コード例 #1
def show_help():
    global LOGGER, valid_commands
    # Find the help key for this command
    cmd = util.get_param(1).lower()
    param1 = util.get_param(2).lower()

    if cmd == "" or param1 == "":
        # Missing required parameters!
        p("}}rnMissing Required Parameters! " + cmd + " - " + param1 + "}}xx",
        return False

    if not param1 in valid_commands:
        p("}}rnInvalid Command! " + param1 + "}}xx", log_level=1)
        commands = list(valid_commands.keys())
        p("}}yn Valid Commands: " + str(commands) + "}}xx")
        p("}}ybFor help - type mgmt.exe help (command)}}xx")
        return False

    cmd_parts = valid_commands[param1]
    if cmd_parts is None:
        p("}}rnInvalid Command - not configured! " + param1 + "}}xx",
        return False

    help_msg = cmd_parts["help"]
    if help_msg is None:
        p("}}rnNo Help Provided! " + param1 + "}}xx", log_level=1)
        return False

    p("}}yb" + help_msg + "}}xx")
    return True
コード例 #2
    def remove_nic():
        # Get the params for the nic
        nic_name = util.get_param(2)
        nic_network = util.get_param(3)

        if nic_name == "" or nic_network == "":
            p("}}rbError - Invalid paramaters!}}xx")
            return False

        # Get the list of approved nics
        # Load the value from the registry
            approved_nics_json = RegistrySettings.get_reg_value(
                app="OPEService", value_name="approved_nics", default="[]")
            nic_list = json.loads(approved_nics_json)
            new_nic_list = []
            # Loop through old list and add any that don't match remove parameters
            removed = False
            for item in nic_list:
                #p("checking " + item[0] + " -> " + item[1])
                if item[0] == nic_name and item[1] == nic_network:
                    removed = True
                    # Not the one to remove, put it in the new_nic_list

            if removed:
                # Write this back to the registry
                approved_nics_json = json.dumps(new_nic_list)
                p("}}gnRemoved " + nic_name + " on netowrk " + nic_network +
                p("}}rnNOT FOUND - NOT Removed " + nic_name + " on netowrk " +
                  nic_network +
                  " (Can't remove system pre-approved nic entries)}}xx")
        except Exception as ex:
            p("}}rbUnable to write approved nics to the registry!}}xx\n" +
            return False

        # Force device list refresh

        return True
コード例 #3
    def __init__(self, task):
        # Task (environment) information
        self.task = task  # should contain observation_space and action_space
        self.state_size = np.prod(3)
        self.state_range = self.task.observation_space.high[
            0:3] - self.task.observation_space.low[0:3]
        self.action_size = np.prod(3)
        self.action_range = self.task.action_space.high[
            0:3] - self.task.action_space.low[0:3]

        # Policy parameters
        self.w = np.random.normal(
                3, 3
            ),  # weights for simple linear policy: state_space x action_space self.state_size
            scale=(self.action_range / (2 * self.state_size)).reshape(
                1, -1))  # start producing actions in a decent range

        # Score tracker and learning parameters
        self.best_w = None
        self.best_score = -np.inf
        self.noise_scale = 0.1
        self.episode_num = 1

        self.stats_filename = os.path.join(
            "stats_{}.csv".format(util.get_timestamp()))  # path to CSV file
        self.stats_columns = ['episode',
                              'total_reward']  # specify columns to save
        # Episode variables
コード例 #4
    def export_group_policy():
        ret = True

        gpo_name = util.get_param(2, "exported_gpo")

        # LGPO.exe is in the rc sub folder of the mgmt tool
        app_folder = util.get_app_folder()
        lgpo_path = os.path.join(app_folder, "rc")
        gpo_path = os.path.join(lgpo_path, gpo_name)

        # NOTE - lgpo needs full path to gpo export directory
        cmd = "lgpo.exe /b \"" + gpo_path + "\""

        # Remove the folder if it exists
        p("Removing old files: " + gpo_path)
        shutil.rmtree(gpo_path, ignore_errors=True)

        # Folder has to exist
        os.makedirs(gpo_path, exist_ok=True)

        returncode, output = ProcessManagement.run_cmd(cmd,
        if returncode == -2:
            # Unable to restore gpo?
            p("}}rnERROR - Unable to dump group policy!}}xx\n" + output)
            ret = False
            return ret

        return ret
コード例 #5
ファイル: mgmt_UserAccounts.py プロジェクト: mdrafikrft/ope
    def delete_user(user_name=None):
        if user_name is None:
            user_name = util.get_param(2, None)
        if user_name is None:
            p("}}enInvalid User name - not removing account!}}xx")
            return False
        curr_user = None
            curr_user = accounts.principal(user_name)
        except Exception as ex:
            p("}}rbInvalid User Account - Not deleting!}}xx", debug_level=1)
            return False

