コード例 #1
    def read_data(self):

        # open a new netCDF file for reading.
        ncfile = NetCDFFile(self.file,'r')
        dimNames = ncfile.dimensions.keys()
        variableNames = ncfile.variables.keys()

        #print dimNames
        #print variableNames
        # Get the geolocation data
        intime         = ncfile.variables['time']
        inlatitude     = ncfile.variables['latitude']
        inlongitude    = ncfile.variables['longitude']

        print 'time =', N.array(intime)        

        self.intime_size = N.size(intime)    
        self.inlat_size  = N.size(inlatitude)
        self.inlon_size  = N.size(inlongitude)
        #print 'original time size = ', self.intime_size
        #print 'original latitude size = ', self.inlat_size
        #print 'original longitude size =', self.inlon_size
        # Here we have to 'expand out' lat, lon and time so that the
        # middle end is permitted to function as it does for irregular
        # grids.  This involves quite a bit of repititive values and
        # increased memory consumption.
        new_var_time = N.array([])
        new_var_lat  = N.array([])
        new_var_lon  = N.array([])
        coloc_param_size = self.intime_size * self.inlat_size * self.inlon_size
        #print 'new time size = ', new_time_size
        #print 'new latitude size = ', new_lat_size
        #print 'new longitude size =', new_lon_size
        # Now that we have both the original representation of the geolocation params
        # and a properly-sized location to put their expanded representations - do the
        # expansion
        i = j = k = m = 0
        for i in range(0, self.intime_size):
            # Convert hours since 01/01/1900 to unix time
            tk = UT.hours_since_20th_century_to_unix_time(intime[i])
            for j in range(0, self.inlat_size):
                lat_tk = inlatitude[j]
                for k in range(0, self.inlon_size):
                    lon_tk = inlongitude[k]
                    new_var_time[m] = tk
                    new_var_lat[m]  = lat_tk
                    new_var_lon[m]  = lon_tk
                    # Show leading edge of expanded colocation params
                    #if(m < 242):
                        #print m, ": ", tk, ", ", lat_tk, ", ", lon_tk

                    m += 1
        self.time       = new_var_time
        self.latitude   = new_var_lat
	### convert to (-180,180) so it's consistent with CloudSat
	### self.longitude  = new_var_lon
	self.longitude = N.where(new_var_lon > 180.0, new_var_lon - 360.0, new_var_lon)
        # End of colocation parameter expansion for regular grids
        #print 'new time size = ', N.size(self.time)
        #print 'new latitude size = ', N.size(self.latitude)
        #print 'new longitude size =', N.size(self.longitude)        

        for i in range(len(variableNames)):
          if(variableNames[i]!='time' and variableNames[i]!='latitude' and variableNames[i]!='longitude'):
              local_var = ncfile.variables[variableNames[i]]  
              # get data of the variable
              local_data = N.array(local_var.getValue())
              # get attributes of the variable
              attList = dir(local_var)
              attribute = {}
              for j in attList:
                  if(j!='assignValue' and j!='getValue' and j!='typecode'):
                    attValue = getattr(local_var, j)
                    #print j, attValue
              #print variableNames[i], "attribute = ", attribute

              # collect indices of data with missing values or filled value
              N1 =  local_var.shape[0]
              N2 =  local_var.shape[1]
              N3 =  local_var.shape[2]
              #print 'n1,n2,n3 = ', N1, N2, N3

              #print 'local data dimension', local_data.shape
              if(attribute['_FillValue']!= attribute['missing_value']):
                  print "fill value differ from missing value"
                  print attribute['_FillValue']
                  print attribute['missing_value']
                  print attribute['_FillValue'].shape

              # find all the indices of the local data whose values are invalid/missing 
              missing_value1 = N.where(local_data == attribute['_FillValue'])
              missing_value2 = N.where(local_data == attribute['missing_value'])
              print 'missing_value1=', missing_value1
              # update data with scale_factor and add_offset
              local_data = local_data*attribute['scale_factor']+attribute['add_offset'] 

              # update missing data value
              local_data[missing_value1] = UT.NAN
              local_data[missing_value2] = UT.NAN

