoverTime maxPower = bodyPowerConfig.bodyPowerConfig[1]["maxPower"] power = self.bodyPower + addPower if power <= maxPower: self.bodyPower = power else: self.bodyPower = maxPower
def onClientAddCoachTime(self, itemID, coachID): index = 0 findItem = None for item in self.coachList: if item["id"] == coachID: period = util.getCurrentTime() - item["periodTime"] item["periodTime"] = util.getCurrentTime() if item["useTime"] < period: item["useTime"] = 0 else: item["useTime"] = item["useTime"] - period findItem = item break for itemId, num in coachConfig.coachConfig[coachID]["cost"].items(): if itemId == itemID: if self.getItemNumByItemID(itemId) < 1: self.client.onBallerCallBack( CardMgrModuleError.Material_not_enough) return if index == 0: if findItem["useTime"] - (int(num) * 3600) < 0: findItem["useTime"] = 0 else: findItem["useTime"] = findItem["useTime"] - (int(num) * 3600) elif index == 1: if findItem["useTime"] - findItem["useTime"] // 2 < 0: findItem["useTime"] = 0 else: findItem["useTime"] = findItem[ "useTime"] - findItem["useTime"] // 2 elif index == 2: findItem["useTime"] = 0 break index = index + 1 self.client.onAddCoachTimeSucess(coachID, index, findItem["useTime"]) self.decItem(itemId, 1)
def buy_stocks(): data = {} start = util.getStartTime() end = util.getCurrentTime() tickers = util.load_tickers() for ticker in tickers: data[ticker] = Scraper.lookup(ticker, start, end) for ticker in tickers: if BuyModel.should_buy(ticker, data[ticker]): print("Buy " + ticker) else: print("Don't buy " + ticker)
def onEntitiesEnabled(self): if len(self.coachList) == 0: for i in range(1, 6): item = {} item["id"] = i item["limitTime"] = coachConfig.coachConfig[i]["limitTime"] item["useTime"] = 0 item["periodTime"] = 0 item["color"] = coachConfig.coachConfig[i]["color"] item["isLock"] = coachConfig.coachConfig[i]["isLock"] item["cost"] = "" for itemID, Num in coachConfig.coachConfig[i]["cost"].items(): item["cost"] = item["cost"] + str(itemID) + ":" + str( Num) + "," self.coachList.append(item) self.coachLastTime = util.getCurrentTime()
def helpsettings(): global reminderlist if request.method == "GET": if session.has_key("user") and session["user"] != "": tmp = util.getCurrentTime(session["user"]) time = tmp.split(":") if "am" in time[1]: amorpm = "am" else: amorpm = "pm" hour = time[0] minute = time[1][:-2] tmpone = util.getStatus(session["user"]) return render_template( "helpsettings.html", minutes=minutelist, hourselected=int(hour), minuteselected=minute, ampm=amorpm, enabled=tmpone, ) else: if request.form.has_key("Back"): return redirect(url_for("calendar", year=int(util.thisYear()), month=util.thisMonth())) if request.form.has_key("Submit"): hour = request.form["hourselector"] minute = request.form["minuteselector"] amorpm = request.form["ampmselect"] reminders = request.form["enabledselect"] hour = str(hour) if int(hour) < 10: hour = "0" + hour newtime = hour + ":" + minute + amorpm util.setTime(util.getUserNumber(session["user"]), newtime) currentEnabled = util.getStatus(session["user"]) if currentEnabled == True and reminders == "dis": util.changeStatus(util.getUserNumber(session["user"])) if currentEnabled == False and reminders == "en": util.changeStatus(util.getUserNumber(session["user"])) reminderlist = util.getReminderTimes() if threading.activeCount() > 1: threading.enumerate()[1].cancel() remindersHandler(True, 0) return redirect(url_for("helpsettings"))