        # Remove the profile first
        ret = UserAccounts.remove_account_profile(user_name)

        # Remove the local user
        except Exception as ex:
            p("}}rbError - Unable to remove account: " + str(user_name) +
              "}}xx\n" + str(ex))
            return False

        return True
コード例 #6
    def apply_firewall_policy():
        ret = True
        if RegistrySettings.is_debug():
            p("}}rbDEBUG MODE ON - Skipping apply firewall policy}}xx")
            return True

        policy_file_name = util.get_param(2, "firewall_config.wfw")

        # Should be in RC sub folder under the app
        app_folder = util.get_app_folder()
        rc_path = os.path.join(app_folder, "rc")
        policy_file_path = os.path.join(rc_path, policy_file_name)

        # netsh advfirewall import "%~dp0rc\firewall_config.wfw" 2>NUL 1<NUL

        cmd = "%SystemRoot%\\system32\\netsh advfirewall import \"" + policy_file_path + "\""
        returncode, output = ProcessManagement.run_cmd(cmd,
        if returncode == -2:
            # Error running command?
            p("}}rbError - Unable to reset firewall back to defaults?}}xx\n" +
            ret = False

        return ret
コード例 #7
 def __init__(self, dataset, model, center_loader=None,
     self._dataset = dataset
     self._center_loader = center_loader
     proto_name, model_name = util.get_model(dataset, model)
     self._fx, self._fy, self._ux, self._uy = util.get_param(dataset) if param is None else param
     self._net = caffe.Net(proto_name, caffe.TEST, weights=model_name)
     self._input_size = self._net.blobs['data'].shape[-1]
     self._cube_size = 150
コード例 #8
def save_log(mode="w"):
    with open(log_path, mode) as outFile:
        if mode == "a":
            print("----------resume training/early stopping ---------",
            print("-----------Tokenizer---------", file=outFile)

        # commands for later training
        long, short = util.get_command(str(args))
        p = "python Tokenizer.py "
        long = p + long
        short = p + short
        print(">>> command with full parameters", file=outFile)
        print(long, file=outFile)
        print("\n>>> command with short parameters", file=outFile)
        print(short, file=outFile)
        print("", file=outFile)

        # model parameters and losses
        print("file name = ", args.save_to, file=outFile)
        print("", file=outFile)
        print(">>> ", args.add_note, file=outFile)
        print("bi_lstm ", bi_lstm, file=outFile)
        print("train classifier for " + str(args.epoch) + " epoch",
        print("trainLosses ", trainLosses, file=outFile)
        print("devLosses ", devLosses, file=outFile)
        print("", file=outFile)
        print("count train sample ", count_train_samples, file=outFile)
        print("count dev sample ", count_dev_samples, file=outFile)

        # model parameters
        print("", file=outFile)
        l = str(args)[10:].strip(")").split(",")

        for i in l:
            print(i, file=outFile)
        print("", file=outFile)

        # data set
        print("train set: ", train_path, file=outFile)
        print("dev set: ", dev_path, file=outFile)
        print("test set: ", test_path, file=outFile)
        print("", file=outFile)

        # number of samples
        print("count train sample ", count_train_samples, file=outFile)
        print("count dev sample ", count_dev_samples, file=outFile)

        # parameter flags (used when later import this model to another model)
        print("config for later download : ", file=outFile)
        p = util.get_param(str(args))
        print(p, file=outFile)
        print("", file=outFile)
コード例 #9
ファイル: mgmt_UserAccounts.py プロジェクト: mdrafikrft/ope
    def lock_screen_for_user(user_name=None):
        # Find the user in question and lock the workstation
        if user_name is None:
            user_name = util.get_param(2, None)
        if user_name is None:
            # Lock for the current user if no name
            return UserAccounts.lock_screen_for_current_user()

        p("}}ybLocking screen for other users - Not Implemented Yet!}}xx")
        # TODO - lock_workstation
        # Lookup the user specified and run this under their account

        return False
コード例 #10
    def ping_smc(smc_url=None):
        # See if we can bounce off the SMC server and get a response
        if smc_url is None:
            # Try and get from command line
            smc_url = util.get_param(2, None)
        if smc_url is None:
            # Nothing on command line? Get from registry
            smc_url = RegistrySettings.get_reg_value(value_name="smc_url", default="https://smc.ed")

        force = util.get_param(3, "")
        if force == "-f":
            force = True
            force = False

        if not force and not CredentialProcess.is_time_to_ping_smc():
            #p("}}gnNot time to ping smc, skipping...}}xx", log_level=4)
            return True
        RegistrySettings.set_reg_value(value_name="last_smc_ping_time", value=time.time())
        if not RestClient.ping_smc(smc_url):
            p("}}mnNot able to ping SMC " + smc_url + "}}xx", log_level=4)
            # Ok to return true - we just don't do more maintenance
            return True