              # remove unnecessary attributes since we already applied scale_factor, add_offset, missing_value, and fillvalue. 	
              del attribute['_FillValue']
              del attribute['scale_factor']
              del attribute['add_offset']
              del attribute['missing_value']
              # Now we reshaped have to reshape to 1D for the middle end
              oneD_data = N.reshape(local_data, local_data.shape[0]*local_data.shape[1]*local_data.shape[2])
              # store (attribute, data) in the data dictionary
              self.data[variableNames[i]]=(attribute, oneD_data)
              #print "attribute         = ", attribute
              #print "data              = ", oneD_data

              # Dynamically spot check our flattening of the 3D array such that is is
              # straight forwardly indexed into using time, lat and lon fields (after
              # expansion).
              if 0:
                  testx = 8     # Valid in range 0 to size of time in original data
                  testy = 42    # Valid in range 0 to size of lons in original data
                  testz = 56    # Valid in range 0 to size of lats in original data
                  if(local_data[testx][testy][testz] != oneD_data[testx*240*121 + testy*240 + testz]):
                      print 'Flattening of 3D array failed'
                      print 'sample point data3d[x][y][z] = ', local_data[testx][testy][testz]
                      print 'sample point data1d[x*240*121 + y*240 + z] = ', oneD_data[testx*240*121 + testy*240 + testz]       
コード例 #2
    def read_data(self):

        # open a new netCDF file for reading.
        ncfile = NetCDFFile(self.file, 'r')

        dimNames = ncfile.dimensions.keys()
        variableNames = ncfile.variables.keys()

        #print dimNames
        #print variableNames

        # Get the geolocation data
        intime = ncfile.variables['time']
        inlatitude = ncfile.variables['latitude']
        inlongitude = ncfile.variables['longitude']

        print 'time =', N.array(intime)

        self.intime_size = N.size(intime)
        self.inlat_size = N.size(inlatitude)
        self.inlon_size = N.size(inlongitude)

        #print 'original time size = ', self.intime_size
        #print 'original latitude size = ', self.inlat_size
        #print 'original longitude size =', self.inlon_size

        # Here we have to 'expand out' lat, lon and time so that the
        # middle end is permitted to function as it does for irregular
        # grids.  This involves quite a bit of repititive values and
        # increased memory consumption.

        new_var_time = N.array([])
        new_var_lat = N.array([])
        new_var_lon = N.array([])

        coloc_param_size = self.intime_size * self.inlat_size * self.inlon_size


        #print 'new time size = ', new_time_size
        #print 'new latitude size = ', new_lat_size
        #print 'new longitude size =', new_lon_size

        # Now that we have both the original representation of the geolocation params
        # and a properly-sized location to put their expanded representations - do the
        # expansion
        i = j = k = m = 0
        for i in range(0, self.intime_size):
            # Convert hours since 01/01/1900 to unix time
            tk = UT.hours_since_20th_century_to_unix_time(intime[i])
            for j in range(0, self.inlat_size):
                lat_tk = inlatitude[j]
                for k in range(0, self.inlon_size):
                    lon_tk = inlongitude[k]

                    new_var_time[m] = tk
                    new_var_lat[m] = lat_tk
                    new_var_lon[m] = lon_tk

                    # Show leading edge of expanded colocation params
                    #if(m < 242):
                    #print m, ": ", tk, ", ", lat_tk, ", ", lon_tk

                    m += 1

        self.time = new_var_time
        self.latitude = new_var_lat
        ### convert to (-180,180) so it's consistent with CloudSat
        ### self.longitude  = new_var_lon
        self.longitude = N.where(new_var_lon > 180.0, new_var_lon - 360.0,

        # End of colocation parameter expansion for regular grids

        #print 'new time size = ', N.size(self.time)
        #print 'new latitude size = ', N.size(self.latitude)
        #print 'new longitude size =', N.size(self.longitude)

        for i in range(len(variableNames)):
            if (variableNames[i] != 'time' and variableNames[i] != 'latitude'
                    and variableNames[i] != 'longitude'):
                local_var = ncfile.variables[variableNames[i]]
                # get data of the variable
                local_data = N.array(local_var.getValue())
                # get attributes of the variable
                attList = dir(local_var)
                attribute = {}
                for j in attList:
                    if (j != 'assignValue' and j != 'getValue'
                            and j != 'typecode'):
                        attValue = getattr(local_var, j)
                        attribute[j] = attValue
                        #print j, attValue