def checkFile(): filePath = request.args.get("filePath") if os.path.exists(filePath): pathName = getCurrentTime() tempPath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'temp', pathName) (sFilePath, sFileName) = os.path.split(filePath) (shotname, extension) = os.path.splitext(sFileName) data = { "tempPath": tempPath, "preParam": preParam.format(filePathName=filePath, fileName=shotname, tempPath=tempPath) } obj = resultData(True, "", data) else: obj = resultData(False, "文件不存在", "") return obj
def euroLottery(self, configDict): result = "" op = ErrorCode.LotteryError.Success # 检查冷却时间 # 检查免费次数 # cdTime = configDict["cdTime"] moneyCount = configDict["moneyCount"] dropIds = configDict["dropIds"] lastTime = self.euroLastTime nowTime = util.getCurrentTime() period = nowTime - lastTime DEBUG_MSG(" period " + str(period) + " lasttime " + str(lastTime) + " now " + str(nowTime)) # 免费抽取 if period >= cdTime and self.euroFreeTimes < configDict["freeTime"]: self.euroFreeTimes = self.euroFreeTimes + 1 self.euroLastTime = nowTime DEBUG_MSG("-------dropIds len--------" + str(len(dropIds))) for key in dropIds: result += str(key) + "," self.putItemInBag(key, 1) DEBUG_MSG("euroLottery----------" + result) return (op, result) # 欧元抽取 if self.euro >= moneyCount: self.useEuro(moneyCount) for key in dropIds: result += str(key) + "," self.putItemInBag(key, 1) DEBUG_MSG("euroLottery----------" + result) return (op, result) # 钱不够,时间不够(抽卡失败)TODO: return (ErrorCode.LotteryError.Fail, result)
def onClientDeath(self): """ KBEngine method. entity丢失了客户端实体 """ DEBUG_MSG("Avatar[%i].onClientDeath:" % # 防止正在请求创建cell的同时客户端断开了, 我们延时一段时间来执行销毁cell直到销毁base # 这段时间内客户端短连接登录则会激活entity # self._destroyTimer = self.addTimer(1, 0, SCDefine.TIMER_TYPE_DESTROY) self.logoutTime = util.getCurrentTime() DEBUG_MSG("--------logoutTime ----------------" + str(self.logoutTime)) playerInfo = {} playerInfo[FriendInfoKey.DBID] = self.databaseID playerInfo[FriendInfoKey.photoIndex] = self.photoIndex playerInfo[] = playerInfo[FriendInfoKey.level] = self.level playerInfo[FriendInfoKey.clubName] = playerInfo[FriendInfoKey.fightValue] = self.fightValue playerInfo[FriendInfoKey.vipLevel] = self.vipLevel playerInfo[FriendInfoKey.onlineState] = self.logoutTime KBEngine.globalData["PlayerMgr"].playerOffline(self.databaseID,playerInfo) for id in self.cardIDList: card = KBEngine.entities.get(id) if card is None: continue card.destroyCard() if hasattr(self,"spaceMb") and self.spaceMb is not None and self.spaceMb.isDestroyed is not True: self.spaceMb.destroyClone() self.destroySelf()
def helpsettings(): global reminderlist if request.method =='GET': if session.has_key('user') and session['user'] != '': tmp = util.getCurrentTime(session['user']) time = tmp.split(':') if 'am' in time[1]: amorpm = 'am' else: amorpm = 'pm' hour = time[0] minute = time[1][:-2] tmpone = util.getStatus(session['user']) return render_template('helpsettings.html',minutes=minutelist,hourselected=int(hour),minuteselected=minute,ampm=amorpm,enabled=tmpone) else: if request.form.has_key('Back'): return redirect(url_for('calendar',year=int(util.thisYear()),month=util.thisMonth())) if request.form.has_key('Submit'): hour = request.form['hourselector'] minute = request.form['minuteselector'] amorpm = request.form['ampmselect'] reminders = request.form['enabledselect'] hour = str(hour) if int(hour) < 10: hour = "0" + hour newtime = hour+":"+minute+amorpm util.setTime(util.getUserNumber(session['user']),newtime) currentEnabled = util.getStatus(session['user']) if currentEnabled == True and reminders == 'dis': util.changeStatus(util.getUserNumber(session['user'])) if currentEnabled == False and reminders == 'en': util.changeStatus(util.getUserNumber(session['user'])) reminderlist = util.getReminderTimes() if threading.activeCount() > 1: threading.enumerate()[1].cancel() remindersHandler(True,0) return redirect(url_for('helpsettings'))
def onClientTouchBabyInfo(self, itemID, bodyIndex, star): baby = KBEngine.entities.get(self.babyID) if baby is None: self.client.onBabyCallBack(BabyModuleError.Baby_not_exist) return if itemID == 102034: if baby.closeTouch > 0: baby.closeTouch = baby.closeTouch - 1 else: return else: itemCount = self.getItemNumByItemID(itemID) if itemCount < 1: self.client.onBabyCallBack(BabyModuleError.Material_not_enough) return self.decItem(itemID, 1) liking = int(itemsUse.itemsUseConfig[itemID]["addValue"]) * int( BabyLikingStarConfig.BabyLikingStarConfig[star]["addPercent"]) config = CommonConfig.CommonConfig[4] time = config["value"] if baby.liking == 0 and baby.likingTime == 0: baby.likingTime = time * 60 baby.liking = baby.liking + liking self.Timer_reset_baby_liking = baby.addTimer( time * 60, time * 60, TimerDefine.Timer_reset_baby_liking) self.Timer_reset_baby_likingTime = baby.addTimer( 1, 1, TimerDefine.Timer_reset_baby_likingTime) else: if baby.liking >= BabyLikingStarConfig.BabyLikingStarConfig[5][ "liking"]: self.client.onBabyCallBack(BabyModuleError.Liking_is_max) return configs = CommonConfig.CommonConfig[5] index = baby.liking // configs["value"] baby.liking = baby.liking + liking nowindex = baby.liking // configs["value"] baby.likingTime = baby.likingTime + (nowindex - index) * time * 60 if baby.liking >= BabyLikingStarConfig.BabyLikingStarConfig[5][ "liking"]: baby.liking = BabyLikingStarConfig.BabyLikingStarConfig[5][ "liking"] baby.fullTime = util.getCurrentTime() baby.periodTime = util.getCurrentTime() baby.isFullTime = 1 self.addTimer(6 * 60 * 60, 60 * 60, TimerDefine.Timer_reset_baby_fullTime) baby.delTimer(self.Timer_reset_baby_liking) baby.delTimer(self.Timer_reset_baby_likingTime) self.client.onFullTimeOver(1, baby.liking, baby.fullTime) return tech = 0.0 health = 0.0 for i in range(5): info = BabyLikingStarConfig.BabyLikingStarConfig[i + 1]["liking"] tech = tech + float(BabyLikingStarConfig.BabyLikingStarConfig[ i + 1]["teamTuple"].split(",")[1]) health = health + float( BabyLikingStarConfig.BabyLikingStarConfig[ i + 1]["teamTuple"].split(",")[0]) if baby.liking <= info: break player = KBEngine.entities.get(self.cardID) if != tech or != health: = tech = health self.client.onUpdateCardInfo(self.UpdateBallerInfo(player)) self.client.onTouchSucess(baby.liking, baby.likingTime)
def __init__(self): config = CommonConfig.CommonConfig[4] time = config["value"] if util.getCurrentTime( ) - self.fullTime <= 6 * 60 * 60 and util.getCurrentTime( ) - self.fullTime > 0: self.addTimer( 6 * 60 * 60 - (util.getCurrentTime() - self.fullTime), time * 60, TimerDefine.Timer_reset_baby_fullTime) return if self.isFullTime == 1: period = self.periodTime - 6 * 60 * 60 self.isFullTime = 0 else: currentTime = util.getCurrentTime() period = currentTime - self.periodTime index = period // (time * 60) lastTime = period % (time * 60) configs = CommonConfig.CommonConfig[5] if index > 0: liking = configs["value"] * index if self.liking >= liking: self.liking = self.liking - liking else: self.liking = 0 if self.liking == 0: self.likingTime = 0 return else: minute = self.liking // configs["value"] second = minute * time * 60 - lastTime self.likingTime = second else: minute = self.liking // configs["value"] if minute == 0: return if self.likingTime > 0: self.likingTime = self.likingTime - lastTime else: self.likingTime = minute * time * 60 - lastTime tech = 0.0 health = 0.0 for i in range(5): info = BabyLikingStarConfig.BabyLikingStarConfig[i + 1]["liking"] tech = tech + float(BabyLikingStarConfig.BabyLikingStarConfig[ i + 1]["teamTuple"].split(",")[1]) health = health + float(BabyLikingStarConfig.BabyLikingStarConfig[ i + 1]["teamTuple"].split(",")[0]) if self.liking <= info: break avatar = KBEngine.entities.get(self.playerID) player = KBEngine.entities.get(avatar.cardID) if != tech or != health: = tech = health self.client.onUpdateCardInfo(self.UpdateBallerInfo(player)) avatar.Timer_reset_baby_liking = self.addTimer( self.likingTime % (time * 60), time * 60, TimerDefine.Timer_reset_baby_liking) avatar.Timer_reset_baby_likingTime = self.addTimer( 1, 1, TimerDefine.Timer_reset_baby_likingTime) pass
def destroyBaby(self): if util.getCurrentTime() - self.fullTime > 6 * 60 * 60: self.periodTime = util.getCurrentTime() self.destroy()
def onClientGetUpdateCD(self): self.updateAreanCd = util.getCurrentTime() - self.currentArenaTimes if self.updateAreanCd >= 10: return self.client.onGetUpdateCD(self.updateAreanCd)
def onArenaMgrQueryResult(self, itemList): clientResult = [] self.chanllengeMap = {} self.arenaInitialList = [] inStr = "" for i in range(len(itemList)): dbid = itemList[i]["dbid"] rank = itemList[i]["rank"] isRobot = itemList[i]["isRobot"] self.chanllengeMap[dbid] = { "rank": rank, "isRobot": isRobot, "inTeamCardIDDict": {} } if isRobot == 1: # 填充配置文件 clientResultItem = {} config = ArenaConfig.ArenaConfig[dbid] clientResultItem["dbid"] = dbid clientResultItem["rank"] = rank clientResultItem["isRobot"] = 1 clientResultItem["name"] = config["playerName"] clientResultItem["club"] = config["clubName"] clientResultItem["formation"] = config["campId"] clientResultItem["camp"] = config["camp"] clientResultItem["fightValue"] = config["fightValue"] clientResult.append(clientResultItem) self.arenaInitialList.append(clientResultItem) continue clientResultItem = {} clientResultItem["dbid"] = dbid clientResultItem["isRobot"] = 0 clientResultItem["rank"] = rank clientResultItem["name"] = "" clientResultItem["club"] = "" clientResultItem["formation"] = 1 clientResultItem["camp"] = 1 clientResultItem["fightValue"] = 1 clientResult.append(clientResultItem) self.arenaInitialList.append(clientResultItem) inStr = inStr + str(dbid) + "," if inStr != "": inStr = inStr[:-1] @util.dbDeco def cb(result, rownum, error): if result is not None: for i in range(len(result)): dbid = int(result[i][0]) name = result[i][1].decode('utf-8') club = result[i][2].decode('utf-8') formation = int(result[i][3]) fightValue = int(result[i][4]) cardConfigID = int(result[i][5]) skill1 = int(result[i][6]) skill2 = int(result[i][7]) camp = int(result[i][8]) item = self.chanllengeMap[dbid] inTeamCardIDDict = item["inTeamCardIDDict"] inTeamCardIDDict[cardConfigID] = { "skill1": skill1, "skill2": skill2 } for resultItem