        # We are connected, do maintenance

        # Check if time to sync time

        # Check if time to sync stuff (lms app, folders, logs)...
        # TODO 

        # Check if time to auto upgrade

        return True
コード例 #11
ファイル: LanguageModel.py プロジェクト: wannaphong/ThaiLMCUT
def save_csv(f="LM_log.csv"):
    csv_path = os.path.join(CHECKPOINTS_LM, f)
    with open(csv_path, "a+") as table:
        print(args.save_to, file=table, end=';')
        print(args.dataset, file=table, end=';')
        print(num_epoch + 1, file=table, end=';')
        print("trainLosses ", trainLosses, file=table, end=';')
        print("devLosses ", devLosses, file=table, end=';')
        print(args.add_note, file=table, end=';')
        p = util.get_param(str(args))
        print(p, file=table, end=';')
        long, short = util.get_command(str(args))
        p = "python LanguageModel.py "
        long = p + long
        print(long, file=table, end='\n')
コード例 #12
ファイル: mgmt_UserAccounts.py プロジェクト: mdrafikrft/ope
 def disable_account(account_name=None):
     if account_name is None:
         account_name = util.get_param(2, None)
     if account_name is None:
         p("}}enInvalid User name - not disabling account!}}xx")
         return False
         user_data = dict()
         user_data['flags'] = UserAccounts.DISABLE_ACCOUNT_FLAGS
         #win32netcon.UF_SCRIPT | win32netcon.UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE
         win32net.NetUserSetInfo(None, account_name, 1008, user_data)
     except Exception as ex:
         p("}}rnError - Unable to disable account: " + str(account_name) + "}}xx\n" + \
         return False
     return True
コード例 #13
    def set_log_level():
        # Set the log level parameter in the registry
        param = util.get_param(2)
        if param == "":
            p("}}rnInvalid Log Level Specified}}xx")
            return False
        log_level = 3
            log_level = int(param)
            p("}}rnInvalid Log Level Specified}}xx")
            return False

        # Set the registry setting
        RegistrySettings.set_reg_value(app="OPEService", value_name="log_level", value=log_level)
        return True
コード例 #14
    def set_scan_nics_timer():
        # Set how often to reload scan nics
        param = util.get_param(2)
        if param == "":
            p("}}rnInvalid frequency Specified}}xx")
            return False
        frequency = 60
            frequency = int(param)
            p("}}rnInvalid frequency Specified}}xx")
            return False

        # Set the registry setting
        RegistrySettings.set_reg_value(app="OPEService", value_name="scan_nics_timer", value=frequency)
        return True
コード例 #15
    def set_default_permissions_timer():
        # Set how often to reset permissions in the registry
        param = util.get_param(2)
        if param == "":
            p("}}rnInvalid frequency Specified}}xx")
            return False
        frequency = 3600
            frequency = int(param)
            p("}}rnInvalid frequency Specified}}xx")
            return False

        # Set the registry setting
        RegistrySettings.set_reg_value(app="OPEService", value_name="set_default_permissions_timer", value=frequency)
        return True
コード例 #16
ファイル: model_pose_ren.py プロジェクト: iChant/Pose-REN
    def __init__(self, dataset, center_loader=None,
            param=None, use_gpu=False):
        self._dataset = dataset
        self._center_loader = center_loader
        init_proto_name, init_model_name = util.get_model(dataset, 'baseline')
        proto_name, model_name = util.get_model(dataset, 'pose_ren')

        self._fx, self._fy, self._ux, self._uy = util.get_param(dataset) if param is None else param
        self._net = caffe.Net(proto_name, caffe.TEST, weights=model_name)
        self._net_init = caffe.Net(init_proto_name, caffe.TEST, weights=init_model_name)

        self._input_size = self._net.blobs['data'].shape[-1]
        self._cube_size = 150
        if use_gpu:
コード例 #17
    def set_screen_shot_timer():
        # Set how often to reload scan nics
        param = util.get_param(2)
        if param == "":
            p("}}rnInvalid frequency Specified}}xx")
            return False
        frequency = "30-300"
            frequency = str(param)
            # Not an int? Set it as a string
            frequency = param
            #p("}}rnInvalid frequency Specified}}xx")
            #return False

        # Set the registry setting
        RegistrySettings.set_reg_value(app="OPEService", value_name="screen_shot_timer",
        return True
コード例 #18
    def apply_group_policy():
        ret = True

        if RegistrySettings.is_debug():
            p("}}rbDEBUG MODE ON - Skipping apply group policy}}xx")
            return True

        gpo_name = util.get_param(2, "gpo")

