コード例 #1
ファイル: forms.py プロジェクト: shula/citytree
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(CaptchaForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        # The super.__init__ call does not actually set the data or initial
        # onto the fields/widgets, so we just need the captcha_id field and
        # widget to exist before self.get_captcha() is called
        self.fields['captcha_id'] = forms.IntegerField()
        self.fields['captcha_id'].widget = forms.HiddenInput()
        if not self.is_bound:
            # New form, new captcha
            c = Captcha(text=get_string())
            # Ensure that the hidden field is properly populated
            self.initial['captcha_id'] = c.id
            c = self.get_captcha()

        self.fields['captcha'] = CaptchaField(label="Turing test", captcha=c)
コード例 #2
ファイル: forms.py プロジェクト: shula/citytree
    def get_captcha(self):
        # Somewhat hacky, but best way I had to get the captcha id
        f = self.fields['captcha_id']
        w = f.widget
        #value = w.value_from_datadict(self.data, None, self.add_prefix('captcha_id'))
        #make it work in 0.96, where value_from_datadict() have 2 arguments
        value = w.value_from_datadict(self.data, self.add_prefix('captcha_id'))
        captcha_id = f.clean(value)

            # Always clean expired captchas before getting one for validation
            return Captcha.objects.get(pk=captcha_id)
        except Captcha.DoesNotExist:
            # The original captcha expired, make a new one for revalidation
            c = Captcha(id=captcha_id,text=get_string())
            return c
コード例 #3
ファイル: urlcron.py プロジェクト: Thegrailmessage/urlcron
    def __init__(self, data):
        self.name = util.get_string(data, "name")
        self.pid = util.get_string(data, "pid")

        self.start_time = util.get_date(data, "start_time")
        self.time_created = util.get_date(data, "time_created")
        self.time_started = util.get_date(data, "time_started")
        self.time_completed = util.get_date(data, "time_completed")

        self.url = util.get_string(data, "url")
        self.url_status = util.get_string(data, "url_status")
        self.url_headers = util.get_string(data, "url_headers")
        self.url_content = util.get_string(data, "url_content")
        self.status = util.get_string(data, "status")

        util.ensure(self.name, "name")
        util.ensure(self.start_time, "start_time")
        util.ensure(self.url, "url")
        util.ensure(self.status, "status")
コード例 #4
    def __init__(self, data):
        self.name = util.get_string(data, "name")
        self.pid = util.get_string(data, "pid")

        self.start_time = util.get_date(data, "start_time")
        self.time_created = util.get_date(data, "time_created")
        self.time_started = util.get_date(data, "time_started")
        self.time_completed = util.get_date(data, "time_completed")

        self.url = util.get_string(data, "url")
        self.url_status = util.get_string(data, "url_status")
        self.url_headers = util.get_string(data, "url_headers")
        self.url_content = util.get_string(data, "url_content")
        self.status = util.get_string(data, "status")

        util.ensure(self.name, "name")
        util.ensure(self.start_time, "start_time")
        util.ensure(self.url, "url")
        util.ensure(self.status, "status")
コード例 #5
def main():
    computer_prompt = "Enter 'h' to indicate the guess is too high. Enter 'l' to indicate the guess is too low. Enter 'c' to indicate I guessed correctly"
    ans = get_integer(0, 99, "Enter a number")

    guess = 0
    low = 0
    high = 100

    while True:
        guess = (high + low) / 2
        print(f"Is {guess} your secret number?")
        user_decision = get_string(1,
                                   accept_values=['h', 'l', 'c'])
        if user_decision == 'c':
        elif user_decision == 'h':
            high = guess
        elif user_decision == 'l':
            low = guess
        print(f"High: {high}\nLow: {low}\nGuess: {guess}")

    print(f"Final guess: {round(guess)}")
コード例 #6
def main():
  main_deck = get_card_deck()
  shuffled_deck = main_deck[:]
  player_cards, comp_cards, stack, pile = assign_cards(shuffled_deck)

  current_card = pile[-1]
  current_suite = pile[-1].suite
  is_player_turn = True
  player_choice = ''
  attack_value = 0
  print_game_board(len(player_cards), len(comp_cards), current_card)

  while not is_game_over(player_cards, comp_cards, current_card):
    # Process Input (events)
    while is_player_turn:
      if player_choice == 'c':
        view_cards(player_cards, 'Your cards')
        player_choice = util.get_string(1,1, 'Press b to go back or p to play a card', accept_values=['b', 'p'])
      elif player_choice == 'p':
        player_card = play_card(player_cards, current_card, current_suite, attack_value > 0)
        if player_card != None and player_card != 1:
          input(f"You have played the {player_card} >>> ")
          current_card = pile[-1]
          current_suite = current_card.suite
          is_player_turn = True if current_card.value == 7 or current_card.value == 11 else False
          if current_card.value == 8:
            current_suite = change_suite()
          elif current_card.value in [0, 2]:
            attack_value += current_card.power_value
        elif player_card == 1:
          input(f"The player will take {attack_value} cards >>> ")
          take_cards(attack_value, player_cards, stack)
          check_stack(stack, pile)
          attack_value = 0
          is_player_turn = False
        player_choice = ''
      elif player_choice == 't':
        take_cards(1, player_cards, stack)
        check_stack(stack, pile)
        input(f"You have taken the {player_cards[-1]} >>> ")
        is_player_turn = False
        player_choice = ''
        player_choice = util.get_string(1, 1, "Press 't' to take a card, 'c' to view your your deck or 'p' to play a card", ['c', 'p', 't']) if attack_value == 0 else 'p'
      if not is_game_over(player_cards, comp_cards, current_card):
        input("Its the computer's turn now! >>> ")
        comp_card = comp_play_card(comp_cards, current_card, current_suite, attack_value > 0)

        if comp_card != None and comp_card != 1:
          input(f"The computer has played the {comp_card} >>> ")
          current_card = pile[-1]
          current_suite = current_card.suite
          is_player_turn = False if current_card.value == 7 or current_card.value == 11 else True
          if current_card.value == 8:
            current_suite = comp_change_suite(comp_cards)
          elif current_card.value in [0, 2]:
            attack_value += current_card.power_value
        elif comp_card == 1:
          input(f"The computer will take {attack_value} cards >>> ")
          take_cards(attack_value, comp_cards, stack)
          check_stack(stack, pile)
          attack_value = 0
          is_player_turn = True
          take_cards(1, comp_cards, stack)
          check_stack(stack, pile)
          # input(f"The computer has taken the {comp_cards[-1]} >>> ")
          input(f"The computer has taken a card >>> ")
          is_player_turn = True
    # Update
    print_game_board(len(player_cards), len(comp_cards), current_card)

  input("GAME OVER >>> ")
  if len(player_cards) == 0:
    input("Congratulations! You won!!! >>> ")
  elif len(comp_cards) == 0:
    input("You lost. Better luck next time. >>> ")
  input("Thank you for playing >>> ")