in clientResult: if resultItem["dbid"] == dbid: resultItem["name"] = name resultItem["club"] = club resultItem["fightValue"] = fightValue resultItem["formation"] = formation resultItem["camp"] = camp for Item in self.arenaInitialList: if Item["dbid"] == dbid: Item["name"] = name Item["club"] = club Item["fightValue"] = fightValue Item["formation"] = formation Item["camp"] = camp self.client.onGetThreeArenaValue(clientResult) sql = "SELECT, a.sm_name, a.sm_club, a.sm_formation, a.sm_fightValue,c.sm_configID, c.sm_skill1, c.sm_skill2,a.sm_camp FROM tbl_Avatar AS a, tbl_Card AS c WHERE in(" + inStr + ") AND c.sm_inTeam = 1" KBEngine.executeRawDatabaseCommand(sql, cb) else: self.client.onGetThreeArenaValue(clientResult) self.updateAreanCd = 0 if self.isFirstEnter == True: self.isFirstEnter = False return self.currentArenaTimes = util.getCurrentTime() self.client.onGetUpdateCD(self.updateAreanCd)
def onClientSkillLevelUp(self, skillID, skillIndex, cardId): if cardId not in self.cardIDList: self.client.onBallerCallBack(CardMgrModuleError.Card_not_exist) return skillName = "" card = KBEngine.entities.get(cardId) if card.isSelf == 1 and skillIndex == 1: if skillID == card.skill11 // 100: skillName = "skill11" elif skillID == card.skill12 // 100: skillName = "skill12" elif skillID == card.skill13 // 100: skillName = "skill13" else: skillName = self.GetSkillByIndex(skillID, cardId) if skillName == "": ERROR_MSG("skillName is empty") return currentLevel = self.GetObjectValue(cardId, skillName) currentLevel = currentLevel - currentLevel // 100 * 100 if currentLevel >= len(skillLevelConfig.SkillUpTimeConfig): self.client.onSkillError(SkillModuleError.skill_is_max) return levelConfig = skillLevelConfig.SkillUpTimeConfig[int(currentLevel)] coachID = 0 findItem = None for item in self.coachList: coachID = coachID + 1 period = util.getCurrentTime() - item["periodTime"] item["periodTime"] = util.getCurrentTime() if item["useTime"] < period: item["useTime"] = 0 else: item["useTime"] = item["useTime"] - period if item["useTime"] < item["limitTime"] and item["isLock"] == 1: findItem = item break if findItem == None: self.client.onSkillError(SkillModuleError.coach_time_not_enough) return commonIndex = 0 if findItem["color"] == 4: commonIndex = 14 elif findItem["color"] == 5: commonIndex = 15 if commonIndex != 0: rate = CommonConfig.CommonConfig[commonIndex]["value"] isUseTime = random.randint(0, 100) if isUseTime > rate: findItem["useTime"] = findItem[ "useTime"] + levelConfig["upTime"] * 60 self.client.onSkillLevelUpSucess(currentLevel + 1, findItem["useTime"], coachID) else: self.client.onSkillNotUseTime(currentLevel + 1, findItem["useTime"], coachID) else: findItem[ "useTime"] = findItem["useTime"] + levelConfig["upTime"] * 60 self.client.onSkillLevelUpSucess(currentLevel + 1, findItem["useTime"], coachID) self.SetObjectValue(cardId, skillName, skillID * 100 + (currentLevel + 1)) if card.isSelf == 1 and skillIndex == 1: self.SetObjectValue(cardId, "skill1", skillID * 100 + (currentLevel + 1)) if skillIndex > 2: config = skillLevelConfig.PropSkillLevelConfig[skillID * 100 + currentLevel] for itemID, Num in config["addvalue"].items(): addValue = self.GetObjectValue(cardId, itemID) + Num self.SetObjectValue(cardId, itemID, addValue) self.client.onUpdateCardInfo(self.UpdateBallerInfo(card))
def onClientDeath(self): self.changeOnlineState(util.getCurrentTime())