        # LGPO.exe is in the rc sub folder of the mgmt tool
        app_folder = util.get_app_folder()
        lgpo_path = os.path.join(app_folder, "rc")

        cmd = "lgpo.exe /g " + gpo_name

        returncode, output = ProcessManagement.run_cmd(cmd,
        if returncode == -2:
            # Unable to restore gpo?
            p("}}rnERROR - Unable to set group policy!}}xx\n" + output)
            ret = False
            return ret

        # Force gpupdate
        cmd = "%SystemRoot%\\system32\\gpupdate /force"
        returncode, output = ProcessManagement.run_cmd(cmd,
        if returncode == -2:
            # Error running command?
            p("}}rnERROR - Unable to set force gpupdate!}}xx\n" + output)
            ret = False

        return ret
コード例 #19
ファイル: mgmt_UserAccounts.py プロジェクト: mdrafikrft/ope
    def set_default_groups_for_admin(account_name=None):
        ret = True
        # Make sure the student is in the proper groups
        if account_name is None:
            account_name = util.get_param(2, None)
        if account_name is None:
            p("}}rnInvalid User name - not adding default admin groups to account!}}xx"
            return False

        # Make sure students group exists
        ret = UserAccounts.create_local_students_group()

        if not UserAccounts.add_user_to_group(account_name, "Administrators"):
            ret = False

        if not UserAccounts.add_user_to_group(account_name, "Users"):
            ret = False

        # # home_dir = "%s\\%s" % (server_name, user_name)

        return ret
コード例 #20
ファイル: mgmt_UserAccounts.py プロジェクト: mdrafikrft/ope
    def log_out_user(user_name=None):
        if user_name is None:
            user_name = util.get_param(2, None)
        if user_name is None:
            p("}}rn No User name provided - not logging out!}}xx")
            return False

        # Get list of current sessions
        sessions = win32ts.WTSEnumerateSessions(None, 1, 0)

        logged_off = False

        for session in sessions:
            active_session = session['SessionId']
            station_name = session["WinStationName"]

            # Get the user for this session
            logged_in_user_name = win32ts.WTSQuerySessionInformation(
                None, active_session, win32ts.WTSUserName)

            #p("}}ynComparing: " + str(user_name) + "/" + logged_in_user_name)
            if user_name == logged_in_user_name:
                # Log this one out
                p("}}gnLogging off " + str(user_name) +
                  " - typically takes 10-120 seconds...}}xx",
                win32ts.WTSLogoffSession(None, active_session, True)
                logged_off = True

        if logged_off is not True:
            p("}}ybUser not logged in - skipping log off! " + str(user_name) +
            p("}}gnUser logged out! " + str(user_name) + "}}xx", debug_level=3)

        return True
コード例 #21
ファイル: LanguageModel.py プロジェクト: wannaphong/ThaiLMCUT
def save_log(mode="w"):
    with open(log_path, mode) as outFile:
        if mode == "a":
            print("-----------resume the training ---------", file=outFile)
            print("-----------Language Model---------", file=outFile)
        print("file name = ", CHECKPOINTS_LM + args.save_to, file=outFile)
        print("", file=outFile)
        long, short = util.get_command(str(args))
        p = "python LanguageModel.py "
        long = p + long
        short = p + short
        print(">>> command with full parameters", file=outFile)
        print(long, file=outFile)
        print("\n>>> command with short parameters", file=outFile)
        print(short, file=outFile)
        print("", file=outFile)

        print(">>> ", args.add_note, file=outFile)
        print("trainLosses ", trainLosses, file=outFile)
        print("devLosses ", devLosses, file=outFile)
        print("", file=outFile)
        l = str(args)[10:].strip(")").split(",")

        for i in l:
            print(i, file=outFile)

        print("", file=outFile)
        print("train set: ", train_path, file=outFile)
        print("dev set: ", dev_path, file=outFile)
        print("", file=outFile)
        print("config for later download : ", file=outFile)
        p = util.get_param(str(args))
        print(p, file=outFile)
        print("", file=outFile)
        print("save log file to ", args.save_to)
def user_email_delete():
    #region data from param
    #user_email_id = request.values.get('user_email_id')
    user_email_id = get_param(request, name='user_email_id', required=True)
    #endregion data from param

    #get userEmail obj from user_email_id
    from model.user_email import UserEmail
    userEmail = UserEmail.query.get(user_email_id)
    if not userEmail:
        raise Exception('UserEmail not found user_email_id=%s' % user_email_id)

    #do delete & store to db

    d = {
        'message': 'Deleted user user_id=%s' % user_email_id,
        'data': userEmail.toDict(),
    return jsonify(
    )  #return JSON in Flask ref. http://stackoverflow.com/a/13089975/248616
コード例 #23
    def list_system_nics():
        verbose = util.get_param(2, "").strip("-")
        if verbose == "verbose":
            verbose = "v"