                #print variableNames[i], "attribute = ", attribute

                # collect indices of data with missing values or filled value
                N1 = local_var.shape[0]
                N2 = local_var.shape[1]
                N3 = local_var.shape[2]
                #print 'n1,n2,n3 = ', N1, N2, N3

                #print 'local data dimension', local_data.shape

                if (attribute['_FillValue'] != attribute['missing_value']):
                    print "fill value differ from missing value"
                    print attribute['_FillValue']
                    print attribute['missing_value']
                    print attribute['_FillValue'].shape

                # find all the indices of the local data whose values are invalid/missing
                missing_value1 = N.where(local_data == attribute['_FillValue'])
                missing_value2 = N.where(
                    local_data == attribute['missing_value'])
                print 'missing_value1=', missing_value1
                # update data with scale_factor and add_offset
                local_data = local_data * attribute[
                    'scale_factor'] + attribute['add_offset']

                # update missing data value
                local_data[missing_value1] = UT.NAN
                local_data[missing_value2] = UT.NAN

                # remove unnecessary attributes since we already applied scale_factor, add_offset, missing_value, and fillvalue.
                del attribute['_FillValue']
                del attribute['scale_factor']
                del attribute['add_offset']
                del attribute['missing_value']

                # Now we reshaped have to reshape to 1D for the middle end
                oneD_data = N.reshape(
                    local_data, local_data.shape[0] * local_data.shape[1] *

                # store (attribute, data) in the data dictionary
                self.data[variableNames[i]] = (attribute, oneD_data)

                #print "attribute         = ", attribute
                #print "data              = ", oneD_data

                # Dynamically spot check our flattening of the 3D array such that is is
                # straight forwardly indexed into using time, lat and lon fields (after
                # expansion).
                if 0:
                    testx = 8  # Valid in range 0 to size of time in original data
                    testy = 42  # Valid in range 0 to size of lons in original data
                    testz = 56  # Valid in range 0 to size of lats in original data
                    if (local_data[testx][testy][testz] !=
                            oneD_data[testx * 240 * 121 + testy * 240 +
                        print 'Flattening of 3D array failed'
                        print 'sample point data3d[x][y][z] = ', local_data[
                        print 'sample point data1d[x*240*121 + y*240 + z] = ', oneD_data[
                            testx * 240 * 121 + testy * 240 + testz]

コード例 #3
    def read_data(self):

        # open a new netCDF file for reading.
        ncfile = NetCDFFile(self.file,'r')
        dimNames = ncfile.dimensions.keys()
        variableNames = ncfile.variables.keys()

        #print dimNames
        #print variableNames
        # Get the geolocation data
        intime         = ncfile.variables['time']
        inlatitude     = ncfile.variables['latitude']
        inlongitude    = ncfile.variables['longitude']

        print 'time = ', N.array(intime)
        self.intime_size = N.size(intime)    
        self.inlat_size  = N.size(inlatitude)
        self.inlon_size  = N.size(inlongitude)
        # print 'original time size = ', self.intime_size
        # print 'original latitude size = ', self.inlat_size
        # print 'original longitude size =', self.inlon_size
        # Here we have to 'expand out' lat, lon and time so that the
        # middle end is permitted to function as it does for irregular
        # grids.  This involves quite a bit of repititive values and
        # increased memory consumption.
        new_var_time = N.array([])
        new_var_lat  = N.array([])
        new_var_lon  = N.array([])
        coloc_param_size = self.intime_size * self.inlat_size * self.inlon_size
        #print 'new time size = ', new_time_size
        #print 'new latitude size = ', new_lat_size
        #print 'new longitude size =', new_lon_size
        # Now that we have both the original representation of the geolocation params
        # and a properly-sized location to put their expanded representations - do the
        # expansion
        i = j = k = m = 0
        for i in range(0, self.intime_size):
            # Convert hours since 01/01/1900 to unix time
            tk = UT.hours_since_20th_century_to_unix_time(intime[i])
            for j in range(0, self.inlat_size):
                lat_tk = inlatitude[j]
                for k in range(0, self.inlon_size):
                    lon_tk = inlongitude[k]
                    new_var_time[m] = tk
                    new_var_lat[m]  = lat_tk
                    new_var_lon[m]  = lon_tk
                    # Show leading edge of expanded colocation params
                    #if(m < 242):
                        #print m, ": ", tk, ", ", lat_tk, ", ", lon_tk