        # Get a list of nics currently in the system
        nics_found = NetworkDevices.get_nics_w32()
        for nic in nics_found:
            (nic_name, nic_network_name, nic_ip_addresses, nic_connected,
             nic_enabled, attribs, iface, nic_if_index) = nic
            filtered_nic_ip_addresses = NetworkDevices.filter_local_link_ip_addresses(

            if nic_network_name != "None" and nic_network_name is not None:
                nic_network_name = "}}wn(}}cn" + "{0:>10}".format(
                    nic_network_name) + "}}wn)"
                nic_network_name = ""  # "}}wn(" + "{0:>10}".format("None") + ")"

            if nic_ip_addresses is None:
                nic_ip_addresses = []

            if nic_connected is True:
                nic_connected = "}}yb" + "Connected".ljust(12) + "}}xx"
                nic_connected = "}}yn" + "Disconnected".ljust(12) + "}}xx"

            # 1-Up, 2-Down, 3-Testing
            if nic_enabled == 0:
                nic_enabled = "}}yb" + "Enabled".rjust(9) + "}}xx"
            elif nic_enabled == 22:
                nic_enabled = "}}yn" + "Disabled".rjust(9) + "}}xx"
                nic_enabled = "}}rn" + "Unplugged".rjust(9) + "}}xx"

            # Use nic description to check approved status - no #2 etc... at the end
            nic_description = iface.Description

            # Not approved - show as X
            approved_status = "}}rbX}}xx"
            # Returns T/F for (matched_name, matched_ip)
            r = NetworkDevices.is_nic_approved(nic_description,
            num_ips = len(filtered_nic_ip_addresses)
            if r[0] is True and r[1] is True:
                # Approved and good IP - show as good
                approved_status = "}}gb+}}xx"
            elif r[0] is True and r[1] is False and num_ips == 0:
                # Approved but no IP
                approved_status = "}}yb?}}xx"
            elif r[0] is True and r[1] is False and num_ips > 0:
                approved_status = "}}rb!}}xx"

            ip_address_str = ""
            if len(nic_ip_addresses) > 0:
                ip_address_str = "\n\t}}cn" + str(nic_ip_addresses) + "}}xx"

            p(approved_status + \
                 "}}gn" + " {0:>2}".format(nic_if_index) + \
                " }}wn" + "{0:43}".format(nic_name) + \
                " " + nic_enabled + \
                "/" + nic_connected + \

                " " + nic_network_name + \
                " " + ip_address_str + \
            if verbose == "v":
                p("}}cn-- " + str(attribs) + "}}xx")

        p("\n}}gb+ }}xxApproved/Connecte, }}yb? }}xxApproved/Not Connected, }}rbX }}xxNot Approved}}xx, }}rb! }}xxApproved/Invalid IP}}xx"
        p("}}rbNOTE}}xx - Approved Nics w/out IPs (or with 169.254/fe80::) will be enabled so they can use DHCP}}xx"

        return True
コード例 #24

    "version": {
        "function": show_version,
        "help": "Display the version for the LMS software",
        "require_admin": False


if __name__ == "__main__":
    # returns (is in admins, is uac, curr_user_name)
    is_admin = ensure_admin()

    # Parse Arguments
    cmd = util.get_param(1).lower()

    if cmd not in valid_commands:
        # Unknown Command??
        p("}}rnInvalid Command! - " + str(cmd) + "}}xx", log_level=1)

        # Only show commands if UAC active
        if is_admin[1]:
            commands = sorted(valid_commands.keys())
            p("}}yn Valid Commands: " + str(commands) + "}}xx")
            p("}}ybFor help - type mgmt.exe help (command)}}xx")

    # Run the function associated w the command
    cmd_parts = valid_commands[cmd]
    if cmd_parts is None:
コード例 #25
        img /= 1160
        img *= 255
        points = centers[idx]
        img = util.draw_pose(dataset, img, lbl, 3, (255, 0, 0), points)
            root_dir + 'samples/depth/' + phase + '_' + str(idx) + '.png', img)

############################# Normalize Labels #################################
### Make sure centers are calculated using get_centers.py before running this
### Also make sure you are working with original non normalized 3D joint coordinates not the normalized ones.
### After running this segment you should rename the original and give this new file the original's name so that it becomes the labels file used moving forward
lbls = util.load_labels(dataset, phase)  # load original test/train data
centers = util.load_centers(dataset, phase).astype(float)
fx, fy, ux, uy = util.get_param(dataset)
out_file = root_dir + 'labels/fpad_' + phase + '_label_nm.txt'

lbls = np.asarray([s.split() for s in lbls], dtype=np.float32)

for lid, lbl in enumerate(lbls):
    joints = np.asarray(np.reshape(lbl, (21, 3)), dtype=np.float32)
    joints, skel_camcoords = util.world2pixel(joints, dataset)
    lbls[lid] = np.reshape(joints, (63))

lbls = np.reshape(lbls, (-1, 63))

x = util.normalize_pose(dataset, lbls, centers, 150, fx, fy)

util.save_results(x, out_file)
コード例 #26
def test():
    global model
    count_test_samples = 0

    correct = 0
    falsePositives = 0
    falseNegatives = 0
    count_real_word = 0
    count_predict_word = 0
    word_label = []
    word_pred = []
    word_correct = 0
    precision = 0


    test_data_CL = load_data_tokenizer(
    test_chars = create_tensor_classifier(test_data_CL)

    while True:
            numeric = next(test_chars)
        except StopIteration:

        loss, numberOfCharacters, log_probs_cal, input_tensor_cal, target_tensor_cal = model.forward_cl(
            numeric, train=False)
        count_test_samples += args.batchSize
        tag_score = log_probs_cal

        flat_input = input_tensor_cal.transpose(1, 0)
        flat_label = target_tensor_cal.transpose(1, 0)
        tag_score = tag_score.transpose(0, 1)
        val, argmax = tag_score.max(dim=2)

        for b in range(args.batchSize):
            chars = [
                itos[element.item()] if element.item() != 0 else "-"
                for element in flat_input[b]
            pred_seq = chars.copy()
            label = flat_label[b]
            pred = argmax[b]

            for i in range(args.sequence_length):

                if label[i] == 1:
                    chars[i] = " " + chars[i]

                if pred[i] == 1:
                    pred_seq[i] = " " + pred_seq[i]

                    if pred[i] == label[i]:
                        correct += 1

                if pred[i] != label[i] and pred[i] == 0:
                    falseNegatives += 1

                if pred[i] != label[i] and pred[i] == 1:
                    falsePositives += 1
                # word level evaluation
                if pred[i] == 1:
                    count_predict_word += 1
                if label[i] == 1:
                    if word_label == word_pred:
                        word_correct += 1
                    word_pred = []
                    word_label = []
                    count_real_word += 1

            if printAllPrediction and "".join(chars) != "".join(pred_seq):

        if printPrediction and "".join(chars) != "".join(pred_seq):

    print("train losses ", trainLosses)
    print("dev losses ", devLosses)


    if correct == 0:
        print("correct predicted boundaries ", correct)
        print("correct predicted words ", word_correct)
        precision = correct / (correct + falsePositives)
        recall = correct / (correct + falseNegatives)

        f1 = 2 * (precision * recall) / (precision + recall)
        print("Boundary Measure")
        print("False Negatives ", falseNegatives)
        print("False Positives ", falsePositives)
        print("Correctly predicted boundaries", correct)

        print("Precision", round(precision * 100, 2), "Recall",
              round(recall * 100, 2), "F1", round(f1 * 100, 2))
        print("Word Measure")
        word_precision = word_correct / (count_predict_word)
        word_recall = word_correct / (count_real_word)
        word_f1 = 2 * (word_precision * word_recall) / (word_precision +
        print("Correctly predicted words", word_correct)
        print("Number of predicted words", count_predict_word)
        print("Number of real words", count_real_word)
        print("Precision", round(word_precision * 100, 2), "Recall",
              round(word_recall * 100, 2), "F1", round(word_f1 * 100, 2))
        print("sample result")
        print("label  : " + "".join(chars))
        print("predict: " + "".join(pred_seq))

        with open(log_path, "a+") as outFile:

            print("falseNegatives ", falseNegatives, file=outFile)
            print("falsePositives ", falsePositives, file=outFile)
            print("correct ", correct, file=outFile)

            print("Boundary measures: ", file=outFile)
                  2 * (precision * recall) / (precision + recall),
            print("\nWord measures",
                  2 * (word_precision * word_recall) /
                  (word_precision + word_recall),
            print("word_correct :", word_correct, file=outFile)
            print("count_predict_word: ", count_predict_word, file=outFile)
            print("count_real_word: ", count_real_word, file=outFile)

            print("", file=outFile)
            print("".join(chars), file=outFile)
            print("".join(pred_seq), file=outFile)
            print(total_time, file=outFile)
    csv_path = os.path.join(CHECKPOINTS_TOKENIZER, "tokenizer_result.csv")
    with open(csv_path, "a+") as table:

        print("-", file=table, end=';')
        if str(args.load_from)[:2] == "LM":
            print("LM", file=table, end=';')
            print("-", file=table, end=';')

        print(args.save_to, file=table, end=';')
        print(args.dataset, file=table, end=';')

        print("boundary", file=table, end=';')
        precision = round(precision * 100, 2)
        recall = round(recall * 100, 2)
        f1 = round(f1 * 100, 2)

        print(precision, file=table, end=';')
        print(recall, file=table, end=';')
        print(f1, file=table, end=';')

        print("word", file=table, end=';')
        word_precision = round(word_precision * 100, 2)
        word_recall = round(word_recall * 100, 2)
        word_f1 = round(word_f1 * 100, 2)