                    m += 1
        self.time       = new_var_time
        self.latitude   = new_var_lat
	### convert to (-180,180) so it's consistent with CloudSat
	### self.longitude  = new_var_lon
	self.longitude = N.where(new_var_lon > 180.0, new_var_lon - 360.0, new_var_lon)
        # End of colocation parameter expansion for regular grids
        level_name = ['levelist']
        for i in range(len(level_name)):
            local_level     = ncfile.variables[level_name[i]]
            level_data      = local_level.getValue()
            attList         = dir(local_level)
            attribute       = {}
            for j in attList:
                if(j!='assignValue' and j!='getValue' and j!='typecode'):
                    attValue     = getattr(local_level, j)
                    attribute[j] = attValue
            # add dimension1 name in the attribute list
            # Store (attribute, data) in the level dictionary
            self.levels[level_name[i]]=(attribute, level_data)

        #print 'new time size = ', N.size(self.time)
        #print 'new latitude size = ', N.size(self.latitude)
        #print 'new longitude size =', N.size(self.longitude)        

        for i in range(len(variableNames)):
             and variableNames[i]!='latitude'
             and variableNames[i]!='longitude'
             and variableNames[i]!='levelist'):
              local_var = ncfile.variables[variableNames[i]]  
              # get data of the variable
              local_data = N.array(local_var.getValue())
              # get attributes of the variable
              attList = dir(local_var)
              attribute = {}
              for j in attList:
                  if(j!='assignValue' and j!='getValue' and j!='typecode'):
                    attValue = getattr(local_var, j)
                    #print j, attValue
              #print variableNames[i], "attribute = ", attribute

              # collect indices of data with missing values or filled value
              N1 =  local_var.shape[0]
              N2 =  local_var.shape[1]
              N3 =  local_var.shape[2]
              N4 =  local_var.shape[3]
              #print 'n1,n2,n3.n4 = ', N1, N2, N3, N4

              #print 'local data dimension', local_data.shape
              if(attribute['_FillValue']!= attribute['missing_value']):
                  print "fill value differ from missing value"
                  print attribute['_FillValue']
                  print attribute['missing_value']
                  print attribute['_FillValue'].shape
              # find all the indices of the local data whose values are invalid/missing 
              missing_value1 = N.where(local_data == attribute['_FillValue']) 
              missing_value2 = N.where(local_data == attribute['missing_value']) 

              # update data with scale_factor and add_offset
              local_data = local_data*attribute['scale_factor']+attribute['add_offset'] 
              # update missing data value
              local_data[missing_value1] = UT.NAN
              local_data[missing_value2] = UT.NAN

              # remove unnecessary attributes since we already applied scale_factor, add_offset, missing_value, and fillvalue. 	
              del attribute['_FillValue']
              del attribute['scale_factor']
              del attribute['add_offset']
              del attribute['missing_value']

              # add attribute for dimension name
              # Now we have to swap the axis of array to make the p-level to be the last axis 
              local_data = N.swapaxes(local_data, 1, 2) # swap the axes of p-level and latitude 
              local_data = N.swapaxes(local_data, 2, 3) # swap the axes of p-level and longitude 
              # Now the array has the axis in this order (time, lat, lon, p-level) 
              # Now we have to reshape the four-dimensional array to 2-dimensional array for middle end
              print local_data.shape
              twoD_data = N.reshape(local_data, (local_data.shape[0]*local_data.shape[1]*local_data.shape[2],local_data.shape[3]))

              # store (attribute, data) in the data dictionary
              self.data[variableNames[i]]=(attribute, twoD_data)
              #print "attribute         = ", attribute
              #print "data              = ", twoD_data