        print(word_precision, file=table, end=';')
        print(word_recall, file=table, end=';')
        print(word_f1, file=table, end=';')

        print(num_epoch + 1, file=table, end=';')
        print(total_time, file=table, end=';')

        print("trainLosses ", trainLosses, file=table, end=';')
        print("devLosses ", devLosses, file=table, end=';')
        print(args.add_note, file=table, end=';')
        p = util.get_param(str(args))
        print(p, file=table, end=';')
        long, short = util.get_command(str(args))
        p = "python Tokenizer.py "
        long = p + long
        print(long, file=table, end='\n')
コード例 #27
ファイル: plotting_test.py プロジェクト: aurotripathy/stuff
    def compute_layer_stats(layer):
        refreeze = False
        if hasattr(layer, 'frozen') and layer.frozen:
            refreeze = True

        s = AttrDefault(str, {})
        n = args.stats_batch_size
        param = u.get_param(layer)
        _d = len(param.flatten())  # dimensionality of parameters
        layer_idx = model.layers.index(layer)
        # TODO: get layer type, include it in name
        assert layer_idx >= 0
        assert stats_data.shape[0] == n

        def backprop_loss():
            output = model(
                stats_data)  # use last saved data batch for backprop
            loss = compute_loss(output, stats_targets)
            return loss, output

        def backprop_output():
            output = model(stats_data)
            return output

        # per-example gradients, n, d
        _loss, _output = backprop_loss()
        At = layer.data_input
        Bt = layer.grad_output * n
        G = u.khatri_rao_t(At, Bt)
        g = G.sum(dim=0, keepdim=True) / n
        u.check_close(g, u.vec(param.grad).t())

        s.diversity = torch.norm(G, "fro")**2 / g.flatten().norm()**2
        s.grad_fro = g.flatten().norm()
        s.param_fro = param.data.flatten().norm()
        pos_activations = torch.sum(layer.data_output > 0)
        neg_activations = torch.sum(layer.data_output <= 0)
        s.a_sparsity = neg_activations.float() / (
            pos_activations + neg_activations)  # 1 sparsity means all 0's
        activation_size = len(layer.data_output.flatten())
        s.a_magnitude = torch.sum(layer.data_output) / activation_size

        _output = backprop_output()
        B2t = layer.grad_output
        J = u.khatri_rao_t(At, B2t)  # batch output Jacobian
        H = J.t() @ J / n

        s.hessian_l2 = u.l2_norm(H)
        s.jacobian_l2 = u.l2_norm(J)
        J1 = J.sum(dim=0) / n  # single output Jacobian
        s.J1_l2 = J1.norm()

        # newton decrement
        def loss_direction(direction, eps):
            """loss improvement if we take step eps in direction dir"""
            return u.to_python_scalar(eps * (direction @ g.t()) - 0.5 *
                                      eps**2 * direction @ H @ direction.t())

        s.regret_newton = u.to_python_scalar(g @ u.pinv(H) @ g.t() / 2)

        # TODO: gradient diversity is stuck at 1
        # TODO: newton/gradient angle
        # TODO: newton step magnitude
        s.grad_curvature = u.to_python_scalar(
            g @ H @ g.t())  # curvature in direction of g
        s.step_openai = u.to_python_scalar(
            s.grad_fro**2 / s.grad_curvature) if s.grad_curvature else 999

        s.regret_gradient = loss_direction(g, s.step_openai)

        if refreeze:
        return s
コード例 #28
    def approve_nic():
        # Get the params for the nic
        nic_name = util.get_param(2)
        nic_network = util.get_param(3)

        if nic_name == "" or nic_network == "":
            p("}}rbError - Invalid paramaters! try mgmt.exe help approve_nic for more information}}xx"
            return False

        nic_id = None
            nic_id = int(nic_name)
            # Ok if this fails - trying to see if an ID was passed instead of a name

        if not nic_id is None:
            # Lookup the nic by ID
            iface = NetworkDevices.get_nic_by_interface_index(nic_id)
            if iface is None:
                # Unable to find an interface by this ID
                p("}}rbInvalid Interface ID! " + str(nic_id) + "}}xx")
                return False
                #nic_name = iface.Name
                # NOTE - Description will give us the driver name w/out the #2 after it
                nic_name = iface.Description

        # Strip off #? at the end of the name
        t_nic = nic_name
        removed_suffix = ""
        for i in range(1, 30):
            suffix = " #" + str(i)
            if suffix in t_nic:
                t_nic = t_nic.replace(suffix, "")
                removed_suffix = suffix
        if removed_suffix != "":
            p("}}ybNOTE - Stripped off " + removed_suffix +
              " from nic name\n - All instances of this nic approved with this network}}xx"
            nic_name = t_nic

        p("}}gnApproving " + nic_name + " on netowrk " + nic_network,

        # Get the list of approved nics
        # Load the value from the registry
            approved_nics_json = RegistrySettings.get_reg_value(
                app="OPEService", value_name="approved_nics", default="[]")
            nic_list = json.loads(approved_nics_json)
            # Add this nic to the list
            nic_list.append((nic_name, nic_network))
            # Write this back to the registry
            approved_nics_json = json.dumps(nic_list)
        except Exception as ex:
            p("}}rbUnable to write approved nics to the registry!}}xx",
            return False

        # Force a reload of the device list

        return True
コード例 #29
ファイル: get_angle.py プロジェクト: khanha2/ren
Author: Hengkai Guo, Xinghao Chen

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import util

show_validate_figure = 0

# load hand poses
labels = np.loadtxt('../labels/msra_test_label.txt')
labels = np.reshape(labels, (-1, 21, 3))

# first convert uvd to xyz
params = util.get_param('msra')
labels = util.pixel2world(labels, *params)

# wrist, mcp for index, middle, ring, little, thumb
labels = labels[:, [0, 1, 5, 9, 13, 17], :]
The palm coordinate frame has its origin at wrist, positive Y axis
pointing to the middle finger root and positive Z axis pointing
outwards of the palm plane.

Sun et al. "Cascaded Hand Pose Regression", CVPR 2015

# y axis
y = labels[:, 2, :] - labels[:, 0, :]
# z axis
コード例 #30
    def start_upgrade_process(branch=None, force_upgrade=None):
        ret = True

        if not CredentialProcess.is_time_to_upgrade():
            p("}}gnNot time to check for upgrades yet, skipping...}}xx", log_level=3)
            return True

        RegistrySettings.set_reg_value(value_name="last_upgrade_time", value=time.time())

        curr_branch = branch
        if curr_branch is None:
            # See if a parameter was provided
            curr_branch = util.get_param(2, None)
        # Force upgrade - even if versions match
        if force_upgrade is None:
            force_upgrade = util.get_param(3, "")
            if force_upgrade.lower() != "-f":
                force_upgrade = False
                force_upgrade = True
        # If branch is still empty, get it from the registry
        if curr_branch is None:
            curr_branch = RegistrySettings.get_reg_value(value_name="install_branch", default="master")

        # Start by grabbing any new stuff from the git server
        ret = ProcessManagement.git_pull_branch(curr_branch)
        if ret is False:
            # Not critical if this fails - apply whatever is present if it is
            # a different version number
            # return False
            p("}}ybWARNING - Unable to pull updates for git server!}}xx")
        # Save the current branch for next time
        RegistrySettings.set_reg_value(value_name="install_branch", value=curr_branch)

        # Check the mgmt.version files to see if we have a new version
        ope_laptop_binaries_path = os.path.expandvars("%programdata%\\ope\\tmp\\ope_laptop_binaries")
        # Get the path to the mgmt.version file
        git_version_path = os.path.join(ope_laptop_binaries_path, "Services", "mgmt", "mgmt.version")

        # Do we have a new version?
        curr_version = CredentialProcess.get_mgmt_version()
        git_version = CredentialProcess.get_mgmt_version(git_version_path)

        if git_version == "NO VERSION":
            # No version file found
            p("}}ynNo version file found in git repo, skipping upgrade!}}xx")
            return False
        if not CredentialProcess.is_version_newer(curr_version, git_version) and force_upgrade is not True:
            # Same version - no upgrade needed
            p("}}gnOPE Software up to date: " + str(git_version) + " not newer than " + str(curr_version) + " - (not upgrading)}}xx")
            return True

        # Version is different, prep for update
        forced = ""
        if force_upgrade:
            forced = "}}yb(upgrade forced)}}gn"
        p("}}gnFound new version " + forced + " - starting upgrade process: " + \
            curr_version + " --> " + git_version + "}}xx")
        # Lock user accounts
        if not UserAccounts.disable_student_accounts():
            p("}}rbERROR - Unable to disable student accounts prior to upgrade!}}xx")
            return False

        # Make sure students are logged out
        if not UserAccounts.log_out_all_students():
            p("}}rbERROR - Unable to log out student accounts prior to upgrade!}}xx")
            return False
        p("}}ynLaunching OPE Software Update process...}}xx")
        # run the upgrade_ope.cmd from the TMP rc folder!!!
        bat_path = os.path.join(ope_laptop_binaries_path, "Services\\mgmt\\rc\\upgrade_ope.cmd")
        # Add the redirect so we end up with a log file
        if not ProcessManagement.run_detatched_cmd(bat_path + " >> %programdata%\\ope\\tmp\\log\\upgrade.log 2>&1"):
            p("}}rbERROR - Unable to start upgrade process!}}xx")
            return False
        # Make sure to exit this app??

        return ret